Chapter 1095 Chase

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  Chapter 1095 The chase

  lasted for several minutes.

  The three Ronalds continued their life-and-death battle in the maze, and even encountered two spellcasters who were also trapped here.

  This is the companion that Ronald brought to the island before.

  After they saw the three people chasing him, they immediately cast spells, preparing to help Ronald delay or even defeat the enemies ahead.

  It's a pity that this [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster has obviously planned a strategy before the battle, and has long been prepared for such emergencies.

  So just by activating the defensive spell prepared in his robe, he perfectly blocked the attacks of the two casters.

  Even with the help of attack thrust, this guy made his escape a little faster!
  The dark maze is filled with terrifying darkness.

  Pressing on everyone's nerves.

  This process of chasing the enemy lasted for a long time, during which Ronald was constantly blocked by the black fog and destroyed.

  Finally, after countless times, new changes occurred.

  This time, the moment the black figure in front of him appeared again, Ronald felt his physical strength weakening rapidly, pouring out like a faucet turned on.

  And this lost power was drawn to the black shadow on the opposite side by some mysterious force to strengthen its ability learned from Ronald.


  A spell that can bypass the defense of [Guardian Angel], and its speed of strengthening and weakening is only slightly different from the "Das Kapital" spell that Ronald has seen before.

  The degree of danger is self-evident.

  But faced with this situation, Ronald did not take any unnecessary action.

  He could use [End of Human Reason] to interrupt this spell, but he didn't.

  The reason is that Ronald knows that this endless pursuit will only make the situation worse over time. So even if he has to risk it, he is willing to take a gamble at this moment!

  As a result, Ronald, who was holding an ice blade, collided with the dark figure.

  This time, relying on the power absorbed from Ronald, the power possessed by this black shadow was simply incomparable to that before. Ronald really used ten percent of his strength to completely suppress it, and then chopped the black shadow into pieces again.

  But the power of this terrifying spell is still showing its threat.

  Although Ronald successfully chopped the shadow into pieces, the physical strength and magic power that were taken away from him were not restored, but were completely taken over by the shadow as his own!


  At this point, the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster who had been fleeing in front finally stopped his escape.

  Feeling that his spells completely simulated Ronald and began to draw power from this enemy, he was convinced that the balance of victory had completely tipped to him, so much so that he couldn't help but laugh at this moment: "Inhuman monsters,
  under the wizard's With wisdom, you can only be reduced to crushed dust!"

  "Now you continue to chase me!"

  While speaking, the casters of [Nine Rings Secret Society] were also simultaneously strengthening their spells.

  Catalyzed by a lot of magic.

  The black shadow that originally would regenerate after a few seconds accelerated its rebirth at this moment, and then stood between him and Ronald.

  But at this moment, this thing created by magic is actually completely human.

  Don't even look closely.

  It can be seen that he has the exact same physical appearance as Ronald.

  If we rule out that the material that makes up the body is still black mist, rather than human flesh, then even people who are very close to it may not be able to see any differences in details when facing these two identical bodies.

  A black mist figure that can continuously absorb the strength of the opponent's strongest, coupled with his own confidence as the holder of the original code.

  Objectively analyze the current strength gap between the two sides.

  [Nine Rings Secret Society] The caster's side also undoubtedly has the upper hand.

  But facing the arrogance of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster, Ronald had no fear at all - instead, he showed a confident smile on his face.

  The side that really seemed to be the enemy had the upper hand.

  But this result is actually the purpose that Ronald deliberately created.


  "Go, kill him!"

  At this time, the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] issued an order.

  While he continued to activate his spells, he also let the black shadow in front of Ronald attack him, preparing to defeat the enemy in front of him in a flanking attack.

  So in response.

  Ronald, on the other side, raised the ice blade that Keya had built for himself with both hands, then crossed it and swung it forward.


  The next second, the scorching [Power of the Sun] covered the cold sword body.

  The flame wrapped the ice blade and lit up in the darkness of terror, and then the steam generated by evaporation and the impact of magic power began to rage throughout the tunnel.

  With this move, Ronald is not just activating a spell.

  He has greatly extracted the magic power of the original scripture itself to strengthen his spells to the greatest extent!
  Although this pitch-black figure absorbed a lot of power, it was just a cycle and he was still unable to resist the terrifying power that burst out in an instant, so he was instantly swallowed up by the terrifying attack.


  The barrier between the two disappeared.

  So the next person to greet this attack was the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

  At this moment.

  The large maze that was previously conducive to escape has become a hard barrier restricting his dodge.

  Fleeing backwards - the speed of this attack could not be compared with his speed; but on the left and right sides, there were the hard walls of the maze, blocking all life.

  "You... damn monster!"

  There is no way to retreat, no way to avoid it.

  And just now his arrogant posture was defeated by the other party in this way.

  [Secret Meeting of the Nine Rings] The caster was so angry that he tore off the robe that had just protected him from the spell and threw it in the direction of the attack.

  Accompanied by a violent explosion.

  The robe this guy was wearing suddenly burst out with huge power, finally offsetting the impact of Ronald's attack.

  But it was in this deafening explosion.

  At the same time, the sound of the spell that Ronald had recited after the other party stopped was heard:
  "Starting from the relationship between the entire earth and the sky will begin to form our understanding!"

  Finally, after locking the target.

  Ronald activates the spell, setting the distance between himself and the enemy to zero.

  It was at this moment that Keya, who saw the scene ahead, waved his hands without saying a word, and then threw the two newly forged ice swords forward.

  Bang bang -

  Ronald held the two long swords with great precision.

  Then, without even looking at the enemy, he crossed the ice blade forward and slashed it down.

  (End of chapter)

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