Chapter 26 It is better for the villain not to talk too much...

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  Chapter 26: It’s better for the villain not to talk too much.
  After twisting the direction of the steps several times, he went down at least 10 meters deep.

  ——The front suddenly becomes clear.

  Ronald had the right idea.

  Directly below the manor house, a space with an area of ​​at least one hundred square meters is located here.

  Compared to the black mist above the head, the Black Mountain chooses and devours people.

  This place is closer to the [Demon Realm] that Nassos mentioned before.

  The walls around the entire basement were covered with disgusting tentacles made of black viscous liquid mixed with putrid flesh and blood, just like the weird world described by Lovecraft.

  Ronald had no doubts.

  After being entangled by these tentacles, extremely terrible tragedies will definitely occur.

  But even so, there is something in the basement that is more eye-catching than the squirming and waving tentacles.

  The center of the basement.

  As well as several human figures lying on the ground.

  In the center of the room, where these people were, a man wearing a red robe with an unclear face fell to the ground, holding a black book in his hand.

  ——Magic Book.

  At least 80% probability.

  The first time he saw this guy, Ronald confirmed this in his heart.

  And at a distance of one meter around the man in red, a kind of gray dust formed a perfect circle on the ground, completely isolating him from the people outside.

  There were four people in total outside, two older and two younger.

  Ronald has seen three of them -

  one is a 'mother' with strange powers, one is a 'daughter' in a white dress, and the third one happens to be the 'boy' following him!
  The only person left was an adult man whom he had never met before.

  Judging from the previous situation, this should be the 'father' who only used his voice to communicate with the three Ronalds.


  Looking at everything in front of him, Ronald frowned.

  Although the clothes and appearance are the same as those seen on the ground, there are big problems in the details. The 'daughter''s shoulder that was pierced is intact, and the 'mother's' head has no wounds at all.

  This is completely different from anything I've experienced before.

  Not to mention that the last 'boy' lying on the ground was still following him!
  Look back.

  The boy with a gloomy expression was still firmly guarding the edge of the range illuminated by the torch, his eyes glaring at Ronald almost unchanged.

  How is this going?

  Don't tell him, there are a few more 'new friends' coming next!

  Carefully avoiding the squirming tentacles around him, Ronald quickly came to these guys and squatted down to inspect them.

  All four bodies had cardiac arrest, no pulse, dilated pupils, and cold bodies.
  They were all dead.

  And he died for a while.


  In silence, Ronald cast his eyes on the guy who hadn't checked yet.

  The man lying in the center of the basement, holding a magic book and wearing a set of red robes.

  It seems that to solve this question, we must start with this guy.

  "Hey, the one named Ronald!"

  "I have another question!"

  Just when Ronald was about to continue checking, the 'boy' behind him suddenly called out in a bad tone:

  "Do you have anything else? Tell me."

  "No one told you about the existence of this basement tonight. How did you know that the secrets were hidden here?" "." "


  the enemy about their secrets."

  Ronald was stunned. Feeling a little speechless, he recalled the harsh words the 'boy' had said when he left for the first time:

  "What can you ordinary people do anyway?"

  "Just wait here to die?"

  "By the way . Your intelligence, what gave you the confidence to say this when you first left the living room?" "Oh

  my God."


  "I'm going to kill you!"

  — —The 'boy' was angry.

  Ronald's subtle tone, his repeated contempt for his intelligence.

  This level of ridicule was obviously beyond the 'boy's ability to bear.

  Completely releasing the pent-up anger in his heart, this guy immediately rushed towards Ronald.



  It was still a normal attack posture at the beginning.

  But before the attack was successful, when he got within about one meter of Ronald, especially within the direct range of the torch, the 'boy's' skin and flesh immediately made a sound similar to the rapid burning of grease.

  In an instant -

  from the inside out, the 'boy's' body, which had already entered a virtual state, dimmed by at least one-fifth again.


  almost escaping for his life, the 'boy' himself fell out in the direction away from Ronald.

  "Hiss ha!"

  In the blink of an eye, his expression and body became sluggish.

  Except for his eyes still staring at Ronald, this guy completely lost his previous fierce look.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk -"

  Ronald made a sigh of relief.

  He no longer paid attention to the 'boy' behind him who was already furious and wanted to die with him immediately.

  Crouching down in front of the gray circle surrounding the man in red, he stretched out Nessus' dagger and thrust it into it.


  Dust showed no reaction, the dagger was safe and sound, and there was nothing strange about his hand.

  "Doesn't it have a defensive effect on me?"

  Ronald murmured, pulling out the dagger and stirring up some gray dust in front of him.

  Even after leaving the entire ring, the dust still had no reaction.

  It's as ordinary as completely burned paper ashes.

  After confirming that there would be no chemical reaction between himself and this thing, Ronald walked in with confidence.

  "Let me see."

  Just as he was about to reach down, Ronald suddenly stopped.

  New changes are just around the corner——

  It was impossible to see clearly from the distance before, but after coming to the man in red at close range, he found an almost completely transparent black semicircular film, completely covering the guy and the magic book in his hand.

  What is this stuff?
  To be on the safe side, Ronald shook the dust off the dagger into his pocket, and then carefully thrust the tip out.

  Cang -

  In an instant, the dagger in Ronald's hand flew out.

  The moment the tip of the knife came into contact with the film, an irresistible force appeared on his wrist. He couldn't even hold the tightly held dagger!
  He turned around in shock.

  Ronald clearly saw the dagger hitting the wall and disappearing among the wriggling black tentacles in an instant.


  Arrogant laughter came from behind.

  After witnessing everything, the 'boy', who was still lying on the ground languidly, began to laugh wildly.

  "Did you see it?"

  "This is the power of the top magic book!"

  "Without the original book of the same level, you can't even break its defense!" "

  Ronald, you have only one choice if you want to survive. !"

  "Listen to me now. We still have a chance to survive before [alienation] ends!" "


  "What should I say...?"

  Facing the 'boy' with an extremely arrogant attitude, Ronald There was an expression of pity and sadness on his face.

  He looked down at the lightning mark that was beginning to appear faintly on his wrist.

  A thought couldn't help but come to mind -

  seeing his next operation, this guy wouldn't be too embarrassed and angry, and then kill himself, right?
   [For the sake of the author being so honest and updating, please come and vote!

  (End of this chapter)

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