Chapter 398 Think of a solution

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  Chapter 398 Thinking of a way
  to hold his fist, Ronald punched as hard as possible, and then hit the person in front of him.

  Facing such a group of ordinary people.

  And they are ordinary people who have been psychologically hinted by the enemy.

  Even if he could regard the other person as an enemy, Ronald would not be able to kill him directly.

  So be careful when punching the person in front of you.

  Ronald also basically aimed for the opponent's head.

  As long as your fingers come into contact with the opponent, the black mist of 'fury' power caught between the fingers will instantly take away the opponent's consciousness, leaving an unlucky guy hypnotized by the sword of Santa Caterina to lie on the ground.

  To a certain extent, this is also Ronald's best choice at the moment.

  This level of 'battle' lasted for less than half a minute, and the situation in the theater was completely unfavorable to Ronald.

  no way.

  There were simply too many people.

  There are hundreds of spectators, and Ronald knocking them down one by one is just a drop in the bucket and there is no profit at all.

  What's more, this kind of scene is not a movie, the enemies are standing in formation and attacking one by one. The ability of psychological suggestion suppressed the rationality. The densely packed audience crowded together, as if a human wall was pressing on their faces.

  If you have to say it.

  This is almost like the zombie hordes in zombie movies!

  No, you absolutely cannot be surrounded by this group of ordinary people.


  He was thinking about how to regain the saint's legacy.

  Ronald also did not forget to lock the detection of the power of 'wrath' on the man on the theater stage.

  Ronald's first thought was to retreat from here, and then rely on his excellent reconnaissance ability to continue the pursuit. Given that this group of ordinary viewers is helpless, this is an idea.

  However, if you do this, the changes that may occur are too great.

  Think about what happened today.

  Buried under the ruins of the church area is a man, the man behind the scenes who reactivated the stone giant and then disrupted the church personnel and the investigation bureau.

  We went all the way to the Oak Theater in the Riverside District, during which we also went around the sewers a few times to delay possible pursuers.

  Finally, they led themselves to the Oak Theater, and then set up the difficult-to-handle trap in front of them. The spellcasters who were too restrictive would directly destroy their plans.

  All actions of the enemy.

  Almost every step has very clear goals and preparations.

  If Ronald turns around and leaves now, will it be exactly what these guys want?
  Ronald does not have the ability to lock the Sword of Santa Caterina like Martha.

  As long as the other party escapes from his sight, he will give the saint's legacy to his companions to take away in an uncertain place. Then Ronald, who continues to follow the enemy pursued by the power of 'Rage', will easily lose his target.

  In the end, today's operation completely failed.

  Let’s look at the current environment.

  The Sword of Santa Caterina was on the stage not far away, held in the hand of the confident man.

  There is this group of viewers whose minds have been affected by the saint's legacy.

  It is almost 100% certain that the sword in his hand is not a forgery.

  No... we cannot regard the current situation as a helpless dilemma. On the contrary, this is an absolutely certain and perfect opportunity that is closest to the goal of action!
  You can't back down and find a way to win this encounter.

  Even if there is no hope on the surface, you must find a way to create hope!
  With the thought locked in his heart, Ronald's eyes suddenly froze.

  Under the premise of ensuring not to show excessive ability.

  He wants to approach the enemy directly and steal the Sword of Santa Caterina!


  Almost in the next second, Ronald turned around and rushed out of the theater, as fast as a cheetah running on the grassland.

  Even if the crazed audience is right behind him.

  He couldn't catch up with Ronald's current running speed.

  At the same time, the villain actor on the stage just got up, and then said in a contemptuous tone to the man in front of him: "

  Is this the book holder of Springs?"

  "I don't think he is very good, all the reactions are the same. It's the same as I imagined before."

  As the protagonist, the man is not as arrogant as the villain.

  But watching Ronald rushing away as if fleeing for his life, he still shook his head and sighed:
  "This is because we have made adequate preparations in advance."

  "In the face of a perfect plan, even holding a book can only do so."

  "We will follow..."


  The man holding the saint's legacy was about to give his companions the next action instructions.

  But at this moment.

  He saw Ronald's current movements far away at the end of the theater.

  The original holder of this spring is telling him through practical actions that all his previous predictions were wrong!
  Ronald appears to be running away, chased by a frantic crowd.

  However, as he himself moved towards the outside of the theater, the crowd chasing him also moved outside.

  Finally after the distance lengthened.

  There was a very obvious gap in the wings between Ronald and the theater stage.

  Ronald didn't hesitate.

  Looking at the leaky 'human wall' in front of him, he quickly took a detour and kicked over the neatly arranged tables and chairs in the theater.

  This time the situation was reversed.

  Although the audience was driven into a frenzy by the psychological implications.

  But the weak bodies of ordinary people have not been strengthened in any way.

  What's more, most of the people who can watch the performances at the Oak Theater are noble ladies who live a good life and don't pay much attention to exercise.

  Even if it was just a few rows of tables and chairs that Ronald kicked to the ground.

  In the current situation, it can block them for a few seconds.

  Yes, a few seconds.

  It doesn't sound like much, but it was enough for Ronald.

  Controlling his running speed to the level of an athlete sprinting 100 meters, Ronald had already passed through the gap at the edge of the theater in a flash of lightning and arrived directly below the stage in the blink of an eye.

  At this moment.

  The total time it took him to complete this series of operations did not exceed fifteen seconds!

  Looking at the two people who were still wearing costumes on the stage and had not even had time to 'exit', Ronald had a kind smile on his face:
  "You two, do you mind returning the things in your hands to their original owners?"


  Probably thinking of the compliment they had just given each other.

  Among them, the man who played the villain had a darker expression, put his hands in his pockets and pushed back.

  Let the companion who holds the saint's legacy stand in front.

  He himself silently activated the spells on his body, preparing to find an opportunity to attack Ronald.

  And the man holding the Sword of Santa Caterina.

  His complexion immediately turned from white to black.

  His eyes were fixed on Ronald, who turned over and came up from the stage. He raised the abyss-like sword and pointed it at him. The powerful magic power surging in his body instantly activated a certain spell.

  Then, still speaking as an actor, the guy spoke with great authority:

  "The lackey who ruined the show! We don't know who will win today!"

  (End of Chapter)

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