Chapter 333 Alston’s Head

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  Chapter 333:
  The vortex detonated by Alston's ring-headed tiger phantom is about as powerful as a 2nd level arcane spell.

  In Duke's opinion, this is a rather crude shamanic spell that directly uses the spirit of the beast as a bomb.

  Most shaman spells are more like buffs.

  For example, the spirit of the beast can be attached to the weapon, so that the weapon has the shadow attack of the beast, or some talent of the beast - poison, speed, toughness, fire, frost, etc., can also be attached to the companion, so that the companion can Gain gain.

  Duke had experimented on Cassidy before, and through the blessing of shaman spells, Cassidy instantly became violent and bloodthirsty.

  The body also changed from a thin linen rod to a muscular man.

  It roughly takes Cassidy's strength from the middle level of the second ring to the level of the upper middle level of the second ring. The increase is not very large and the duration is only five minutes.

  But it is indeed a good gain.

  "If it can be used on knights, then the potential of knights can be further tapped." Duke thought of the Sanhai system, "Once the Qi Refiners develop, and each knight is equipped with a Qi Refiner, wouldn't it mean that the knights will take off? "

  Even if you can't cooperate with the Cavaliers.

  The Qi Refiner himself can also cooperate. The Qi Refiner of the natural way transforms into a bear, and the Qi Refiner of the shamanic way releases buffs. They will definitely become a perfect match for each other.

  "In other words."

  Duke looked at the crushed forest, thoughtfully: "In my speculation, this unknown land is probably not in the same world as the Wilderness Continent... Then it evolves on its own. The system of wilderness power can naturally integrate with each other."

  The druid of the natural way and the shaman of the shamanic way are two sides of the same body that complement each other.

  He suddenly transformed into a cheetah.

  Then he spoke to Cassidy: "Execute the bloodthirsty spell for me."

  "Yes, Lord Duke." Cassidy waved an oak branch in his hand, twisting his body like dancing, and the next moment there was a ball of light. The object flew out from the oak branch in his hand and landed on Duke's cheetah body.

  It's like taking big tonic pills and stimulants.

  Duke could feel that his body was completely boiling under the blessing of the bloodthirsty technique, and a special energy even invaded his mind.

  Like being bewitched, he couldn't help but develop a bloodthirsty desire.

  "This is the blessing of the power of the wilderness to the soul..." Duke did not lose his mind because of this. In fact, the spiritual energy in the spiritual sea gently rippled, calming down the "seduce" of the bloodthirsty spell on the soul, and regained his invincibility. A state of calmness without any desire.

  The power of wilderness is the flowing Qi of all things.

  Life and death are both components of the Qi of all things. The power of wilderness is generated through the flow of breath, and the soul is also a kind of Qi.

  Even in Duke's view, the soul and Qi are one and the same.

  When the energy of all things condenses and sublimates, it becomes the soul, the soul of man, the soul of beasts, and even the soul of water, fire, earth, and wind.

  When the soul sinks and decomposes, it becomes the energy of all things, filling the space between heaven and earth, and becoming a controllable force of the wilderness.

  "The way of nature sublimates along with the energy of all things; the way of shaman follows the soul and traces life and death..." I had some realization in my heart.

  The cheetah transformed by Duke is not slow at all.

  Like a flash of yellow, he easily passed through the jungle, quickly sprinted to the distant river, then turned around and sprinted back again.

  The rapidly passing vision flows through the cheetah's eyes.

  Duke saw the power of wilderness everywhere, and seemed to see densely packed natural spirits. The energy emitted by all things rises and sinks between heaven and earth, condenses into soul, and disperses into vitality. It goes round and round, endlessly.

  Something dawned on him again.

  Then he pounced hard on a fifth-ringed spirit beast that came into view. On the leopard's front paws, the bloodthirsty spell blessed by Cassidy had expired, but suddenly, Duke himself communicated with the spirit of nature and provided the body with Added new bloodthirsty spell.

  Then, the huge cheetah's front paws slapped the fifth-ringed spirit beast by surprise.

  Only one face to face.

  The body of the 5-ring spirit beast was hit by the huge force and sank, with bones broken and blood splattered everywhere, and then it collapsed on the ground wailing.

  The luster of arcane magic shimmered on it, but it failed to condense into shape.

  Soon, he died.

  The cheetah man stood up, the leopard skin split from the middle, and instantly returned to Duke's original appearance, and glanced at the body of the spiritual beast on the ground.

  Look at his hands again: "I actually used the way of nature and the way of shamanism at the same time! One is the rise of the power of the wilderness, and the other is the sinking of the power of the wilderness. The two paths that should have been in conflict have ended up being... I found the balance point!"

  Although they are all cultivating the power of the wilderness.

  However, the natural way and the shamanic way come from opposite directions, so Duke could not use both paths at the same time before.

  If you take the form of a beast, you cannot communicate with the spirit of nature.

  When communicating with the spirit of nature, you cannot take the form of a beast.

  Unexpectedly, just now, when he transformed into a cheetah, he actually used the bloodthirsty technique at the same time, finding a delicate and fragile balance between the two paths.

  "Mr. Duke." Cassidy trotted over.

  Duke waved his hand to signal Cassidy not to disturb him. At this time, inspiration was flashing in his mind and was being quickly absorbed by Xiaoyi.

  Then with the help of supercomputer-like calculations, it is summarized and formed.

  "The power of the wilderness is the name of this continent. It is named so because of the existence of the wilderness elves. There are no night elves in the wilderness continent, and the power of the wilderness is also very thin. It is like another power system, so why not just call it The energy of all things!"

  Linghai is the god of idealism.

  The sea of ​​blood is the blood of life.

  Qi Hai is the energy of all things.

  This is a rough power model that he summarized based on the trinity of essence, energy and spirit on the earth. It is only suitable for the wilderness continent.

  "In my opinion, a Qi practitioner who opens up the sea of ​​Qi should have three ways to practice." He and Xiaoyi repeatedly deliberated and finally worked out the details of the practice. "Practice the way of nature, and you can become a Qi practitioner who can transform; cultivate your soul. The way is to become a totem qigong practitioner."

  In addition, there is a third way.

  "To practice the way of balance, you need to contract elves. With the help of elves, you can sort out the Qi of all things, so that you can become... an elf Qi refiner!"


  He thought of the Arcane Mage. In fact, the Arcane Mage also has two paths of practice, one is the arcane scholar's path of energy fusion, and the other is the arcane master's path of elemental decomposition.

  Only knights, there is only one way to go, the knight's path, hard work and fighting spirit.

  So far.

  Duke has almost completely analyzed the power system of this continent and the new cultivation system of Qihai monks.

  So he looked at Cassidy: "Cassidy, thank you for guiding me in my shamanic practice for so many days."

  Cassidy shook his hair, but still couldn't see his face clearly: "Mr. Duke, you are so polite. I have also gained a lot of experience in integrating into the wilderness from you... I hope that when I am about to grow old, I can Truly integrate into the wilderness."

  "What restricts your integration into the wilderness is probably the influence of the devil on you." Duke did not explain that the devil is a god, but said, "I carefully reviewed the information, consulted some great figures, and formulated a plan. Come up with an eradication plan."

  "Ah!" Cassidy was delighted.

  He followed Duke closely for so many days. In addition to Duke being able to suppress the devil's influence and keep him awake at all times, he also hoped that Duke could find a way to exorcise the devil's influence for him.

  Now, I finally got what I wanted.

  Duke said seriously: "I can't guarantee 100% success. There is at least a 10% risk that it will cause irreversible damage during the expulsion process... Cassidy, the choice is up to you. Do you want to risk me?" Exorcise it."

  Once the power of divine evil penetrates into the human body, it will pollute and change the nature of the human body from head to tail, from blood to soul.

  This is the conclusion that Duke learned after carefully questioning Selsus and others.

  After all, the gods are too dangerous. If the stars are not careful, they may capsize on the gods, let alone ordinary people.

  He also inquired about the fate of his colleague Roroa Snow Eagle.

  Back in Mine No. 3, he and others were affected by the shedding of the evil spirit. Fortunately, they were not too contaminated and could recover quickly. Only Loroya Snow Eagle was seriously contaminated, and was eventually sent to Runwu City in the name of further training.

  Since then, there has been no news of Loroa Snow Eagle.

  After Duke's inquiry, it was revealed that Roroa Snow Eagle had died a long time ago. Loren Sankagome personally took action to expel the evil contamination from him, but in the end Roroa Snow Eagle still could not resist.

  Duke also consulted with Loren Sankago over and over again regarding the entire operation to remove the contamination from the divine evil.

  The difficulty is huge.

  If Cassidy's evil contamination was not deep, Duke would not be sure to take action to remove the contamination caused by the evil deity to his body.

  After pondering and struggling for a long time, Cassidy finally made up his mind: "Master Duke, please exorcise the devil for me... Even if I die, I don't want to be sober and confused anymore. It's too uncomfortable to live like that! "

  Okay." After hearing this, Duke immediately agreed.

  He brought Cassidy into the tree house he built, and then quickly arranged a formation to transform the tree house into an operating room.

  "Lie on the operating table."


  When Cassidy lay down, Duke quickly activated the formation to form a stable psychic position in the tree house, and then materialized the Arcane Hand and the Arcane Hand. Eye.

  The two quickly combined into an arcane weapon reaching the sky, and then scattered into thousands of strands, directly piercing Cassidy's body.

  Using the arcane weapon Tongtian as a medium, Duke began to mobilize his spiritual energy to clean Cassidy's body. This is an operation that is as delicate as the molecular level. It requires removing the tissues contaminated by divine evil at the most minute level.

  "Xiao Yi, I need your help."

  "Master, please rest assured, Xiao Yi is always behind the master to provide support."

  From day to night, Duke looked for the evil contaminated organizations bit by bit, without touching the pollution personally. tissue, but start excision from around the contaminated tissue. Even if the cut is larger and rougher, I don't want to contaminate it at all.

  The power of the abomination is so weird that it is as disgusting as maggots attached to bones, and it is difficult to remove if it is contaminated.

  With amazing stability, Duke had amputated Cassidy's limbs and driven away all the evil-contaminated tissue in the middle of the night.

  Now all that's left is the head.

  "Brain... Xiaoyi, we need to be more stable." Duke's eyes seemed to have the shadow of a big tree blooming. He had activated the secret of the tree king. The refreshing ability provided by the jasper tea tree made his concentration stronger. concentrated.

  Then the arcane weapon Tongtian swam in Cassidy's brain, quickly targeting every tissue contaminated by the evil.

  When you find a place, cut it.

  In order not to damage Cassidy's brain, he needs to exert his psychic control to the extreme and maintain it for several hours.

  In this way, the stars change and the night passes. The last piece of divinely contaminated tissue in Cassidy's brain was accurately removed by Duke. He breathed a long sigh of relief and controlled the arcane weapon Tongtian to withdraw from Cassidy's body.

  "Phew, done!"

  More than ten hours of high-intensity surgery was more tiring than a battle with Yalong.

  Fortunately, everything went well. All the contaminated tissues were removed and placed in a glass bottle. The blood had turned black.

  There is smoke-like black gas flowing in the glass bottle.

  However, without the nourishment of flesh and blood, the black air quickly solidified into black dust and adhered to the glass wall.

  "Just a little bit of contamination of the sample could create a forest of mutations." Duke put away the glass bottle and prepared to find a place to process the samples and scatter them into the forest. "With the help of the continuous swallowing of the forest of mutations, we can completely eliminate them." The power of the evil gods."

  Just like the No. 3 mutant forest in Cuihai City, it is not preserved intentionally, but in fact it is to eliminate the power of the evil gods to shed their shells.

  Duke also plans to create a mutant forest here.

  But before going to deal with it, Duke checked the sleeping Cassidy again: "The vital signs are good... As for whether he can wake up, it depends on his own destiny... The first operation to remove the godly contaminated tissue, I have no experience and don’t know the effectiveness.”

  The great elf Ogan was left to look after Cassidy.

  Duke left the wooden house, quickly found a corner in the Pantuo Forest, and then used his spiritual power to hold up the glass bottle and smash it.

  Black smoke spread with a loud bang.

  But before it could spread, Duke condensed a ball of flame and grilled the black smoke. When it is almost done baking, a strong wind will gather up and blow away the black smoke, spreading it evenly over a large forest.

  His whole body was covered under the arcane armor, and a layer of fighting spirit armor was condensed on the outside.

  Duke waited cautiously for a moment.

  I felt that under the earth, traces of evil energy began to escape, and the evil energy was slowly absorbed by the animals and plants in the forest.

  He finally showed a satisfied smile: "Very good, the mutant forest has been formed, and then it depends on time to destroy the power of the evil gods... In ten or fifty years, one day the power of the evil gods will dissipate, and the mutant forest will also recover. Normal."

  Just as he was observing the newly mutated forest.

  On the Dou Qi holographic screen, a small green dot suddenly flashed, and following Xiaoyi's prompt: "It was detected that the power of the wilderness was condensed at the treehouse location ten kilometers away. It seemed to be a fluctuation caused by someone integrating into the wilderness. "

  Is there someone integrated into the wilderness?" Duke was surprised, "It can't be Cassidy, right?"

  When he quickly returned to the tree house, he saw Cassidy standing under the tree, and under his feet, a huge green glowing The symbol is shining.

  Around this green luminous symbol, vegetation grows wildly and blossoms and matures instantly.

  "Is this... a totem?" Duke was surprised, but did not disturb Cassidy.

  At this moment, Cassidy was immersed in some kind of epiphany. The power aura in his body had climbed from level 2 to level 3, and was still rising. It soon climbed to the level of level 4, and only then began to slowly calm down. .

  The huge green glowing symbol at his feet also gradually disappeared.

  The surrounding plants are no longer growing wildly, but the ground is covered with fruits and grass seeds that were just grown. I don’t know how many generations have been born and destroyed in this short period of time.

  Even the tree house on the big tree behind has been integrated into the big tree, as if it has completely grown into the branches of the big tree.

  "Sir Duke." Cassidy opened his eyes and saw Duke. His small eyes hidden by his beard and hair revealed an energetic look, "I...I have integrated into the wilderness, Lord Duke, I am now A totem shaman!"

  He said.

  He plopped down and knelt down in front of Duke: "Thank you, Lord Duke, for exorcising the devil for me. Now I finally have a new life!" "

  Get up." Duke was also very excited, "Tell me, after you broke through and became a totem shaman, , what kind of inheritance has been obtained, has it been a totem inheritance?" "

  Yes, just now, after I merged into the wilderness, an ancestor's spirit integrated into my body and brought me some totem shaman knowledge. Oh, by the way, you also passed down a totem to me, called Growth Totem, I will show it to you!"

  As Cassidy used it, a symbol that was exactly the same as the green glowing symbol appeared in front of him.

  But it was smaller than before, only about the size of a person.

  There are dense curves inside the symbol, which overlap and combine in a special pattern to outline such a green totem.

  Duke quickly manifested the Eye of Arcane Weapon and completely recorded the details of this totem.

  And in the spiritual sea, a highly restored growth totem model was condensed.

  "Xiao Yi, look at this totem, does it look like a huge ring?" Duke asked in his mind, "Although the ring structure is different and the energy lines that make up the ring are also different, it is indeed a complete spell model. It's a ring!"

  "Master, Xiaoyi needs more samples for analysis." Xiaoyi would not jump to conclusions easily.

  And at this time.

  Cassidy quickly let the light of the growth totem shine on a cluster of shrubs in front of him. The shrubs grew wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, they reached the end of their lives, and the leaves fell off and turned into dead trees. But more new shrubs grew around it.

  "Mr. Duke, this is the growth totem. It can accelerate the growth of plants, and after mastering it, it can also make the plants grow in a specific way!" Cassidy patiently explained the growth

  totem, passing it on from the spirit of his ancestors to All the knowledge was shared with Duke.

  to express your gratitude.

  Duke listened patiently, and then followed Cassidy's explanation and tried to cast the growth totem. The power of the wilderness flowed through his body, condensing a complex green spell model along his thoughts, just like casting an arcane spell.

  The next moment

  , a green growth totem appeared in front of Duke. Illuminated by the light, the surrounding plants began to grow rapidly.


  October 15th.

  In the Supreme Tower of Erudite, the Light of Erudite Tower award was awarded to Erudite and 5th-ring Ocean Arcane Mage-Tevant in recognition of his invention of CD-ROM books.

  "I want to thank Prophet Duke, who invented the optical disc technology, so that I can invent the optical disc book based on the optical disc..."

  A rectangular optical disc is actually a book.

  Tevant demonstrated on the stage how to flip through this CD-ROM book, and one CD-ROM can hold the contents of dozens of books.

  "This is not bad." In the audience, an Erudite Sage touched his beard and said, "But I always feel that it doesn't have that kind of impact. It seems that the award-winning content of the Light of the Erudite Tower in recent years cannot give people anything new. Feeling."

  Another erudite sage chuckled and said, "Your taste has been spoiled by Prophet Duke."

  "Isn't it?" A erudite sage next to him said, "What was that a few years ago? Achievements, film and television technology, ring of branding, psychic projection, ring of light and faith! Each of them is a great achievement that changes the world. Unfortunately, once the Lifetime Achievement Award is announced, there are no more great achievements." "No, no, no greatness

  . Achievements, but great achievements, are not included in the awards. In the past few years, lightsaber technology and optical disc technology are very great...Duke Prophet is as productive and efficient as ever, and it is an unforgettable award!" "I don't seem to have heard of Duke recently

  . Have you heard from the prophet?"

  "That's because you only focus on the field of erudition. Prophet Duke has recently been studying the way of nature, which is the practice route of the Qihai monks." "I have heard about it too. It seems that Prophet Duke

  wants to recreate the knight. The way to create a path of practice for the Qihai monks. However, it is said that in the field of spiritual planting, there is a lot of criticism, and it even caused two prophets to make a bet and kowtow." "Bet and kowtow?" "Yes, from the Elf Research


  . Dean Alston Lanhe, and Dean Franny Sanduck of the Lingzhu Research Institute, one denounced the way of nature, the other supported the way of nature, and they made bets with each other and the loser kowtowed. It was very lively. ."

  "What's the result?"

  "No result. We only have more time. It's not so easy to get results. If you want to create a natural way, I'm afraid it won't take decades." Several erudite

  sages asked about the CD I am not very interested in books, so I just chatted about the way of nature below.

  The lines are as separated as mountains, and everyone just hears names, but this does not prevent them from discussing with each other with gusto, looking forward to the drama of stars and prophets kowtow to each other.

  When the Light of the Erudite Tower gave a lecture on technology, everyone quickly dispersed, except for some people who were interested in CD-ROM books and wanted to chat with Tevant. Most of the viewers lack interest and just want to go home quickly and busy with their work.

  However, the few learned sages had only reached halfway when they heard someone shouting.

  "Extra number, extra number!"

  "I just received news that the Duke Prophet will broadcast the academic conference live at the Seven Towers Optical Observation Station at nine o'clock tomorrow morning!" "

  Frannie Sanduck Prophet and Alston Lanhe Prophet will participate in the academic live broadcast and explain the content of this academic conference with Duke Prophet."

  "What a big event!"

  "Three prophets, jointly release!"

  In the Erudite Tower, not only ordinary employees were running around calling, The arcane mages were also passing news to each other, and in a short time everyone knew about it.

  "Hiss!" The old and learned sage scratched his beard, "Prophet Duke is going to hold a press conference again. This... won't this be a press conference for the way of nature?" "Two or three months ago

  . , just announced that they will study the way of nature, how could it be so fast?"

  "Three prophets jointly announced it, it is no small matter, it is really possible that they have researched it!" "

  Is there a possibility." Linton, a slightly younger erudite sage ·The treehopper put forward his own opinion, "It is to declare that the way of not possible? After all, there is also the prophet Alston Lanhe who has always been opposed."

  The old erudite sage rolled his eyes: "If you fail, you still hold a press conference, unless you have a brain cramp, but do you think the three prophets will have a brain cramp?" "Stop arguing, what are the facts, watch the Seven Towers on time

  tomorrow Just watch the live broadcast on the TV station."

  One spreads to ten, ten spreads to a hundred, and a hundred spreads to a thousand.

  A tower of erudition, everyone is paying attention to tomorrow's academic conference. The same is true outside. People in the entire Austrian Holy City and even the eighteen surrounding cities have learned about the academic conference to be held tomorrow in a very short period of time.

  With the help of the Ring of Light, the news seemed to have wings of light and spread outward from the Holy City of Aufa. Within a day and night, everyone in the Seven Towers Federation knew about it.

  At least everyone knows about the arcane mage group and the spiritual planter group.

  The news was then spread to many countries through their embassies in the Seven Towers Federation.

  When they heard that Prophet Duke was holding a press conference, the leaders of these countries paid great attention to it. Even those countries that had not yet laid a ring of light and information informed their embassy personnel that they should immediately pass the information back to their countries after the press conference.

  Duke's name is no longer limited to the Seven Towers Federation.

  The eighteen human governments have gradually reached a consensus on Duke's status as the number one sage throughout the ages - even foreign countries earlier believed that Duke was the number one sage in the field of spiritual arcana. After all, foreign countries did not recognize Abbott's status as the top sage.

  "Mr. Duke Prophet, you finally noticed our spiritual plant envoy!" A level 1 spiritual plant envoy heard the news and stayed in the mall that night.

  He didn't have money to install a photoscope, so he had to come to the mall to hang out.

  At this moment, I am looking forward to tomorrow, when I can see a glimmer of hope for the spirit plant envoy to stand up from the academic conference.


  I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion!
  (End of chapter)

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