Chapter 102 Harmonious Morning

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  Chapter 102 Harmonious Morning

  The next morning.

  Ronald stood at the front desk of the Investigation Bureau, scratching his right ankle with the instep of his left foot, and calmly reading the book he had just borrowed from the second floor.

  His experience when he came to work at the Investigation Bureau today was probably similar to last night.

  With Patricia helping to provide cover, the people in the Investigation Bureau did not attribute the main credit to themselves for catching the cult warlock. I just followed common sense and what Patricia said and concluded that this was a victory won by Patricia as the main player and Ronald as the assistant.

  So this morning, as long as Nicole came over and praised herself a few words, the matter was over.

  Not even extra overtime pay.

  As for why Ronald is standing at the front desk again
  , it is still a common question.

  ——The Bureau of Investigation is short of manpower.

  Even law enforcement launched a raid on the cult warlock last night.

  But I have to admit that there are still powerful guys among this group of cult warlocks. They can even successfully kill the raiders of the Investigation Bureau and even escape from Burrenwich.

  There are very few, but they do exist.

  The result of this kind of thing is that the next front-line work will be even busier.

  Around noon, the investigators who attended the funeral of their colleague returned to the investigation bureau.

  Ronald would not have this kind of free time to read leisurely.


  Ronald couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this.

  A world of extra work but no overtime pay is really unpalatable, especially when it squeezes your reading time.

  Such a time to lament and read at the same time.

  Lasted for over an hour this morning.

  Just when Ronald thought the investigators were about to return, someone did arrive.

  Bang -

  with an unscrupulous sound of pushing the door, the door on the first floor was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

  There was no one in sight, and a dark thing was thrown in from outside.


  Ronald had seen this posture in his previous life.

  With the physical fitness he only acquired last night, he almost reflexively fell down behind the desk at the front desk, and along the way, he pulled Nicole's sheets over his head.


  An explosion sounded close in front of him, and Ronald immediately heard crackling sounds from all over the hall.

  Sizzle -

  Immediately, the sheets covering the body above the head also made a corroding sound.

  The sound of liquid splashing all over the hall was clearly audible.

  Ronald shook off the corroded, pitted sheets and stood up from behind the front desk.

  Sizzling -

  at a speed visible to the naked eye, the sheets that fell on the ground corroded and melted.

  It soon turned into a puddle of black residue.

  At the same time, Ronald also saw clearly the situation in the hall.

  The door to the first floor of the Investigation Bureau has been closed, but the mess inside the Bureau cannot be seen on Long Beach Street.

  But centered on a tattered corpse on the ground, rancid acid scattered everywhere. No matter the walls, floors, or the tables and chairs used for decoration in the hall, they were all messed up by this sudden attack.


  Looking at the scene in front of him silently, Ronald retracted his previous thoughts.

  ——Those cult warlocks are really ruthless.

  The Bureau of Investigation launched a raid on them last night, and today they came to the Bureau of Investigation building to throw corpses and explode.

  They deserve the title of cult warlock.

  But soon, Ronald no longer cared about sighing about these things.

  Because he clearly saw that the door of the Investigation Bureau was also corroded by the acid from the attack.

  Not long ago, he experienced what would happen if the door broke.
  This was not the time to continue standing guard at the front desk.

  Bypassing the damaged front desk cabinet, Ronald planned to run to the second floor.

  At this time, the engraver must be asked to repair the technique to prevent the existence of the Investigation Bureau from being discovered by outsiders.

  However, as soon as he reached the stairs, Ronald stopped.

  It's not that he doesn't want to go up.

  Because there is nothing blocking the way from the hall to the stairs.

  The wooden steps leading to the second floor are now in tatters due to direct splashes of acid.

  Just look at this staircase which is more miserable than briquettes.
  Ronald knew in his heart that it was better not to try it.

  But in fact, he doesn't have to worry alone.

  Just as Ronald was about to go around the back stairs to the second floor, the voices of other investigators came from above:

  "Why did the stairs become like this?"

  "What happened on the first floor?"

  Ronald immediately replied:
  " Someone just threw an exploding corpse in, and now the hall is in a mess." "

  Inform Mr. Yakin that the door needs repairs!"


  After hearing Ronald's words, the investigator upstairs didn't respond immediately. react to.

  After a few seconds, he continued to ask:

  "Where are the enemies?"

  "Apart from throwing a body in, they did nothing else?"

  Ronald continued to answer:

  "They just threw a body, and no one else came in. "


  "You keep an eye on the hall first, and I'll call someone over."

  "No problem."

  After asking and answering, someone naturally went to notify the engraver.

  Ronald also returned to the front desk.

  Immediately, the dark original book appeared in the cuffs, and Ronald read in a voice so low that only he could hear:

  "Its name is Styx,

  and the black water flows down to the dark and steep cliff. At my feet.

  I stopped and looked attentively, and
  saw that the swamp was full of people, covered with dirt, and

  they were all naked, as if their anger had not subsided."

  The black mist of anger condensed in my hands.

  Ronald recalled the original scripture and immediately became alert to the surrounding situation.

  Although the cult warlock seemed to have just thrown a corpse bomb in, there was no guarantee that the opponent would not come back and attack again.

  At this moment, an investigator came out from behind the first floor.

  "What's going on here? There's such a big commotion."

  "The commotion."

  Looking at the miserable appearance in the hall, the anger in his mouth gradually turned into doubt.

  Move your gaze to Ronald.

  Without the other party asking questions, Ronald explained first:
  "Someone suddenly threw an explosive corpse into the hall just now, and that's it." The

  investigator on the first floor was more direct. He simply continued to ask:
  "Where are the spells arranged at the door?"

  "I just told the people on the second floor that Mr. Yakin will be down in a moment." "


  "Oh -"

  the investigator sighed melancholy, and then walked towards the hall. Come over.

  "Let's watch the scene first."

  Boom -!
  At this moment, a loud noise came from behind.

  Ronald turned around quickly, and the smoke-filled scene came into view.

  It's simple, the second floor of the hall collapsed.

  The acid that exploded just now had no reason to let go of the ceiling above our heads.

  When these liquids corroded and melted the ceiling beams, the second floor, which could not bear the weight, naturally fell down - [

   Thanks to people who should and at least can, Feng Wuzi, Book Friends 20190224231857048, Book Friends 20180703153515419 for the reward! ]

    [By the way, it seems that someone can't see the group number, so I'll post it again here.


  (End of this chapter)

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