225. Chapter 225 Arriving at the Gray Mist Towers

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  Chapter 225 Arrival at the Gray Mist Towers
  "After I take away the things, let all the guards in the team come and help clean them up. The engines and other parts of the airship are also very precious. Many pirates also have some trophies on their bodies. . The gold coins inside also need to be repacked into boxes, which requires a lot of effort."

  Ricardo also tested the flower language of "wealth loyalty" this time.

  He already has enough gold coins on him.

  Just on the day when Viscount Frostwind was killed, a lot was found in the tombs and warehouses of Viscount Frostwind Castle.

  That is the wealth of gold coins owned by a viscount with the strength of a newly promoted earl!
  After the establishment of the Joint Chamber of Commerce in Ice Lake Territory, cash flow will continue to flow in, and gold coins are the most basic wealth.

  Mr. Tuva has seen Ricardo save his family twice in a row.

  He was now grateful to Ricardo.

  After hearing Ricardo's instructions, as the director of the White Rose Chamber of Commerce, he seemed to have become Ricardo's personal deacon at this moment, communicating with the guards and elders of various noble youths on behalf of Ricardo.

  When the temporary apprentice caravan, a loose organization, was established, everyone was divided into several groups, which was just in use at this time.

  I heard that Ricardo asked everyone to participate in collecting the loot of the airship pirates, and they could get gold coins.

  Many of the noble children's guards suddenly looked happy.

  Under the organization of Mr. Tuva, these people came to the large waterfront where the plane crashed in an orderly manner and began to take action.

  At this time, Ricardo had already used his perceptual abilities to remove all extraordinary items, such as magic stones, from the ruins.


  The battle took place in the evening, and people were still handling the loot until late at night.

  The boards of many carriages have been widened, and the empty space for food and grass that was consumed on the road, plus the now widened space, has been used to hold the loot.

  The extra space inside many high-end carriages is also utilized.

  There are also a few aristocratic children who have magical storage items on them, and they are also being used.

  Ricardo felt that after participating in sharing the spoils, many of the guards of the noble children looked at him with more respect, and some even seemed a little fanatical.

  The attitudes of the noble children and some elders were fine.

  Ricardo understood that Huayu Wealth Loyalty increases the loyalty value, which requires upgrading the wealth level of members within the organization.

  Guards have lower status and less wealth, and the effect of natural flower language is better.


  The next day, the carriage convoy began to move again.

  On the rest of the way, thieves attacks like this happened several more times, but they were not in the form of airships.

  They are all scattered groups of horse bandits and thieves.

  These thieves groups are accustomed to taking advantage of the night to rob small caravans. For larger groups, they often target the cargo carriages that go along the rear and flanks of the caravans.

  Luckily Ricardo kept a few scout owls around.

  These thieves groups are often discovered before they even get close, and are then destroyed by the guards.

  As for the spoils of war, Ricardo still took the extraordinary items, while ordinary goods were distributed to everyone.

  Near the end of the road.

  Ricardo took out dozens more magic stones and distributed them to several relatively poor noble children.

  Although these aristocratic children were part of the aristocracy in Xueye County, they were either born as commoners or suffered family changes, so they were not so well-off.

  During the few weeks on the road, after learning about the existence of such aristocratic children through Mr. Tuva's introduction and Patrick's inquiries, Ricardo sponsored more.

  Especially the children of the White Rose family.

  The White Rose family is a descendant of the Palan clan. After entering the gray mist tower area, they will move closer to the snowy area where the Palan clan has legacy. The false identity Ricardo immediately adopted is also related to this.


  last day.

  The carriage train arrived near Lander County.

  During the entire journey, because the icebreaker in the previous section did not stop for repairs, the arrival time was much earlier than expected.

  A few days ago, Mr. Tuva also used an owl to notify the family agency at the finish line.

  "We are not going to Rand County. The real destination is in a valley on the outskirts of Rand County. The exit to the gray mist tower area is over there."

  Mr. Tuva announced.

  "In the past few months, there were just many unstable space cracks near the exit, but now they have been shaped into stable entrances and exits."

  Patrick and Ricardo introduced more detailed situations.

  Ricardo looked from a distance and saw a majestic county city standing at the end of the snow-covered grassland.

  That is Land County City.

  Looking at the Rand County City, Ricardo had an inexplicable feeling that this county city was somewhat similar in style to Rand, the capital of the West Coast Knight Empire that he had seen before.

  The convoy continued to move. Arrive at the destination valley.

  Ricardo saw a huge black mausoleum in the valley.

  The appearance of the black mausoleum is almost exactly the same as the black mausoleum in the forest canyon on a snowy night in Sargang County.

  However, there are no evil spirits around this black mausoleum.

  Instead, the valley already has a lot of recent construction, and many more are under construction.

  The style of these buildings is still similar to that of Imperial Land.

  "We need to pass through the Black Tomb, and the family organization has helped pay the customs fee."

  Mr. Tuva introduced.

  At this time, the entire carriage convoy no longer looked like a scattered noble traveling convoy, but instead looked like a military squad.

  Many battles along the way, as well as many gains in wealth, increased the trust and loyalty of many of the team's combat forces to Ricardo.

  The apprentice caravan that seemed to be just a temporary organization before seems to have a different cohesion now.

  "Mr. Tuva, Patrick."

  Ricardo took out several thick stacks of newspapers.

  "What is this?"

  Patrick asked doubtfully.

  "This is an information sharing tool for a loose apprentice organization I used to have in the Gray Fog Towers area. Every few months, some transaction information within the organization will appear in the newspaper. Through this kind of newspaper, members of the organization can be separated even if they are surrounded by each other. Periodic exchanges can also be carried out across the region. It is very good for apprentices." What

  Ricardo took out was the pen pal club newspaper he had made before.

  During this time, he asked the craftsmen of Leaky Cauldron Alley in the modern world to rush to make another batch according to his design.

  "Currently, these newspapers only serve the purpose of me notifying and publishing information. They have not yet been connected to the previously organized newspapers. However, I will update them again in a few months. Now, if the extraordinary people in the team are still willing If you stay in the Apprentice Caravan organization, you can receive a newspaper like this. After a while, I will hold a trade fair for exchanges."

  Ricardo handed the newspaper to Mr. Tuva and Patrick.

  He returned to the Knights Continent from the Wizard Continent and spent more than half a year on the ocean. He stayed in his hometown for about three months and then started to return. This journey took more than a month and a half.

  He has been away from the Wizarding Continent for nearly a year.

  In the past, Paris and Cohen in Sarcobourg County were able to receive news from the Pen Pal Club because he relied on periodic ships from the two continents to deliver the information.

  The ship will send a trigger scroll to Sargang County. After landing, the scroll will be triggered, and then the pen pal club newspapers in the hands of Paris and others will be updated.

  If Paris needs it, he will rely on sea ships to deliver the message to Ricardo, who is originally in the Wizarding Continent.

  This cross-continental movement was temporarily halted after Ricardo prepared to return a year ago.

  In the Wizarding Continent, a similar method of sending letters to trigger scrolls was used to update the information in the newspapers held by pen pal apprentices.

  Ricardo watched as Mr. Tuva and Patrick began to distribute the newspapers.

  He took out an old newspaper from the pen pal club. He planned to use the trigger mechanism to read the latest updates in the newspaper after he walked out of the black mausoleum and officially arrived in the gray mist tower area.


  Everyone in the Apprentice Caravan received this newspaper.

  Even though they were on this journey, some people were still not interested in Ricardo.

  But this kind of newspaper acts like an information broker. Many people wonder what would happen if they saw the information they need in their own newspaper.

  To receive the newspaper, you have to stay in the apprentice caravan organization in name only.

  Ricardo did not say whether this temporary organization would be disbanded or not.

  But since everyone has received newspapers in the name of the organization, and many guards have full trust in Ricardo, then this organization will naturally continue.

  The fact that Ricardo had a small apprentice organization before was only told to Mr. Tuva and others, and currently only a few people know about it.


  The procedures for all members of the apprentice caravan to pass through the Black Tomb Pass have been completed.

  The Chamber of Commerce of the White Rose Family took everyone to a carriage shop and replaced the carriage.

  Their previous carriage was specially used to travel between the transit market town and the black mausoleum.

  There is not much road left now, so we need to change to another temporary carriage.

  A temporary carriage can carry many more people than before, because after arriving at the destination, someone from the Gray Mist Towers will come to pick them up.

  The new convoy passed through the Black Tomb.

  Ricardo had never been close to the entrance to the black mausoleum in Sargang County.

  When he entered the black mausoleum in front of him, he felt a familiar smell.

  The style of this kind of mausoleum seemed to be similar to the tombs he had seen in the evil realm of the Mirror Temple in Sarport County before.

  However, Ricardo thought that these tombs and mausoleums seemed to come from Linxue Province and were all related to Linxue Province. It was normal that the styles were the same.

  The whole convoy passed through the black mausoleum.

  A new world appeared in front of everyone.

  The carriage pair passed through the black mausoleum and finally arrived at the area of ​​gray mist towers.

  But what came to my ears was the whistle of a steam train.

  Ricardo saw that outside the black mausoleum was a strange large city square.

  Next to the city square, there is a steam train station.

  A steam train is slowly entering this steam train station from the distant rails.

  The sound of the whistle echoed throughout the square.

  Many aristocratic children were in a daze looking at the steam train dragging dozens of carriages.

  This is the first time in their lives that they have left the Linxue Province.

  Unexpectedly, in Linxue Province, I immediately saw new things in the new world.

  Ricardo was also stunned when he saw the steam train.

  He looked around the surrounding city square, his eyes also full of unfamiliar meaning.

  The buildings around the square, like the ones he saw in Rand County before, were all similar in style to Rand, the capital of the West Coast Knight Empire.

  (End of chapter)

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