Chapter 79 Breathing Magic Sword Wizard University

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  Chapter 79 [Breathing Technique] [Sword] [Wizard University]
  ... There is a copper-shell safe in the protective circle, with some books and documents placed next to it.

  Ricardo looked through the books.

  The first few books were all very precious from the perspective of old Richard, wizard notebooks and spell books.

  The next two books are the knight's breathing method and knight's combat skills that Old Richard found:

  "Frost Wolf Breathing Technique"
  and "Frost Wolf Fighting Technique".

  When old Richard was fighting during his lifetime, he liked knight combat skills to clear the way, and then supplemented them with spells. This was because he had invested a lot in the way of knights.

  Ricardo looked at the title of the breathing method, and then combined it with the impression of old Richard in his memory, he could vaguely judge that this breathing method should have some extraordinary power in the later stages of practice.

  This is why Old Richard finds it precious.

  The book had nothing to do with the letter of recommendation from Wizarding University, and Ricardo began to look through the documents again.

  The first few letters include a letter from old Richard to Ricardo, and an ancient Wizarding University admission letter!
  But it’s not Ricardo’s, but old Richard’s!

  Ricardo opened the yellowed admission letter and glanced at the text:

  'Honeysell Wizarding University'

  'President: Professor Dempsey'

  'Dear Mr. Richard:

  We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Honeysell. Admission to Wizard University Follower Academy. Attached is a list of required books and supplies. The start date is September 1st. We look forward to your reply via owl by July 31st.


  Honeysell Wizarding University Admissions Committee

  North America, Boston, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  Charles Valley castle complex. '


  It seems to be the admission letter that old Richard received back then.

  However, when old Richard was reminiscing about the past with high school student Ricardo, he did not mention that he had attended a wizarding university.

  Moreover, Old Richard was only an intermediate wizard apprentice during his lifetime. His level must have been lower back then. Can he be admitted to a top wizard school?
  Ricardo read the remaining documents with confusion.

  Including the previous letter:

  '...Ricardo, my distant descendant, when you read this letter, it means that you have successfully survived the curse of the Puppet Cafe. Surviving a catastrophe will bring you blessings, especially surviving the curse of that ghost place, and finally being able to break the protective circle I left behind, which is enough to show your talent... Well, at least you are better than me back then... I want to be with you You tell me my story again...'

  ...It didn't take long for Ricardo to finish reading the letter.

  The letter mentioned that Old Richard was originally a Chinese priest in North America. When he was working in the church, he met a lady who was a descendant of a declining wizarding family in London. Under her guidance, Old Richard took over the business. This private church in London, and then broke into Leaky Cauldron Alley. After refreshing the world view, he began to embark on the path of a wizard.

  Old Richard had a relationship with the lady, but due to the obstruction of the other party's family, they ultimately failed to get married and broke up. Old Richard later chose to live in London for a long time, while the lady stayed in North America.

  Old Richard entered the wizarding world as a young man, and had always wanted to attend wizarding university.

  That lady worked in the administrative organization of the Ancient Wizarding University Alliance, and one day, she helped old Richard apply to the Honeysel Wizarding University Follower College, a college that does not require age for admission.

  But old Richard didn't want to step into the sad place of North America again, so he didn't study... "


  From the document in Ricardo's hand, a small medal made of mithril fell out of an envelope.

  The medal looks like an old castle.

  "Is this... a token of the Ancient Wizarding University Alliance?"

  Ricardo put the token away and continued to read the letter in his hand.

  Old Richard also mentioned in the letter that he later did some work for the Ancient Wizarding University Alliance in London, and finally received a token.

  This token allows Ricardo to attend a university in the ancient Wizarding University Alliance if he meets the qualifications and wizard level requirements.

  And after graduation, you can choose another university for further study.

  Of course, if Ricardo's qualifications are really not good, you can also use this medal to go to Leaky Cauldron Alley in exchange for admission to a lower-level wizard school.

  At the end of the letter, the application letter delivery addresses of the Ancient Wizarding University Alliance on both sides of the Atlantic were also mentioned.

  Only Owl Letters will be accepted for delivery.

  Of course, students actively recruited by the school are exempt.


  "...It sounds like Old Richard was not married before his death. There is really a story there. It's really sad..." "

  However, he also had a lover in London before his death. Nono said that Old Richard originally wanted to have many more The inheritance was distributed to his lover, but she withheld it..." "

  ...As for the wizarding university, which one should I choose?"

  Ricardo thought while thinking.

  On the other hand, he opened the copper-shell safe.

  There is an extraordinary weapon wrapped in a scabbard in the safe.

  This is a mithril sword!
  The long sword is engraved with frost-blue spell circuits, and its attributes seem to be biased towards coldness.

  There is also a brief introduction about the weapon next to the weapon.

  This long sword is named: Frost Frost.

  Old Richard took it.

  "It just so happens that after being promoted to a senior knight, I really need a more destructive weapon."

  Ricardo picked up the mithril sword with satisfaction.

  He put the scabbard on his back.

  At this time, he also thought about which university he would attend using the token of the Ancient Wizarding University Alliance.

  Since, you can choose to study in one university and then study in another.

  Two wizarding universities are involved.

  Then he should read both.

  Choose the best of the two: Honeysel Wizarding University and London Clock Tower University.

  Ricardo flipped a coin. Heads corresponded to Honeysel University and tails corresponded to London Clock Tower University.

  With the arrangement of coins, choose which university to attend first.

  The results come out.

  Right side up.

  "Honissel... bound to Harvard University..."

  "...that's fine."

  Ricardo was also full of curiosity about this wizarding university hidden in the town of Cambridge where Harvard University is located.

  Most mortals in this world are unaware of the existence of wizards.

  The vast majority of mortals in the town of Cambridge, including the vast majority of mortal students at Harvard University, MIT and other schools, should not be aware of the existence of this school.

  "I don't know where this so-called Charles River Valley is..."

  Ricardo followed the instructions provided by Old Richard and quickly wrote a standard wizard university application letter.

  The two top schools in the ancient wizarding university alliance require students to be under 19 years old and reach the level of a third-level wizard for admission.

  Third-level wizards are called junior wizard apprentices in the wizarding world.

  Ricardo has naturally achieved it.

  After he finished writing his application letter, he started sending out owls.

  The delivery address of the application letter is not directly sent to Honeysel Wizarding University or Harvard University.

  Instead, it is to be sent to the secular disguised foundation institution of the Ancient Wizarding University Alliance.

  Ricardo prepared to copy the mailing address.

  The specific address information surprised him a little:
  Address: North America, Massachusetts (Massachusetts), Boston, Cambridge, on the Charles River, on the first floor of the Two Pines Hotel, on behalf of the Administration Department of the Ancient School Foundation Receipt.

  The delivery address turned out to be Liangkesong Hotel.

  However, unlike the hotel where Ricardo stayed recently, the Two Pines Hotel is part of the Hilton Group.

  The Two Pines Hotel was purchased by Harvard University in 2005. It is a campus-owned hotel of Harvard University and the only university-owned hotel in the Two Pines hotel chain.


  (End of chapter)

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