Chapter 704 Seeing spirits and guiding spirits

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  Chapter 704 Seeing Spirits and Leading Spirits

  The identities of Xiao Heng and others are not a secret. In fact, someone may have recognized him just now, but they didn't say anything.

  Except for the young man, everyone saw a joke, and so did Xiao Heng. It was just a small thing. When he is strong enough in the future, he can just uproot these things. It is useless to think too much.

  Back at Ye Yuan, Xiao Yan couldn't wait to pull Xiao Heng into the room, took out the copper piece and put it on the table, looking at Xiao Heng.

  "This thing was obtained in exchange for the formula of "Su Xin Dan". Are you sure it is a good thing."

  Looking at Xiao Yan's impatient look, Xiao Heng picked up the copper piece slowly and said : "Don't be anxious! Your seventh-grade elixir is definitely worth it."

  "Okay! Okay! Listen to me and tell me slowly." Looking at Xiao Yan's eyes, Xiao Heng stopped showing off, condensed his fighting energy, and scratched off the patina bit by bit with the bucket piece.

  A flame rose in his hand, and the copper rust was involved in it. The temperature of the strange fire was extremely terrifying, but the copper rust did not melt immediately under the calcination of the strange fire, which made Xiao Yan more and more curious.

  After touching it for a few minutes, the patina finally showed some changes. The patina slowly faded away, and a few light yellow spots fell.

  The flames dissipated, and looking at those few spots of light, Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Heng again.

  "Pregnant spirit dust can be refined into soul power or added when refining medicine. There will be surprises. There are five pills in total. I only need one. The rest are all yours." Xiao Heng said casually

  . He said, and immediately put away a grain of pregnancy spirit dust. It was not that he didn't want more. This thing was a rare thing for him, but now, this thing was obviously more useful to Xiao Yan, so he just No longer greedy.

  "That's it...!" Xiao Yan was a little dumbfounded, thinking it was something good! But looking at the appearance, it seems to be just average. Compared with the seventh-grade elixir recipe, its value seems to be average!

  "That's all? If you still have more of this thing, come and trade it with me. I'll trade it with you for the seventh-grade elixir recipe, and that's it for you... Ignorant boy, I'm leaving, you can study it yourself! "After despising Xiao Xiaoyan, Xiao Heng turned and left. He didn't want to talk to this ignorant boy.

  "Hey! Wait, you haven't told me how to refine it into soul power!" When Xiao Heng left, Xiao Yan was dumbfounded. Based on Xiao Heng's performance just now, he also confirmed that this was indeed a good thing, but Refining, how to refine it?
  Xiao Heng waved his hand behind his back and said nothing. Don't ask. Even if you ask, he doesn't know how to refine it and directly integrate it into the soul power! There may be a better way, but he doesn't know it, so he should do his own research.

  Xiao Yan gave Xiao Heng's back a contemptuous middle finger and began to study the gadget.

  "Integrate into the soul power...!"

  Although he didn't understand it, he could still understand it after it was integrated into the soul. When this thing was integrated into the soul power, he suddenly understood the preciousness of this thing.

  Xiao Heng, who returned to his room, also began to refine the grain of pregnancy dust that belonged to him. The dust merged into the soul power and began to sting a little, but it was not serious.

  Then, that thing seemed to release some special power. Xiao Heng saw those "spirits" again and, using the spirit dust as an attraction, the surrounding spirits were constantly being integrated into his soul power.

  This process was not long. After more than two hours, the pregnancy spirit dust shattered, and the absorption process came to an abrupt end.

  Smash it, smash it, Xiao Heng opened his eyes with some unfinished thoughts.

  "There's something about this thing!"

  Xiao Heng murmured, and with a thought, he came to the space of the grass. The grass had gone somewhere, and the man was not there, so Xiao Heng's original idea of ​​harvesting wool fell through. Disappointedly, he walked into the small building full of scrolls. Looking at the scrolls placed everywhere, Xiao Heng walked to a corner.

  This shelf is much emptier than the other shelves. There are only more than a dozen scrolls on the entire shelf, oh! There are also two stone slabs.

  "Are you so precious about the techniques for cultivating the soul?" Xiao Heng murmured, and after thinking about it, it probably wasn't that he didn't have it, but that he wasn't qualified. However, it's better than nothing.

  He picked up one of the scrolls and opened it, with a bitter look on his face.

  "What the hell is this! I don't even know it." Seeing the twisted words with no idea of ​​what they were written on, Xiao Heng gave up, closed the scroll and put it back in its place.

  Picking up the second scroll, this time, there was no problem with literacy, because it had no words at all, just a picture of a bamboo. The most egregious thing was that the picture was in black and white, and the leaves were a bit scrawled.

  Xiao Heng tried to use his soul power to interpret, but unfortunately, he obviously did not have that ability. Fortunately, he now has enough permissions. He can look at everything on the shelf at will, so he still has the opportunity to slowly filter it out.

  However, even so, he couldn't see much of most of the things on it. Many of them were written in unknown characters, as well as some pictures and things like ghost drawings.

  Finally, just when Xiao Heng wanted to give up, he opened the gray scroll in his hand, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

  ""Spirit-Inducing Technique" introduces spiritual power and strengthens the soul...! The soul flows endlessly in the past, and the light of fireflies is born towards the moon...!" After

  watching it for a while, Xiao Heng finally understood it this time, but , what makes him a little strange is that this thing seems to have some style from this world! Could it be that... Xiaocao prepared it for me on purpose? It shouldn’t be!

  Xiao Heng shook his head and threw away those messy thoughts, then took the scroll and put it between his eyebrows, carefully reading the contents.

  After that, Xiao Heng looked through the remaining things, but only this "spirit-inducing technique" suited him, so he had no choice but to give up.

  This spirit-guiding technique is divided into three stages: first, seeing the spirit, second, guiding the spirit, and third, devouring the spirit.

  However, the third part is missing, so Xiao Heng can only practice the first two parts.

  And it seems that the level of this thing is not high, but it is better than nothing, so Xiao Heng will not choose it.

  With a thought in his mind, Xiao Heng left the room. He was about to go find Xiao Yan, but found that he actually came to find him. When he went down to the living room, Xiao Heng had no habit of dragging a man into his room.

  "What's wrong?" Looking at Xiao Yan, Xiao Heng asked casually.

  Xiao Yan's brows were filled with excitement and he said: "I found a formula that allows me to see spirits. However, the formula is a bit incomplete. I can only see spirits but cannot capture them." Xiao Heng's eyes lit up

  . Boy, you are really lucky, why didn't you find it? But that's fine, anyway, if he discovered it, it would be equivalent to discovering it himself.

  "You said...!"

  After glancing at Xiao Heng, Xiao Yan said calmly: "Don't be anxious! Listen to me and tell you slowly."

  Xiao Heng could see this guy's sinister intentions at a glance, and smiled. There was no rush: "Okay! Speak slowly!"

  Xiao Yan was dumbfounded. Didn't this guy have any curiosity at all? But looking at him like that, he didn't want to speak slowly. He pointed his finger at Xiao Heng and said: "It's just one sentence, but it's harder to explain clearly. It's a bit mysterious. Come closer." Xiao Heng leaned over and touched Xiao Heng

  . A little light flashed through Yan's fingers, and there was an additional sentence in Xiao Heng's mind.

  "The end of the soul...close the sky to guard the soul...take the spirit to forge the soul...!"

  This sentence is indeed not long, but just like what Xiao Yan said, it seems to have a rather mysterious meaning. What is it specifically, Xiao Heng also said Not sure, but it's very special.

  Closing his eyes, Xiao Heng recalled this sentence carefully, murmuring softly in his mouth. He did not know how many times he said it. His soul power spread out. Indeed, he saw the spirit, but it only had the effect of seeing and could not actively absorb it. .

  He opened his eyes, and Xiao Yan looked at him excitedly and said, "How about it, it's a good thing!"

  Xiao Heng nodded, and then said with some pity: "It's a pity that it is incomplete, otherwise...!"

  " It's a pity, but it's also pretty good." Xiao Yan nodded and said with some agreement.

  "Wait a minute!" Xiao Heng said, walked outside, and jumped on the roof. At this moment, it was not long after dark. The weather was not very good today, but there was still moonlight and starlight, plus the sky It's special, the moonlight and starlight are quite bright.

  Xiao Yan was a little confused, but he still jumped to the roof with Xiao Heng. Just when he was about to ask, he saw Xiao Heng sitting cross-legged, muttering words, and making several handprints that he had never seen before.

  Xiao Heng's movements were not very skillful, and his recitation of the mantras was not particularly smooth, but fortunately, after practicing for ten or twenty minutes, he saw the spirits again. The moonlight was shining down, and the spirits were a little blurry and dissipated. He used The effect of this "spirit-inducing technique" is not as good as that of the nameless mantra.

  However, as long as you can see it, Xiao Heng changes his handprints again. With the help of blood light, his soul power seems to exude a special power, attracting the surrounding spirits to come closer and then merge into his soul power. This speed is very slow. The speed of those spirits approaching is almost bit by bit, but compared to swallowing a whale, this efficiency is still many times higher, and it also avoids accidentally dissipating the spirits.

  Xiao Heng decisively changed the formula. After switching to the nameless formula, he could see more clearly, and his speed increased again, barely reaching two points, two points of integration.

  Xiao Heng opened his eyes, a bright light flashed in his eyes, pointed at Xiao Yan, and said: "I will give you a gift."

  Xiao Yan leaned his head over in confusion, and Xiao Heng passed a copy of the "Spirit Drawing Technique" to him. he.

  "I got this thing by accident. I kept it there before and didn't realize the secret. I just solved it just now. The level is a little lower, but it's still better than nothing. Pay attention to its use." Xiao Heng said lightly.

  After Xiao Yan read the contents, he looked at him in shock. This guy could always get some good things.

  With the relationship between the two of them, there was no need to say thank you and disperse. After getting such a good thing, they were reluctant to waste time bragging.

  (End of chapter)

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