Chapter 1257 On the City Wall

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  Chapter 1257
  Although the city above the city wall is towering, it does not prevent people from seeing the 'scenery' within it.

  Ronald and Lilu moved forward as they rose, and soon saw the scene behind the city wall.

  It is an ancient and special city.

  It looks a bit blurry from a distance, but with the excellent investigative abilities of Ronald and Lilu, we can get a glimpse of the truth.

  The hot rocks formed houses on the ground. But because of the age and lack of repairs, they all now look dilapidated.

  And those intelligent creatures were driven into this city by the fire element.

  They each looked for "vacant houses" to live in in the city, thus forming residential circles of different sizes.

  So...the fire element drove intelligent life here just to let them live in it?

  of course not!

  In the center of the entire city, a huge lava lake sleeps quietly here, and from around this lava lake, long rivers of flames flow out, forming a large network along the streets of the city.

  Look along this hot web.

  During Ronald and Lilu's previous flight, tongues of fire licked out of the river of flames, rolling up the surrounding living creatures and bringing the prey into the river of flames. After that, there was no movement nearby.


  Captivity, this is a naked act of captivity.

  There's nothing wrong with even being said to be a livestock enclosure in a slaughterhouse!
  Because the fire element is constantly forcing intelligent life into the city, the population here has an extremely fast update rate to meet the burning needs of the entire lava lake!
  Seeing this scene, no one would remain unmoved.

  Lilu, who was next to Ronald, also frowned and asked him:
  "Ronald, do we... want to go in and take a look?"

  Ronald replied with a solemn expression:

  "Of course."

  "We definitely want to Find a way to destroy this place - but before that, it is essential to understand the specific situation." "


  After exchanging opinions, Ronald and Lilu continued to fly into the city.

  Since their intervention was short-lived, the fire elements below did not take precautions, but continued to concentrate on the work of transporting slaves.

  At the same time, because of the attribute division of [Sifangtian].

  They focus on the fire spell system and have no habit of staring at the sky all the time.

  In this almost zero-preparation situation.

  Ronald took Lilu smoothly into the uppermost sky of the fire element city.

  Before arriving here, Ronald still had doubts in his mind.

  After all, after the fire element drove the slaves into the city, it seemed that there was no way to restrain them. They just waited for the long river of flames to take these slaves away.

  So the intelligent creatures sent into the city can't fly?

  No matter how high the city wall is, the sky is still free.

  Facts have proved that many slaves can indeed fly, but they still cannot escape this cruel place.

  Because of the high altitude of the city, the temperature is higher than the ground and surrounding city walls.

  Even higher than expected!
  Even with Ronald's exaggerated physical fitness, after being brought directly above the city, he was burned by the hot air until his eyes were dizzy!

  There is no magic guidance and no deliberate arrangement.

  It is a natural phenomenon in the dry land, making this place a scorching barrier that prevents all life from passing through!
  ——You absolutely cannot stay in this place for too long.

  Realizing this, Ronald reset the protection of [Guardian Angel] and dived down quickly. At the same time, he did not forget to remind the mermaid: "Lilu, we have to rush in!" The mermaid squeezed out a reply from her mouth

  : " Hurry up, I know it won't work here!"


  Ronald picked a position blocked by the city wall, and then quickly went down.

  Then, the air around the two people began to ignite with flames, and then formed a falling fireball.

  The air here is fine.

  Once it is rubbed by an object, the air itself, which is full of magic, will even be ignited!
  But what a coincidence - no one noticed their arrival.

  The fire element never thought that someone would enter this lava city from a high altitude, using this method of death.

  And the slaves imprisoned in the city.

  Most of them are hiding in the buildings, avoiding the capture of the long river of flames that will come at any time. Naturally, few people are watching the deadly sky.

  Even if a very small number of slaves find out, they refer to their own experiences.

  He also regarded this thing as something created by the fire elements and immediately chose to stay away from it.


  So, after falling briefly, Ronald and Lilu landed on the ground.

  After landing, Ronald immediately used his superb control ability to tear off the spell protecting the two people, then threw it on the ground and let it burn.

  "It's too exaggerated! Ronald, it's really too exaggerated!"

  At this time, Lilu took a breath and said:

  "The flames in this damn place can even burn magic power!"

  "What do you mean, it turns out that Phlogiston still exists here, and can it even be a correct theory?"

  The phlogiston in the mermaid's mouth is naturally not the same thing as what Ronald knows. Just because of similar existence and expression, it becomes a type of thing when translated.

  Regarding Lilu's dissatisfaction, Ronald also said with a grimace:

  "Magical world, this is the magical world."

  "Even if we can't understand it well, we can only get used to the settings first." "

  ... "

  After saying a few words, Ronald and Lilu quickly stopped talking.

  Because at this moment, surrounding the place where the two fell, a group of creatures with straight spines and slightly bent, obviously reptilian creatures gradually appeared from the surrounding buildings, and then more and more.

  ——These creatures are going to attack them?

  This was the first thing Ronald thought of, so he immediately protected Lilu behind him.

  The mermaid's expression changed when she saw this, and she also took out a weapon from her bag.

  Then, as the atmosphere became increasingly tense.


  One of these creatures closest to Ronald and the others suddenly roared, and then threw his body to the ground.

  This movement is like a switch.

  After the first one fell down, the other creatures that came around also fell down like dominoes, and all the creatures pointed their thinking organs towards the position of Ronald and the two of them.

  Then, a deep voice shouted in their mouths:
  "Roar-woo-woo-" "


  In the center of this formation that looked like a religious ceremony, Ronald and Lilu looked at each other with extremely complicated expressions. .

  Because through translation, they understood the meaning of the roars of these creatures:
  "God - please forgive us!"


  Bang -!
  Just when Ronald and Lilu were hesitant.

  There was an explosion in the street next to it.

  Then under the fiery red heat wave, the flames on the street over there grew long, and a tongue of fire licked out.

  The direction it pounced out from.

  Naturally, we are heading towards this place where many lives gather together!

  (End of chapter)

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