259. Chapter 258 Dragon Druid

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  Chapter 258 Dragon Druid
  Ricardo plans to mass-produce at least one set of witchcraft involved in each spell.

  He would like to buy as many sets as possible of witchcraft weapons related to healing, detection, poison-repelling and curse-removing.

  In the wizarding world, witchcraft is very precious. Even a formal first-level wizard will think it is a rare treasure when he sees Ricardo's original broken witchcraft, the 'Straw Rope Ring'.

  If it involves healing and detection witchcraft, it is even more precious.

  Even if he doesn't use it himself, it would be good for the spellcasters from his chamber of commerce to open a special treatment station in a certain area of ​​the wizarding world.

  Ricardo even planned to take care of the particularly precious witchcraft artifacts.

  Presentation phase of the auction.

  An auctioneer who had about a sixth-level mental power, but whose mental quality was very similar to Mr. Olivan, the owner of the magical plant shop, demonstrated the functions of the witchcraft one by one on the stage.

  First, there are a large number of mass-produced witchcraft.

  Then there are those multi-functional witchcraft that are particularly valuable, or witchcraft that involve druid transformation.

  The auctioneer herself was not good enough to use a witchcraft weapon like transfiguration alone, so she also asked the owner of an important witchcraft weapon, a gray-haired old man in black robe to help with the display.

  "This is Mr. Berg, the director of the Natural History Museum in Vienna, Austria."

  The auctioneer introduced the old man in black robes. "Mr. Berg previously served as a healer of the Knights of the Garter and participated in the Irish war. Mr. Berg Because he is about to join the Vienna branch of the Oak Order, he also has several precious witchcraft items that he wants to sell."

  Because he is about to join the Oak Order, he has to sell the witchcraft items.

  The auctioneer's words made many people confused, but someone soon explained in a low voice that Mr. Borg had been unhappy in the Knights of the Garter in recent years. Because he did not want to participate in the interest disputes within the Knights, he switched to the Oak Order.

  He himself is not a core knight of the Garter Knights. He was only invited to join as a guest because he is good at healing spells, so he is not restricted from leaving.

  However, some of the witchcraft weapons he obtained during the Secret Realm War were not allowed to be taken away by the Knights of the Garter within their sphere of influence.

  Mr. Borg was very angry about this and did not want to sell the witchcraft to other spellcasters of the Knights of the Garter at a low price, so he chose to auction it at this auction, which was also supported by the auction organizer.

  After assisting the auctioneer in displaying many precious witchcraft artifacts, Mr. Berg finally chose to introduce several of his own witchcraft artifacts in person.

  "Although I have been in the Knights of the Garter for many years, I have always advocated and studied the way of nature and the way of druidry. I was lucky enough to obtain these witchcraft weapons in the secret war in Ireland, and the school I studied , the truth that we uphold is inseparable."

  "So, I also hope that the trader who bought these precious magic weapons in my hand will at least study the relevant schools. If he is an irrelevant spell caster, I will not The other party agreed to participate in the auction of these witchcraft artifacts." "

  These witchcraft artifacts themselves have experienced years of war and are somewhat damaged. If the traders do not have the means to repair them, these witchcraft artifacts may be destroyed within ten years at most. Damage, so traders themselves have to judge whether it is worth it."

  "The first witchcraft is called the 'Eagle Cloak'."

  Mr. Berg took out a brown cloak decorated with many eagle feathers.

  He introduced that this cloak can transform the caster into a giant falcon and fly in the sky. If the caster has certain research on transformation, he can even just turn the cloak into giant wings.

  In addition, using this cloak, you can use three spells: hurricane, wind speed, and levitation.

  As soon as this magic weapon was displayed, the atmosphere in the entire venue suddenly changed.

  There were quite a few people present, hundreds of extraordinary beings. In an event like an auction, most people would not lose their composure when faced with precious treasures.

  But the exclamations of a few people, coupled with the changes in the aura of the vast majority of people, were enough to cause a subtle change in the entire atmosphere.

  "Transforming giant eagle! Fly!"

  "Floating, accelerating, and able to control storms!"

  Someone immediately pointed out the preciousness of this magic weapon.

  This is a treasure that allows one to fly and control the sky... Even if most spellcasters are promoted to official wizards, they may not be able to truly float, let alone fly.

  The vast majority of people still have to rely on flying magic weapons such as brooms and carpets to allow them to approximate their dream of flying.

  Many of the wizards present had eager and blazing flames in their eyes.

  However, they remembered what Mr. Borg said, hoping that traders would be wizards who study nature and other related schools. Many people also showed disappointment or racking their brains to find a solution.

  After displaying the first magic weapon, the auctioneer took out the mold corresponding to the magic weapon from the back and placed it in a corner of the auction venue. This is just the display stage of the magic weapon, and the real bidding will come later.

  "The second magic weapon is called the 'Ring of the Dolphin'."

  Mr. Berg took out another dark blue magic weapon bracelet.

  This witchcraft allows the caster to transform into a dolphin and swim in the water. It also has spells such as underwater breathing, water flow control, and sea vortex.

  …Another witchcraft that shocked the entire audience.

  If the witchcraft just now allowed the caster to conquer the sky, then this witchcraft now allows the caster to conquer the sea.

  Many wizards whose eyes were burning just now are even more excited and eager now. The auctioneer also took out the corresponding mold and placed it in the corner of the venue.

  "The third witchcraft is called the 'Dragon Druid Cane'!"

  "This is a witchcraft left behind by a druid who was said to be able to transform into a dragon. This witchcraft does not have the druid transformation spell, but Two spells involving the legendary dragon, 'Natural Dragon Power' and 'Dragon Healing', are attached to it! If this cane hadn't been so damaged that it was impossible to repair, I would have died taking it to Vienna! "

  Mr. Borg took out what he called his walking stick.

  This is a golden cane. There are mysterious dragon patterns on the cane, and there is golden light flowing on it. However, the cane is already broken, as if it has gone through a long time and may turn into a pile of ashes at any time.


  The whole audience was shocked when they heard this word.

  "Is this true?"

  "Have you seen the Druid who transformed into a dragon in the secret realm of Ireland?" "


  Immediately, a spellcaster asked Mr. Borg on the stage.

  Some people have some appraisal-type props on their bodies, such as witchcraft weapons or magical items, and they directly use divination or detection methods to determine the authenticity.

  Mr. Borg sighed and continued in a deep voice:

  "This cane is in dilapidated condition. Every time it is used, including trial use, it will lose its limited durability. Many people present have already begun to identify and divine. I will not go into details. I am displaying the cane here. Bell. I believe that if someone uses appraisal methods to judge that it is fake, they will point it out immediately. But I believe that this will not happen. This cane will enter the auction process normally." The cane was displayed like this for a quarter of an hour


  Many people who conducted detection and identification in the audience found no abnormalities.

  "It does have the breath of a dragon, but it is indeed very broken. The value is there, but it still depends on the thoughts of the trader. I can understand Mr. Borg's thoughts. If I am not studying the relevant school, If this kind of witchcraft breaks immediately after buying it and costs a lot of money, I'm afraid Mr. Borg will be blamed."

  Someone expressed his judgment.

  "Part of the reason." Mr. Borg shook his head slightly. "Even if this is not the case, I still hope that wizards from natural schools and other related schools will inherit these things. If there are wizards from natural schools or druid schools, they can buy three pieces at one time. With all the magic weapons, I will be inclined to trade with him first."

  Then, Mr. Borg returned to the backcourt.

  The auctioneer placed the mold of the cane in the auction room.

  "Now we enter the free bidding process. After two hours, if no one else raises the price for an item after two quarters of an hour, the last bidder can directly come to the backstage with the mold to conduct a formal transaction. ."

  The auctioneer announced the next process.

  Then the auctioneer raised his magic wand, and the layout of the entire venue changed from the initial layout of sitting around listening to the sermon to a layout of free movement. The tables and chairs were guided by the power of the spell and pushed to both sides.

  There is plenty of room to move around in front of the various molds on both sides.

  Ricardo came to Brother Hu Li. He had told him in advance that he would probably buy many witchcraft artifacts at this auction. Now he was telling him his current purchase plan.

  He would buy one set of mass-produced witchcraft weapons, not to mention special types such as treatment ones. He would buy a few more sets. These purchases were completed with the help of people from Brother Huli's side.

  Ricardo himself went to take photos of the more precious witchcraft artifacts.

  Including the three shown by Mr. Borg.

  He must get these three items: the Eagle's Cloak, the Dolphin's Ring, and the Dragon Druid's Staff.

  His growth rate is very fast, and the durability of the witchcraft is barely there. Maybe before the witchcraft is damaged, he will grow to the stage where he does not need this level of witchcraft.

  In the wizarding world, wizardry weapons are particularly precious. When it comes to repairing and transforming wizardry weapons, the Gray Mist Towers alone have many specialized and historic institutions. In the modern world, wizardry civilization may not be able to repair wizardry weapons that cannot be repaired. You can go to the wizarding world.

  Ricardo now has sufficient financial resources, and the Witch Club also knows about his situation.


  Ricardo specially affixed labels with organizing formulas on several particularly precious witchcraft molds.

  On the label, he gave a slightly higher price.

  This price is mainly used to announce to other people in the venue that the corresponding witchcraft is favored by a wizard.

  Ricardo also deliberately left a magical aura on the label that could create a wizard's force field.

  Wizard magic and force fields are things that only seventh-level wizard scholars in the modern world have.

  (End of chapter)

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