Chapter 101 Underground Cave

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  Chapter 101
  Compared to the underground cave and the hall behind you,
  how should you describe this place?
  Except for the altar of the evil god that can be seen as soon as the secret door is opened, the space behind it is surprisingly peaceful.

  Go down a few steps from the secret door to the ground here, surrounded by an unusually clean flat field.

  However, as far as the eye can see, there is no floor laid and no load-bearing wooden piles to support it.

  This empty space can almost be seen as a natural underground cave.

  Except for the evil altar built in the center, there were no piles of corpses around, no harsh and terrifying living sacrifice platforms, and no weird sculptures of the evil sect.

  Even compared to the original underground space, there are no traces of burrowing insects here.

  ——Complete silence.

  Of course, that doesn't mean this is just pure land.

  On Ronald's right side, there is a large pool.

  Wait, a pool?
  Ronald was suddenly alert.

  According to the Cthulhu mythology, isn't Cthulhu the one who belongs to R'lyeh sleeping on the bottom of the sea?
  Although this place cannot be the South Pacific.

  But the magic techniques of this group of cultists may be closely related to things like water flow!

  Thinking of this, Ronald quickly took two steps back.

  The black mist spreading in the hall instantly poured into the underground cave, first covering all locations on the ground.


  Ronald looked around quietly.

  In the silent underground space, almost no sound could be heard from all around.

  The cult warlock didn't know what he added to the candle, which caused the candle's illumination range to be extremely wide, and it was still a very eye-catching green color.

  Accompanied by the strange flickering candlelight, this place is in complete silence.

  No, the cult warlock has died up there.

  Control tense emotions like self-hypnosis.

  Ronald calmed down and began to carefully feel the touch of the black mist.

  Bypassing the evil statue of the evil god, which must be problematic, the surrounding ground was quickly explored.

  But the result
  is still that no clues were found. .

  So now the only place left is the pool over there.
  His eyes turned and his eyes fell quietly on the pool over there.

  The green candlelight shines on the water, and the motionless water surface is like an emerald buried underground. Although there are no ripples in the mirror-like water, it seems that there is some kind of monster hiding in it.

  If the sin of 'Rage' hadn't still reminded Ronald that there was no conscious living person here except him, then he would have definitely been thinking about how to deal with the surprise attack.

  ——The previous physical transformation technique.

  Anyone with a bit of knowledge in this area would find the pool suspicious.

  Snap, snap, snap—

  at this moment, Ronald heard approaching footsteps coming from behind.

  He looked back and saw that it was Patricia who had descended into the cellar. .

  Because this underground cave is further down in depth, the actual position where Ronald is standing now is much lower than the previous cellar hall.

  So from Patricia's point of view, Ronald behind the secret door only had his upper body staring at her.


  "Are you okay?"

  As she asked, the girl walked into the underground cave without hesitation.

  When she saw the black mist on the ground, she frowned and said,

  "This must be the influence of your spell, right?"

  "That's right."

  Ronald nodded, and then recalled the surrounding black mist into his hands.

  "I've probably checked everything here. Apart from the pool over there and this statue, there shouldn't be anything else worth noting." "Is

  that so?"

  Following Ronald's words, Patricia looked around the cave.

  The entire cave was just like Ronald said, and there really wasn't anything noteworthy coming out.

  The focus of the underground space is completely focused on the sculpture of the evil god.

  This is in line with the style of a cult warlock.

  However, the appearance of this underground pool on the side is a bit incomprehensible.

  Is it possible that this group of people also likes to hide underground and gather together to take baths?

  Patricia didn't stick to this for too long.

  After looking around, the girl focused her eyes on Ronald again.

  With a somewhat serious tone, she said:

  "Ronald, people from the Investigation Bureau should be here soon to investigate the situation." "

  If you don't want to expose your ability, it's best to withdraw now."

  "Just treat it as here. I discovered what happened, and you have gone home by yourself today."

  "I can help you deal with the rest."


  Ronald was silent.

  To be honest, he didn't expect Patricia to mention this.

  He is indeed very wary of behemoths like the Bureau of Investigation. Coming from a modern society, he knows only too well how difficult it is to deal with an organized and established institution.

  But he really hadn't thought about Patricia's suggestion of covering for him. Not revealing the original story at Burrenwich Railway Station was a sufficiently kind choice.

  After thinking for a few breaths, under Patricia's gaze, Ronald chose to leave:

  "In that case, I will withdraw first."

  The girl nodded in response:

  "Don't worry, there will be no harm if you leave this place to me. Any accident."

  Ronald then turned and left.

  However, before walking out of the cellar, he did not forget to remind Patricia:

  "By the way, Patricia, be careful about that pool."

  "Apart from the altar, I think that thing should also be paid more attention to. "


  After completing the last conversation, Ronald returned to the ground from the entrance on the side of the courtyard.

  The snowflakes in the sky are falling tirelessly.

  In a corner of the courtyard, the umbrella that Patricia had thrown out before was still lying on the ground, and its original color had been covered up by the snow.

  Even the traces left on it by the self-destruction of the cult warlock before were not visible at all at this time.

  Subconsciously, Ronald looked up at the sky.

  No light can be seen in the low colors, and the dark night sky makes people feel as cold as the severe cold of winter.

  "Huh -"

  "Go home, go home."

  "That's it for today."

  Thinking about it carefully, he actually didn't need to worry too much about what was hidden here.

  It would be no problem to find out when I return to work at the Investigation Bureau tomorrow morning, or to ask Patricia later.

  Dealing with this group of cult sorcerers is actually the common responsibility of the mysterious side of Berenwich.

  I am just one part of it.

  Walk out of the yard slowly.

  Ronald saw the carriage that Patricia had chased back.

  The cult warlock who thought he had successfully escaped was now tied up and unconscious.

  These guys.

  Probably the most unlucky one tonight.
  After silently adjusting the control effect of 'Rage' on these people, Ronald shook his head and walked away.

  The footprints he left in the snow.

  Just a few minutes later, it was completely buried by the falling snow.

  Leave no trace -

   [Thanks to Accumulator for the reward! ]

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  (End of this chapter)

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