Chapter 39 Promoted to the Fourth Level Knight (please follow up)

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  Chapter 39 Promotion to [Fourth Level Knight] (please follow up)

  Ricardo set off immediately.

  He mounted the horse and asked another horse to accompany him, and they immediately rushed back.

  Soon after, he met the guard captain and other cavalry who came from behind to assist.

  After a brief explanation, the captain of the guard was asked to immediately start arranging the carriage to the county town.

  Ricardo returned to Flower Manor.

  He wanted to send an owl letter first, but his original owl died on the way back from the Wizarding Continent to the Knights Continent.

  However, he had already considered a solution to this problem.

  He directly picked up the pen and paper, teleported to the modern world where London was located, and then made a call to 'Olivan's Magical Plant Shop'.

  As a distinguished customer of a plant shop, there is nothing wrong with asking Mr. Olivan to arrange for a clerk to go to the Leaky Cauldron Pet Shop to buy the most common owl pet.

  Soon, as Ricardo wrote the letter, the clerk drove the pet owl over, and Ricardo paid the pet price and commission.


  Ricardo teleported directly back to Fanhua Manor.

  Owl letters can be sent through simple ritual spells or tricks. If not, most owls rented out in the Wizarding Continent have installed this trick themselves.

  This allows the owl to deliver a message to a location it has never been to, but whose coordinates are provided by the sending spellcaster.

  Ricardo took out the casting materials, arranged a simple ceremony, and then sent out the owl letter.

  The owl will go in a straight line, which is much faster than the zigzag route of the carriage and the ups and downs on some hilly terrain.

  "Master Ricardo, the carriage has been arranged."

  Theresa, the head maid, knocked on the door of Ricardo's bedroom.

  "You will be my coachman this time. You also need to know the location of the county office. I may need to go there often in the future."

  Ricardo said to Teresa as he walked quickly to the stairs on the top floor.

  The carriage is a type of chariot. Theresa, who has been trained as a noble knight, will naturally be able to drive a carriage.

  Moreover, Theresa is a third-level junior knight. Compared with the coachman, she can still be more effective in case of attack.


  The carriage of the Binghu family moved quickly towards the county town.

  Ricardo asked Teresa to work as a coachman in the carriage, and then took out a pair of rattan armor from the magic storage bag and forced her to wear it.

  This time, Teresa also understood that Ricardo did not refuse for the sake of safety along the way.

  Ricardo found the evil flower spirit clone and placed it in the carriage, then teleported to an abandoned church in the modern world and spent time by cracking the protective magic circle.

  The clone disguised himself as him.

  There was a gap in the carriage windows on both sides, and the clones were always observing the situation on both sides.

  Three or four hours later.

  The county seat of Shagang County.

  The sky in the county town has already turned into dusk and is about to fall into night.

  The journey went smoothly for the time being, and Ricardo replaced his clone and returned to the carriage.

  He felt that the last section might be the most dangerous.

  From the time he killed the evil Nightmare Crow to the time he arrived in the county, if the other party had multiple wizard apprentices, they would probably have discussed some possible consequences and countermeasures.

  Wind Wolf Baron, Kerry, formerly Luocao was the Mountain Wolf mercenary group of the Mountain Wolf Bandit Group, Thieves Guild, and a spell caster who studied the evil Nightmare Crow.

  The combination of these forces gave Ricardo a vague guess.

  The last time he came to the office, he heard that the Thieves Guild was banned because of the 'Evil Thief Cult'.

  The One-Eyed Marten, who was born in the Thieves Guild, had long known about his situation and radiated malice towards him.


  came to Telegraph Street where Paris's office is located.

  Ricardo saw the three-story building where the office was located from a distance.

  Compared with the last time I came here, there are more obsidian stone pillar decorations around the office building, and some obsidian bricks have begun to be laid on the walls of the building.

  This is Exorcist Alliance style.

  The task that caused Ricardo's mental space to be injured was assigned to a peripheral organization from the Exorcist Alliance Branch of the Wizarding Continent.

  "It seems that the Knights Continent will really form an exorcism coalition, and then merge offices like Paris."

  It was already night, and Ricardo saw a clerk working the night shift in the lobby on the first floor of the three-story building.

  The club room on the second floor was lit with bright lights.

  He asked Theresa to park the carriage downstairs in the office, then follow him upstairs and wait in the corridor outside the building.

  'The evil thought of curse is detected and starts to be absorbed. '


  And it’s still a curse, it should be another creature like the evil Nightmare Crow!

  Ricardo heard the mechanical sound prompt and immediately made a judgment.

  He could feel that the curse came from a tree hundreds of meters away.

  He continued walking upstairs to the office.

  Once the evidence is handed over to Paris or Vera, he will have the absolute initiative.

  Ricardo quickly climbed up the stairs on the outer wall of the building.

  Teresa followed behind.

  He saw that the club room on the second floor had many more apprentices than the last time he saw it.

  It may have something to do with the time of arrival, or it may have something to do with the fact that the exorcism coalition is about to annex the office.

  Ricardo judged.

  He walked to the third floor and opened the door directly.


  Ricardo saw the bearded man wearing a hooded black robe sitting on the outermost table.

  On the entire third floor, except for the library, the vicissitudes of life man wearing glasses that I saw last time is also there.

  And this time, on the edge sofa in the corner of the third floor, Vera, wearing a gray uniform, was leaning to the side, putting her slender legs on the other side of the sofa.

  Ricardo was not polite.

  When he was in the carriage carriage just now, he had already teleported back and forth once, and put the body of the evil Nightmare Crow, which was originally placed in the basement of London, into the magic item storage bag on his body.

  At this time, he saw Paris.

  He took out the magic storage bag directly.

  "Should I take out the body of the evil Nightmare Crow now?"

  Ricardo looked at Paris.

  Paris' face was solemn. When he heard the word Evil Nightmare Crow, his pupils dilated slightly, and then he nodded.

  "You must not have completely purified the evil spirits. I have prepared a purification ritual spell on the floor here. You can put it directly over here."

  Ricardo had just taken out the body of the evil Nightmare Crow from the storage bag.

  Paris pointed to the open space next to him. In the open space, a huge ritual circle and supporting spell materials had been prepared.

  "Do you still need to purify the evil spirits?"

  Ricardo thought that before the Wizard Continent was injured, when the people around him were performing the task of expelling evil spirits, few of them were so cumbersome.

  While questioning, Ricardo still cooperated and pushed the body into the ritual circle.

  "It has to be. The evil Nightmare Crow is much more special than the Nightmare Crow, and even more special than other invading creatures in the nightmare world." "

  Otherwise, do you think that a small port like ours needs to send out a powerful person like Lady Vera? Are you here to take charge of matters related to the 'Evil Thief Cult'? Even banning the Thieves Guild that has been operating locally for so many years?"

  Paris looked solemn.


  Ricardo was a little confused.

  "Because of the evil environment! The curse of the evil spirit Nightmare Crow can induce an evil environment to force you into it, and it is most likely the kind of chain evil environment that has a probability of causing the evil environment to haunt you for life!" "You are lucky,

  in This evil Nightmare Crow killed it before it exploded. If it was forcibly controlled and sacrificed itself to curse you, you should be pulled into a chain of evil realms by now!" Paris said as he started to activate the ritual circle


  A large number of light spots appeared and wrapped around the body of the evil Nightmare Crow.

  A large amount of black energy emerged from the corpse of the evil spirit Nightmare Crow, and a faint roar of evil spirits could be heard from inside.

  Ricardo understood that this was the pollution of evil spirits.

  'It is detected that a source of evil thoughts is purified, and related evil thoughts begin to be absorbed. '

  Flower of Evil: 75%→Flower of Evil: 140%
  The Flower of Evil actually increased by 65% ​​points!

  Can you earn so much progress from the flowers of evil by purifying the pollution caused by evil spirits?
  Wait, when I killed the evil Nightmare Crow, the clone of the Evil Flower Spirit Puppet was involved. Will this step to advance the progress of the Evil Flower trigger the Flower Language 'Knight Puppet'?

  'The progress of Flower of Evil has been improved, and the Ice Lake Breathing Technique has been increased to level 4 by 50%. '

  (End of this chapter)

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