Chapter 397 It’s really a trap

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  Chapter 397 It turned out to be a trap.

  The investigation ability of the power of 'Rage' immediately began to be targeted.

  Then...Ronald was very helpless.

  Too many people and not in a good situation!

  The location above the two of them is actually an internal theater of the Oak Theatre. The performance seemed to reach a climax, and the emotions of the audience and actors fluctuated violently.

  I want to identify the enemy who stole the saint's legacy from this.

  It is as difficult as looking for a petrel passing through the sky on a stormy night at sea.

  And according to what Martha said before.

  What she actually ensured was that the Sword of Santa Catalina was above their heads, not that the enemy was 100% on top. Referring to the opponent's circle in the sewer, it was no problem to regard this situation as the opponent's trap.

  Feeling the change in Ronald in front of her, Martha immediately whispered:
  "Mr. Ronald?"

  Ronald stared at the sewer manhole cover above, and then explained to the nun behind him:
  "The situation up there is very complicated. In a short time No trace of the enemy can be found in the inner row."


  Martha frowned, and then quickly expressed her thoughts:

  "Mr. Ronald, can we find the saint's legacy and leave immediately? River Bank The investigators here should all know you, so this should go more smoothly, right?" "


  Find the saint's legacy and leave immediately.

  There is indeed nothing wrong with what Martha said. After all, this is the purpose of the two of them coming here.

  But in practice.

  Things simply cannot be as easy as the nun thought. Regardless of the enemy's calculations or the interference of ordinary people in the theater, Ronald and his team's actions will become very difficult.


  "I'll go up and take a look first, you wait here."

  Having decided to help, and now he still had the trial of "Paradise" hanging on him, Ronald had no intention of giving up halfway.

  After asking about the saint's legacy and instructing the incompetent Martha to wait quietly here, Ronald crawled toward the sewer manhole cover above his head alone.


  The power of 'Rage' monitored the flow of people directly above.

  Aiming at an opportunity where no one would notice the location of the sewer, Ronald lifted the heavy manhole cover and jumped out in a flash.

  Then he quickly covered the manhole cover and looked around.

  With this lightning-fast movement, no one noticed Ronald appearing on the edge of the inner road of the Oak Theater.

  With his hands patting the corners of his clothes, Ronald's eyes immediately shifted to a performance theater beside him.

  There is nothing special about an ordinary theater.

  The impression is no different from the rest of the Oak Theater.

  And what makes Ronald feel good is that this place is far away from [No. 37] where Heloise is. He probably won't encounter any bloody plot today.

  Next, find the saint's legacy in this theater.

  Then find a way to slip away and everything will be fine!


  This is what Ronald thought in his heart.

  But reality doesn't seem to want him to have a smooth day today.

  After bypassing the ticket checking staff at the door and sneaking into the theater, Ronald's casual steps suddenly stopped when he reached the center of the auditorium.

  Originally, he thought the enemy should be hiding in the crowded auditorium.

  He used his excellent observation skills to find the opponent and regain the Sword of Santa Caterina.

  But that's all.

  Because at this moment, Ronald noticed the program on the stage.

  A man in a handsome knight costume walked onto the stage, then waved his sword and slashed down the actor playing the villain in front of him.

  "Cruze, you damn villain who persecutes the people."

  "Today is the day you pay for everything!"


  Immediately afterwards, the actor who fell to the ground began to exchange lines with the protagonist dressed as a knight.

  It is true that both of them gave wonderful performances.

  However, Ronald's attention was not at all on the play performed by these two guys.

  --the reason is simple.

  ——The sword held by the hero.

  The deep and pitch-black blade is as deep as the night sky. An elegant sword grid composed of several black roses connects the blade and the hilt. The excess part is extended to the rear to protect part of the fingers, making this sword look very beautiful.

  Ronald recognized it.

  Isn't this what Martha said the Sword of Saint Caterina looks like!
  The saint's legacy appears in the hands of this actor. Could it be that the enemy...


  I'm in big trouble!

  Ronald's mind changed quickly, and he immediately realized what kind of trap he had stepped into.

  The enemy's method is not a mysterious side spell in the ordinary sense, but a decisive attack that uses the ability of the saint's legacy to create a complete advantage!

  The abilities of the Sword of Santa Caterina have been mentioned before.

  After defeating the enemy, it will automatically give a psychological hint to the surrounding people.

  In a densely populated performance theater like this, if ordinary people are controlled by the ability of the saint's relics, they will then start to attack.

  How should a normal mystical side spellcaster deal with it?
  When casting spells to show suppressive power, the biggest obstacle is the 'world alienation' hanging above your head.

  But no spells are used.

  Without the blessing of the mysterious spellcasting ability, can ordinary spellcasters be able to defeat hundreds of ordinary people? Even if my spell can bring powerful physical power, I'm afraid it's not convenient to use it too much.


  Suddenly, an imperceptible breeze blew through the theater.

  Mixed with it is magic that is even harder to find.

  When this magical wind reached Ronald, the [Guardian Angel] spell that had been maintained took effect immediately, and a soft white light began to emerge.


  This thing cannot be seen by ordinary people in the theater.

  Ronald frowned, and before anyone noticed the movement on his body, he took the initiative to cancel the spell on his body.

  Fortunately, the spell fluctuations from the Sword of Santa Catalina quickly dissipated in the theater.

  It seems that there is no need for Ronald to continue to be careful about the other party's interference.

  Things change next.

  It's basically the same as Ronald guessed.

  The actor who was standing on the stage performing a second ago suddenly stopped performing, then raised the sword in his hand and pointed at Ronald's position.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, this guy disturbed our sacred performance! Will you forgive him?" "..." "



  "How can we let this guy go!"

  "Kill him!"

  accompanied by the crowd Among the first few to speak, the audience turned to look at Ronald, and the words they shouted became more and more radical.

  It only takes three or four breaths.

  The audience's attention, which was originally immersed in the performance, became full of murderous intent and madness at this moment, and the sounds of shouting and killing were almost continuous.

  Facing the situation in front of him, Ronald sighed helplessly. .


  It was obvious that he was in trouble.

  (End of chapter)

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