Chapter 27 "Comedy"

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  Chapter 27 "Comedy

  " "You, you, you, you!"

  "How is that possible?"

  Watching Ronald's movements, the tone of the 'boy' who fell to the ground was full of confusion and surprise.

  Right in front of him, a clay tablet suddenly appeared in Ronald's hand.

  As a member of the Mysterious Side, 'The Boy' knows exactly what this means and what causes him to lose control of his emotions.

  ——Original level magic book.

  ——And the ownership of the original code has been locked to this man.

  From this brief scene, the 'boy' learned this information.

  A magic book that can turn itself into nothingness and reside in everyone, and can appear or hide freely according to the user's will.

  It must be the original text.

  And those who can control the original book to this extent

  can only be those who have obtained complete ownership of the magic book.

  in other words.

  This man named Ronald.

  Actually already own and completely control an original magic book?
  Are you kidding?
  This is simply a fantasy!
  In today's world, there are only leaders of one school of thought who can do this. Only a master of mysticism who has studied the mystical knowledge of his school for a long time and studied it based on the original research records passed down from generation to generation has the opportunity to master the magic book of his school's origin to this level.

  How could such a big shot appear in such a small Black Mountain?
  And this guy is still so young!

  His mind was running wildly with all kinds of possibilities, but 'the boy' just couldn't find a way to perfectly explain this scene.

  For the mysterious world, this is a scene that goes against common sense!
  "Who are you?"

  With a trembling tone, the 'boy' finally started to question Ronald's origins.

  He couldn't think anymore.

  However, the person who was asked by the 'boy' did not have the time to answer him at this moment.

  Controlling the "Magic Hammer of Rain and Mist" appeared in his hand, Ronald immediately tried to break through this almost completely transparent film.

  The result is simple -

  he succeeded.

  When the clay tablet came into contact with the film, the powerful force that bounced off the dagger last time was completely ineffective.

  It's like licking the soap bubbles on your arm with your tongue.

  The film covering the man in red broke instantly, and then dissipated to the surroundings along the point where the stone slab touched.

  In a breathless time, the defensive film completely disappeared.


  "It's interesting."

  At the same time, the expression on Ronald's face was a little complicated.

  Because "The Hammer of Rain and Mist" directly comes into contact with the power of other original scriptures, under the influence of the self-defense of the magic book, he, as everyone, also understands something.

  As long as he chants the words on the stone slab on a rainy day -

  he can, just like the thunder god Iskur sung in "The Hammer of Rain and Mist", summon the thunder from the sky at will and drive it to destroy everything that blocks him.

  Quite a terrifying ability.

  Although Ronald had some speculation before.

  But except for the night at the beginning of the journey, I have never experienced any rainy days. Ronald only used the "Haul of Rain and Mist" as a tool to avoid rain, and never thought that its actual ability would be so powerful.

  At this moment, the power of "The Divine Hammer of Rain and Mist" is passively triggered.

  Only then did he confirm that this stone slab was not only a precious ancient cultural relic, but also a mysterious prop that could give humans powerful power.

  With a thought, the mark on Ronald's wrist flashed.

  The clay slab disappeared again.

  Now, it's time to take a look at the man in red.

  Stretching out his hand to examine carefully, Ronald found that there was no difference between this guy and the four corpses outside the circle to any extent.

  The breath of life has long since passed away, and the man in red is also a complete dead person.

  The only thing that was different from the other corpses was the black book he held in his hand.

  Effortlessly picking up the book from the corpse, Ronald first read out the words on the cover:



  The Italian letters, as red as blood, formed two nouns with distinct priorities.

  With the help of his language proficiency, Ronald easily understood its meaning.

  ""Comedy - Inferno""


  ""The Divine Comedy"?"

  After all, we were in a different world, and Ronald didn't react immediately.

  But the name "Divine Comedy" still came out quickly.

  No way -

  this masterpiece written by Italian poet Dante Alighieri is too famous.

  Although originally titled "Comedy".

  But later, because Boccaccio, the author of "The Decameron", highly praised this book and even added the "sacred" prefix to this long poem in "The Life of Dante", then "Comedy" was fixed as "Comedy". Divine Comedy".

  That is the name "Divine Comedy".

  This is another book about human civilization on earth.

  And judging from the title of the book, it is still a very early, original version that has not even been renamed?

  Ronald looked at his wrist subconsciously.

  An ancient clay slab from the Mesopotamia is now hidden inside.

  Isn't this "Divine Comedy"
  also the original version?
  The basement with dancing tentacles fell into silence.

  But Ronald's heart was already in turmoil.

  Just forget about a copy of "The Divine Hammer of Rain and Mist".

  Only a few days have passed, and I have once again been involved in an incident related to the mysterious side, and then encountered products on the earth, and even works of art that are household names.

  No matter how you look at it, this matter is a bit subtle, right?

  "This is impossible!"

  Just as Ronald frowned and thought, an incredulous shout suddenly came from behind him.

  It was the 'boy' who had just recovered his ability to think from the shock.

  Because Ronald did not cover up his actions, the person lying on the ground naturally saw the whole process. What's even more natural is that when Ronald read out the name of "The Divine Comedy", this voice was also noticed by him.

  He didn't care about his own life at all.

  Realizing that what Ronald read was the text on the cover of the book, the 'boy' ignored his extremely painful body, climbed up from the ground like crazy, and then slammed into Ronald's side.

  Sizzling -

  rushing into the range of the flames, just like the previous time, the sound of barbecue came out of him instantly.

  This time, however, the 'boy' did not choose to run away.

  On the contrary, in order to seize the last moment before his death, he pounced forward harder.


  Ronald once encountered a word when he was reading a book called 'Xingxiaogusan'.

  The scenes in the book that were unimaginable at the time were nakedly presented before my eyes.

  The 'boy' didn't stop because of the light of the fire.

  It stopped abruptly the moment it hit the circle of gray dust.

  It's not that he doesn't want to move on -

  it's that at the moment of contact between the two parties, under the influence of some mysterious force, the flesh and blood covering the 'boy''s body instantly collapsed, and the bones supporting the entire body fell apart like dehydrated bread crumbs. Shattered.

  In less than a breath, the 'boy' who had just roared and was about to fight for his life lost his color and turned into a puddle of gray dust on the ground.

  Exactly the same as the dust that forms the ring on the ground!
   [Readers who are passing by, please come and collect and vote!

  (End of this chapter)

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