Chapter 35 Qin Ze loses the crown

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  Chapter 35: Qin Ze lost his crown

  on April 13th, which is May 31st on the Gregorian calendar. Children's Day is coming soon.

  "As a temporary worker, it should be reasonable for me to be late for work and leave early for work, right?"

  Qin Ze, who was late on his first day at work, looked at his sales manager seriously.

  The sales manager is a woman in her early twenties, slightly overweight, about 160 pounds. She was plump like a fairy, and said with a bit of disdain:
  "Three hundred will be deducted for being late every time, and the monthly salary will be halved for being late three times. Leaving early without asking for leave is considered absenteeism. You only came to work in the afternoon, which is considered absenteeism!"

  Qin Ze looked at this opponent. The supervisor, who looked disdainful of herself, was very polite:
  "Director Zhang, if I don't want salary and contribute to the company's performance in vain, can I be late and leave early at will?" This really

  made Supervisor Zhang ask, and she suddenly didn't know what to do. say what.

  Qin Ze said politely:

  "Why do workers have to suffer? I'm going to work first."

  Seeing Manager Zhang about to speak, Qin Ze immediately replied:

  "Are you trying to say that if I'm late and leave too early, the company can fire me? "

  Then I'll just change. I'm not here for money. I just love this career. Of course, this doesn't conflict with leaving early and being late."

  Qin Ze walked to his workstation.

  The method used by superiors to control subordinates in the workplace is nothing more than to deduct money and leave.

  If a person doesn't even want money and has no desire to be promoted, then he is invincible in the workplace and is an invincible existence.

  As long as you don't want to be a leader, then no one in this world can be your leader.

  "Nonsense, no professional ethics! You treat the company as your home!"

  Manager Zhang couldn't tolerate Qin Ze's arrogance. How could a temporary worker be so arrogant? The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, so she asked Qin Ze to establish her own rules.

  But just as he approached Qin Ze, he heard Qin Ze starting to prepare to sign a contract.

  She stopped immediately.

  When doing sales, the most important thing is to be able to place orders.

  Even if you become the company's top seller, the company will tolerate arriving late and leaving early.

  In just a few minutes, Qin Ze placed an order.

  "A reporter from Linxiang Morning News, forty years old, chose a single-payment large-amount policy. Who is that... Oh, Manager Zhang, you happen to be here. Come and check the information for me." Manager Zhang stood there, she didn't want

  to I believe Qin Ze can get customers so quickly.

  Qin Ze said,

  "Why are you standing there dazed? I remember that at the end of the process, the supervisor needs to check, right?" Taking

  a deep breath, Supervisor Zhang glared at Qin Ze, picked up the phone and started checking everything one by one.

  Salespeople from many companies often choose to exaggerate in order to get customers to sign up for insurance policies smoothly.

  Amplify the function and efficacy of the product.

  Insurance companies are no exception. This is reflected in the fact that many things clearly cannot be claimed, but they are vague about it.

  Through the art of language, let the other party think that this is a claim, and the call recording can perfectly avoid quality inspection.

  Sometimes, for the sake of performance, supervisors will deceive customers when checking the details of orders.

  But Manager Zhang didn't. She guessed that Qin Ze was definitely cheating and coaxing, and Qin Ze's attitude was too arrogant, so she decided to mess up the deal.

  So when checking the details, she very clearly told the customers about the various disadvantages of the product.

  But the script didn't go as she expected, and the other party's attitude was very clear:
  "Don't bother me, don't waste my time. I know what your stuff is about. Mr. Qin has made it clear to me before. I, he Mom, need you to repeat? Can you hurry up? I'm in a hurry to place an order and pay!"

  "Damn it, don't delay Mr. Qin's making money."

  Manager Zhang showed a surprised expression. What kind of angel customer is this?
  Qin Ze calmly looked at Manager Zhang, whose face was gradually distorting, and waved his hand:
  "Stand aside, you have to come soon."

  He started to make the next call.

  There are no sales techniques or routines, just follow the script and explain every piece of information about the product clearly.

  A few minutes later, the customer said without any hesitation:
  "No problem, I accept it. Please let me buy it!"

  Qin Ze said to Manager Zhang:
  "Director Zhang, please check."

  This time, Manager Zhang heard clearly, Qin Ze There was no inducement or deception in the conversation.

  She couldn't understand, how could customers place orders so easily? When she goes to the supermarket to buy toothpaste, she has to frustrate the shopping guide before she is willing to pay.

  It's not over yet.

  Qin Ze quickly made the third call, the fourth call, the fifth call and the sixth call...

  without exception, all orders were placed.

  "Director Zhang, check it."

  "Then who is going to check it."

  "Where's Zhang? Check it quickly!"

  "Xiao Zhang, come and register."

  As large-amount insurance policies continued to be completed, Qin Ze asked this manager The titles became more and more casual.

  On the contrary, Manager Zhang no longer looked as unruly as he did at the beginning.

  She had suspected Qin Ze's customers of false transactions, but soon the purchase records were displayed in the background.

  The customer actually paid.

  Qin Ze achieved the group's monthly performance in one morning. Every order was a large one, and all were paid promptly, and the process went very smoothly.

  This also attracted a lot of onlookers. Everyone was surprised where Qin Ze's customers came from?

  Everyone knows that this is not luck, but Qin Ze has extremely excellent customer resources.

  The company should treat such a person as a treasure.

  In fact, Qin Ze did make preparations beforehand.

  From the first client, a newspaper reporter, to all subsequent clients, they are actually Li Lu's connections.

  Li Lu is a big shot in the journalistic community.

  Because Li Lu is also a reporter by profession, she can often dig out breaking news immediately and see the shadow of major events that have not yet happened. This also allows Li Lu to provide a lot of information of great value.

  The core of news lies in the new. It lies in first-hand information.

  So when Li Lu said hello in advance and found a list for Qin Ze, all the people working in the news industry were happy to sell Li Lu a favor.

  Li Lu didn't need to promise anything, but she just needed big news to appear and be able to sell and break the news to them as soon as possible or even the second or third time.

  This is also the reason why Qin Ze can keep placing orders. All the customers Qin Ze encounters are the kind who wait patiently for Qin Ze to finish speaking and then make a decision directly.

  Several salesmen, even the previous gold medal salesmen, and even the sales manager have never seen such a battle.

  It is really strange that a temporary worker, like a customer service person reading out product instructions, without any guidance or exaggerated publicity, can make the other party rush to pay the bill.

  About an hour later, Qin Ze didn't call again.

  Li Lu can provide a lot of resources, but he doesn't plan to use them all at once.

  Qin Ze looked at Manager Zhang, who had been reduced to "Xiao Zhang":
  "Xiao Zhang, I think today is also a day of hard work. I have worked hard for more than an hour. It's time for me to get off work. What do you think?"

  Manager Zhang did not He said nothing but smiled awkwardly.

  Although she was dissatisfied with Qin Ze's attitude, Qin Ze helped her solve a lot of performance pressure, and she could take advantage of it and not work overtime.

  In fact, Qin Ze didn't mean to be independent and arrive late and leave early.

  He just understands one thing -

  he doesn't have the same sense of superiority as Gu Anxun when it comes to ordinary people; but he also knows where to spend his time.

  The reasons why he chose a sales company instead of the service industry:
  first, because he wanted to acquire the ability to acquire the old career of sales.

  Secondly, in the sales industry, many crazy companies will even deliberately shape sales leaders into masters, that is, privileged employees.

  Implement some hierarchical systems to stimulate salespeople at the bottom to strive for performance, which is called "training the wolf nature".

  As long as he can become the top seller, Qin Ze doesn't need to waste 996's time.

  So he chose a job in sales where performance could buy time.

  This sounds nonsense.

  But if you really come into contact with those sales industries that are open to anyone, you will understand that the magic of reality is far more than that.

  The workplace hierarchy of some professions is even more distinct than the combat power levels in novels.

  Qin Ze began to pack up his work station and prepare to leave.

  However, Qin Ze, who has a "journalist physique", obviously did not expect that he would have to work overtime, not for Daan Life, but for the "company".

  Just when he was about to leave, a call came to Qin Ze's work station.

  "Hello, Da'an Life Insurance Company."

  "Hello, my colleague just bought an insurance from you. His surname is Liu, and he is the editor of Morning News." "

  I have the impression that there is something wrong with Editor Liu's insurance. "No?" "No, no, he thinks your product is very good. I asked about   it

  and thought it was very good. But Lao Liu bought disease insurance. I want to know, do you have accident insurance here?"

Come to your door? Qin Ze didn't mind working overtime:

  "My surname is Qin, what's your surname? We have many products, and we have the ones you want." "My

  surname is Yang."

  Qin Ze listened to the voice and judged that Mr. Yang seemed to be good at it. Quite young.

  "Mr. Yang, what other products do you need? You can tell me."

  "I want to know, is being stabbed by someone an accident? Let me give you an example. I was walking on the road, and suddenly a person saw me ugly and suddenly gave me a If I strike with a sword, is it an accident?"

  Qin Ze was slightly surprised, it was unexpected, of course it was unexpected.

  But this Mr. Yang seems to already know what he is going to encounter. Is he sure that he is going to be stabbed?

  "I must remind you that if the underwriter later discovers that the accident you described is not an accident, but a sign of human arrangement -" "Then

  this is unclaimable. It may even be a crime."

  Mr. Yang nodded:

  "You can rest assured that the accidents I mentioned are definitely real accidents. They are the result of luck."

  He said with certainty. So much so that Qin Ze had that strange feeling again.

  "I mainly want to figure out one thing. I was injured by someone. I had an arm cut off, which caused me to reach the standard of disability for compensation, but then -" "On the lawn not far

  away , the weeding worker who was weeding accidentally ran over a stone with his weeding truck. Under the pressure of the stone, it shot towards me with a bang. Soon, it penetrated my knee like a bullet, which will definitely cause me Disabled."

  "But it wasn't over yet. I tried my best to get up and call for help. At this time, the neighbor's naughty kid on a skateboard saw me bloody. He was so frightened that he forgot to stop, and then the skateboard ran over my other one. Leg, causing my other leg to be fractured. Of course this is considered a disability, right?" "But it's still

  not over, because at this time, I could only squirm forward like a worm, but I didn't notice the glass on the ground. I used too much force and when I rubbed my head forward, a piece of glass scratched my face, causing me to be disfigured. This should count, right? It's not self-harm, right?" "I think it's enough here, so Mr.

  Qin ——"

  "No matter how unreasonable my experience is, as long as it does happen and it is proven that it was an accident and was not arranged, you will pay me, right?" "

  But the last thing I want to know is, the final compensation amount is based on Are all the processes counted together, or each disability process separately?"

  "That is, I was stabbed, then hit through the knee by a stone, then my leg was broken by a skateboard, and my face was cut. Is this considered one accident or four times? Accident?"

  "Assuming that everything reaches the maximum claim amount, in the end, should each accident be compensated separately, or combined into one accident to be compensated?" "Or, let me ask another way, if

  these situations happen together, I What should I do and how should I buy insurance to get the maximum compensation?"

  Mr. Yang seemed to be looking forward to it, and he actually spoke very quickly.

  Qin Ze frowned.

  I always feel that the description is too detailed. This description is like filming Death Comes.

  This may just be the other party giving an example, or it may be the other party playing a prank, or testing their professional abilities.

  But for some reason, this Yang's confident tone made Qin Ze feel that

  he would really experience this.

  First, a hand was cut off, then a flying stone penetrated his knee, then his leg was crushed, and his face was scratched and disfigured by glass.

  Yang's tone was not like assuming an accident, but more like reading a script that would inevitably happen.

  Qin Ze was silent for several seconds, and Mr. Yang urged:
  "Mr. Qin, are you still listening?"

  Qin Ze said:

  "Yes, but I can't answer your question. I don't have enough professional skills. I can check it for you. I will tell you the specific situation after the contract is signed."

  Mr. Yang was a little disappointed and couldn't help but ask:
  "Okay, I'll call back later. I have some work on hand. I hope you have checked it out by then and can answer my questions."

  Mr. Yang hung up the phone.

  In the office, many people have returned to their workstations. Qin Ze held the receiver and stood there blankly.

  He felt so weird. The content of this phone call is a bit sinister.

  "First of all, I have been experiencing evil things every day these past few days. Even the calendar hibernation period is no exception." "

  Everything is basically related to the calendar, so I can probably assume that the evil things this time are the same." "

  Secondly , , I already have the physique of a reporter, so the probability of me encountering evil things will be greater." "

  Again, the other party's description is indeed very strange. It seems that he has already determined that the accident will definitely happen, so he is thinking about how to make the benefits of the accident Maximize."

  "Finally, if a person knows that an accident will happen, then what he should do is to avoid the accident, rather than asking how to get compensation." "To sum up

  these points, I may... have encountered something surreal again Things."

  "For money, you can do this. But if he can design so many coincidences that the insurance company can't find out the cause of the accident... then his ability must not be simple, and such a person should not risk his life. "

  So, is it possible that he actually saw someone else have an accident?" "

  What if the person who had the accident was not him, but someone who had an unusual relationship with him and could make him a beneficiary?"

  Qin Ze opened his eyes. With his big eyes, combined with Qin Baomin whom Li Lu investigated not long ago, he realized that this possibility was not low.

  Qin Ze checked the call record of Mr. Yang, memorized the phone number, and quickly left Daan Life Insurance.

  He first relayed the evil things he just heard on the phone to the "company" chat group.

  Then Qin Ze quickly sent the phone number to Li Lu.

  At the same time, Li Lu was asked to ask Editor Liu of the newspaper if there was such a number in the address book.

  Qin Ze's intuition tells him that this Mr. Yang should be an old calendar person.

  A man who can weave the unexpected.

  His guess quickly received responses from people in the "company" group.

  Accountant Luo Shu said:
  "Temporary worker. If the person you are talking about is not playing a prank, and if he can weave accidents as you guessed, then I know what his occupation is!" "This is an actuary! Old calendar occupation

  · Actuary! A debuff profession that can add 'accidents' to yourself and those around you!" "

  Although there is a saying that there are no evil professions, only evil people, but actuaries... nine out of ten are black. "

  Although the other party may be innocent and just talking nonsense on the phone, due to the special nature of the profession of actuary, we still have to investigate secretly!"

  Qin Ze clicked his tongue, this [journalist physique] seemed to be better than his Even stronger than imagined.

  It's very possible that a big fish was caught?
  He believed in his intuition and that kind of special luck - there

  was a high probability that this Yang was not just trying to get high, but was really preparing to weave an accident, and was trying to gain benefits through this behavior.

  (End of chapter)

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