100. Chapter 99

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  Chapter 99:

  Several people were led into a tent that looked like it had just been set up not long ago.

  The reason why I say this is entirely because the ground nails are new, and there are clear traces of cleaning on the ground both inside and outside the tent. The thick dust that should have been covering the ground was swept far away and piled up into small mounds.

  They even watered the hillock. According to the current temperature changes, when night falls, the sudden drop in temperature caused by the absence of sunlight will make it extremely hard.

  The space inside the tent is not small. You can see the steel frame, and there are camouflage boxes stacked around it, sharing part of the work of nailing the ground.

  Some boxes were open, revealing the soft sponge-like protective padding inside, in which glass tubes and injection guns could be seen.

  "Medical supplies." Wen Yan came over and whispered.

  Zhang Cishun nodded, he had seen these things before. In...that black doctor's clinic in Lower City.

  Thinking of that black doctor, Zhang Cishun squinted his eyes and suddenly remembered something. They haven't visited anyone's house yet since they came out this time. It's not that their relationship is so good that they need to say goodbye before parting, but the last 'salary' hasn't been paid yet.

  But it's definitely too late to think about this now.

  But if I don't come back, I may not be able to ask Zuo Yan to help me get it, but I don't know if she is willing to go.

  "Boss, take a look at these lists."

  The wilderness soldier who led them in motioned for them to wait at the door. Then he walked in and handed the list he had been holding to the middle of the three people in the tent. that one.

  "Hey, permission from a high-tech think tank? That's weird." The man next to him, who was called the boss, raised his head and glanced at the words on the list, and laughed. It was not a bright smile, but a very stiff one. , the kind who smiles but doesn't smile.

  After reading the list, he turned to look at Zhang Cishun and the other five of them in turn.

  "Three little ladies, tut." He tutted, not knowing what he was tutting, but his eyes finally fell on Zhang Cishun. Scanned up and down for a long time.

  "Half a month's worth of daily necessities. Medical supplies... cars, energy." The boss frowned as he looked at the approval note on the list.

  "No, why are you still taking the exam..."

  Before the man next to him finished speaking, the boss interrupted him sharply.

  "Shut up."

  After being choked, the man rolled his eyes, but seemed to dare not contradict him with words. He only used his hand in front of his mouth like a zipper, pulling it from left to right, indicating that he would not do it again. Speak.

  The atmosphere in the camp suddenly became eerily quiet. After a long time, the man known as the boss took out a finger-sized pen from the pocket on his chest and wrote his name on the list.

  After signing the bill, he handed it back to the wilderness army.

  "It will take a few days to prepare things. You can wait here for a few days. Of course, if you are in a hurry... there is no point in rushing." He said.

  Zhang Cishun and others looked at each other, and finally Zhang Cishun nodded.


  "Then... you take them to arrange a place to rest first, and then send the list to the logistics." The boss said to the wilderness army, and after speaking, he lowered his head again.

  On the table in front of them, there was a drawing spread out. Even standing here, Zhang Cishun can see the complex information marked on the drawings.

  It was a map, but it was unclear what the symbols on it meant.

  Zhang Cishun and others left here under the leadership of the Wilderness Army.

  And just after they left, the silent people in the camp were no longer silent.

  "Really, boss, do you want to distribute supplies to them?"

  "Are you free? If you are free, I will make today's report." The boss did not answer his question, but said in a slightly sharp tone.

  The man froze for a moment, then fell silent.


  Cishun and the others were arranged into a camp under the leadership of the wilderness army. Although the other party asked if separate arrangements were needed, Zhang Cishun refused.

  The other person who asked this question obviously saw that there were girls in their team, but the problem was that Zhang Cishun did not think that separation at this time was a good choice.

  Wen Yan had no objection.

  He was also a latecomer, older than Jing Shuo, but from the perspective of Zhang Cishun and Wen Yan, he could still be classified as a child. But again, people in Xiacheng District are mature, and this maturity does not matter whether they are children or not.

  So after arriving at the new place of residence, he showed a very diligent side in front of a few people.

  The wilderness army left in a hurry, but returned in a hurry. When he came back, he gave them something like a giant metal capsule as thick as a thigh.

  "This thing should be unscrewed and opened in the tent when sleeping at night, otherwise it will freeze to death." said the wilderness soldier.

  The cold wave does not arrive all at once, because there are continuous high mountains in the north, and the cold wave going south needs to cross the high mountains. Because of these mountains, the temperature changes on the eve of the cold wave are very unpredictable. Especially at night, when there is no sunlight, sometimes a sudden drop in temperature can freeze people to death in their sleep.

  The length of time during which these temperatures are variable varies, but usually does not exceed a few weeks. When the cold wave on the other side of the mountain accumulates to a certain extent, it will completely climb over the mountain.

  Sweeping across the entire land.

  This is winter.

  After Jing Shuo helped pack up the things in the tent, he took down the sword behind him. The sword box is very thick and heavy, because in addition to the sword, partitions are also made to hold the cores that Zhang Cishun has absorbed the internal energy.

  On this trip, none of them brought much equipment.

  Except for some necessary weapons, there are only some small and scattered supplies. As for things like armor, they didn't choose to bring them at all.

  Because it consumes a lot of energy, and once you enter the wilderness, there is no place to replenish your energy. As for carrying more fuel rods as a replacement for energy consumption, that is certainly not impossible, but it is not necessary.

  When the tent was packed again, Wen Yan took Jing Yan inside to rest. This little girl has been in a daze since she was rescued. Wen Yan tested her and found that all physical indicators were normal. However, she had been soaked in a special anesthetic solution for a long time, and her body consciousness had not fully recovered yet. Just reacting.

  Wen Yan had already cleaned her body many times when she was in Tinder, and even used nanorobots. However, the impregnation at the cellular level requires the body's natural metabolism, and this lasts for probably dozens of hours.

  This is a good thing for them for the time being. Because the impression Jing Yan left on Zhang Cishun was not that of a gentle girl.

  She makes friends when they don't agree with each other, and it's the kind of people who risk their lives...

  When she was at INN, she still left a deep impression on Zhang Cishun.

  "What are you thinking about?" Wen Yan walked over to Zhang Cishun, who was standing at the door of the tent, his eyes fixed on the people outside. "Like this...camp? It should be called a camp." Zhang Cishun said.

  There were flashing circles in his eyes. Just now, he had gone to the center of the fire, but unfortunately, he was not able to get what he wanted from there. He also asked Wei Jin, but the other party was not very clear. He just said that he would help him investigate, and if there was any information, it would be stored in the fire center storage, so that he could retrieve it and check it later.

  "You think something is not normal here?" Wen Yan understood the implication of Zhang Cishun's words.

  "What do you think?"

  Zhang Cishun asked.

  "I exchanged a book with someone before, and it was about the ocean before the end of the world. It said that there is a kind of plankton in the ocean. These plankton include phytoplankton and zooplankton. They use the nutrient-rich areas in the ocean currents to feed, and Use the power of ocean currents to help them migrate to different locations..." Wen Yan's narration was clear and slow, as if the scene was really unfolding before the eyes of several people.

  Zhang Cishun listened silently, and after Wen Yan's words slowed down, he said: "It must have been several centuries ago, ever since something released sewage into the sea. There are no plankton anymore, or... There is no such ecology as you described."

  But even though Zhang Cishun said this, he still understood something.

  "You mean they don't have a fixed residence, like plankton?"

  Wen Yan nodded.

  "What makes no sense is that the think tank obviously knows about their existence and even interacts with them. What's more, they are wearing the clothes of the Wilderness Army. And the Wilderness Army is the establishment of City No. 88." Wen Yan thought for a while and suddenly said:

  " The Wilderness Army belongs to the wilderness."

  Wen Yan seemed to have said nothing, but also seemed to have said everything.

  Zhang Cishun's eyes looked further. The fields visible to the naked eye reveal gray plants, most of which have been harvested, and the remaining branches and trunks have been cleaned and stacked together. Someone formed a team to plant seeds in the cleared fields, and then followed the people who cleaned up in front of them.

  A few people were sorting supplies. Zhang Cishun noticed that they connected the cars with chains, and the fronts of the cars were all facing south. One after another.

  The remaining cars that were not connected together were also pushed and connected, and then a group of people shouted and linked the chains to the front and rear of the car.

  "It seems that energy is something they are in short supply."

  "Isn't it possible?" He didn't know when he came over, and he was looking out between Zhang Cishun and Wen Yan.

  She hasn't seen what it's like outside the city. Like most people in the lower city, she is also living in the lie of the wilderness. But now this lie has been shattered. The reality tells her that the wilderness is not that dangerous, but her reason Tell her, be careful.

  Nothing is completely safe.

  "If there wasn't a shortage of energy, they wouldn't be pushing the cars." Zhang Cishun gestured to the connected cars with his chin.

  "Well, can they save more fuel if they are connected together?" he asked again.

  "Perhaps no oil is needed." Zhang Cishun said.

  "Did you notice any difference between the first car and the second car?" he asked.

  "...The first car was worse? It was smaller? It didn't contain anything?"

  Another answer made Wen Yan laugh.

  "It's a chain. The chains behind the second car are not long, and there are buffer devices between the cars. They can prevent the car that has no time to brake from causing excessive damage even if it is hit. And the first car The chain between the second car and the second car is very long, and the length is coiled on the ground."

  Zhang Cishun's explanation obviously did not satisfy Youyou, but he became even more confused: "What do you mean?" "

  It means the second car. A car can move, maybe to catch up with something...Those overly long chains are redundant so that it can speed up without any worries." Zhang Cishun said, turning to Wen Yan and said, "Right."

  What Zhang Cishuntong said was a reasonable guess based on his observations, but Wen Yan was different. Her qualifications were destined, and as long as she was willing, she could know the reason.

  As expected, Wen Yan nodded.

  "It's the garbage truck. If they're plankton, then the garbage truck is the ocean current. They're following the garbage truck's path."

  OK, one question answered. But new problems arise.

  "What about the garbage truck?"

  "Let's go north to another numbered city." "

  Then why didn't they follow? Instead, they stopped here?" "

  Because the garbage truck they were chasing was about to reach the end and turn back. . This stop was the penultimate stop. They chose not to continue following the garbage truck. First, they could replenish themselves with City No. 88 here. On the other hand, they could make repairs and plan the team for the winter. The garbage truck could not There is only one. I remember before the end of the world, there was a kind of transportation called a bus. You can think of a garbage truck as a bus." "They have to go through '

  transfers' again and again before the temperature drops to the point where the convoy cannot accept it. , winding from the north to the south."

  "!!" They were all shocked again: "So... the wilderness is really not dangerous?"

  But Wen Yan quickly denied her words: "No, the wilderness is dangerous. , Only the channel for garbage trucks is not dangerous."

  As she spoke, she suddenly felt a strong feeling of being watched. Usually when this feeling occurs, it means Zhang Cishun is going to ask him a question.

  At this time, he looked over...

  "As for the issue of garbage trucks, I can't describe it to you in detail. In short... you can see for yourself when the time comes." The

  topic ended.

  The arrival of Zhang Cishun and the five of them did not cause any waves in the camp. At most, some people just took a look out of curiosity. Then after discovering that the people in the city didn't seem to be getting much better, they returned to their places. As night fell, they surrounded the fire raised by the smokey plants, savoring the warmth while rejecting the irresistible cold. .

  Zhang Cishun and the others stayed in the tent, and Zhang Cishun unscrewed the huge capsule.

  Revealing the strange substance inside.

  It doesn't emit light, but it creates a feeling of warmth. It didn't take long for the whole tent to be warm.

  Zhang Cishun placed him in the center of the tent, then leaned against the door curtain, looking out through the unclosed gap.


  Wen Yan suddenly said.

  Zhang Cishun turned his head and then noticed that there were many weak moving fluorescent lights on the top of the tent.

  (End of chapter)

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