Chapter 332 Qi Refiner

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  Chapter 332: Qi Refiner

  "Have you blended into the wilderness?" Franny Merganser's eyes widened, feeling startled, "Have you really blended into the wilderness?" "

  Of course."

  "I don't understand. ." Franny Merganser suppressed the shock in her heart.

  She looked at Duke carefully for a while, trying to see something from Duke's overly young face, but she only saw handsomeness.

  "What don't you understand?" Duke was used to this look.

  Frannie Sanduck took a deep breath: "You said that you have integrated into the wilderness. I completely believe this. Otherwise, it would be difficult to propose this new path of spiritual practice. But what I don't understand is how you can open up the spiritual arcana. Like a fog, did it happen naturally, or was it the result of your research and exploration?"

  Duke understood what Franny Sanduck meant.

  I want to know whether Duke realized the way of nature by accident, or whether he persevered in research and then worked hard to design the way of nature.

  He told the truth: "There are both ideas to break the situation, and there are also mistakes."

  Under Franny Sanduck's close gaze, he continued: "I originally had a guess that it was the way of the elves before. However, the way of the elves The road did not lead to a clear path, but unexpectedly found the way of nature, and merged into the wilderness during the process of merging with my great elf." "Phew." Franny Merganser breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you accidentally bumped into me

  . To the way of nature, otherwise I would think that I have seen God."

  She rolled her eyes and said: "Do you know how shocked I was when I felt a trace of the power of the wilderness. Creating a new cultivation system, this It’s no longer about exploring spiritual mysteries, it’s about competing with the gods!”

  “So, can’t living people be compared with the gods?” Duke did not deny his vanity, “When we announce the way of nature, I, Duke, will be the one to compete with the gods.” A living god!"

  Frannie Sanduck rolled her eyes again: "Aren't living saints enough, you are going to be a god so soon?" "

  Haha, just a joke."

  "This joke is not funny, I thought you were I'm serious."

  "How come, I don't need to put gold on my face." Duke said with a smile, "All of this comes from the enlightenment of the will of the stars, the way of nature, the power of the wilderness, and me The shamanic ways we are studying are all air-sea cultivation systems inspired by the will of the stars."

  "Shamanic ways?"

  "No need to ask now. I will tell you after I have thoroughly researched it."

  "Okay." Fran Ni Sanduck knows how to restrain her curiosity, "But the way of nature has taken shape, and I have begun to look forward to it. Do you think this old man Alston Lanhe will kowtow to us?"

  "It doesn't matter, I don't care about this."

  "But I do care. We are both prophets in the field of spiritual planting, and our resources are limited. This old man and I have been fighting for hundreds of years!" After saying that,

  Frannie Sanduck suddenly laughed. He laughed, and then said: "This old man will definitely not get off the stage! But what I am more curious about is, will the stars who cast the sea of ​​​​qi and sea of ​​blood into arcane weapons vomit blood after the way of nature is announced? "

  Both the sea of ​​​​qi and the sea of ​​blood can be cast into arcane weapons, and they can become arcane weapons that do not occupy slots on the orbit of the spiritual sea and spiritual core ring.

  Most air sea arcane weapons are cast into auxiliary arcane weapons for investigation, while blood sea arcana weapons are mostly cast into a weapon or a piece of armor.

  It seemed that he had taken a big advantage, having two more heavyweight arcane weapons than others.

  But it was actually a big loss, because it had completely stifled the growth of the Blood Sea and the Qi Sea, and lost the two major power systems.

  Duke chuckled: "I'm curious too."

  "When will we announce the way of nature?"



  "Wait until I announce the two routes of the power of the wilderness, the way of nature and the way of shamanism. Summarize a set of training templates. Then wait for the first 1st ring spirit implanter to successfully understand the heart of ambition, or communicate with the spirit of nature, and become..."

  He originally wanted to say become Owad or shaman.

  In the unknown land he is currently in, the way of nature is divided into three levels: Druid, Bard, and Owad; the way of shaman is divided into three levels: shaman prophet, totem shaman, and shaman warlock. ; Corresponding to the wilderness gods, wilderness envoys, and wilderness elves of the power of the wilderness.


  This is the Wilderness Continent, and there are already 1st-level Spirit Plant Envoys, 2nd-level Elf Envoys and 3rd-level Great Elf Envoys under the Qihai system.

  When the air sea system merges with the power of the wilderness, a new path will inevitably be found.

  Since it is a new path, it should have a new name. Duke thought for a moment and then continued: "When they achieve the first-level Qi Refiner, we will hold a global press conference." "A first-level Qi Refiner?


  " Levels 1 to 3 are Qi Refiners; levels 4 to 6 are Qi Refining Masters; levels 7 and above are Qi Refining Masters." Duke made a nonsense of a level system, "It just corresponds to the Arcane Mage. Ordinary Arcane Mage, Grand Arcane Mage and Arcane Master."

  Hearing what Duke said, Franny Merganser laughed and said, "I'm afraid the stars will be very jealous after hearing this." "

  How to say?"

  "For thousands of years, Arcane mages are so superior, otherwise why would they call themselves stars... Now there is a group of farmers who are on equal footing with arcane mages. Who would be willing to do that?" "It's

  just a level division, just like I divided the knight's way into three stages. 1 There are phantom beast knights of level 3-3, dragon beast knights of level 4-6, dragon knights of level 7 and above, and even ancient dragon knights of level 10." "This is different, you, a 4-level

  dragon The knight is already the only one among the knights. Your way of breaking through limitations is difficult to copy." "

  In my opinion, the way of nature and the way of shaman are probably equally difficult to practice." "


  "Although I found that Although the power of wilderness has existed in the wilderness for so many years, many people will merge into the wilderness by accident. But in fact, there has never been a record, which shows that it is difficult to integrate into the wilderness. ."

  Duke sighed and said: "I'm afraid that the power of the wilderness in the Wilderness Continent, as you have felt before, will be very thin that it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky to practice it!" Frannie

  Sanduck He frowned and said, "Really?"

  "It's just a speculation. You still need to continue to follow the experiment... We will strive to come up with a complete system of the natural way and the shamanic way as soon as possible." "


  "At that time, Ling The sea, the sea of ​​blood, and the sea of ​​qi have truly become the three major cultivation systems!" "

  You will be praised by countless people, but the arcane mages may be a little concerned about it, and you will lose your unique superiority." "

  No, no." Duke waved his hand, "The spiritual sea is the real avenue to the sky. When I advance to the stars, sooner or later I will attack the 9th ring of the sun... I can create the way of knights and the way of nature, and naturally I can also create more brilliant spiritual mysteries. The way of law!"

  Those words shocked Franny Merganser speechless.

  I’ve seen people who can boast, but this is the first time I’ve seen someone who boasts so confidently, and if you think about it carefully, it’s really hard to refute.

  At least everything Duke boasted about came true.

  And he has become a living sage, the leader of sages who can push Sage Abbots to the back, and a great arcane mage who single-handedly changes the world.

  If you think about it carefully, almost all the changes in the past ten years have Duke's shadow.


  Suppressing a trace of resistance in her heart, Franny Merganser said sincerely: "I look forward to the day when you will pioneer the path of spiritual arcane magic." "Haha."

  Duke saw this and became humble again, "It's just a joke. It's just a joke, Dean Franny, there's no need to be so serious... Let's go, let's go see how the Spirit Planters are integrating into the wilderness. I'll give them personal guidance." ...Elf Research



  Alston Lanhe was sitting in the spiritual plant flower bed, recalling in his mind the method of integrating into the wilderness that he had found out. With his energy sinking into the sea, he began to follow the cultivation method of integrating into the wilderness, and gradually understood everything around him.

  However, after experiencing it for a long time, I didn’t feel any power of the wilderness.

  "Half a month has passed since I obtained the cultivation method, and I still haven't felt the existence of the power of the wilderness." Shaking his head

  , Alston Lanhe stood up and left the spiritual plant flower bed.

  But he did not declare that integration into the wilderness was a fallacy, even if he was not optimistic about Duke and Franny Merganser's research.

  But after all, Duke's past brilliant achievements forced him to be cautious.

  So he immediately summoned the third-level great elf he had contracted with, and after merging with the great elf, he went to the deserted forest hundreds of kilometers away to experience the power of the wilderness.

  "The elf envoys over there use the method of letting go of their minds and letting the elves take over to integrate into the wilderness..." He thought like this, and then followed the instructions honestly, letting go of his thoughts and letting his great elf take over his body.


  In the great elf's perception, the forest was suddenly filled with a faint, colorful aura. This breath is very thin, but it is everywhere, running slowly and firmly. It seems to be born out of the power of nature, but it also transcends the power of nature.

  "Is it the power of the wilderness... Lord Alston?" The great elf quickly called out Alston Lanhe, who was thinking freely.

  In an instant, Alston Lanhe took over the body's perception, and then he saw the ubiquitous but very thin power of the wilderness.

  As a 7-ring Morning Star arcane instructor, his knowledge is naturally outstanding.

  It was immediately determined that this colorful and dense aura was a more transcendent force. It seemed to come from the same source as the power of nature, and both were an evolved form of spirituality.

  "Sea of ​​Qi!"

  He quickly felt his sea of ​​​​qi and found that the sea of ​​​​qi was creating a special resonance with this breath.

  Just as the sea of ​​​​qi can respond to the power of nature with the help of breathing methods, now with the help of breathing methods, the sea of ​​​​qi can also respond to the colorful and dense atmosphere.

  It's just that the breathing method is too restrictive and cannot establish a truly perfect response to the colorful aura.

  "This, this the power of the wilderness?" Alston Lanhe quickly landed on the branch, and then deeply felt the thin power of the wilderness around him, "Duke's theory is correct, the power of the wilderness exists , blending into the wilderness... the way of nature is also correct!"

  His eyes suddenly turned red: "Frannie Sanduck made the right bet... She followed Duke and has gone far on the way of nature, and I am afraid she has walked a brand new path. The Chapter of Phases... I, I actually gave up such a good opportunity!"

  Although so far, he did not think that Frannie Sanduck could really complete the Chapter of Moon Phases with the help of nature.

  But there is no doubt that Franny Merganser has embarked on the road to hit the 8th Ring Huiyue.

  Whether it succeeds or not is another matter, at least on the path of exploration of spiritual arcana, Frannie Sanduck has surpassed him.

  "The most important thing is... I have to kowtow!"

  Thinking of this, Alston Lanhe felt a cramp in his chest and quickly activated his spiritual energy to calm down his emotions.

  Then he stretched out his hand in the air and randomly drew a "∞" symbol, as if a circle was twisted from the middle.

  next moment.

  The "∞" symbol flashed with brilliant light, and Alston Lanhe stepped into the light. When the light went out, he had returned to the Elf Research Institute hundreds of kilometers away.

  "Master Dean." When the staff saw Alston Lanhe, they quickly bowed and said hello.

  Alston walked forward quickly and said in a solemn voice: "Quickly summon all the scholars in the institute to the large conference room for a meeting." "Yes." After a moment,

  all the arcane mages with scholar titles in the Elf Institute came to the meeting. Rushed to the big conference room.

  Alston Lanhe glanced at everyone and said slowly: "You all know about the oak man manufacturing plan that Prophet Duke and Frannie Sanduck are studying. I remember that some of you also joined it. Everyone tells me their own opinions."

  Although he did not agree with the plan to create the Oak Man before, Alston Lanhe, as a star and a prophet, naturally has enough plans.

  There is no restriction on subordinates to join the rubber man manufacturing project.

  A scholar was the first to speak: "I've been trying to integrate into the wilderness recently. Although there hasn't been much progress yet, when I merged with the 2nd-level elf, I had a strong intuition that I should be able to find a way to integrate into the wilderness soon.

  " The scholar paused for a moment and continued: "So I still maintain my previous view. I believe that the oak man manufacturing plan is feasible." "It is

  true that as you said, blending into the wilderness may be the right idea, but it requires the help of elves, but for elves, It's just a development method." Another spiritual plant scholar shook his head and said, "I have not opened up the air sea, and I have no clue about integrating into the wilderness." "But in any case, the

  oak man manufacturing plan is feasible, as long as we find out the elves The source of power, all spiritual plant users can blend into the wilderness!" "

  It's not that simple. Elves are rare things in the world... Moreover, although you have strong intuition, you may not be able to blend into the wilderness." "I think the Oak

  Man The manufacturing plan is unrealistic!"

  "Sergeant Duke and Frannie Sanduck's joint research is at least a feasible direction. I still support Prophet Duke." "Being superstitious about

  authority is not advisable." "

  Even if you blend into the wilderness, Being able to do it is also a small path, probably even rarer than the Dragon Knight... Duke Duke has been promoted to the Dragon Knight for half a year. The Dragon Knight's training experience has been summed up, but no one can follow suit, right?" "Even the Knights are practicing in seclusion

  . Mr. Dunn Dragonlance of the Academy can't break through the 4th level dragon knight. It can be seen that it is just a trail!" "Only

  contracted elves can integrate into the wilderness. It will also be a trail." "

  No matter how small the trail is, it is also a new path. You I only saw that it was difficult for the Dragon Knight to break through, but I did not see the changes brought about by the Ring of Phantom Beasts. The group of knights exploded, the number of Phantom Beast Knights increased dramatically, and even the number of high-level Phantom Beast Knights increased. With the help of lightsaber technology, the number of knights It can be said to be a big explosion!"

  "So what, after all, they are the ordinary class below the fourth ring."

  "Don't be too ambitious. The ordinary class is just as important. Imagine if the spiritual plant envoys use the way of nature to gain strong combat effectiveness, and the underlying combat effectiveness of the entire Seven Towers Federation continues to expand, how much land we can open up!" "It's difficult, it's natural

  . How could Tao let the Ling Zhi Envoy leave farming and stand up to fight?"

  "Isn't it still under research?"

  There was a quarrel in the large conference room.

  Although there are many people who are dissatisfied with the Oak Man manufacturing plan, there are also many who support the Oak Man manufacturing plan. Duke's achievements at the four-ring level in more than ten years have indeed won a large number of loyal believers.

  "Ahem." Alston Lanhe and others were almost quarreling. He coughed slightly and stopped the quarrel. "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me." When the stars spoke, the scholars naturally did not dare to neglect

  . One by one, they stopped arguing and sat down.

  Alston Lanhe picked up the tea cup, took a sip of water, and said with a serious expression: "As for the oak man manufacturing plan, I think it is feasible." As

  soon as he said this.

  The large conference room suddenly started to buzz with discussion again.

  Fortunately, Alston Lanhe stretched out his hand and pressed down, and the scholars became silent again.

  He looked at everyone and said: "After my personal experiment, at least integrating into the wilderness is feasible. I did discover the power of the wilderness during the fusion of elves. Although there is no way to mobilize the power of the wilderness for the time being, it is indeed a force. New power."

  Spirituality is the source of all power.

  Cultivation in the sea of ​​​​spirit, breathing in and out of spirituality, refining it into spiritual energy; Cultivation in the sea of ​​​​blood, spirituality is integrated into the blood, becoming the power of the spirit beast's qi and blood, and the power of qi and blood is refined into the fighting spirit of the knight; Cultivation in the sea of ​​​​qi, spirituality is transplanted by the spirit Inhalation and exhalation become the force of nature and are resonated by the sea of ​​qi.

  Investigating its origin, spirituality has roughly evolved into three kinds of power—spiritual energy, the power of Qi and blood, and the power of nature.

  Of course, there are also other types of power, such as the evil power of gods, the special power of elves, the special power of fantasy beasts, etc.

  There is also the magical power of Yalong, which can also be regarded as a new form of power.

  But in the final analysis, except for divine evil, all forms of power can be divided into spiritual energy, the power of Qi and blood, and the power of nature, becoming a branch.

  Human beings have become aware of all the forces on the Wilderness Continent.

  And now.

  Alston Lanhe said that the power of the wilderness proposed by Duke is indeed a brand-new power, and he has personally verified that it is a real power.

  "Master Dean, are you sure?"

  "As expected, I said, I can definitely blend into the wilderness!" "

  Sir, what does the power of the wilderness feel like?"

  "Prophet Duke, don't deceive me sincerely!"

  The scholars became restless and supported. Scholars from Duke cheered each other, while scholars who did not support Duke looked at each other in confusion.

  Alston Lanhe waited for everyone to calm down, and continued: "I did make a mistake... In short, the power of the wilderness really exists, and our Elf Research Institute must follow up immediately. From now on, everyone must delve into the power of the wilderness. Power!"

  "Yes, sir!"

  A brand-new power will definitely bring great value.

  Alston Lanhe didn't get on the earliest car sent by Duke, and was already far behind Franny Merganser, so he would never miss the next car.

  After giving instructions to everyone at the Elf Research Institute, he immediately returned to his mage tower and signaled his assistants to move the sky copy ring from the mage tower to the battleship.

  Then let the battleship fly quickly to Cuihai City.

  He will also join the Duke Sage Mage Tower and participate in the Oak Man manufacturing project.

  "Duke... Prophet Duke is a person with big plans. He shouldn't refuse me to join... At worst, I'll kowtow twice to him and Franny, a little girl like him... Kowtow in private, don't It's good to be seen by outsiders."


  "How do you feel?" Duke put his hands behind his back and looked at Deweylu Huangyang, the deputy leader of the Oak Man Manufacturing Project research team.

  This arcane earth mage recruited from Spike City has become his right-hand man in studying the ways of nature.

  On Deweilu Huangyang's shoulders rested his contracted great elf, Deyang.

  He glanced at Deyang, cheered up and said: "I have talked with Madam Franny several times, and I have learned from your experience and Madam Franny's, and let Deyang take charge of the perception of the fusion. I already have a feeling, and soon You can blend into the wilderness!"

  "Not bad, not bad." Duke nodded.

  Then he looked at another arcane mage, a second-level arcane mage and a second-level spiritual plant envoy Outlets. This was a native arcanist mage from the Black Dragon River and a spiritual plant scholar.

  Duke had previously competed with him for shares in the Hippodrome Mining Company.

  After the start of the Oak Man Manufacturing Plan, Outlet was also recruited and now serves as the deputy team leader, in charge of some logistical work.

  "Outlet, what about you?"

  "Return to my lord." Outlet responded respectfully, "I don't have a clue yet, but I am working hard to integrate into the wilderness as soon as possible." "Don't be anxious,

  calm down and understand. Integrating into the wilderness is not an outcome, but a new beginning, and there is still a long way to go in the future."

  He walked around and pointed out the experience of integrating into the wilderness.

  Duke's earth clone ended its duration of one hour and fifteen minutes, shattered into little fluorescent dots and disappeared.

  Open your eyes.

  He has returned to the tent in Pantuo Forest.

  In the following days, in addition to motivating the earth clones and advanced clones, he followed Ursokel to learn the power of wilderness techniques, or followed Childe to explore the ways of nature, or followed Cassidy to learn the ways of shamanism.

  Life is quite fulfilling.

  Time has come to October unknowingly, and autumn has colored the earth.

  Not only the leaves in Cuihai City started to turn yellow, but also in Pantuo Forest, large areas of leaves turned yellow, and the entire forest changed color every day.

  The feeling of desolation is getting stronger.

  Duke walked in the forest and quietly snapped his fingers. The next moment, the power of the wilderness flowed through him and quickly spread to the surroundings.


  The power of the wilderness gathered at a certain location and quickly turned into the shadow of a tiger. It was a very thin and dim shadow of a spiritual body that looked like it would be dispersed by the wind.

  "Roar!" The shadow of the tiger let out a dull roar in Duke's heart.

  Duke looked at the tiger's shadow.

  This is the spirit of nature, the spirit of beasts among the spirits of nature. It was about a few decades ago that a ferocious tiger-like spirit beast left behind a little spiritual light after its death. It was awakened by Duke with the help of shamanism and became the spirit of the beast.

  "Still the spirit of the beast." Duke frowned.

  Cassidy taught him shamanic ways and how to communicate with the spirits of nature. In fact, Duke had successfully communicated with the spirits of nature after only two days of learning.

  However, almost every communication is the spirit of the beast.

  "Master Duke, don't be discouraged. In the early stage, shaman practice was weak, and most of them were weak beast spirits who would respond to your call." Cassidy, who has a beard and hair, has been following Duke recently.

  Whenever he was going to be sick and confused, Duke would use the 1st level arcane spell - Meditation to calm him down.

  He said seriously: "When I communicate with the spirits of nature, most of the time I communicate with the spirits of beasts. Only very rarely will the spirits of ancestors be awakened and teach me the shamanic ways... As for the powerful spirits of nature, I have always communicated with them. Never awakened."

  Natural spirits include ancestor spirits, beast spirits, and special elemental spirits such as water spirits, earth spirits, and fire spirits.

  "I'm not in a hurry, but I do want to awaken a powerful spirit of nature and ask what a totem is." The

  way of shamanism has three major stages - shaman, totem shaman and shaman prophet.

  Cassidy is only a 2nd-level shaman warlock. He can only cast some small spells with the help of nature spirits. Without integrating into the wilderness, it will be difficult for him to make progress.

  Also because he did not receive a good inheritance and lacked knowledge, he did not know much about the next stage of totem shaman. It is just a guess that totems may be a stronger means than spells and can produce more and stronger effects.

  As he spoke, Duke waved his hand.

  The tiger's shadow turned into a ball of spiritual light, rolling up a whirlpool in the forest. The whirlpool directly crushed and swallowed up a large number of surrounding trees.

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  (End of this chapter)

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