226. Chapter 226 Qualification Test and Entering the Airship

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  Chapter 226 Qualification Test and Entering the Airship

  Is this the old Rand?
  Ricardo had learned before that in the past few months, there was an additional city in the Gray Mist Towers area that was removed from the Linxue Province.

  Named Old Rand.

  Before the sudden change a few decades ago, the Snowy Province was a long and narrow province between the snowy area of ​​the Gray Mist Towers and the snow capital of Snowland.

  Snow City, Snowland, is one of the eight largest cities in the Wizarding Continent, with the entire built-up area of ​​the city exceeding 100,000 square kilometers.

  It is equivalent to a coastal province next to the magic capital of the modern world, or the area of ​​the administrative divisions of the capitals of the seven Yi countries.

  Because the entire city is too large, some urban construction areas and some suburbs of Shelander extend into the Snowy Province.

  Including the Constellation Church Mirror Sanctuary built on the outskirts of Shelander.

  This is the area where the mirrors of Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, etc. are located.

  During the sudden change that year, the part of the Sherland urban construction area that extended to the Linxue Province also disappeared along with the Linxue Province.

  "So, this is part of the former Shelander? The so-called old Rand is the urban area that Shelander once fell out of, plus the suburbs?"

  Ricardo immediately reacted.

  Then, he looked at the surrounding architectural style, which was very similar to the capital of the West Coast Knight Empire, Royal Land.

  It's because the royal family of the West Coast Knight Empire and the royal family of the Rand Empire to which Sherland belongs are both Night Watch clans.

  The West Coast Knight Empire was probably founded by the Night Watch Clan on the Knight Continent.

  Since they are from the same clan and have such a well-known city on the Wizarding Continent as the Snow City, Emperor Rand, the capital of the West Coast Knight Empire, naturally had to imitate it when building it.

  "Now there is a theory of three Rands."

  Mr. Tuva came to Ricardo and explained.

  "Rand, the royal capital of the Knight Empire on the west coast on the Knight Continent; Sheland, the snow capital of the Rand Empire on the Wizard Continent; and this city that was cut off from Linxue Province, plus the Lan on the other side of the Black Mausoleum. The German counties are connected together and are collectively called Old Rand."

  "Old Rand is Rand County plus this place."

  "Land County is also the area of ​​the Snow Capital that once fell. In the chaotic era of the Snow Province, they Appeared at the end of the snow-covered grassland. Originally, the snow-covered grassland was not like that."

  As Mr. Tuva explained, Ricardo unfolded an old newspaper from the Pen Pal Club and then tore open a trigger scroll.

  There are some flashes of information on the old newspapers.

  But in the end nothing changed,

  'What? '

  Ricardo was shocked.

  He did not expect that he had not taken care of the pen pal association for nearly a year, and the information in the pen pal association newspaper was still there from a year ago! ?
  What changes have happened to Pen Pal Club this year?
  Ricardo remembered that before he left, he clearly handed over the pen pal club to his trusted apprentice companion and asked him to help him continue to operate it.

  But now...

  and the message stays on the page where Ricardo last left the Wizarding Land.

  Ricardo did not believe in such coincidences.

  He could tell intuitively that his departure might have caused something to happen.

  Ricardo frowned and his heart sank.

  However, he had no idea of ​​​​setting off to solve the matter immediately.

  He felt that this matter was not critical.

  Now, his main conflict is still being promoted to a wizard, and the second most conflict is making good use of the false identity given by Vera to see if he can leverage the resources given by Vera at this opportunity. , to tap out more value.

  He will soon be promoted to wizard.

  In the gray mist tower area, whether you become a real wizard or whether you are a wizard who grew up within the gray mist tower organization system, the situation facing various events is completely different.

  Only by becoming a true wizard can one have a real right to speak.

  If the pen pal club is abnormal, it really involves something.

  It is completely different for an apprentice to solve it and for a wizard to solve it.

  Ricardo will not care about the pen pal club for the time being. His focus is still on the promotion of wizard and the false identity given by Vera.


  "The wizards from the Gray Mist Towers will be here soon! Let's go to the airship docking building next to it!" The

  leader of the White Rose Chamber of Commerce organization called the carriage convoy to a building next to the square.

  Ricardo saw that in this huge square, behind him was the black mausoleum that served as the entrance to Linxue Province.

  On the left is the steam train station, and on the right is the airship landing building.

  The floating boat landing building is composed of dozens of tower-like buildings side by side.

  Those tower-like buildings are the platforms for the airships.

  At this time, airships were taking off and landing from the platform.


  After the carriage convoy entered the airship docking building, the carriage was taken to a special parking square, and the luggage on it was taken down by servants and guards.

  More than a hundred people were taken to the top floor of a tower-like building. The top floor was more than ten meters high and had huge floor-to-ceiling glass.

  From the floor-to-ceiling glass side, you can see floating airships taking off and landing outside the glass.

  More than two hours later.

  In the distant sky, eight floating airships with the logo of gray mist towers flew in.

  "Here we come, this is the airship coming to meet us from the Gray Mist Towers!"

  the leader of the White Rose Family introduced.

  At this time, hundreds of aristocratic young men had gathered on the top floor of the parking building where they were, ranging in age from six to sixteen or seventeen years old.

  Not only the twenty or thirty wizard apprentice seeds brought by Ricardo's apprentice caravan, but also other teams from the White Rose family, as well as teams from other forces, came here today with some children.

  Ricardo also learned a lot in these two hours.

  Old Rand is a city that has only emerged in recent months.

  In a short period of time, such an airship docking building was utilized or built.

  Ten years ago, it was not like this when Ricardo went to the Gray Mist Towers.

  He saw that on this floor of the docking building, there were not only the seeds of wizard apprentices who followed various forces, but also individual individuals.

  He already knew that as long as he could get the token, he could take the airship to the Apprentice Affairs Tower of the Gray Mist Towers today and join the Gray Mist Towers.

  The tokens come from wizard qualification tests conducted by previous wizard guides in various places, or ancient tokens distributed through various channels.

  Eight floating airships stopped at the top of the airship docking building.

  On the top floor of the parking building, through the floor-to-ceiling windows more than ten meters high, you can see these huge steam machinery creations up close.

  The airship lowered its gangway, and many spellcasters in robes came out.

  One of the teams came to the top of the dock building where Ricardo was.

  "Dear wizard seeds, please bring out your gray mist tower tokens and letters of introduction. In addition, today the floating airship will conduct an additional test of wizard qualifications."

  A gray-robed man who just walked in from outside announced. .

  Ricardo had already said hello to Mr. Tuva and Mrs. Gianna at this time, to the effect that they would contact each other after arriving in the gray mist tower area, either through owl letters or directly through newspapers.

  It is different from the apprentice seed team from Knight Continent.

  After all, Linxue Province is the territory of the Wizarding Continent. It is normal for the noble elders here to accompany their children and stay in the Wizarding Organization area for a while.

  Ricardo has confirmed in the past two hours that if he changes into the false identity given by Vera here, he can go to the gray mist towers through the normal procedure of apprentice seeds joining the gray mist towers.

  In the document bags that come with the false identities, there are tokens specially prepared by the Parlan clan for these false identities.

  Ricardo retreated from the crowd to a corner and found a hidden room on the top of the dock building.

  He took out Parambetta's human skin mask and the corresponding document tape.

  He took out a white ring from his document bag.

  The ring is engraved with ancient inscriptions.

  Ricardo took off his mask and put on a mask of human skin.

  The human skin mask had more magic circuits than he imagined, and when it touched his face, the mask melted onto his face.

  Then Ricardo's face began to change, and his body shape also began to change.

  Suddenly, Ricardo, who originally had the body of a legendary knight and demon hunter, looked much smaller.

  There is also a childish feeling on the face.

  His face has transformed into another teenage face.

  "Is this the face of Parambetta?"

  Ricardo summoned an ice mirror and looked at his own appearance in the mirror.

  The main purpose of changing this face is to obtain the resources for the false identity, and as Vera said, to prevent Ricardo, as the president of the Ice Lake United Chamber of Commerce, from being targeted by the Storm Clan in the relevant area.

  Ricardo will mainly walk around the Gray Mist Towers with this face next, but in many cases, such as when dealing with pen pal club issues, he may also change back to his original appearance. '

  It mainly depends on what is convenient.

  He will be careful enough so that the Storm Clan will not waste a lot of money on a person who is not yet an official wizard and has never seen the dragon in the Ice Lake Territory and Gray Mist Towers area.


  Ricardo changed into an apprentice robe and walked out of the small room.

  At this moment, as Parambetta, he appeared in the ranks of hundreds of wizard apprentice seeds.

  "Where is your lord?"

  He heard Patrick ask after finding Mr. Tuva.

  "Your Excellency will be in the Gray Mist Towers area recently. He will establish the apprentice caravan's Chamber of Commerce base within two or three months, and we will make contact at that time. Patrick, if you are willing, you can follow us temporarily. Ji and I Anna will stay with the two children in the gray mist tower area for a while,"

  Mr. Tuva said.

  Patrick was in a daze, but he felt a burning sensation on the newspaper in his arms.

  He quickly took out the newspaper.

  There was an extra line in the newspaper that was originally blank. It was a message from Ricardo to him, asking him to work with Mr. Tuva first. After the Chamber of Commerce established a stronghold, he would naturally be given generously remunerative tasks.

  "Your Majesty... I, Patrick, would rather not have money! It's my honor to work for Your Majesty!"

  Patrick was a little happy when he saw the newspaper.

  Ricardo, who was near him, felt relieved when he saw this scene.

  Patrick's original financial situation did not seem to be very good. Along the way, Ricardo gave him enough wealth, which increased Patrick's loyalty to Ricardo by several levels.


  "Additional qualification tests are conducted next to the ramp below each aerostat. Everyone! Please take your tokens and letters of introduction! I know that many of you have already confirmed the apprentices you will join next. Affairs Tower. This is related to your previous test results, previous practice experience, as well as the tokens, resources, etc. you have..." "

  But it is possible that after re-testing the qualifications, you may have new opportunities... The eight floating airships correspond to The eight directions of the gray mist tower area are in the foggy area, ocean area, snow area, etc..." "There are relatively

  few apprenticeship affairs towers like this in the snowy area, only one; and in the foggy area, there is an apprenticeship affairs tower. There are just a lot... This is also related to the disappearance of the Snow Wizard Tower many years ago..."

  The man in gray robe just now informed again.

  "In addition, each apprentice seed can only bring three followers on the ship. If you want to add more people on the ship, you will need to pay more, and each person will have a magic stone!"

  Ricardo followed Mr. Tuva's team.

  Mr. Tuva's two children, Tina and Baker, were bound to join the Snow Region because of their relationship with the Parlan clan. The direction of the airship they headed to was exactly the one heading to the Snow Region.

  Because of their different destinations, the team split into several waves in the middle.

  Ricardo was actually at the end, following closely behind Tina and Baker.

  The wizard apprentice's entourage was on both sides of the children's team.

  "The lone traveler who got the token?"

  At this time, Mrs. Gianna was standing on Tina's right side. She and Tina were chatting, and she felt that there seemed to be a familiar figure behind her.

  Looking back, he saw Ricardo, whose face was completely unfamiliar and had been replaced by the face of Parambetta.

  At this time, Ricardo was mixed among the apprentices of the White Rose Chamber of Commerce, which was a bit out of the ordinary for Mrs. Gianna who was familiar with the people.

  As descendants of the Paran clan, Tina and Baker obviously would not replace the airship.

  Their qualifications have been tested long ago, and wherever they go has been carefully considered by their elders.

  Below the airship in the snowy area, next to the ramp.

  A female spellcaster wearing a robe representing the level of a quasi-wizard was leading several wizard apprentices to do a qualification test.

  "Lady Aisalia, long time no see!"

  Mrs. Jaina greeted the female spell caster.

  Aisalia has a graceful and slender figure, blond hair and blue eyes. She wears a plant ring on her head and exudes a mysterious aura.

  "It's Tina and Baker, you can just go in."

  Aisalia directly asked the apprentices around her to let them go.

  When Tina and Baker heard this, they jumped up excitedly.

  They jumped directly along the gangway and entered the airship.

  Mr. Tuva was afraid that they would fall, so he followed closely.

  Jaina, who was behind him, paused and looked back curiously.


  Ricardo stepped forward, holding a white ring as a token in his hand and a letter of introduction taken out of the document bag.


  Aisalia was a little stunned when she saw the white ring, and she picked it up.

  (End of chapter)

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