Chapter 1096 Awakening

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  Chapter 1096: Awakening

  The moment the two swords intertwined.

  In the distance, blood burst out from the chest of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster.

  However, the damage caused by this blow was far more than that.

  After the blood burst out, the ice blade froze the wound, and the [Solar Power] attached to it also began to burn the caster's body.

  Sword wounds, ice, and flames.

  Three completely different injuries came to the body at the same time. While causing fatal results, they also brought extremely terrible pain to the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster.

  "Damn it! Damn it!"

  "Damn it! How dare you hurt my body!"

  While retreating, the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] cursed in pain.

  However, in this gap, he showed his power as the holder of the original scripture and seized the opportunity to recite the activation spell.

  The spell was activated, and the wound that penetrated the entire chest was stabilized by his spell.

  Although the pain and hurt did not disappear from the body.

  But the life in danger was finally restored to stability with the help of the spell, and he would not face the end of death immediately.

  On the other side, Ronald, who saw the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster on the opposite side struggling to save himself before using a spell to reduce the distance between the two to zero, had no intention of letting him continue to recover from his injuries.

  Bang bang -

  he threw away the ice blade that was burned out of shape by the [Solar Power], and without looking back, he tacitly caught the ice blade that Ke Yahou created again, and then prepared to move forward again. Swing down.

  At this time, the dark figure appeared again.

  Opposite Ronald, the caster of [Nine Rings Secret Society] knew that he was in a critical situation at this moment, so although he was squeezing his body, he continued to output magic power without hesitation, allowing the pitch-black figure to be forcibly reborn at this moment. !

  "This spell is indeed powerful."

  "If it lasts long enough, it is indeed a threat to me."

  At this time, Ronald spoke.

  His voice was steady and firm. Although the balance of victory was infinitely tilted towards his side at this moment, Ronald still looked at the enemy opposite him with very serious eyes.

  In contrast, the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster was walking back with his broken body. When this guy looked at Ronald, his eyes were full of malice and hatred, as well as unwillingness to be seriously injured. .

  This guy heard Ronald's voice and might want to fight back.

  But the horrific wounds still on his body at this moment made the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] unable to continue to compete with others verbally.

  Seeing such a scene, Ronald shook his head slightly and immediately made his final verdict.

  "So, let's end it."

  After saying this, Ronald exerted all his strength, and the magic power fluctuations in his body also increased at this moment.

  When the magic power and momentum reach their highest point.

  He raised the double ice blades created by Keya in his hand, and then slashed at the dark figure that reappeared in front of him with blazing fire!

  just like that, the pitch-black long sword and the flaming ice blade collided.

  The abilities of the pitch-black figure were completely acquired from Ronald's own memory and abilities.

  So when faced with this sword, Black Shadow did not have any superb swordsmanship skills to break it. He could only use his own strength and strengthen it, and then face Ronald head-on.

  The result is naturally the same as before.

  For ordinary people, the power absorbed by the black shadow at this moment is already powerful enough, but the target it is fighting now is Ronald, so this strength has turned into an effort destined to fail.

  The next second was almost the same as the previous one.

  The dark figure and the long sword in its hand were instantly chopped into pieces by Ronald, and dissipated into smoke in the blink of an eye.


  Almost at the same time, the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster behind him cried out in pain.

  Although Ronald's sword blade struck the black figure, the shrinking distance spell he had just activated was not cancelled.

  Then the two swords fell, defeating the black figure at the same time.

  The [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster behind who was trying to escape also suffered another setback after this sword attack.

  It's just slightly different from the last time when the torso was cut directly open.

  Because the guy was dragging his body sideways and retreating, Ronald's oncoming attack only cut off the guy's left hand from the forearm, and did not cause direct fatal injuries.


  At this time, Ronald breathed a sigh of relief.

  The effect of his spell to modify the distance between the two ended at this moment.

  But the enemy in front of him was hit hard twice in a row, and the dark shadows he had summoned so hard could not have an immediate effect.

  The outcome is already decided.

  On the other hand, look at the practitioners of [Nine Rings Secret Society].

  The guy was so frightened at this moment that the only thing he could do was to drag his body backwards, and then stare at Ronald who was looking at him with fearful and frightened eyes.

  He was worried that if his gaze shifted slightly, he would not have the chance to see anything next.

  "Mr. Ronald, go on!"

  At the same time, Keya's voice seemed to be pronouncing the fate of this guy.

  The witch will once again make two ice blades and throw them forward.

  After Ronald caught it casually, he aimed at the almost non-human enemy in front, and then threw it at the guy's head.

  Swish -

  "I won't die here!"

  Seeing the ice blade cutting through the air, it was about to come to him.

  But the expression on the face of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster suddenly changed from the previous fear to one of insidiousness that the trick had succeeded, mixed with a hint of happiness for his fate.

  The next second, on the right hand of the caster, the rune-shaped bracelet that originally looked ordinary was emitting a dazzling light at this moment.


  The caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] shouted, and then a special and powerful spell came here.

  The ice blade that Ronald threw over, the wound on this guy's body.

  All the changes brought about by the battle just now are frozen in the air at this moment.

  This is the effect of this spell. Wherever the light is shrouded, all competition for points must stop immediately.


  "No one of you can get out alive!"

  Finally, the scream of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster came from the light, and when the impact of the spell disappeared, Ronald looked forward go.

  As expected, this guy had disappeared into the darkness of the great tomb.


  The dark underground became extremely quiet for a while.

  Although there was no trace of the enemy, everyone present knew that this guy had used the bracelet spell to buy time to escape from their eyes again.

  And next...

  Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

  There was no need for Ronald to explain anything at this moment. Next to them, Keya and two other casters also sensed that something profound and dark had awakened beneath their feet, and was rushing towards them!

  Ronald couldn't describe how he felt at this moment.

  If he wanted to make an analogy, then what he encountered at this moment definitely had more exaggerated power than the so-called descendants of gods in the Nameless Sea.

  Facing this dark enemy that feels boundless.

  Ronald, who had obtained many original books, even had a concrete hunch for the first time - he might not be his opponent.


  but it’s just at this moment.

  A bright light pierced the darkness and illuminated the entire dark space.

  Even the dark existence that had just awakened underground was unable to break through the isolation of this light. For a while, it could only stare at the people under its protection with eager eyes.

  At this time, Ronald looked along the source of the light.

  Only then did he realize that the maid holding a lantern in her hand was stepping out of the dark tomb tunnel.

  (End of chapter)

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