137. Chapter 137: News fermentation and Shuangfeng receiving intelligence

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  Chapter 137: News Fermentation and Frost Wind Leader Intelligence
  Assassins, since they have been doing it all the time, there is always a chance that someone will come to their door by chance. The situation has reached this point, and the several assassins can only discuss their way out.

  The current situation is that we can only directly attach ourselves to the Pansen County Thieves Guild first.

  But now Mrs. Camilla of the Thieves Guild is also missing. Night Crow's original biggest support in the Thieves Guild may also have problems. As a result, if the people who seek revenge gain more momentum, Night Crow may be in trouble in the future. He was completely removed from Pansen County.


  Saharang County, Night Watch Office.

  Ricardo came to the office.

  "Congratulations! Lord Ricardo! You have been promoted to baron!"

  "Congratulations, Lord Ricardo!"

  Ricardo succeeded in revenge against the Wind Wolf Leader and was granted the title of Baron. Wind Wolf Town is no longer closed. After several days of fermentation, Finally it spread to the upper echelons of Shagang County.

  A newly promoted baron who has completed his title upgrade in this generation.

  It often means that the strength of his generation is close to, or above that of the Viscount family.

  As for Shagang County, if we do not take into account the rapid development in recent years, high-level nobles have begun to get involved. The original top families in Shagang County were only four viscount families.

  Nowadays, Ricardo has been promoted to Baron, and it is rumored that in the Revenge War, he personally went into battle to kill the enemy and killed the senior knights of the Wind Wolf Territory!
  Such deeds and status are enough for most people in the entire firm to worship him.

  There are many mercenaries in the Demon Hunter Knights who come from poor backgrounds and are of high rank. Their lifelong dream is to become a decorated knight under a Lord Baron, and this does not necessarily require hereditary inheritance.

  Ricardo himself also held the positions of Imperial Lieutenant Colonel and Demon Hunter Knight Deputy Captain. This return immediately caused a sensation in the office.

  It was probably the news released by Lorient in advance.

  Ricardo walked to the second floor and found that many people had formed two rows around the office on the second floor.

  And on the big table in the back, someone had already ordered a large celebratory dish from a restaurant on Telegraph Street.


  Ricardo originally wanted to go directly to the third floor to find Paris, but now he could only say hello to his fellow demon hunting knights on the second floor.

  Ollie, O'Neill and others in the Demon Hunter Knights have already received the news in advance.

  They were also excited and rosy at this time.

  As the first ordinary demon-hunting knight to defect to Ricardo's command, his status as a demon-hunting knight is now rising.

  And Ollie was taken to Ricardo's family banquet before.

  It can be said that he is already Ricardo's spokesperson in the Demon Hunters organization.

  After some celebrations, Ricardo and Lorient followed him to the third floor.

  "Let's have dinner together. Let's talk about what you wrote in your letter at dinner."

  "Congratulations on your official promotion to Baron. It just so happens that Lorient also wants to treat you well!"

  Paris also waited for a long time on the third floor.

  Ricardo spent four hours on the way to the county town. He had just gone out to have a meal, and it was already dark and he had to have dinner.

  ...Half an hour later, dinner at the Silver Crown Restaurant on Telegraph Street.

  "How well do you know about the Night Crow Society? Why do you want to know about Viscount Frostwind again?"

  Paris was a little surprised.

  Just then, an owl flew in.

  "News about the Demon Hunter Knight of Pansen County."

  Lorient, who had just had a few glasses of wine with Ricardo on the side, once again expressed his gratitude to Ricardo for saving his wife and daughter.

  He saw the details of the owl flying into the window and recognized its origin.

  Paris put down the wine glass and quickly untied the letter from the owl's talon.

  He read it quickly, and then a shocked expression appeared on his face.

  He stared at Ricardo in disbelief.

  "The headquarters of the Night Crow Club has been destroyed!"

  "The Night Crow Club in Pansen County... is gone!"

  Paris stared at Ricardo with wide eyes.

  Lorient on the side was also full of shock. He clearly remembered that just two or three days ago, after Ricardo was assassinated three times by the Night Crow Society, he reported the crazy things about the Night Crow Society and began to inquire about it. Information about the Night Crow Society.

  Now Ricardo continues to come over to ask for Viscount Frostwind's information, and it seems as if the previous incident has come to an end.

  "Did you do it?"

  Paris was in disbelief and paused. He didn't know whether it was an organization, a gang, or Ricardo had some unfathomable hidden means to do all this.

  "I said that no one named Ricardo would do such a thing. Please also keep my previous inquiries secret, including my desire to inquire about Viscount Frostwind today." Ricardo acquiesced to Paris' statement

  . .

  Now, few people in the two counties knew that Night Crow would assassinate him three times in a row.

  If the three assassinations of the Night Crow Society were not hired by relatives of the Feng Lang family outside the county, but were secretly promoted by the Frostwind Viscount himself.

  So now, after receiving the message, the other party may immediately verify the authenticity of the message.

  But Ricardo left no bodies at the Night Crow Club.

  He did not leave any traces of blood or the like at the scene.

  There was no body, no tools, and no traces left behind. It was impossible to confirm that it was him in a short time.

  The other party will list at most three or four possible situations. If your intuition is the sharpest, you may include yourself among them.

  As long as Ricardo's desire for revenge is not recognized.

  Even if the other party is alert, the increased alert level will be limited.

  Just seize this opportunity and end everything directly!

  "It seems that you are sure that after the dispute arose over the land in the Panxue Mountains, your father's death was related to Viscount Frostwind..."

  Paris had originally planned the Wind Wolf leader of the Wind Wolf family for many years, and he seemed to have guessed it. What.

  "Viscount Frostwind, like me and Lorient, are descendants of the remnants of Wild Snow. However, my ancestors are from the Parlan clan, the family of the creators of the Blood Knight Breathing Technique you attached to your letter. But we They are all the same. In fact, they are not the core ethnic groups of these extraordinary clans. They are all just peripheral branches. When the backing families disappeared with the disappearance of Linxue Province, they lost their support and fled across the sea to the Knight Continent." "Frost

  . The ancestors of Viscount Feng are from the Storm Clan. They are slightly different from the Parlan Clan. When the Linxue Province disappeared, several strong men from the Storm Clan were outside the province and were not involved. These strong men were not involved in the subsequent years. In ten years, the clan was slowly rebuilt. But that has nothing to do with the affairs of our distant branches who have fled to the Knights Continent."

  "Viscount Frostwind's fortune should be related to the treasures and inheritance he obtained from the tombs in the Panxue Mountains many years ago. A large number of tombs have appeared in the Panxue Mountains in the past few years, and many of these tombs are related to those who followed Linxue to the province. It is related to the disappeared family and looks like it fell out of the Snow Secret Realm. Perhaps because of this, many nobles thought that there would be an entrance and exit to the Snow Secret Realm in the Panxue Mountains. However, the levels of these tombs are not the same. High, the inheritance of the tomb inside is no more than a first-level wizard at most."

  Paris explained slowly.

  "In other words, although Viscount Frostwind is also a remnant of the Wild Snow, he actually has no background involving the Wizarding Continent. Does his real reliance come from the treasures and inheritance from the tombs in the Panxue Mountains that he obtained back then?" Ricardo confirmed that he was most concerned

  about matter.

  "If you really have the strength to destroy the headquarters of the Night Crow Society, then the background of Viscount Frostwind's network involving the Imperial Council of Nobles may not be something to be afraid of at all. That is not a background at all for your revenge. Of course I I'm not sure whether you really have that level of power."

  Paris looked at Ricardo with some confusion.

  He already knew that Ricardo killed two knights in the three assassinations of the Night Crow Society, and then the headquarters stronghold of the Night Crow Society was destroyed. He did not hear any news about the deployment of troops by Binghu, and it was impossible for him to do all this. , if it was really Ricardo who arranged it alone, then Ricardo... can be said to have the strength of a genius among the top wizard apprentices.

  With such strength, the rules and regulations of the nobles naturally no longer apply.

  Ricardo did not directly respond with a yes or no.

  "Tell me about the situation of Viscount Frostwind and Frostwind Territory."

  He still wanted to know the terrain, military strength and other information of Frostwind Territory directly.

  By asking this, he acquiesced to Paris's question.

  Paris was shocked again when he saw Ricardo's directness and determination.

  He knew that Ricardo returned to the Knights Continent because he was injured and even the intermediate apprentice's mental strength was not stable.

  It was also for this reason that Paris assigned him a mission with high merit in order to repay his kindness.

  "It seems. Without my help, Ricardo, you can go back to your hometown very smoothly." "Ricardo

  , although I don't know what you want to do when you return to the Knights Continent with such strong strength, but since you saved our relatives , Lorient and I will try our best to repay your friendship back then."

  Paris sighed.

  He naturally believed that Ricardo's previous level of wizard apprenticeship hid a lot.

  This kind of behavior of hiding one's level is very normal in the Wizarding Continent. There are indeed many people who, in order to retain more trump cards, will do something to cover up the strength they display to the outside world.

  Paris originally had some level of psychological advantage over Ricardo, but after the recent news and this exchange, the psychological advantage has disappeared.

  He felt that he couldn't see through Ricardo, and if it were him to face those assassinations and the Night Crow Society, he wouldn't be able to handle it on his own.

  Paris carefully shared the information about Frostwind Territory with Ricardo.

  Frostwind Viscounty covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 square kilometers and has a population of over 100,000. The entire territory is famous for its Enchanted Knight Squad, the 'Frostwind Iron Guard' that Ricardo once killed.

  The method of cultivating Frostwind Iron Guard comes from the inheritance received by Viscount Frostwind. With the inheritance, the senior knights of Frostwind Territory have a lot of combat power.

  Many years ago, Viscount Frostwind killed a great knight on his own with the help of his precious weapon 'Sword of Storm'. Now that many years have passed, his strength should be stronger and his level should have been upgraded to that of a great knight.

  (End of chapter)

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