Chapter 78 Letter of Recommendation from Wizarding University (seeking further reading)

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  Chapter 78 Letter of Recommendation from Wizarding University (seeking further reading)

  As the sun sets in the west, the entire ice lake is dyed with a layer of golden sunset.

  The entire cavalry team in full armor returned to the Ice Lake Territory Castle.

  Most of them live in castle annexes, and a few in flower estates.

  at this time.

  On the castle's training ground, the old butler An Erjie and the captain of the Binghu Guards were training the remaining fifty or so armored soldiers in the castle.

  Most of them wear leather armor, and a few have the right to use the armor accumulated by the Ice Lake Territory for generations.

  "Lord Ricardo has returned in triumph!"

  A sentry reported.

  It didn't take long.

  An'erjie and the guard captain saw a cavalry team returning from a bloody battle from the gate of the castle.

  There are more than sixty of them, wearing armor that is more sophisticated and beautiful than the Binghu family's armor.

  At this time, most of the people's faces had lost their youthfulness and began to take on a hint of warrior aura.

  Ricardo rode from the flank to the front.

  "An'erjie, captain of the guard!"

  "Just in time, the new and veteran teams can be integrated together now!"

  Two quarters of an hour later.

  An integrated knight group of hundreds of people gathered on the castle's training ground.


  After returning to Flower Manor.

  The prisoners have been locked up in the dungeons of the manor.

  Ricardo directly sent away the dungeon guards and entered the action mode into the clone.

  The malicious exploitation began.

  He also needs to be present.

  Regarding why the bandit group and thieves guild target the territory around the Ice Lake.

  Why have there been all kinds of abnormalities, big and small, in the territory around the ice lake over the years?

  He wanted to find out.

  Two hours later.

  Several wizard apprentices who had changed into human forms were killed by Ricardo after they could no longer reveal any more information.

  "The area from the Panxue Mountains to the Ice Lake Territory has strong ice-cold energy..." "

  There are nearly ten places like this within this area. The Thieves Guild has arranged them over the years, and has united many people from the past and The Thieves Guild is quite involved in the lord families. It seems that the people behind the Thieves Guild want to choose some special locations in these places to carry out some plans?" "I don't know more

  specifically... It's just that the Thieves Guild The top casters are very mysterious, like the dark mirror in the hands of a mountain wolf, and they are arranged in many places..."

  Ricardo sorted out the information he had obtained.

  The good news is that the Ice Lake Territory is not that special. It is just one of many opponent's planning options.

  The bad news is that the top spellcaster behind the opponent has many plans. An arrangement of this magnitude is probably not something that a mere apprentice can covet.


  Ricardo thought of Andrew's illness and the death of the old lord.

  He has hatred towards the Wind Wolf Leader and the Thieves Guild.

  When he sensed the curse from Andrew and understood that there must be a conspiracy behind all this, he hoped in his heart to kill his enemy as soon as possible.

  Now, he can only focus his hatred on the Wind Wolf family.

  "Barony of Wind Wolf..."

  Ricardo's current armed forces have greatly surpassed those of normal baronies.

  "I don't know how Paris is communicating with the County Council and the Provincial Central Noble Council... Tomorrow, Teresa will arrange to submit the bounty mission of the bandit group. I just happened to enter the county. According to what Paris said , Find Miss Vera, see if you can take care of it..."

  "Eat the Wind Wolf collar as soon as possible! First, use the head of Baron Wind Wolf to comfort the old Lord!"

  Ricardo felt the gradual changes in his body and slowly walked out of the dungeon.

  He asked the female attendants to confirm that several companies were involved in the mountain wolf bandit group's reward mission.

  For this kind of bandit group that has been doing evil for many years, there will be many organizations throughout the county offering rewards. Tomorrow, the heads of those bandits can be exchanged for bags of gold coins.

  'The progress of the Flower of Evil has been improved, and the Demon Hunting Breathing Technique has been increased to the third level by 32%. '

  Physique: 20→22, Spirit: 22.2→23.1
  It's not over yet!
  In Ricardo's spiritual space, a incomplete inscription appeared.

  Obtained: Demon Hunting Intuition Perception (Incomplete).

  Immediately after the three demon hunting perception inscriptions, the new inscription and the old inscriptions 'Demon Hunting Auditory Perception (Incomplete)' and 'Demon Hunting Visual Perception (Incomplete)' began to merge together.

  Silver hooks began to appear between the inscriptions, entangled and intertwined.

  In the blink of an eye.

  A three-dimensional, more complicated and incomplete symbolic model appears in Ricardo's mental space.

  Obtain the seal: Demon Hunting Perception (Incomplete)!
  Spirit: 23.1→26.2
  Spiritual power rises again!
  "This is..."

  He didn't expect such a magical effect. Ricardo was shocked by the changes in his mental space.

  This is a dharma seal. Although it is incomplete, in the past, Ricardo would only consider more complex inscriptions such as dharma seals among top wizard apprentices.

  The path of a witcher, between a knight and a wizard, is indeed special enough.

  This also leads to the special breathing method of the Demon Hunter Knight.

  Ricardo understood that if it were not for the knight's pseudo-puppet flower language ability, he would not need a secret medicine and could directly improve by absorbing evil thoughts.

  Normally talented knights practice the Demon Hunter Breathing Technique or the Demon Hunter Path, but it is very troublesome. Just those secret medicines and the detailed process of simulating the Demon Hunter's "Trial of Green Grass" etc. are very labor-intensive. and years.

  But now, I got it easily.


  As long as Ricardo's mental power increases a little more, his temporary state after merging the evil flowers of the two worlds will reach the 40-point mental power threshold requirement for a top wizard apprentice!
  After that, he can even look forward to... preparing... how to be promoted to an official wizard!


  The next morning.

  Flowery Manor.

  Ricardo's Binghu family carriage drove out. Behind the carriage, there were a number of freight carriages carrying the heads of the bandits and various certificates.

  Next to the carriage, there was a cavalry team of seven or eight people escorting them.

  After they arrived at the county town, they divided their troops into two groups. Ricardo went to the office, while the others went to the county council, the Adventurer's Guild and other institutions to submit bounty tasks in exchange for reward money.

  While Ricardo was driving the carriage, he summoned his clone to sense his surroundings.

  He was transported to the modern world.

  Like many times in the past.

  After having a buffet breakfast at the Two Pines Hotel, he went to the abandoned church basement outside Leaky Cauldron Lane.

  Start to crack the protective circle left by old Richard.

  More than an hour later...

  "...finally cracked it!"

  Ricardo held the wizard's staff in his right hand and the book on cracking the magic circle that he had borrowed from the office library in his left hand.

  His wizard's staff carefully removed the last spell circuit.

  The entire protective array finally lit up with a burst of circuit light.

  Then the light disappeared completely.

  The entire pile of magic stones suddenly lost their structural order and fell apart.

  Not a single magic stone was burned!

  All hundreds of magic stones have been preserved!

  Ricardo immediately counted these magic stones one by one and put them into his storage bag...

  a total of 898 magic stones!
  In one week, Ricardo harvested thousands of magic stones from the modern world where London is located!
  Thinking that many junior wizard apprentices in the Wizarding Continent could not save dozens of magic stones in their lifetime, Ricardo felt that he was extremely wealthy now!

  Although it feels great to have received a large amount of wizard wealth now, Ricardo still reached out from the protective circle to pick up the thing he cared about most:
  things related to wizard university recommendation letters!
  What is left behind by old Richard is the wizarding university in North America, the European continent or the island where the sun never sets...the

  second and third echelon wizarding universities...

  or the first echelon of the ancient wizarding university alliance...

  if it is the first echelon, it is Among them, the two are bound to Columbia University in New York, or to Yale University in New Haven...

  or to the London Clock Tower of St. Ann's in Oxford... or to Honeysel of Harvard...

   I want to pursue it! Qingyu begs everyone to move their fingers and turn to the last page every day, and then water friends who haven't spent money in three months will recharge 1 yuan or give 2 cents as a reward. Thank you very much!
  (End of chapter)

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