136. Chapter 136 Modern Arms

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  Chapter 136 Modern Arms
  Brother Hu Li explained to Ricardo on the phone.

  In North American politics, one generation of politicians and one generation of generals have their own way of making money.

  The hugely profitable industry of arms smuggling is naturally among them.

  Generations of federal leaders, from a country in the Middle East, to Central Asia, back to the Middle East, and then to Eastern European countries and Africa... Every geopolitical change and war is an opportunity and layout for a generation of elites to make money.

  The older generation has made enough money from Central Asia, so the new generation may go to the Middle East or Eastern Europe next time to create new changes and carry out new money-making projects.

  The obsolete arms that have been in the federal arsenal for a while but have no place to be eliminated are transported to the front line, and then transferred from the front line to the puppets supported by Africa or the Middle East. Elite leaders accumulate enough wealth and then pass the reins to the next generation.

  The next generation of elites opens up new routes, incorporates new tricks and gameplay, and so on...

  It seems like this is a kind of dark corruption, and a moth infesting the entire empire building of the Federation.

  In fact, this problem is very complicated. Just like in areas where there is no path to upward mobility, many people will join gangs to find a way out.

  Under this kind of characteristic corruption in North America, each generation of political elites who have passed the test of wisdom and courage can combine current events and their own resources to form a network and assemble their own set of money-making networks. In the later stages of their lives, they can realize A double harvest of status and money.

  Earning money from violence-related businesses is more of a deterrent, because violence is also a kind of power. When you earn this kind of black money, you also gain power, so that even those newly wealthy people who have earned hundreds of times from the technological revolution can also Be in awe of this.

  Under such a channel, the North American political arena has always maintained a minimum vitality.

  Those middle-level elites in institutions such as the Pentagon who lack opportunities for advancement and have poor backgrounds will find ways to make money with their bosses. Eventually, they will make money themselves, and their upward connections will also be opened.

  "I don't care about things in the mortal world. I just want to get some arms for research. In addition, I have my own storage items. I can just pick them up when the time comes. If I go alone, I will just take the goods and leave. Goods flow to the secular world. Customers like me should be very good."

  Naturally, Ricardo would not get involved in secular matters.

  "The old man's name is Joelson. Mike Joe, the former boss of the Dongdaquan Gang, is quite familiar with him. I owed Joelson a small favor before, and I'm afraid I will owe another favor after this time. You You have to promise to return part of it for me later if you have the chance."

  Brother Hu Li made another phone call before finding Ricardo,

  "Recently there was a cargo ship sailing from Eastern Europe. It will pass through the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean. Joelson is at Bashton, he has some cargo on that ship. You will meet in Bashton then. He will sail the ship and take you to the high seas. You can just take the goods and leave, and then you can send the pounds to me." Hu

  Li Brother arranged this transaction.

  Although Ricardo didn't want much this time, because he was a mysterious person, and the other party was willing to give him a cheaper price, this transaction still took away more than half of Ricardo's pounds.

  After Ricardo arranged for someone from the Dongda Circle Gang to transfer money for him, he hung up the phone and immediately purchased a ticket to Boston, North America.

  He remembered that his parents and brother in this world opened a restaurant in Boston's Chinatown.

  But now he is in a hurry. This time he is passing through Boston and will not have time to meet his relatives.


  The next morning, it was not yet completely bright.

  A plane lands at Boston General Logan International Airport.

  Ricardo walked out of the airport.

  He saw that Joelson's people were already waiting for him at the airport.

  He was taken into a black SUV, and there was a black car in front of the car to clear the way for others.

  Joelson, the owner of the private force company and Mike Joe's old buddy from the Big Circle Gang, was inside.

  This is a stocky old white man with silver hair.

  The other party was smoking a cigar in the car, greeted Ricardo, and motioned for Ricardo to get in the car.

  "Fox has introduced you to me, respected Mr. Ricardo." "

  Fox said that you are a powerful and potential mystic, and you will even be admitted to the most powerful mystic world university."

  Joelson has a very good attitude. , but when he looked at Ricardo, he looked a little ordinary, as if he had seen many people like Ricardo.

  "Thank you for the arms. Mr. Joelson."

  "Take me directly to the high seas. I want to get that batch of goods as soon as possible."

  Ricardo was not interested in knowing more about the other party.

  He didn't know what the character of the other party was. Maybe it was really okay, or maybe the other party might pull out a gun against him on the high seas.

  However, he has nothing to fear.

  Ricardo closed his eyes.

  Two black cars drove out from the airport, and not long after, they drove near the beach hotel in Boston.

  There is a ferry terminal near the hotel.

  Ricardo followed Joelson's subordinates onto a medium-sized yacht.

  Then the medium-sized yacht quickly sailed towards the high seas.

  The whole delivery process was very smooth.

  The freighter came to a halt on the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean. After the medium-sized yacht approached, Ricardo didn't make any attempt to hide it. He walked directly from the low yacht along the wall of the large freighter to the deck.

  It can be regarded as showing a certain degree of force.

  He was taken into the cargo hold at the bottom of the freighter. The goods he wanted had been cleared out and piled in a special place.

  Ricardo simply asked for a few minutes of individual processing.

  Then using the ability to teleport between the two realms, these goods were directly teleported to the newly dug dungeon in Fanhua Manor.

  The deal is done.

  When Joelson's subordinates led people to check the original placement of the empty goods, these people all showed astonished expressions.

  Ricardo returned to the yacht. Joelson's subordinate looked at Ricardo in awe, and then took Ricardo back to the ferry terminal next to the Boston Beach Hotel.

  "How's it going? Have you got the goods?"

  Joelson was resting at the beach hotel. He saw Ricardo and his subordinates and asked.

  The subordinate glanced at Ricardo in awe, then nodded.

  Ricardo and Joelson just left each other's contact information, didn't communicate much, and just teleported back to the wizarding world.


  Ricardo returned to the newly dug dungeon of Blossom Manor.

  He began to inspect the newly purchased arms.

  He already had millions of pounds on hand, so naturally he couldn't buy anything big.

  The cargo this time was transported by a small freighter from Eastern Europe. A small part of the source was old guys from the big countries in Eastern Europe in the past era, and a part of it was a second-hand arsenal from a disbanded Maozi mercenary group. Some civilian explosives were modified.

  Ricardo also spent more than one million pounds to buy some ordinary goods.

  First of all, there are nearly a hundred firearms, most of which are automatic rifles, and firearms originating from North America such as Barrett sniper rifles, which should be second-hand guns issued by mercenary legions.

  It is easy to buy guns in North America, but the guns are all non-automatic. You can buy automatic rifles, which can be regarded as powerful pistols against Ricardo.

  Then there are a few boxes of bullets, plus a large amount of C4 plastic explosives, as well as some remote-controlled plastic explosives modified by the mercenary group, and some scattered equipment such as rocket launchers... Ricardo did not pay attention to complete functions. He can use many functions through

  spells Come and complete it. If it doesn’t work now, it will work in the future.

  He only pursues destructive power now. Using the weapons in front of him, which are regarded as alchemy products in the wizarding world, he can exert destructive power that is comparable to or even surpasses that of a first-level wizard.

  Of course, this destructive power is only part of the dimensional transcendence. Many of the wizard's spells are unavoidable and come with mental damage.

  With modern weapons, the former ace killer of the Night Crow Society could be immune to some damage by transforming into black mist.

  The destructive power has been supplemented by arms to the extent that it can destroy the Frostwind Territory. The next step is intelligence.

  Ricardo needed to know more about Viscount Frostwind.

  As an elite nobleman who had successfully been promoted to Viscount in his own generation, the other party had the network behind his promotion to Viscount and the impact that killing him would have.

  The map scope of his territory, geographical conditions, military strength, number of core combat forces, etc. Even if it is not possible to understand all of these, it is necessary to understand them.

  Ricardo thought of the "Handbook of the Blood Knight" he had obtained, and a bunch of handwritten copies of the first volume of the handbook.

  He sent an owl to Paris and enclosed a manuscript.

  After the letter was sent, he had a meal and then took a carriage to the county seat of Shagang County.


  The location of the headquarters of the Nightcrow Club.

  Several killers who were on mission in Pansen County returned to the back of the abandoned monastery.

  Beside them, there are also members of the Pansen County Thieves Guild who have been responsible for connecting with the members of the Night Crow Society.

  In the past few days, Lady Camilla, a high-ranking member of the Thieves Guild and the patron of the Night Crow Society, has disappeared.

  Furthermore, in the past day, contact with the headquarters of the Night Crow Society was also lost.

  The Pansen County Thieves Guild quickly summoned the remaining Night Crow Society assassins in Pansen County and informed them of the news.

  When they returned to the stone door with the night crow pattern.

  'What's going on? The passage is blocked! ?

  Several people suddenly became alert. They retreated to the surroundings and began to observe the situation carefully.

  After some observation, several people made a vague guess.

  …Something happened at the headquarters base.

  They carefully moved closer to the Night Crow's two alternate exits.

  I saw that the members of the Thieves Guild, who had been responsible for connecting with them, were carefully sneaking forward near the backup exit.

  But the other party stepped on an extraordinary trap.

  The trap exploded directly!
  The member of the Thieves Guild was blown into pieces and flew into the sky.

  "The headquarters has been occupied!"

  Several members of the Night Crow Society were extremely frightened. They retreated to the surrounding area and investigated for a long time using pets and other methods.

  They communicated with each other and finally confirmed one fact:
  The Night Crow Society was over... The Night Crow Society had been destroyed by someone!
  (End of chapter)

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