Chapter 1256 Outside the City Wall

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  Chapter 1256
  The further you go outside the city wall, the hotter the surrounding air becomes.

  Although this phenomenon obviously confirmed that their path forward was correct, the changes that followed around them still made people feel a little uncomfortable.

  And the goatmen from before were not the only 'team' that Ronald and Lilu encountered.

  The further you go, the more frequent this phenomenon becomes, and the species escorted by the fire element also vary.

  Although it is impossible to save everyone.

  But as long as they directly encounter this kind of situation, Ronald and Lilu will still take the initiative to rescue the victims they see in front of them, and leave directly after a simple exchange.

  From this, Ronald and the two understood a reality.

  The fire elementals' plan is going very smoothly. They have successfully connected more than ten worlds, and the invasion process is going smoothly.

  A pure world like [Sifangtian] brings overwhelming magical advantages to the fire element. Once the world is connected, it will soon be able to suppress the indigenous civilization.

  Ronald can easily deal with these guys because Ronald is strong enough.

  If you really want to compare it with ordinary people.

  As long as there is no original spell caster, unless the spell system is precisely restrained, it will be difficult to defeat him in a one-on-one situation.

  Ronald believes that there must be a powerful world that can resist or even invade [Sifangtian].

  But at least for now.

  The fire element invades the world that the opponent cannot resist.


  Continuing to fly, the situation on the ground below changed again.

  The number of cross-border passages that gradually increased at first disappeared directly in front of Ronald and Lilu's eyes after crossing an invisible boundary.

  Correspondingly, the temperature ahead suddenly increased at a rate that far exceeded the previous journey.

  This is easy to understand.

  Previous experiences have told the two of them that the existence of boundary-crossing channels will absorb the surrounding temperature, causing the appearance of patches of low-temperature zones. And under this premise, the problems here are actually rising.

  So now there is no such cooling effect at all.

  In the realm of the fire element, which has completely lost its restraints, the temperature naturally begins to increase at an extremely fast rate.

  In this regard, Lilu expressed her opinion:
  "This place is really not an environment where ordinary creatures can survive."

  Ronald, who prefers winter, had no objection to this and immediately nodded in agreement with Lilu's statement:

  "Indeed So, I think what you said is absolutely fine!"


  Just continue on the road.

  When the ambient air temperature is at least fifty degrees.

  Finally, a burning fiery red wall appeared on the ground ahead.

  Even without being close in person, from a long distance away, Ronald and Lilu could see that the air in the sky was twisted into an onion-like shape under the extremely high temperature.

  "It's really..."

  "It's really lifeless!"

  Lilu cursed on the spot without even taking a step further.

  As a member of an aquatic species, she can tolerate high-pressure environments, but what she hates the most is high temperatures.

  From the previous lava lake to the current [Sifangtian].

  Lilu finally couldn't restrain her emotions and cursed loudly:

  "I also know that you will encounter many difficulties and tortures in your adventure life."

  "But again and again, in this world, I really don't feel like myself." Is it too much?"

  "Lilu, are you okay?" Of course Ronald immediately cared about his companion, "If it doesn't work, I'll go and see for myself later..."

  Ronald turned his head and looked, The voice on his lips immediately dropped.

  Because while she was complaining, Lilu took out two warm baby-like things from her bag and was stuffing them into her clothes.

  Lilu's eyes froze when she heard Ronald's concern.

  The already red color on her face deepened a bit:
  "Huh? I'm just complaining! Don't get me wrong, Ronald!"

  Lilu explained while stuffing the cooling bag in a serious tone. A little panicked:
  "Actually, I don't have any problem."

  "This level of trouble can be solved by just complaining."


  Ronald gave an understanding smile and simply dropped the topic. .

  "Okay, let's keep going."


  Continuing forward in the air, the appearance of the red wall of fire in the distance gradually became clearer.

  This place is built of red rocks, and its height is as exaggerated as a fence used by giants.

  And according to the normal force analysis.

  To pile up such a wall of more than 100 meters, its width and slope must be extremely large.

  It's a pity that [Sifangtian] is a magical world with extremely high purity.

  So just by attaching a layer of magic flames to it, the pressure that the members would have generated was easily handled, and there was no sign of instability or collapse at all.

  Then he looked inside...

  Unfortunately, there seemed to be no taller buildings within the city wall.

  If you want to see the situation inside in advance, raising the height is the most reasonable way at the moment.

  Brushing -

  Since it can be done easily, Ronald has no reason not to do it.

  He immediately took Lilu to a higher position.

  However, before they saw the situation inside the city wall, a new scene first came into their eyes.

  ——Those are black lines.

  ——With this city as the center, it shows a trend of scattering outward.

  Because they had previous experiences as explanations, Ronald and Lilu understood what it was without looking carefully.

  The refugees were kidnapped one by one from the border crossing.

  In this way, countless fire elements were driven towards the city wrapped in a wall of flames.

  Except from the direction Ronald and Lilu came from.

  There is more than one such team in action in every other position.

  Based on this estimate, how many intelligent creatures are being driven forward by the fire element? It is difficult to estimate, or the wavering heart is unable to maintain cold calculations at this moment.


  Ronald was silent.

  He told himself in his heart that this was not a team moving forward indifferently, but countless tragic fates, heading towards their own end.

  Even if these beings are not his fellow humans.

  But the actions of the fire element of [Sifangtian] also completely exceeded the acceptable limit of Ronald's moral concept.

  Bang bang -

  just when Ronald was silent, Lilu next to him suddenly reached out and patted Ronald on the back.

  This time it's the mermaid's turn to comfort Ronald.

  "Ronald, adjust your mentality."

  "What we are doing now is very dangerous and life-threatening if we make a mistake. So even if you are in a bad mood, you must control it well at this time. That's all."


  "Lilu, thank you."

  Ronald thanked her, but the expression on his face was still dark.

  However, he did not stop because of this, but accelerated the speed of the two of them flying into the air.

  (End of chapter)

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