101. Chapter 100

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  Chapter 100

  The smell of burning plants outside the tent filled the air. It was not pungent, but had a special fragrance. The light of fireflies was reflected around the tent. They were erratic and used the entire tent as a curtain, leaving traces on it like a shadow puppet show.

  Except for Jing Yan, no one in the tent had any rest. Everyone's eyes were attracted by the sudden appearance of fireflies.

  This was a sight that Jing Shuohe had never seen before. During the years he spent in City No. 88, the brightest things at night were nothing but stars. But the light of the stars is cold and distant, while the fluorescence of the fireflies in front of us is vivid and close at hand.

  "I originally thought that all living things were extinct, and only the doomsday beasts and humans were left, but I didn't expect that was not the case." Wen Yan lay on the bed with his hands under his head, and his eyes reflected the fluorescent image.

  No one answered Wen Yan's words.

  The atmosphere in the tent soon became quiet again.

  Zhang Cishun closed his eyes, but did not rest. If there was a brain wave detection device at this time, it would be able to detect that his brain waves were extremely active at this time.

  He was still digesting Kumar's memory. If Kumar's memory were compared to a book, then this book must be extremely heavy.


  by the noise again. She hadn't slept peacefully for a long time. She could sleep peacefully when Uncle Nan was around. Then Uncle Nan disappeared. As a girl, she needed to pay more and spend more energy to survive in Xiacheng District. Crisis on all sides.

  But now, she has a companion she can rely on.

  In fact, she didn't know Zhang Cishun very well. She had only heard a few words about them from Uncle Nan. But now she is willing to give up her trust to integrate into this group, mostly because of Uncle Nan.

  She trusts Uncle Nan, so she believes in Uncle Nan's choice.

  The cold short blade under the quilt slipped as she stood up. She naturally put it away and hung it around her waist.

  After rubbing her face with her hands to dispel the last trace of sleepiness, she became a cheerful girl again.

  "What's going on outside?" He asked softly again, and the person he asked was Wen Yan, because she slept next to him last night. While asking, he also scanned the other people in the tent with his eyes.

  The man named Zhang Cishun didn't know if he hadn't moved all night. He still maintains the posture he left in his memory last night, except that his eyes were closed and his breathing was calm.

  Wen Yan held a finger-sized insect in his hand. He didn't recognize what it was, but he was not curious or afraid.

  The little girl named Jing Yan lay with her eyes open, yawning from time to time, and then smacking her mouth. She seemed to feel her own gaze. Jing Yan was not as dull as yesterday, but looked over.

  After reading it, she regained her appearance.

  The most active person in the whole tent was probably the half-grown boy. Jing Shuo!
  He looked very serious and was cleaning the equipment he was carrying.

  "The fight started." Wen Yan answered the questions again and again.

  "A fight started?" He was stunned again, and then his mind was spinning: "Is it because of... supplies?"

  Wen Yan turned to look at her, picked out the wings of the insect in his hand with his fingernails, and then gently used his other hand to He tore off the cicada-like wings: "Yeah."

  The answer was not surprising. What else could the fight be for other than supplies? Things like this happen all the time in Xiacheng District, and it's not uncommon for people to be killed.

  "Aren't we going to prepare? If the riot escalates and affects us..." He said again hesitantly. But she soon discovered that it seemed...no one in the entire tent was worried about this problem except herself.

  Wen Yan smiled and flicked the unwinged insect in Zhang Cishun's direction with his fingers. He didn't use much force, but he was very accurate.

  But Zhang Cishun seemed to be aware of it. He raised his hand and swiped it away, just like hitting a flying badminton.

  "There is no sun today, and a cold wave will come at night." Wen Yan said when Zhang Cishun opened his eyes.

  When they were inside the barrier, they could rely on the high walls, but now that they were out of the city, they had to face all disasters by themselves. And nature is always the first test for beginners.

  However, Zhang Cishun and his five-person team are not beginners, because none of them are fuel-efficient.

  "Have you seen the future?" Zhang Cishun asked.

  Wen Yan shook his head: "No, the future is still chaotic. I just got the information that those outside got."

  Zhang Cishun was noncommittal.

  When he left the tent, he looked up and saw that there was no trace of the sun. The sky was gray and only the outline of the sun could be seen vaguely. There is a special coldness in the air, and when you breathe in this air, you only feel a strong irritation in your nasal cavity.

  Want to sneeze.


  The good news is that Zhang Cishun could hold it back, but the bad news is that he couldn't hold it in again.

  "Uh..." She was a little embarrassed again. She actually didn't think it was okay to sneeze. After all, it was a normal human physiological reaction. But no one else sneezed, so they sneezed by themselves, and everyone looked at her after sneezing. That feeling... made you feel so strange.

  "Hey! Look at the north! Is it snowing?" He suddenly pointed to the far north and said as if to change the subject.

  "That's not snow." Zhang Cishun said: "That's the condensation of water vapor caused by the cold wave jumping over the mountain and colliding with the normal temperature. They quickly condense into ice crystals and form clouds and fog." "Understood! Winter fog!


  Eighty The winter in City No. 8 is mostly shrouded in fog. In the past outlook on life, we only knew that it suddenly appeared in the early morning of the day, when it was the coldest, and then disappeared suddenly as the sun came out.

  This was the first time she had seen such fog, and she said it was very beautiful.

  It is indeed beautiful, like a fairyland formed by the spread of white mist released by the sublimation of dry ice. But its appearance, besides being beautiful, also sends out a signal.

  The cold wave energy accumulated behind the mountain peaks has accumulated to the top, and they are the precursor of the real arrival of winter.

  "It's not September yet... the cold wave is coming." Jing Shuo looked at the scenery over there: "Many people in the city haven't finished building their hiding places." Jing Shuo

  was talking about many people, but he was only talking about Xiacheng District. people. When they came out yesterday, they saw with their own eyes the current situation in the lower city. Judging from the progress in previous years, it is normal, but this year there is something unusual. The cold wave came...too early! Too early! Too early!

  "It can only mean that this winter will be very cold, and it will also be... long." Zhang Cishun patted Jing Shuo on the shoulder: "City 88 is no longer the former City 88. I believe Zuo Yan Right."

  Jing Shuo curled his lips. not talking anymore.

  He just expressed concern about the winter coming early, but it didn't mean he had to do anything, and he couldn't do it. "It seems that there is no noise over there. Let's go and take a look?"


  "We have to go, we can't wait any longer. There is a mistake in the seasonal planning, and the precursor of the cold wave has appeared. We can't gamble!"

  "There is no gambling, but at this stage we must do preliminary work according to the original plan. Once we leave early, it means that all our vehicles must be started! This will be a terrible number for our current energy consumption. We cannot abandon garbage trucks. This free source of power."

  As soon as these words came out, the crowd around him fell silent. How come they don't know this truth, but when everyone looks north, there is always a heart-wrenching feeling of panic.

  Zhang Cishun and others stood behind the crowd and listened to their words.

  He tugged on Wen Yan's sleeve again, then met Xiao Jingyan's gaze and asked in a low voice: "Why don't they ask City No. 88 for help?"

  Wen Yan paused, seeming to be thinking. , but soon, she shook her head and put her hand on her lips, signaling for silence again.

  This argument that had been dying out suddenly boiled over again because one person brought up the past. Zhang Cishun led several people to take a few steps back, away from the center of the dispute.

  It wasn't until the boss whom I met yesterday came forward that the riot was quelled under absolutely powerful control.

  But this does not mean that the problem has been solved, because everyone is waiting for their boss to give them the answer.

  "It's time to disperse, pack up your things and load the truck!" The Wilderness Army drove the people away, and soon, only Zhang Cishun and the Wilderness Army were left here.

  "How was your rest last night?" the boss asked.

  "Fortunately, I slept very comfortably."

  The boss nodded, and after passing the things in his hands to the people next to him, he extended an invitation to Zhang Cishun and the others: "Want to have breakfast together?"

  Regarding his invitation , none of the five people refused. Although they brought portable food when they came out, eating was obviously secondary on this occasion, and information exchange was the main thing.

  So they returned to the tent they had visited yesterday.

  As soon as I got closer, I smelled an aroma similar to potatoes. Very pure potato flavor.

  There is a pot set up in the tent, and the soup is hot in the pot. The color is not very nice, but the aroma that I just smelled does come from here.

  "Bread. I got it in exchange for supplies in the last city." After the boss arranged for a few people to sit down, he took out a bag of bread from a box.

  The bread was sliced ​​bread, but not soft. At least when Zhang Cishun took it, it felt like a baguette just by touching it.

  "The taste is ordinary, but it makes me hungry after soaking it. The most important thing is that it is cheap, light and lasts a long time." The old man laughed heartily, completely different from his performance in front of them yesterday.

  "My surname is Wang. You can call me Wang Gong or Lao Wang." Wang Gong served soup to several people.

  Zhang Cishun took it, but he still didn't forget to check the panel data before drinking. After confirming that it was just pure potato soup or potato soup without any seasoning, he drank it first.

  The potatoes have been stewed, so the soup is thick and a little hot in the mouth, but when you swallow it, you can obviously feel a warm current spreading all over the body instantly.

  "It tastes good." Zhang Cishun praised, almost with a confused look when his voice fell.

  Is this... really delicious? Is my sense of taste lost? She took a sip and tasted it carefully, but except for the taste of potatoes, there was nothing left! And it's better to roast potatoes to make soup than to eat them directly...

  "Well, it tastes delicious! It's been a long time since I tasted the taste of natural fruits. I eat the nutritional cream every day and my shit becomes watery." Wen Yan followed Zhang Cishun's words. said.

  But her words suddenly took the taste out of everyone's mouth.

  Zhang Cishun glanced at her and met her smiling eyes. Obviously, she knew what she was thinking, just as she said it...

  Wang Gong was obviously also disgusted, and he was caught off guard. Wen Yan's words were timed just right, just before Wang Gong took the potato soup into his mouth and swallowed it. Now that he couldn't get up and down, he kept thinking about Wen Yan's words about pooping all the time...

  but he couldn't spit it out, so after swallowing with difficulty, he said with a stiff face: " Talk quickly."

  But Wen Yan ignored him.

  Wang Gong put down what he was holding, but after thinking about it, he still held it and refused to eat. After watching Zhang Cishun and the others finish half the bowl of food, he said with a smile: "I know that some of you are from the city and have great knowledge and abilities. So I reluctantly want to ask you for a favor... ...I think you have also seen that the cold wave is coming, but there is still some time before our expected return time of the garbage truck..."

  Wang Gong began to tell about his difficulties and the suffering of the team, and what he was thinking about was hope. Zhang Cishun and the others were able to contact people in City No. 88 and obtain a batch of supplies.

  Six people gathered around this pot. Wang Gong was talking while the others were eating.

  Among the five people eating, Zhang Cishun and Wen Yan were the most serious. Perhaps Jing Yan was not used to eating, so he only drank a small bowl and then stopped drinking. Instead, he held the bowl and felt the temperature coming from it.

  Jing Shuo was serious about eating and listening. Sometimes he frowned following Wang Gong's words, but remained silent.

  She was probably the most confused here, but since no one else in their team spoke, she didn't speak.

  "Hiccup-" Zhang Cishun let out a long breath.

  Burp interrupted Wang Gong's words.

  "I understand what you mean, but it's a pity. We really can't help much. Do you think we look like people who can get along with those in power?" Zhang Cishun pointed at several people, Especially when it stays on Youyou's body for the longest time.

  "We are also fleeing. We can't stay in City No. 88 any longer, so we only got permission through connections..." At this point, Zhang Cishun seemed to be suddenly startled and stopped talking.

  Looking at Gong Wang, he said: "Um, can our things be ready today? You see that the cold wave is coming, so there is no time to waste."

  Gong Wang: "...I will urge you, but don't rush it. There is no need to rush this kind of thing..."


  "Isn't it because he doesn't want to give it to us?" He said again when leaving the tent.

  "And what were you talking about just now? It's all in the air."

  Wen Yan stretched out his hand to push back the head that was leaning over again, and said, "Two old foxes are playing chat, you kid, don't worry about this."

  (End of chapter)

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