Chapter 1538 Damaged【67】

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  Chapter 1538 The damaged [67]


  Following the two casters of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] left the Cathedral of St. Ellen.

  At this moment, Ronald thought that things here were settled.

  But the moment the three of them walked out of the main door of the church.

  The "Das Kapital" spell operating in secret rarely gave Ronald a special message.

  ——That is a broken note.

  Even though it was transformed into the form of value, Ronald seemed to still be able to hear a crisp note.

  It was as if the strings on an instrument had been cut with a knife.

  Ronald's expression remained unchanged on the surface, but he immediately thought of [Singing Forest] and the name of his location - [Seven-stringed Seal]!
  He was now stepping on the ground of the Holy Capital.

  But before that, this was a unique space established by a spell, a concept derived from music.

  If we really treat this place as a sealed ancient ruins.

  "That's really a bit careless."

  Ronald smiled self-deprecatingly, and then his eyes fixed.

  Now that he is aware of it, he naturally cannot let things grow along the wrong branch.

  He immediately activated the spell.

  The target of [Greed]'s exploration is the Holy City itself.

  The next second, the information appeared.

  ——[Seven-string Seal]

  ——The world in disintegration [6/7]

  ——With the destruction of the [Seven-string Seal], the magic that maintains the entire world is collapsing, and the ancient city is about to reappear in the world.


  Ronald turned his head suddenly and looked at St. Ellen's Cathedral, which he had just walked out of.

  Being in a seal, getting information is faster and more specific than when exploring from the outside.

  Not only did he determine the nature of the space where the Holy Capital itself was located, he also learned a piece of news that no one else could.

  ——This place is already in collapse.

  Based on his experience analysis, the sound of the strings breaking just now was most likely caused by the damage to St. Ellen's Cathedral.

  Thinking back to the memory of the map of the Holy City...

  the entire Holy City was divided into seven regions!
  "So that's it!"

  Combining his own experiences with the information he learned, Ronald immediately had a new understanding of the situation in the Holy City.

  Except for that, of course.

  There was one more thing he needed to confirm right away.

  "You seemed to have vaguely heard the sound of a string breaking just now. Because I'm not sure if it was an auditory hallucination caused by being too excited, I plan to confirm the situation with my companions." Mantras containing magical power spat out from Ronald's mouth


  One of the two [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters walking in front immediately slowed down and turned to look at his companion: "

  Hey, Eric, did you hear the sound of the strings just now?"

  "Ah? What? Sound?"

  "No, it's nothing. Maybe I was too excited and just had an auditory hallucination."

  Using the enemy, Ronald confirmed the current situation.

  Because they did not have the relevant detection capabilities, even the two powerful casters of the Nine Rings Secret Society were unable to detect the sound of the strings breaking, and were naturally unaware of the fact that the Holy City's seal itself was collapsing.

  Unless the perception skills are at their peak.

  Or, like Ronald, have the assistance of a special spell like "Das Kapital", otherwise it would be impossible to detect the change just now.

  The two casters whose minds were interfered with by the spell were completely unaware of this and were still leading the way. Relieved, Ronald followed.

  The same three people as before, but different.

  Just maintain the status quo and move on.

  They left through the main entrance of St. Alan's Cathedral. Pass through the square with the fountain and head northwest.

  During this period, Ronald saw more actions from the two [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters.

  Walking on the streets of the ancient city.

  The two men acted generously and without scruples, and even dared to pick up interesting things on the street and play with them.

  Obviously a few days of exploration in advance.

  They have confirmed the safety of this city, and they even feel like they regard the Holy Capital as their own territory!

  The three of them moved forward in this way, and their speed was not slow.

  Soon we arrived at a brand new square.

  Ronald looked up.

  A T-shaped cross, similar to the ancient Egyptian symbol of life, was erected in the center of the square.

  The blue sky-like curved dome blocks the cross directly above it.

  In addition to its religious function, it can also protect against wind and rain.

  Ronald looked down.

  The ground here is also completely different from other locations in the Holy City.

  He discovered that the floor of the square beneath his feet was actually composed of inlaid tombstones, stone slabs, monuments, and tile puzzles that carried stories. The solemn and solemn layout was intimidating.

  Looking further ahead.

  What is located behind such a special square is not a magnificent church building.

  On the contrary, it is a gray area, with a simple courtyard revealed in its simplicity.

  "Haha, we're finally here!"

  "Three Lenny brothers together, this is foolproof."

  Two magicians from the [Nine Rings Secret Society] spoke at this time.

  While they were sighing at the abilities of their companions, they involuntarily moved Ronald forward a little faster, and their reassurance was visible to the naked eye.

  For Ronald - a worthy enemy lies ahead.

  This is the Hermitage of Whispers.

  An area where only those who give up their power and concentrate on serving the gods and studying their faith are qualified to live.

  Based on what Ronald learned.

  As long as they choose to live in seclusion here, the priests will basically say goodbye to all mundane life and concentrate on testing the faith in their hearts.

  At that time, there were only children who had lived here since childhood.

  Only then can one be qualified to become a priest of the priesthood and a candidate for the priest of the holy priesthood.

  "One, two, three..."

  He hasn't walked into it yet.

  Ronald already had the specific number of enemies in his perception.

  There are three casters here.

  One of them is in a courtyard outside the monastery, while the other two are deep inside, fighting against some hidden spells.

  "Lenny! We have a very important discovery here, come out and take a look."

  The two magicians who brought Ronald here shouted.

  The two people deep in the monastery were not aware of it yet, but the ones guarding the outer courtyard reacted immediately.

  After a few breaths.

  A man in Greed-style casual clothes came out and looked at the three people who came to the monastery with a puzzled look on his face:

  "Eric, didn't you accept the mission to go to the church on the other side? Why did you suddenly run away? Come to us..."

  The young man was still complaining at first.

  But he quickly shrank his eyes and locked on Ronald behind the two companions:

  "Wait! Who is this guy? I don't remember that the president brought such a girl in."

  Bring Ronald here. Someone from the caster immediately answered:
  "She is the person from the ancient Holy City we found!" "

  Because the matter is so important, we plan to call more people to ensure that she is safely delivered to the president."

  After hearing the explanation from his companion, The man in casual clothes changed his eyes.

  He trusts the information fed back by his peers.

  So when his eyes fell on Ronald again, the solemnity turned into an appreciation for the nun's beauty.

  "That's it! My brother and the others are still inside to break the seal."

  "Girl, let me enjoy it first!"

  (End of Chapter)

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