258. Chapter 257 Druid Auction

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  Chapter 257 Druid Auction
  "Boss, that gentleman didn't show the invitation letter, and he even beat Mr. Lannis!"

  The supervisor and the middle-aged woman reported immediately.

  "Stop him!"

  the middle-aged woman immediately ordered.

  At this moment, a tall woman who looked like a Hong Kong lady and was wearing a dress and skirt ran over to the edge of the venue.

  "Mr. Chen!"

  Liang Anqi came here in a hurry.

  The wind was howling in the venue just now, and she, who was already able to use fifth-level spells, naturally noticed this.

  As a spell caster, she has also relearned a bunch of rules for walking in the mysterious world these days.

  He also understood that Ricardo had just cast a spell in public. Strictly speaking, it had violated the rules of the Wizards Association.

  However, these days, she was also dragged into the chat group by Ricardo.

  In the chat group, she communicated with Melody and others.

  Especially through her communication with Meredy, she already understood that Ricardo was at least a wizard scholar and above, and was the 'Lord of the Castle' in the Charles River Valley where Honeysel Wizard University was located.

  Now it has an extremely special status in the wizarding world.

  Now, what happened to Lord Ricardo was probably caused by the people around him not knowing his latest situation.

  As Ricardo's special succubus blood slave, Liang Anqi immediately planned to deal with this matter.


  The middle-aged woman saw Liang Anqi approaching and stopped the supervisor who wanted to take action.

  "This is all normal. Mr. Ricardo is a distinguished friend of the gentlemen upstairs. Please serve him well from Jiadean."

  Liang Anqi came over, a faint scarlet light flashed in her eyes.

  This time, the middle-aged woman finally received the hypnotic suggestion.

  The sullen expression on her face faded away, and she recalled her supervisor again.

  She also has great respect for Liang Anqi.

  Anqi Liang’s boss, Zach, is Gausman’s managing director specializing in Asia business. It is said that he may be transferred to Gausman’s Hong Kong Island office next year to be responsible for Gausman’s Yiguo region business.

  In Gausman's Hong Kong office, how many upper-class parents in Yiguo want to arrange for their children to go there? It is still necessary to make good friends with such a person.

  And Anqi Liang herself is said to have had a lot of success with Zach recently. It is very likely that after one or two Gausman promotion cycles, she will be promoted to the rank of managing director, and there is a high probability that the other party will follow Zach to Hong Kong Island.

  At this time, Lannis saw that a special extraordinary person with a high level came over to help Ricardo explain.

  Moreover, the relationship between the other party and the middle-aged woman was very good. Lannis, who was an outsider, gave up the idea of ​​looking for trouble for Ricardo now.

  Williams and Guo Kaiwen on the side were in a daze at this time.

  The scene of the conflict just now was obviously beyond their expectations.

  Guo Kaiwen also truly confirmed that Liang Anqi, a senior student who was very active in the sorority of Gio Public School, was actually a subordinate who had been working for Ricardo.

  A few months ago, when Guo Kaiwen was still an ordinary high school student, he would never have imagined that the high-ranking financial elite would be an extraordinary subordinate of his best friend.

  He did not see Liang Anqi transformed into a mutated succubus blood slave in the evil realm, but Liang Anqi's respect for Ricardo in the evil realm was still fresh in his memory.


  On the other side, Yao Ailun and others had just watched the conflict between Ricardo and Lannis.

  They saw the white young man fall down for no apparent reason, and Ricardo kicked him in the head. After some insults and provocations, he walked away directly.

  However, the senior management of Jiadean actually let the other party leave, and Senior Sister Liang Anqi was also here and came directly to help mediate the matter.

  The whole process was quite unbelievable, especially...

  "Did you see the strong wind and the open window just now?" The

  person who asked the question was Chang Shuxin.

  She had witnessed Ricardo's extraordinary methods when she was in Yiguobai, and this was the second time she had seen it.

  If it could be explained by hallucination once, this second time, she seemed to feel something abnormal in the world.

  "Qiuran, have you seen it?"

  She looked at Zhang Qiuran.

  But the other party's eyes were wide open at the moment, and he didn't know what to say.

  … Ricardo walked to the third floor.

  At this time, special shielding spells have been deployed outside the witchcraft auction venue on the third floor.

  Ordinary people or low-level knights who have no extraordinary power at all will not be able to enter the auction venue without the guidance of a mysterious person.

  When the other party sees this place from a distance, they will only see a reminder that there is an important confidential meeting here, and then be warned to stay away from here; if they look closely, they will also see a corridor with no people.

  Ricardo walked into the auction venue on the third floor.


  He saw Brother Hu Li already waiting for him inside.

  There were several old men wearing green, white, black and red clothes beside Brother Hu Li.

  These are all Irish-style clothes, and the elderly usually have turbans or hats on their heads, and there are many Irish-style patterns on their clothes.

  Wool carpets cover the entire auction floor, and Irish-style tapestries and Celtic druid portraits line the walls.

  It seems that the organizers of the auction put a lot of thought into this event and arranged many decorative details.

  Ricardo had already told Brother Hu Li to say hello in advance. If there were many witchcraft related to druid power that met his requirements in this auction, he would buy it.

  Brother Hu Li also confirmed with Ricardo in advance whether he had sufficient financial resources.

  "The format of today's auction will be different from the normal one. The auction house will display all the witchcraft and high-end items. After the display process is completed, molds corresponding to each treasure will be released on the site. Traders can leave their mark on the mold. Place the price tag. After the price tag has not been moved for a certain period of time, you can go to the backstage to take a photo of the treasure." "

  If there is any behavior of driving up prices or making false purchases, the trader will be expelled from the venue immediately and then put on the blacklist. The treasure will also be re- Put it up for auction..."

  Brother Hu Li explained the entire auction process.

  "Why are there so many witchcraft weapons all at once, and they are all related to Druidry?"

  Ricardo asked. He knew that today's auction was so large in scale, and it was also the reason why Brother Hu Li had encouraged many Irish forces to come and sell the items. But the auction was initially launched because a large number of witchcraft artifacts were unearthed.

  "There is a heritage site of Celtic civilization over in Ireland. There is a secret realm inside, which may be a fragment of an elven civilization. There are elven forests and several druid tribes in the secret realm... In the past few decades, ancient The Wizarding University Alliance organized a group of wizards to work with local forces in Ireland to expedition to that secret realm..." "...

  Many of these witchcraft weapons were mass-produced witchcraft weapons created by alliance craftsmen using secret realm resources during the expedition. There are also some witchcraft weapons belonging to the extraordinary natives in the secret realm..."

  Brother Hu Li explained.

  "Expedition!? Plane expedition?"

  Ricardo did not expect that the wizarding civilization in the modern world, although low-level, could organize such large-scale wizarding activities... and seemed to have a certain understanding of the foreign civilized world... "

  That secret realm is very big, and the level Not low, you can see the entire large elf tribe... Speaking of which, my mother also has a certain relationship with that elf tribe..." "Don't

  you have a Honeysel series castle now? It is said that Honeysel Castle can As a small base for interdimensional adventures, you can study this in school later..."

  Brother Hu Li looked at Ricardo.

  In fact, he was full of amazement that Ricardo was able to achieve such a special status at Honeysel Wizarding University in such a short period of time.

  In the auction venue, more and more people participated in the auction.

  There are several groups of people among them, all wearing jackets that represent their respective powers and have certain similar characteristics.

  Under Brother Huli's introduction, Ricardo also got to know three forces:
  One was the native wizard tribe in Ireland. They were very familiar with Brother Huli. They themselves had inherited the essence of Celtic civilization, and many of them were practicing Celtic. Celtic druids, Celtic witches or Irish witch systems.

  The other is the Oak Order, which is a modern new religious organization founded in 1964. It mainly focuses on the sun never sets, and has two important branches in Austria and South America.

  The third one is the Protestant Church on which the sun never sets, namely the Anglican Church and the Scottish Church. They wore the black robes of a Protestant priest. Ricardo also saw a Protestant archbishop wearing purple clerical robes coming here, but archbishops in the modern world are only seventh-level wizards and scholars.

  In the wizarding world, archbishops are generally above the second level.

  The auction is about to begin.

  Ricardo saw many familiar faces sitting down. Liang Anqi also came today and sat behind her. Nono, Taylor, Brother Huli, the Irish wizard led by Brother Huli, and others were also sitting near him.

  Everyone in this small circle already knew that Ricardo became a seventh-level wizard scholar and the master of the castle, and he was naturally the leader.

  Lannis and Williams also came here, and Ricardo could feel the stronger malice on Lannis's part.

  After he had decided on the auction in his mind, he solved all the problems between the other party and Mr. Hanal.

  The auction's display of witchcraft weapons begins:
  because the witchcraft weapons originated from the war between the ancient wizard alliance and the forces in the Irish secret realm in the past few decades, many of the witchcraft weapons are mass-produced witchcraft weapons, and there may be more than one witchcraft weapon with the same effect. The parts and shapes may also vary.

  Witchcraft weapons are basically made around the spells of the Druid system.

  From Ricardo's preliminary look, the more precious ones include Dashing Around Nature, Fairy Fire, Tangled Thorns, Natural Rejuvenation, Tangled Roots, Rain of Restoration, Natural Detoxification, Natural Curse Removal, Animal Affinity, Natural Healing, and Natural Tracking. , Natural Curl, Mark of the Wild, Hurricane, Leopard's Elegance, Bear's Power, Eagle Eye, Bark and other spells to create a single spell model witchcraft.

  Particularly valuable are witchcraft involving druid transformation and multiple spell models attached to it.

  (End of chapter)

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