Chapter 40: Demon Hunting Breathing Technique and the Beginning of Evil (Please follow up)

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  Chapter 40: Demon Hunting Breathing Technique and the Beginning of the Evil Realm (please follow up) Has
  his breathing technique been upgraded to the fourth level?
  In this way, he was promoted to the fourth level intermediate knight!

  This is the sixth day of returning home! Five days after traveling through London for the first time!
  Ricardo felt a surge of heat in his internal organs.

  All the bones in his body seemed to be crackling in his mind, and a more powerful breath flow flowed through his body.

  The advancement of the knight's breathing method requires a stronger body as the foundation. Of course, practicing the breathing method itself can also strengthen the body.

  And the power of flower language that was realized actually advanced his breathing technique at the same time.

  It directly upgraded his body to the fourth level!

  It's not just that.

  His breathing method progress is 50% of the fourth level, and his body is much stronger than those of the first-level intermediate knights of the fourth level!

  A burst of momentum exploded around Ricardo.

  If not, I'm on the third floor of the office now.

  He was about to exhale a breath of air now.

  It feels so good to advance!
  The last time Ricardo was so happy, he was still a junior apprentice and was promoted to an intermediate apprentice, but that was also the result of the accumulation of spiritual power and inscriptions at the same time.

  In comparison, it's not as satisfying as feeling like I'm experiencing physical transformation all of a sudden.

  "You, you, made a breakthrough?"

  As the evil spirit pollution on the evil spirit Nightmare Crow's body was purified, Paris also noticed the change in the aura around Ricardo.

  There was such an obvious difference all of a sudden.

  Paris was also an experienced senior wizard apprentice, and he immediately recognized that this was a knight promotion.

  "Well, I just realized the Knight's Breathing Technique and made a breakthrough. I also broke through the bottleneck with my body."

  Ricardo felt a little embarrassed when he heard the inquiry.

  He didn't expect that he would make such a big promotion move here, in front of other people.

  He explained with a slight blush.

  at this time.

  From the corner of his eye, he saw that Vera, who was originally lying on the sofa, had raised her head and was looking at him.

  Vera's eyes looked thoughtful.

  Then, he suddenly became enlightened and smiled charmingly at Ricardo.

  It seemed that the scene with Ricardo just now answered some of her doubts and gave her some guesses about an answer she had been looking for for a long time.

  Ricardo's heart skipped a beat.

  Immediately without leaving any trace, he withdrew his eyes from the corner of his eyes and continued talking to Paris.

  "Congratulations. Cohen said at the beginning that your mental power was not stable, and you might even fall back to the mental power of a junior wizard apprentice." "Now, even if there are problems with

  your wizard apprentice path, with the knight level, you can still Maintained at level four!"

  From Paris's perspective, Ricardo was originally injured and the wizard had problems on his way forward, but now he is on a new path on the knight's path.

  It's Cohen's big mouth again. Everyone knows that I'm really hurt!
  Ricardo complained again in his mind, and then asked what he cared about.

  "Is there any related spell book for ritual circles to purify evil spirits, or more advanced tricks and spells? Can you lend them to me?"

  Ricardo asked.

  This time, he discovered that killing and purifying a creature contaminated by evil spirits could advance his Flower of Evil progress so much.

  This kind of efficiency is no slower than when he personally dealt with high-level villains in the modern world with the bonus of Huayu's "Evil from Another World".

  Maybe in the future, you can consider taking on some tasks to expel evil spirits?
  After all, I have the evil flower of the two realms and the evil flower spirit clone, and I can escape at any time by teleporting and replacing the clone.

  Even if he enters a bad situation, he can probably escape immediately.

  "Yes, yes. In the past two days, the branch of the Exorcist Alliance is helping the office sort out its historical merits. Although it is a bit troublesome to do so now, I will definitely help you!" Paris hesitated for a second and thought about it

  . , but still agreed.


  At this moment, Vera, who was lying on the sofa and wearing a gray uniform, had stood up and walked towards Ricardo and Paris.

  "Open the merit exchange table of the Demon Hunter Knights of the Exorcist Alliance to him, and then give him the 'Demon Hunter Breathing Technique' as well." "Take

  my authority."

  Vera walked over to the two of them. , then put his hands on his hips and looked at Ricardo with interest.

  Ricardo was a little confused at this time. He calculated that the possibility of causing the other party to change might be related to the clone he had recently obtained.

  The clone is integrated into half of the purple flower card 'Knight', and the purple flower card is what the opponent's big boss cares about.


  After hearing Vera's arrangement, Paris had doubts in his eyes, but without hesitation, he immediately set off to the secret room on the third floor to get the documents like a subordinate.

  Not long after, he came over with two portfolios.

  During this period, Ricardo was stared at by Vera, a beautiful and strong woman.

  "The Demon Hunter Breathing Technique, the Knight Breathing Technique improved by the Witcher Continent based on the Demon Hunter training system. In order to cope with the invasion of the nightmare world, it will be extended to the entire exorcist coalition of the Knight Continent." "You can practice this

  . Improve your mental strength. If your mental strength is unstable, you can rely on this to stabilize yourself."

  Vera explained.

  Breathing techniques that can improve your mental strength?

  Ricardo's eyes widened when he heard this. You must know that his clone, the Evil Flower Spirit Puppet, can improve the knight's skills.

  The evil flowers of the two worlds swallow the flower language, and after fusion and transformation once, his mental space can obtain the flower language inscription.

  The two major conditions for a wizard apprentice to advance to senior and top levels are spiritual power and the number of inscriptions.

  With this breathing method, he can solve all his evil thoughts by absorbing them?
  "How much merit and magic stones do you need? My killing of the evil Nightmare Crow should be considered merit. I remember that I am in the exorcist coalition system."

  Ricardo didn't want to owe any favors, so he asked one more question.

  "Originally, I gave you the mission of the Evil Cafe to help you accumulate merits so that you can become a formal member of the Demon Hunter Knight." "

  Now, you kill the evil Nightmare Crow and report the results after the mission is resolved. Merit is completely enough. It is enough to exchange and even become a formal member of the Exorcist Alliance." "

  However, magic stones are still needed. Miss Vera's magic stones are never enough. Well, this breathing method requires 50 magic stones... "

  Paris mentioned the magic stone and glanced at Vera with a smile.

  The other person put his hand on his mouth to cover up his laughter.

  "50 magic stones?"

  Ricardo was a little surprised at how expensive this breathing method was. It took a junior apprentice several years of working in the Wizarding Continent to accumulate 50 magic stones.

  However, he has not been short of 50 magic stones recently.

  He took out the storage bag, paid Paris 50 magic stones, and then put the two file bags into it.

  The expenditure on magic stones was still a little distressing. Ricardo thought that in the modern world, magic stones could be purchased with pounds, and he felt more desire in his heart.




  At this moment, a crow was heard outside the window on the third floor, and then the window was blown open.

  Ricardo turned his head.

  I saw an evil nightmare crow smashing the window glass, and the bird's head was covered with black blood and crashed into the room on the third floor.

  Then the bird's beak opened, and a strange inscription shot out of its mouth.

  "Evil Nightmare Crow! Damn it! It's the chain evil realm pulling you! It wants to curse the chain evil realm to pull you!"

  Paris roared.

  Vera beside him had already taken action. She raised her right hand, and a pen with a pair of little angels on the end flew out of her hand.

  The pen passed through the seemingly invisible inscription pattern and directly hit the head of the nightmare crow.

  The entire Evil Nightmare Crow immediately exploded into pieces and turned into black mist and smoke!

  'A curse is detected and evil thoughts begin to absorb. '

  'It was detected that a source of evil thoughts was involved in eliminating it, and some of the evil thoughts were absorbed. '

  Flower of Evil: 140%...185%
  ' The inscription was penetrated by the pen, but was not affected. Instead, it shot directly towards Ricardo, hit Ricardo's arm, and melted into Ricardo's body.

  "Damn it, you've been cursed! Damn it, you're about to be dragged into a chain of evil situations!"

  Paris stared at Ricardo with wide eyes, and not far behind him, the vicissitudes of life man wearing glasses also looked at cried out.

  "Quick, Paris! Let him leave alone. For the first time, he has been pulled into a chain of evil realms. As the source of the curse, everyone related to him will also be dragged in!" "Quick, Paris! You can't go now

  . This kind of chain evil situation! If you get caught in the chain, just... let him go alone!"

  Ricardo's face turned pale.

  However, thinking about the teleportation function of the Evil Flower of the Two Worlds, I felt slightly at ease.

  He thought of the many rumors about the evil situation in the Wizarding Continent, and combined with the various hints he had just heard, he immediately understood something.

  The chain of evil realms is different. People who are pulled in have a small chance of being entangled in the nightmare world for the rest of their lives, and are constantly being pulled into various evil realms.

  Things like the Evil Realm Cafe are just special demiplanes.

  He has been a man in two lifetimes and has developed a decisive character in the Wizarding Continent for many years.

  Didn't think much about it.

  He turned around and rushed out of the large flat-floor room. He ignored Theresa in the corridor and slapped Theresa on the back before entering the room on the third floor.

  Then he jumped down from the third floor and landed directly next to the carriage on the first floor.

  Then get into the carriage compartment.

  He waited quietly for a certain moment to arrive.

  The inscription symbol just now was floating on his arm.

  Twinkle and twinkle.

  It seems to be a countdown.

  As the frequency of the flashes became faster and faster, his heart began to beat a little faster.

  A black vortex appeared next to him, sending out a strong pulling force to pull him in.

  Damn it!

  Is this the pull to start a chain of evil situations?
  Ricardo felt the strong pull, giving him less than a second of extra thinking time.

  The evil flower spirit clone!

  Ricardo summoned his clone and headed directly towards the black vortex.

  In the blink of an eye, the clone was swallowed up.


  The black vortex continued to pull, and the pulling force became even greater. Ricardo was pulled in without even having any room to resist.



  and then it gets bright again in the blink of an eye.

  Ricardo opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, he judged that he seemed to be in a castle room similar to the wizarding world.

  How could it be an old castle? Shouldn't it be a bad situation cut out from the modern world scene?
  "Li...Li, Jiatu?"

  A strange yet familiar voice sounded from his side.

  The other person pronounced Ricardo and Ricardo separately. For people in the wizarding world, when calling him, they would pronounce Ricardo together. This is a name similar to a Western name.

  Only people in the modern world who know that high school student Ricardo comes from the country of Yi would call him this.

  Ricardo was shocked.

  He turned and looked sideways.

  A Chinese girl with curly hair dyed blonde and a slightly chubby figure was next to her.


  Why is it the castle scene in the wizarding world, an acquaintance related to the modern world?
  He turned out to be a classmate of Ricardo's predecessor in high school?
  (End of chapter)

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