Chapter 34 Codename Jia Xu

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  Chapter 34 Codename Jia Xu
  "Ha, it's interesting. You are wary of me. Why?"

  Feng Enman seemed to be able to read minds and directly saw the sense of crisis in Qin Ze's heart.

  Qin Ze tried to construct a wrong answer in his heart.

  "Because you are a black calendar person."

  This was Qin Ze's random guess and test.

  He believes that von Enman is most likely not a black calendar person. Just to test whether von Enman could read his own thoughts.

  Feng Enman did not read it, and his expression did not change at all:

  "You are hiding a secret, but you are afraid that I will see it. This secret is very important." "

  After coming to me, you felt the suppression of your function, let me guess Guess, your function is very special?"

  Qin Ze remained vigilant, not pretending to be relaxed, nor was he more alert than before.

  Feng Enman praised:

  "Very good, you know how to deal with me. To be honest, this is the first time I see someone who comes to my clinic and is so wary."

  Qin Ze actually felt a little more relaxed.

  His guess was not read by von Enman.

  And Jian Yiyi didn't say that psychiatrists can read minds. A psychiatrist is more like the kind of healer who can purify mental pollution.

  Of course, the possibility of von Enman pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger cannot be ruled out.

  But it's unlikely.

  "I'm a member of the official organization... Well, I'm a newcomer and haven't become a regular member yet," Qin Ze said.

  Feng Enman sat down, picked up the document paper, and picked up a pen at the same time:

  "Officially, I am trying to gain their trust, and I also want to become a formal official. You are luckier than me. Temporary establishment, At least it shows that they have some trust in you."

  "But I can't, I'm still in the assessment period. Since you are an official, I will treat you for free."

  Feng Enman showed a gentle smile, and by the way, he took out the A white calendar:

  "Tell me about your situation. By the way, my priority today is to work." "

  That's why I said, I have a feeling that an interesting guest will appear today. It seems that that person is you. ."

  "My name is Feng Enman, you can call me Lao Feng."

  Qin Ze kept a poker face:
  "Qin Ze."

  "Mr. Qin, tell me why you came to see me."

  Feng Enman raised his hand slightly . Qin Ze sat upright and said seriously:
  "I only accept suggestions, not treatment, okay?"

  Feng Enman raised his eyebrows:

  "But as a psychiatrist, if your mind is contaminated by distorted power, you will not accept treatment. Otherwise, it may not be possible to cut off this kind of pollution."

  "Of course, I accept your request. The patient doesn't want to have an operation, and we doctors can't force the operation."

  Qin Ze nodded slightly, and at this time, Xiao Qiao had teleported to a Feng Enman Didn't notice the location.

  Qin Ze also told Xiao Qiao before entering the clinic that if he was hypnotized or had any mental intrusion, he must stop it.

  This is Qin Ze's trump card.

  He has Qiao Wei's secret hidden in his heart, and his identity as a temporary worker should not be exposed.

  So Qin Ze came for treatment, just hoping to get treatment advice, but not intending to rely on others for treatment.

  Qin Ze began to tell his own experience.

  Feng Enman also listened very carefully. About five or six minutes passed.

  Qin Ze said:

  "Every time I kill someone, I wake up from my dream." "

  The first time, I got a resistance effect from taking a bath. I thought it was over." "

  But what I didn't expect was that , a few days later, I dreamed of him again."

  Feng Enman's expression became serious:
  "This means that the distortion is still in your body, and what is related to dreams is often the source of pollution that has not been purified deep in the ocean of consciousness. ."

  "Mr. Qin, my suggestion is...accept my hypnosis, enter a dream state, and let me help you find the source of the pollution."

  Qin Ze's guard against Feng Enman has actually lowered, especially when watching After the von Enmann calendar is white.

  But he still didn't agree.

  "Ever since I became an Old Calendar, I have basically been using magic to defeat magic. I use Yi to deal with the pollution caused by avoidance." "

  So tell me, can you use Yi to completely dissipate this kind of thing?"

  "As for treatment, I'm sorry, you were right. I do have secrets. I can't allow myself to receive any psychological treatment." "It's

  even less possible for me to be in a hypnotic state."

  Basically everything he expected came true, Qin Ze was on guard again.

  Feng Enman took a deep look at Qin Ze and finally said:
  "In this case, I will not force it. This state of resistance will also cause the process to be unsmooth, but please allow me to give you some suggestions." "

  As you said before , bathing is one way of seeking behavior, but now it seems that a clean body is not enough." "

  You can try to find a more powerful seeking effect than a clean body." "

  Of course, you can also try Meditation, this behavior is difficult to refresh. In a psychologist, the chance of it happening is higher."

  Feng Enman's words allowed Qin Ze to capture a key point - for

  people with different occupations in the past, the refresh rate of certain entries is also different. will get higher.

  Psychiatrists need to think frequently, so there will be entries such as "should meditate" and "should deconstruct".

  But this kind of behavior may rarely or even not appear in other professions based on the old calendar.

  Qin Ze suddenly had some ideas for solving the problem.

  As a temporary worker, if I play a certain profession, can I increase the probability of these entries appearing on the calendar in a short time?

  By allocating "quality" to the old calendar, maybe the probability of suitable entries will increase?
  Feng Enman added:

  "Praying is also good. This is an entry that all professions have the opportunity to brush. The content of prayer is to be immune to all diseases. This is not difficult. The difficulty of praying is that you have to pay attention to the object of prayer."

  Qin Ze felt happy in his heart, so I paid too much attention. Isn’t the object of prayer the same as praying to the object?

  "There is another entry that has a probability of strengthening your mental state at the right time, sleep. But it is not about avoiding sleep, but advising to sleep." "A good

  sleep may purify your body, but it is also possible Producing other favorable effects."

  "It is said that some people's sweet dreams during sleep have become reality because of the favorable sleep." "

  Actually, there are some entries, but these entries cover the mental attributes more comprehensively."

  "Of course, at present, it seems that this dream has little impact on you. You have been able to come out on your own and can clearly realize that you do not belong to this dream, and you are not the person in the dream." "Based on

  your Be vigilant, your secret, I completely respect your decision, but Mr. Qin Ze, if the situation escalates later and these dreams bring other bad effects to you, please be sure to come for treatment." Feng Enman's attitude was

  very sincere.

  Qin Ze nodded and said,
  "Okay, it's time for me to leave."

  Qin Ze walked quickly. Feng Enman did not do much to persuade him to stay.

  After walking far out of the clinic, Qin Ze looked at the puppet Xiao Qiao that had appeared on his shoulder.

  Xiao Qiao did not become thinner.

  This made Qin Ze breathe a sigh of relief.

  "It seems that he didn't do anything. Although I feel that this person is very dangerous..." "

  Is it because my profession should not be disclosed and Qiao Wei's secret cannot be exposed, so I am too vigilant?"

  Qin Ze was also confused. I just don't like this von Enman.

  This person actually looks quite gentle and elegant, and he does look like a psychiatrist.

  The calendar is also silver-white.

  But maybe it's because the other party's ability is related to the spiritual realm, which makes Qin Ze very wary.

  Of course, he didn't gain anything.

  At least I know some knowledge points, and the profession of temporary workers also has new possibilities in the old calendar.

  When Qin Ze was thinking about how to completely cut off contact with Prell, Xiao Qiao shook his head stiffly:

  "He tried, but stopped again."

  At this time, Qin Ze was walking in the empty space . On the street, listening to these words from Xiao Qiao...

  I suddenly felt a chill down my spine.

  "You mean, Feng Enman tried to use the psychiatrist's ability on me?"

  Xiao Qiao nodded.

  "He tried to spy on me, but you stopped him in the end?"

  "No, yes."

  This answer surprised Qin Ze.

  Surprisingly, he was completely unaware of von Enman's invasion.

  At the same time, I was also surprised by Feng Enman's invasion. Xiao Qiao did not stop it, but Feng Enman stopped it himself?

  This is very strange. If Xiao Qiao didn't take action, he wouldn't be able to detect it at all. So why did Feng Enman stop?
  He probably guessed what happened:

  "My secret aroused von Enman's curiosity."

  "Out of curiosity, von Enman thought of using the psychiatrist's ability to pry into my heart."

  "He can do this, but In the end, his professional ethics and my vigilance made him stop doing this."

  Qin Ze concluded that this might be the case, but he was not absolutely sure.

  "In short, Feng Enman's current behavior is considered normal, but here I have to be extremely wary of this person." "

  He has a very strong ability and can invade other people's minds quietly... But what will happen to the psychiatrist after the invasion? I still don’t know what can be done.”

  “But the psychiatrist’s ability is more terrifying than I thought, and I must always be vigilant.”

  “Von Enman may join the official organization or the company. But it’s best not to be in our group. "

  At least, I can't have too much contact with this person until I can build up my spiritual defense."

  Qin Ze's bad impression of Feng Enman gave him an impulse to tell Team Leader Jian directly, don't Make von Enman official.

  But Qin Ze can't deny someone based on intuition, especially Feng Enman's ability may be really useful.

  For interrogation and contamination removal, von Enman is definitely worth recruiting.   "Sure enough, it's hard to see the truth clearly if you are

  too weak. I have to improve myself as soon as possible..." ...

  April   12th was an uneasy day for Qin Ze.   Because of a strange dream, he realized that he was in an environment with some kind of distorted influence.   At the same time, because he met the psychiatrist Von Enman, he realized that there was a big gap between himself and the real professional experts in the past.   But it was an interesting day for von Enman.   It can even be said that today's experience allowed von Enman to formulate the next action plan.   Von Enman likes to keep a diary, but does not use a diary.   He opened the calendar and wrote in the large blank space of the calendar.   "I got a great inspiration today."   "If a person has been dreaming for a long time, he dreams about a scene or a certain person."   "In the end, that scene comes true in reality, and what the person in the dream has done, Everything has become a reality..."   "Then the dreamer will unconsciously wonder if he has superpowers, and the situation in the dream will become reality." "   But over time, he may discover that it is not a superpower . , all that was done by himself."   "The dreamer will ultimately fear one thing - the person in the dream is himself."   "The reason why all things in dreams become reality is because - He personally turned it into reality."   "This is a very good story material. I have already thought of who should be the protagonist of this story. My novel will be published soon. He will definitely attract readers. Their pursuit."   His word seemed to be a typo, but Feng Enman was extremely confident that his choice of words and sentences was correct.   Finally, Feng Enman wrote in the small blank space:   "Everything is great today. This person named Qin Ze has a big secret hidden in his heart. I really want to peep." "   I really can't bear it. I really can't help but use the ability of another profession..." "   The most interesting thing about people is those secrets. How wonderful it is to master people's secrets." "   But it is a pity that Qin Ze's soul is so deep. There is some kind of barrier."   "It's really strange. He has only owned the calendar for such a short time, and his functional level cannot be very high at all. But I found that I can't steal the inner memory." "   A strange barrier blocked my temptation. ."   "If this little guy named Qin Ze is willing to accept hypnosis, I am confident that I can directly destroy the barrier, but in that case..." "   Well... in that case, it will be difficult for me to guarantee that I will not do something more outrageous. It's really troublesome. After all, he was introduced by someone else." "   But it doesn't matter, my leading actor is not him. Although Qin Ze, this little guy, is really interesting." "   It was like this for the first time I met him. He is alert and has some unknown protection hidden within him, but he is not perfect yet."

  "Compared with the male protagonist I carefully selected, he is too weak. He cannot play the rest of the story well."

  von Enman wrote here, closing the Montblanc pen in his hand.

  He put the calendar away and took out a cell phone.

  "The big drama is about to begin. I need to go on a business trip. When the next call comes, I will enter the call." "

  Although it is dangerous to commit taboos, my script has no funds. Without funds, I cannot attract the perfect guy as my The male protagonist."

  "I have to find a way to find a banker for a loan."

  The banker is naturally not an ordinary banker. A banker who can survive in the old world, everyone in the group understands what it means.

  The so-called loans and funds do not refer to money.

  "The banker's interest is very expensive, but for the next big drama, I have to ask him for a loan. I believe everything is worth it." "

  But I have to assume the possibility of my death in the realm of the old calendar. If I die , you will be the leader of the group from now on." "

  If I die, remember to continue to implement my previous goals and don't change the hero."

  At this point, psychiatrist von Enman circled a person's name.

  This person's group nickname is - codename Li Ru.

  The codename Li Ru quickly responded in the group:

  "I will definitely follow your instructions, Master Jia Xu. I also wish you can successfully obtain the loan." ... ...



  ended smoothly, May in the Gregorian calendar On the 30th, April 13th came quietly.

  The dormant calendar did not make Qin Ze's life boring.

  On the afternoon of April 13th, Qin Ze came to Daan Life Insurance and started his sales career.

  In order to make his career smooth, Qin Ze made some preparations.

  For the following salesmen of Daan Life Insurance... they were a little shocked by the old calendar.

  (I haven’t slept all night. I probably won’t be able to stand it anymore in the afternoon, so I posted today’s post in advance.)
  (End of chapter)

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