Chapter 746 Crush

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  Chapter 746: Crushing
  Seeing the purple-robed old man's soaring momentum, the little medical fairy frowned and said: "Do you want me to take action?"

  Xiao Heng Ziyan looked quite excited, smiled and shook her head, saying: " Let her play for a while longer! Looking at her like that, she must have been holding back a fight for too long."

  The little medical fairy couldn't help but laugh at Xiao Heng's amusement.

  In fact, what Xiao Heng said is indeed right. After returning to the clan, the elders treated her like a treasure. How could they be willing to fight with her? Even if they had occasional sparring, there were either some who couldn't beat her, or those who couldn't beat her. The elder took action and gave in to her in every way, without any sense of experience. It was not easy for her to have such an opportunity today, so of course she had to vent her anger.

  "The strength has improved, just in time, come on!" Looking at the purple-robed old man whose strength had skyrocketed, Zi Yan not only had no worries in her eyes, but also a little more excitement in her eyes.

  Her figure flashed rapidly, and the gloves wrapping her fists were dyed with purple light. She quickly approached the purple-robed old man, and her fists continued to accumulate strength.

  When the old man in purple robe saw this scene, his face was full of anger, he snorted coldly, formed seals with his hands quickly, and then pushed out suddenly.

  "Wind and thunder kill the light!"

  With a sharp shout, powerful fighting energy surged out, forming a ten-foot-long spike in front of him. The power of wind and thunder surged, and the giant light rotated crazily, causing layers of layers of light to appear in the space. folds.


  The low voice fell, and the sharp edge burst out, heading straight for Zi Yan. Zi Yan showed her little tiger fangs, did not retreat but advanced, and then punched the sharp edge.

  Zi Yan's fighting mode is like this, pure brute force, and that powerful body. She doesn't know any fighting skills at all, and she doesn't bother to learn them.


  A punch fell and collided with the edge. The weapon Xiao Heng refined for her was extremely hard. No matter how sharp the edge was, it could not break her defense.

  The space shattered inch by inch. At a certain moment, there was only a loud noise. The huge edge was completely shattered, sending out a powerful energy shock wave, which turned on Zi Yan. Zi Yan crossed her arms in front of her chest, and the powerful force continued to impact. , although it still couldn't break through her defense, it still made her retreat hundreds of meters.

  "It's really strong!" Zi Yan stepped on the void, leaving a few cracks in the void before she stopped, waved her hands, and said with some surprise.

  On the ground, the purple-robed elder's eyes widened. The blow just now was equivalent to the combined blow of many of their elders, but its effect was only to force the little girl back, but it did not hurt her at all. , such a result was difficult for him to accept.

  Although she was knocked back, Zi Yan was not discouraged. She clenched her fists and rushed forward again.

  And the purple-robed elder quickly launched his fighting skills again. The two sides were matched, and they were evenly matched. The roar and the sound of space shattering continued to sound, and the energy ripples spread out one after another, causing the surrounding disciples to flip over and the ground was lifted up. One floor higher, and the surrounding buildings were beaten beyond recognition in their constant collisions.

  Zi Yan was extremely powerful, fast, and very flexible. After fighting several times, she also discovered that although the strength of the person opposite had increased dramatically, the formation also caused them to lose a lot of flexibility. Therefore, she also Start to dodge the opponent's attack, and then wait for an opportunity to launch a counterattack.

  On the opposite side, they are no match for Zi Yan in single strength, and they are not as flexible as Zi Yan. Although they are not afraid of the front, Zi Yan's defense and speed are too terrifying, and it is difficult for them to hurt Zi Yan. Therefore, they can only Being able to be led by Zi Yan's nose.

  If the fight continues like this, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose. Although the purple-robed elder has temporarily possessed the strength of Dou Zun level, it is destined not to last long, and this kind of forcibly raised Dou Zun is still far from the real strong Dou Zun. Those with fewer, at least, are much worse at controlling space.

  If it were a true Dou Zun strongman, although Zi Yan's current strength was terrifying, he probably wouldn't be able to defeat him. The best he could do was to entangle him for a while. After all, the gap between Dou Zun and Dou Zong was really too big, and now, the opponent could not be considered a serious opponent. A truly powerful person.

  While they were fighting, Xiao Heng also fell down. Several deacons came over, but before they could say anything, a few snowflakes fell from the sky, and then exploded, causing them to fall over. , it’s not something they can compete with.

  Standing under the tree I was standing at, I realized that the big tree was already half dead, and a dozen or so leaves that were originally full of leaves on the tree had fallen off. They were still withered and yellow, and they would probably fall off if moved casually.

  Xiao Heng stood under the tree, closed his eyes, fighting energy seeped into the ground from his feet, and then slowly formed seals with his hands.

  "Stop...!" A black-clothed deacon shouted and rushed forward with several disciples, but before they could rush forward, a ray of silver light quickly passed through their bodies and took away their lives.

  The little medical fairy looked over. Gu Yue smiled slightly and waved. The silver light flew back, and it was a silver hairband. Although it killed many people, it didn't have any big blood stains, not even a trace. .

  The hairband flew back automatically, and then reconnected with Gu Yue's silver hair as if it was spiritual.

  Xiao Heng's handprints slowly fell, and fighting energy was injected into the ground rhythmically. With his movements, a large formation under the Fenglei Mountains slowly emitted brilliance. Each node was lit up, and then a bright light was emitted. light.

  At this moment, rays of light emitted from all the major nodes of the Fenglei Mountain Range, and then emerged from the ground. In just a few minutes, a large formation covering the entire Fenglei Mountain Range appeared in everyone's eyes.

  In the night sky, those bright nodes, just like the stars underground, emit bright light, far away from the stars in the sky.

  And in the center of the formation, where those mysterious runes gather, the meaning of this formation, and also the formation eye of this formation, finally slowly emerged.

  It was a bead the size of a fist, emitting a deep yellow light. As soon as it appeared, the energy of the surrounding world began to become chaotic, and the entire Fenglei Mountain Range was affected by it.

  Xiao Heng stood nearby and immediately felt a heavy pressure coming on him, and this pressure made him feel the pressure.

  The bead was only three steps away from him, but each of these three steps was a little difficult for Xiao Heng to take, and the space was frozen, as if there was a big mountain pressing on Xiao Heng's head.

  Seeing this bead, the purple-robed elder seemed to realize something, and his anger burst out. He was almost crazy and shouted: "You did it." "Stop

  him, all disciples, deacons, elders, stop him! "

  After the words fell, many elders and disciples looked at each other, and then started to drink loudly, as if to cheer themselves up.

  For a moment, countless colorful lights rang out in the square of Fenglei Mountains, and various colors of fighting spirit spurted out. They all used the best means at their disposal and rushed towards Xiao Heng.

  Xiao Heng didn't move. He raised his leg and took the second step. More powerful pressure hit him, making him frown, but it was okay and he could bear it.

  The little medical fairy stepped forward and stood not far in front of Xiao Heng. His eyes swept around, and then he formed seals with his hands.

  Gray misfortune and poisonous gas surged out, and gray leaves condensed around her. In the blink of an eye, she couldn't see how many there were.

  The gray leaves gathered crazily, streaking across the space, leaving traces behind. The gray leaves rotated, forming a huge gray vortex.

  "Myriad Leaves Flying Flowers...! Disperse!"

  With a low cry in his heart, the little medical fairy made a hand seal on one side and pointed a finger, and saw that the gray storm more than ten feet in size expanded in an instant, and then swept the entire sky.

  Gray blades burst out, and in an instant, countless screams were heard, and it was like a general massacre. One person fell down, and a little blood flowed. This scene was a massacre, an indiscriminate massacre.

  The little medical fairy of the Douzun Realm has used the Manyo Flying Flower Ryu to another level. The terrifying misfortune and poisonous gas, without the erratic and extremely fast Wanyofei Hana Ryu, is simply a perfect match.

  The storm rapidly expanded and filled the entire square. No one could get within a hundred meters of them, not even the purple-robed old man who temporarily possessed the strength of Dou Zun.

  A huge force struck, and a gray leaf passed directly through his chest. He suddenly flew backwards. After being scolded again by the gray leaf for leaving several wounds, he spat out a mouthful of blood and completely smashed it to the ground below.

  "Bang bang bang...!"

  And falling with him were thousands of disciples, hundreds of deacons, and more than a dozen elders.

  "Mighty Dou Zun...!"

  "It's over, it's all over, it's all over!" Blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. The purple-robed old man covered his chest and looked at the countless fallen people around him. Gray appeared on his face and his breath quickly declined. .

  Once a strong Dou Zun, especially a strong Dou Zun like Little Medical Fairy takes action, it will be like a natural disaster to these people, and they will not be able to resist at all.

  After a few minutes, the sweeping gray storm finally slowly stopped. With just one move, the entire Fenglei East Pavilion collapsed. Among them, there were many strong ones from the Douzong, but not those from the Douzun. Their results were, That can only be the case.

  Moreover, even if they are not dead now after being poisoned by the poisonous body of Ernan, they will die in pain soon, unless there is a strong Dou Zun to help them remove the poison, or find the kind of medicine that can cure the poisonous body of Ernan. Pill.

  That kind of elixir does exist, but it is definitely beyond the reach of most people in Fenglei Pavilion, and it is even more impossible for Dou Zun to remove poison.

  The little medical fairy put down her hand and looked at the people who fell in pain. There was no fluctuation in her eyes, as if the people in front of her were not people, but grass.

  Zi Yan fell down and landed next to the little medical fairy. She glanced at the purple-robed old man Zi Yan with some regret, clapped her hands, and the gloves on her hands turned into purple hairbands again and were coiled around her hair.

  "It won't work so soon. It's so boring!"

  (End of chapter)

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