Chapter 747 The test of the center of the earth

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  Chapter 747: Test at the Center of the Earth
  Xiao Heng looked at the bead emitting yellow light in front of him, raised his foot with difficulty, then lowered it, and then put on the other foot.

  In an instant, the huge force bent Xiao Heng's shoulders. Fighting energy flowed in his body, golden scales emerged, and his figure suddenly grew taller.

  He slowly stretched out his hand, and every move seemed to take a lot of effort.

  Zi Yan looked at the area enveloped by the yellow halo with curiosity, and jumped in, bending her waist, but she quickly stopped straightening, and unexpectedly said: "It's such a big pressure." She continued to walk forward

  , But every step she took became more difficult. In the end, she gave up because she found that it was not interesting. Mainly because she couldn't walk anymore. If she continued to walk, it was time to use her trump card. Using her trump card out of curiosity, she Not stupid.

  Finally, Xiao Heng touched the yellow bead. In an instant, Xiao Heng's waist suddenly bent and he half-knelt on the ground. With a bang, a big hole was made in the ground by his knee.

  Xiao Heng returned to his original shape, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the bead in his hand that emitted light yellow light, and grinned.

  "As expected of a good thing!" After praising, Xiao Heng did not find it strange. Treasures have spirits and should be able to protect themselves. This is a kind of protection for itself, and it is also a test. If there is no way to save it, If you hold it in your hand, you are not worthy of using its power.

  Zi Yan ran over, looked at the beads in Xiao Heng's hand curiously, stretched out her hand and took it into her own hand, and said in surprise: "So light!"

  Xiao Heng nodded, she couldn't let her fool around, so she quickly took it back, and then Put it in a jade box, cast a Dou Qi seal, and finally throw it into the Najie.

  When Xiao Heng was doing this, the entire Fenglei Mountains suddenly shook. When he took the thing into the Najie, the highest peak of the Fenglei Mountains, the peak with the strongest thunder power, suddenly collapsed. …!
  The purple-robed old man looked at Xiao Heng desperately, wanting to stop it, but was unable to stop it. The truth emerged. The reason why the foundation of Fenglei Mountains and Fenglei Pavilion became like this was all because of that boy named Xiao Heng.

  He came back, but took away all hope. Looking at the white-haired young man approaching slowly, blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, biting the scarlet stained red: "You destroyed Fenglei Pavilion...!" He

  said His voice was a little low and hoarse, no longer as aggressive as before, but instead filled with helplessness and despair.

  Xiao Heng looked at him. He was not worried at all that the old man would sneak up on him and be hit by the poisonous gas. He would die soon. With his current strength, he could not resist. At this moment, he had no power to resist at all. .

  "Your pavilion master must have gone to the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan! Or to other places." Xiao Heng looked at him and said lightly: "But I don't care about this." "Give him a word, let's understand the grudges

  . I will not come to Fenglei Pavilion again, but if he still wants to find trouble, I welcome him at any time!"

  After saying this, Xiao Heng was too lazy to talk nonsense and waved his hand. The little medical fairy next to him nodded slightly and moved his handprints. Those elders and disciples were covered with gray Mist pours out and then dissipates into the sky.

  Xiao Heng is not a murderer. Even if he wants to kill, he still wants to kill Lord Lei. There is no point in killing the people here.

  And just when the purple-robed elder thought that the matter was over, he saw Xiao Heng flying straight to the Sutra Pavilion, violently breaking the seal on it, and then looting it like a bandit. In fact, it was useless. Xiao Heng looked down on the martial arts and fighting skills of the first level, so he didn't take them.

  But this is not the end, there is still a treasure house. After refining the essence and blood of the ancient dragon, the space barrier arranged by Fenglei Pavilion is just like paper, which can be broken easily and is extremely simple.

  After emptying most of the items in the treasure house, Xiao Heng turned around and left with satisfaction. He was here to get things, not to kill people. Therefore, people can put things away, but things must be taken.

  As for what happened afterwards, Venerable Lei will definitely hate him to the core, but he is just Venerable Lei, come on! Kill them as soon as they come. If Venerable Lei was here just now, he would not say that.

  Looking at the mostly empty treasure house and the somewhat empty shelves, the purple-robed elder spat out another mouthful of blood, pointed in the direction Xiao Heng left, and cursed angrily: "Robber, robber, shameless...! Cough! Cough! Cough!"

  "Great Elder...!" An elder next to him quickly supported him.

  "Great Elder, now is not the time to be sad. The Pavilion Master is not here. Let's discuss how to deal with this matter first!" an elder said.

  The purple-robed old man turned around and looked at the devastated Fenglei Mountains. His heart was bleeding. This had been his home for many years!
  At the same time, he felt powerless, because his home had been destroyed like this, but he was unable to stop it, let alone take revenge, he could only watch.

  At the same time, he extremely regretted why he offended Xiao Heng at that time, but now, regret was useless. His eyes swept across the square, and he couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, Xiao Heng was not the one who killed him. Otherwise, today, I'm afraid, No one can be left behind.

  Although there were some casualties, it was better than all of them dying...!
  Thinking this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. Looking at the collapsed mountain peaks and Fenglei Pavilion, this could be regarded as a disaster!

  As for revenge or something, of course he wanted to, but he didn't dare to think about it. If he read it correctly, among the people who came this time, there were at least two powerful Dou Zun warriors, and the white-haired woman was probably not weaker than Lei Lei. Sir, with such strength, how can one retaliate?

  That's all, we can only wait until the Pavilion Master comes back.

  After leaving Fenglei Pavilion, the four of them had nowhere to go. As for the Han family, there was no need. Xiao Heng was not necessarily a good person in the past, and might even bring them some trouble.

  After staying in the surrounding cities for two days, Xiao Heng took out the map given by Xiao Yan. According to the location on the map, the Yin and Yang Twin Flames were not far away from him now. At their current speed, it was probably only Two or three days.

  However, according to Xiao Yan's description, although the strange fire has matured, it is not very strong. It is precisely because of this that he did not directly absorb and refine it at the beginning, and he also used all the available energy at the time. The resources are left for the flame to devour and grow.

  Xiao Heng does not particularly need the power of a strange fire at this moment. What he needs most is to build the foundation of the five elements, and then yin and yang. However, this does not affect him to first see if the strange fire meets his needs. .

  Of course, even if it does not meet the requirements, the value of a strange fire is extremely precious. It is necessary to take a look. If necessary, just receive it directly into the grass space, and then devour and refine it when needed.

  However, it was not appropriate to go empty-handed. After Xiao Yan said this, Xiao Heng began to collect resources.

  Yin and Yang dual flames, black and white, black dominates destruction and white dominates life. Its power may not be as intuitive as other strange fires, but it can possess destruction and life at the same time, which is an extraordinary performance in itself.

  Once this kind of strange fire is refined, the person who refines the strange fire will be able to possess powerful destructive power and almost abnormal recovery power at the same time. Needless to say, the power of destruction is an ability that all strange fires have. , only the methods and rules are different, and life allows the host to have the ability to heal itself and others, and this ability is not limited to itself.

  Walking into the largest auction house in the city, although there is no auction today, some things are permanent, including a special resource.

  Xiao Heng didn't expect to find many good things here, but he just had nothing to do, and he wasn't in a hurry anyway, so he just went in for a walk.

  This is a huge space. When you walk into it, you will see a covered square. People come and go here. In the square, there are various stalls and makeshift shops.

  Just as soon as he entered, Xiao Heng felt the noise. His eyes swept over the small stalls and he was a little disappointed. Compared with the Danta trade fair, the things here were indeed much worse.

  And there are not many strong ones among them. There are a few alchemists, but their grades are not particularly high. There are two strong ones from Douzong, but they are just two.

  "Does the guest need anything? I am the steward here. If you need anything, you can tell me directly and I will search for you." A few people were walking, and a man in a brocade robe came over and said enthusiastically.

  Xiao Heng smiled slightly, his heart moved, and said: "Do you have a list?"

  Looking at Xiao Heng, the steward knew that he might have encountered a big fish, nodded with a smile, quickly took out four booklets from his ring, and handed them over He gave it to the four people and said: "This is an overview of what we have here. The above mentioned exercises, elixirs, rare medicinal materials, and resources are all introduced. You can check if there is anything you need." Xiao Heng opened the booklet and looked through it

  . He looked up, nodded, and said casually: "Well! Okay, you can go about your own business. I'll call you if you need anything." Naturally, the

  manager didn't understand what he meant, and nodded with a smile. He pointed his head to a stage on the left side of the hall and said, "Our people are right there. If the guests need anything, just call me." "Yeah!" Xiao Heng didn't say

  anything more, and the man was quite sensible. walked away.

  After flipping through the booklet, Zi Yan curled her lips. She didn't know what was good, so she could only say: "What a broken booklet, it's useless at all. I might as well read it myself!" Xiao Heng smiled, this is

  Chunchun He suffered the loss of being uneducated and said: "Then go and have a look! You can go your own way, but remember, don't run around. If you like something, just call me."

  Xiao Heng's words played into Zi Yan's hands . , she nodded, pulled Gu Yue and ran to the side, leaving Xiao Heng and the Little Medical Fairy. The Little Medical Fairy closed the book indifferently.

  Xiao Heng looked and walked forward, his eyes occasionally scanning the surrounding stalls and stores, but he didn't find anything good, how can I put it? His vision has changed. Now, even earth-level fighting skills are just like that in his eyes.

  (End of chapter)

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