Chapter 1537 Spell Upgrade

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  Chapter 1537: Spell Upgrade
  "..." "


  Ronald, who was in the form of a nun, looked at each other in confusion with the two [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters who broke into the basement.

  Ronald has just completed the fusion of artificial godhead.

  He intended to annihilate the enemy on the spot, but the skyrocketing power at this moment required him to control it carefully, and he had no time to attack.

  This situation gave the two [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters time to react.

  The two people watching Ronald...

  based on their understanding of the Holy City, they didn't even understand what was happening in front of them.

  Out of caution, and because the girl in front of them did not cast any spells to attack, they exchanged opinions in low voices:

  "Is it an enemy? Do something?"

  "Impossible! We are the only ones entering the Holy City! There is no sign that the seal has been forcibly opened during this period. No one else, anyone! It is impossible for her to appear here at this time!" The

  rejected spellcaster was not persuaded by his companions, and said in an excited tone:
  "But she is standing in front of us alive!" "

  Could it not be us? The enemy has mastered the ability to sneak into the seal of the Holy City, and came here in advance?"

  His companion retorted:

  "Think about it, the protective spells in this building area are exquisite, and it is impossible for outsiders to destroy them without destroying them. Invading under the premise."

  Recalling the process of them entering the church, the refuted spellcaster blinked:
  "The protective spell here was indeed intact before it was destroyed by us..."

  Ronald's previous caution , I have reaped the rewards I deserve at this moment.

  Confidence in one's own strength and knowledge, the information advantage of entering the Holy City first, and the overall understanding of the defensive spells of St. Alan's Cathedral based on these two points.

  In the end, the two practitioners of the [Nine Precepts Secret Society] seriously misjudged the current situation.

  They felt that the nun who appeared here could not be the enemy who entered the Holy City after them, but...

  "Is she a survivor from ancient times?"

  "Except for the casters of the Holy City itself, there is no People might appear here!"

  With such a preconceived idea, all inferences began to run towards wrong results.

  They first imagined the reason why the magicians in the Holy City survived:

  "Time! The ability of this different time and space seal that we broke through should be related to time!"

  Then they saw the books that Ronald had just read:
  "Look Looking around, these files clearly show signs of being recently read! She was probably suddenly sealed in this place when the Holy City was destroyed!" In the end, the two people's eyes fell on the

  beautiful nun.

  Ronald, who was adjusting his strength and did not take action

  immediately, and his guarded eyes told them: "She is frightened and frightened now. She must not understand her actual situation!" "


  Two members of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] The casters looked at each other, their nervous expressions becoming excited at this moment.

  An ancient magician!
  A nun in the heart of the Holy City!

  In their eyes, Ronald has become the biggest gain of this trip, and even... the one they want to win over!

  The excitement was palpable.

  However, as the casters of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], these two people did not lower their guard because of their own speculations.

  One of them stepped forward and made a gesture of active negotiation.

  The other person took the opportunity to turn his body sideways and hide behind his companion, secretly starting to be on guard.

  The person who took the initiative showed a smile as kind and kind as possible:
  "Miss... Madam, no, distinguished monk!"

  "We have no malice, but hope to rescue you from the seal, so we used magic to destroy this place."

  " ..."

  Ronald had no reaction.

  Being reminded by the enemy in front of him, he realized that he still had the appearance of a girl. There was both the urge to silence the two of them and the shame coming from gender consciousness.

  Of course, some bold ideas began to emerge - he might be able to take advantage of this misjudgment.

  Ronald's silence made the two [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters even more delighted.

  When things seem to be beneficial to them, they don't even need to be misled. People often follow this logic and speculate:

  "Yes, that's it!"

  "She comes from an ancient era, and the language at that time was different from now. She can’t understand what we’re saying!”

  So, under the ecstatic gazes of the two people, Ronald spoke.

  The cold girl's voice said:
  "You have discovered the survivors who have survived in ancient times, and have successfully expressed your goodwill. It's just because of the language barrier, so to be on the safe side, you plan to take me to find your other companions, and then together we will go to the [Nine Rings Secret Society] The president will report the matter."


  Unprecedented power of words and spirits came with Ronald's words.

  In the past, when encountering an enemy, if the opponent was the holder of the original scripture, Ronald's spirit-talking spell would at best stun the opponent for a moment, but it would be impossible to change his mind.

  But now, everything is different.

  The newly liberated [Cuxin Slate] and the artificial godhead integrated into it gave all his spells a qualitative improvement.

  Although it is impossible to completely control the original code holder.

  But it is no longer a matter of following the other party's ideas and conducting mental induction.

  At this moment, the spirit of words was released, and the two [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters, who were originally excited, were directly on the spot.

  As sufficiently powerful casters, they instinctively resist the control of spiritual spells.

  But Ronald's voice seemed to open a hole in their heads and turned into a cold spring water pouring into their minds. Locked by the power of the spell, they were unable to fight against it.

  Just a few seconds passed, and the eyes of the two practitioners returned to clarity.

  But they were no longer wary of Ronald, and they no longer had the intention to discuss other actions.

  They even forgot the purpose of coming to St. Alan's Cathedral - to find the artificial godhead that might exist here.

  Instead, they turned around tacitly and left first as the leader.

  Leaving their defenseless backs generously in front of Ronald's reach.


  Looking at the two enemies whose minds were changed by Yan Ling, Ronald stood there stunned for a few seconds before following him.

  The sudden surge in ability gave him an unreal feeling.

  However, after leaving the basement, the ruins of the cathedral destroyed by the [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters immediately came into his eyes.

  The magnificent building that I saw in my memory not long ago was compared with the gray ruins in front of me.

  Conflict brought about by reality.

  Ronald's confusion was instantly dispelled.

  He stared at the backs of the two people who were leading him, and more ideas began to emerge.

  Just follow the current rhythm, contact the enemies one by one, go deeper bit by bit, and induce them step by step.

  So is it possible.

  Can he turn all the people in the [Nine Rings Secret Society] into his 'companions', and then easily solve the problems that occurred in the Holy City this time?
   [Thanks to Aiwu Zeyers for the reward!

  (End of this chapter)

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