Chapter 705 A determined woman

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  Chapter 705 The Resolute Woman

  "Mr. Xiao, someone is looking for you."

  In the early morning, the waiter's voice sounded outside the door. Although Ye Yuan has been ignored all year round, when Ye Zhong and others came, they still brought a few people with them. .

  Xiao Heng opened his eyes and stood up from the bed. His sleeves and robe automatically smoothed out the wrinkles without the wind.

  Taking out a hairpin and tying up his scattered hair, Xiao Heng walked downstairs, opened the door, looked at the waiter, and asked, "Who is this rare woman?" "It's a woman with a scar on her face

  . , she broke in directly, she is very strong, the great elder has already passed and is waiting for you in the living room." The waiter said softly.

  Xiao Heng smiled. Sure enough, women take appearance very seriously. In fact, not only women, most men also hope that they can look better.

  "Let's go! Take me there!" Xiao Heng said casually.

  The waiter nodded and led Xiao Heng towards the living room. The Yeyuan was quite large, but the distance between the living room and the living room was not particularly far. It took a few minutes to reach the destination.

  Walking into the living room, a woman was sitting on a chair. Ye Zhong was sitting opposite. Looking at his expression, he was slightly nervous. When he saw Xiao Heng coming in, he walked over as if he had seen the savior.

  "This woman just arrived. When she came in, she didn't say anything. She just said she wanted to see you, right?"

  Ye Chong didn't finish his words, but the meaning was already obvious. Is the enemy here to seek revenge? Xiao Heng smiled. How could he have so many enemies? He looked at Ye Zhong and said, "Don't worry! You're not an enemy. Just leave it to me."

  Ye Zhong nodded, glanced at the woman, and retreated.

  Ever since Xiao Heng came in, the woman had been looking at Xiao Heng and said, "I agree to your conditions, but you must promise to restore them to their original state, otherwise...!" "Don't worry, as long as the things are in place, let alone restoring them to their original state, it will

  be It’s not a problem to make you more beautiful.” Xiao Heng said with a chuckle, the magic core and blood essence of the eighth-level dragon attribute cannot be obtained casually.

  The woman nodded, waved her hand, and a jade bottle flew towards Xiao Heng with a special force. Xiao Heng smiled slightly, and a force of space surged out, allowing the jade bottle to fall safely into his hand.

  When she opened the jade bottle, she saw three drops of bright red blood lying quietly in the bottle. She frowned: "The eighth-level monster shouldn't only have this little blood essence, right?" The woman frowned and said coldly:

  " At that time, a total of eight drops were extracted, five of which were used by me, leaving only these three drops. The magic core is intact and will be handed over to you when it is finished." Xiao Heng put the jade bottle back on again with some regret and said

  : "Okay! Although it didn't meet my expectations, it's okay."

  After putting away the jade bottle and looking at the woman, Xiao Heng continued: "Two methods, which one do you want to use? I'll help you with the first one. Use strange fire to expel the remaining power. Of course, if you are worried, you can also use the second method to dig out the bone yourself, and I will be responsible for restoring it to you." "First of all, let me remind you that both methods will work

  . It hurts!" After glancing at the woman, Xiao Heng hesitated and continued: "But it's all short-term, and you won't be tortured at any time like you are now." After listening to

  Xiao Heng's words, the woman looked at him deeply. , said: "The first one, when to start."

  "It's best now, because I may be a little busy in a few days." Xiao Heng said lightly.

  The woman nodded, Xiao Heng turned around and said, "Follow me."

  The woman followed quickly and walked outside. Xiao Heng said to the waiter, "Find me a quieter room." "

  Yes! Mr. Xiao." Waiter He nodded in agreement and immediately began to lead the way.

  This Yeyuan is very large, big enough for dozens of people to live there without being crowded. With just over ten people now, there are naturally a lot of empty rooms.

  Randomly finding a clean and empty room, Xiao Heng walked in and looked at the woman. Seeing the way the woman glanced at the door, Xiao Heng smiled helplessly: "Don't worry! I don't want to make such a casual calculation. A strong fighter, and don’t be so wary of me, I may not be a good person, but I still have the most basic credibility.” After listening to

  Xiao Heng’s words, the woman seemed to relax a little, no longer hesitated, and walked in room, perhaps, she was not confident in Xiao Heng, but in her own strength.

  Walking into the room, it may be because it has been unoccupied for too long. Many things in this room have been emptied, and there is still a dusty atmosphere. However, since these two people are not here to sleep, they don't care about this.

  After throwing out two futons, Xiao Heng sat down cross-legged and looked at the woman. The woman calmly kicked the futon thrown by Xiao Heng, then took out a futon and sat down opposite Xiao Heng.

  Xiao Heng smiled helplessly and stretched out his hand. The woman subconsciously hid back, looked at Xiao Heng warily, and said coldly: "Don't have any other thoughts about me, or you will die miserably." According to Xiao Heng's

  words Personality, he should have been angry now, but because the customer is God, he felt that he could bear it and said calmly: "Don't worry! I don't have any thoughts about you, at least, you don't have the qualifications now."

  "You...!" Xiao Heng's words stung her heart. Looking at Xiao Heng's face, she wanted to give him a slap, but she knew that if the slap fell, the deal would be cancelled. Moreover, in her perception, the young man sitting opposite her was not a weakling.

  Taking a deep breath, the woman temporarily suppressed her breath and remained silent.

  Xiao Heng was too lazy to talk nonsense with her. He stretched out his hand, got close to her face, and then covered the side of her face. The woman's face was a little icey, not ordinary ice, but the kind of ice that revealed the chill.

  "Don't move!" Seeing the dodge in the woman's eyes, Xiao Heng frowned and shouted in a low voice. After feeling it for a while, his brows slowly relaxed: "This thing is very difficult to wrap around. It may hurt a little when you remove it, so bear with it. "

  Seeing that the woman was silent, Xiao Heng was too lazy to say anything. The flames ignited in his palms, then covered the entire palm, and then covered all the wounds of the woman from the palm.

  Xiao Heng controlled the flame compression, and then entered the wound bit by bit. Although Xiao Heng tried his best to control it, the hot temperature still made the woman's hand tremble violently. However, she still held it back and stayed quiet like this. Sitting.

  The soul power was mixed with the strange fire to find those participating forces. Xiao Heng sensed it correctly, it was a kind of poison, and the monster should also have water attributes. It was very cold and difficult to deal with. That is to say, this woman was very powerful and could be used in life. The powerful fighting spirit enriches this power. Otherwise, an ordinary person, even if he is at the peak of Douzong, would not be able to last for three days, and his body would be completely corroded by this thing.

  But fortunately, strange fire, which is the most yang and strong thing, is naturally restrained towards these yin attributes. The flames wrapped those powers. Xiao Heng whispered: "Take away your fighting spirit." The woman took a deep breath

  . In one breath, the fighting spirit was removed. The moment the fighting spirit was removed, the power began to fight back. Yes, although the cage was gone, the poisonous snake faced an even more ferocious tiger.

  When the toxin came into contact with the strange fire, a sizzling sound was made immediately. A ray of gray-green poisonous gas overflowed from the woman's wound and floated to the beam. It immediately corroded all the beams. Seeing that the thing continued to resist, Xiao Heng With a flick of his finger, a cluster of flames emerged, completely incinerating the poisonous gas.

  This poisonous gas is very troublesome. Although it is not as terrifying as the calamity poisonous gas, with the addition of the wood attribute, it becomes extremely difficult to deal with.

  And the most troublesome thing is that the poison has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, so even Xiao Heng must be careful, because this is a human head, and there are too many nerves. If he misses, half of this woman's head will be gone. .

  At that time, this woman might not die, but it was inevitable to have a life-and-death feud with Xiao Heng. Xiao Heng would not believe that this woman would have no backup plan if she dared to let him do this.

  The process is quite simple, just control the strange fire, enter those places, and then expel the toxin. It sounds simple, but in addition to the high requirements for the power to remove, it is also a huge test for the control of the remover.

  This position was scorching with strange fire, and it would definitely hurt a woman. Sweat was pouring down from her forehead, and her body was trembling, but she still tried hard to control herself and not let herself resist.

  Xiao Heng glanced at the woman, but didn't care, and continued to control the strange fire to remove the toxins. The toxins were difficult to deal with, but Xiao Heng's strange fire was very hot.

  When that thing encounters strange fire, the only result is to be destroyed or burned.

  Under the scorching heat of the strange fire, the toxins emerged from the ferocious wound one after another. As soon as the toxins came out, Xiao Heng burned them completely with flames to prevent this thing from harming anyone.

  Even if there is just a trace of this thing, the average Douzong may not be able to handle it. As for ordinary people, I'm sorry, I'm afraid that if it comes into contact, it will take less than a minute to turn into a skeleton.

  I don’t know how long it took, but the sun moved from the east to the thin edge, then set and rose again.

  That is to say, Xiao Heng has enough fighting spirit now, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to hold on, but this woman's willpower also impressed Xiao Heng. He knew that this method might be very painful, but the woman endured it, and she endured it for so long. This Not everyone can do it.

  Finally, when the last wisp of poisonous gas emerged, Xiao Heng slowly withdrew the flame and looked at the woman again. She was sweating profusely, her eyes were bloodshot, her lips were bitten, and her clothes were already wet with sweat.

  The pain finally ended, and the woman couldn't hold on any longer, so she collapsed in one place. It was only less than a day, but the mental exhaustion made you feel more tired than a year without sleep.

  Looking at the woman's struggling eyes, Xiao Heng slowly stood up and said casually: "If you want to rest, take a rest! Don't worry, I won't be guilty of plotting against you. My woman is much more beautiful than you." After hearing this, the

  woman She couldn't hold it on any longer. She didn't believe in Xiao Heng's character, but sometimes, people always need a reason to deceive themselves.

  (End of chapter)

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