Chapter 175 Xiaohong

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  Chapter 175
  The conversation between Xiao Hong and Mu Hans gave Duke a little more understanding of the phantom beasts.

  Then at noon, Muhans’ wife Sasha cooked the meal herself, and Duke stayed at Muhans’ house for a warm lunch.

  Later, Mr. and Mrs. Muhans came to the station to see Duke off.

  Mrs. Shasha held her daughter's hand and reluctantly gave a lot of instructions. Muhans gave Duke a helpless smile.

  Duke nodded in understanding and was not in a hurry.

  "Want one?" Muhans took out a pack of cigarettes and asked.

  Just as Duke was about to refuse, the ground suddenly shook under his feet. He was almost knocked down, and the station was filled with people.

  "There's an earthquake!"


  "Run, the earthquake is coming!"

  The strong earthquake soon cracked the ground into cracks. Muhans helped his wife Shasha, who had fallen, and Duke Then he grabbed Mulali who was unable to stand firmly.

  "Ah!" Mulali screamed in fright.

  "Don't be afraid." Duke put his arm around her shoulders.

  Being hugged by strong arms, Mulali, who was panicking just now, suddenly relaxed, feeling as if the world collapsed and it had nothing to do with her.



  The surrounding followers and guards quickly ran over to protect him.

  This shout also made Mulali come back to her senses. Two blushes flew up on her face. She simply buried her head in Duke's arms and refused to lift it up.

  Fortunately, the earthquake did not last long, and there were no tall buildings at the station, so after the earthquake subsided, it did not cause much damage.

  The panicked crowd gradually calmed down.

  Muhans signaled his entourage to send his wife Sasha back, and quickly said to Duke: "There is an earthquake. I have to go back to the town to check the damage, so I won't send you off. You should go back as soon as possible and arrive at Shenjiao later. It will be dark soon."

  "Uncle Muhans, you are busy, we will set off now." Duke patted Mulali in his arms.

  The fifteen-year-old girl broke away from his arms in a panic, then looked down at her mother who was smiling at her, turned around, followed Duke, and got into the Black Beetle of Youshi Clothing Company.

  The Black Beetle ran over the cracked road and headed towards the route.

  "Sir, how could there be an earthquake?" Mulali was at a loss for words and wanted to cover up her previous gaffe in front of Duke.

  "The cause of the earthquake is very complicated." Duke thought of the foreign warships he had seen before.

  Perhaps this earthquake was caused by the battle in the forbidden area. The shell of the ancient evil creature seemed to be far more terrifying than imagined.

  However, he did not express his thoughts, and simply said: "Earthquakes are probably caused by the movement of the earth, which accumulates enough energy and then releases it, causing earthquakes." "So that's it." Mulali nodded


  But looking at her confused eyes, it was obvious that she didn't understand.

  In the evening, the black beetle car arrived at the West Railway Station - because of the safety of the route, private black beetle cars will basically come to the station to gather, form a convoy with the route special car, and then set off together, enjoying the protection of the knights following the car.

  Next, the Black Beetle will drive back to the parking lot of Youshi Clothing Company, and Duke will take Mulali and two followers into a Tiger car.

  Driver Royce's task is to ensure that every time Duke comes back, he can get into the car in time.

  Wait until you return to Beverly Manor No. 17.

  Levin ran to Duke: "Master, the box..."

  "What box?"

  "It's the box in the breeding room. It's moved inside!"

  Duke quickly understood, and immediately ran to the breeding room and locked the door. Take another cardboard box out of the cabinet.


  After the chick got permission, it emerged from Duke's air sea: "Wow, little red is coming out, Duke, little red is coming out!" The

  egg of the queen ant red ant, the little queen ant that hatched, passed by the little red ant. The chicken and Duke unanimously decided to name it Little Red.

  At this time, the ant eggs can be clearly seen and the shell has become transparent.

  A fat maggot was stirring inside.

  Ants undergo metamorphosis and need to go through four stages: egg, larvae, pupa, and adult. At this time, ant larvae have hatched from the ant eggs.

  A fat maggot as big as a fist.

  Looking through the eggshell, he felt vaguely disgusting. This was Duke's first impression: "Chicken, don't touch it, let it hatch on its own." "I'll cheer it up!" The

  chicken shook its head. , "It's Xiaohong, born from a red tree branch. She's my...goddaughter!" "

  Pfft...your relationship..." Duke wanted to laugh.

  The little chicken snorted: "I have a grandma, and of course I have a goddaughter!" "

  Is that a boy or a girl?"

  "Ah!" The little chicken suddenly fell into deep thought and developed gender cognitive impairment.

  In fact, Duke couldn't tell whether the chick was male or female, male or female. After all, it was just a big green tadpole, not even a frog.

  The voice is crisp and cute, like a doll, but I can't tell whether it's a boy or a girl.

  Kabuto, who had followed Duke back, now stretched out his head, grinned and laughed at the chick, and even shook his crotch in a humane manner.

  It is male.


  Duke slapped Xiao Dou on the head: "No pornography!"

  "Jiji." Xiao Dou covered his head with his paws and flattened his mouth, feeling quite aggrieved. Is this also pornography?

  At this time, a slight clicking sound suddenly came from the ant eggs.

  There was a crack in the egg shell. Suddenly Duke, Xiao Dou, and Chicken were all attracted by the sound, staring at the ant egg intently.

  Click, click...

  Xiao Hong kept gushing in the eggshell, widening the crack until a piece of eggshell fell out, and Xiao Hong finally stuck out his head.

  The whole body is white with a faint red sheen.

  There is no nausea from maggots, it looks crystal clear like a crystal sculpture, and there are fine transparent teeth at the front of the head.

  Little red crawled out of the eggshell little by little.

  Its appearance is also revealed bit by bit in the eyes of one person, one beast and one elf. The overall shape is similar to a maggot, but it is transparent and glows dimly red, making it not only not disgusting, but a bit cute.

  "Hey, little red, little red!" The chicken swam to Xiaohong's side, stretched out its thick tail and patted Xiaohong's belly, "I am your god, fuck, fuck... you are my goddaughter, From now on, you can call me uncle, and I will be your godfather!"

  At the critical moment, Xiaoji confirmed his gender - uncle.

  Xiaohong didn't know why. It was just an ignorant larva now. After crawling out of the eggshell, it crawled around in the cardboard box.

  "It's hungry, Duke, my goddaughter is hungry!" the chicken said suddenly.

  As an elf, it has many magical powers, one of which is its ability to communicate with ants using pheromones.

  Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that the chicks were bred from burrowing army ants.

  According to the records in the books, elves are extraordinary beings born from spiritual plants that have been influenced by humans during the long-term domestication of humans.

  It's just that chickens are special. The one who domesticated Ji Yulu, the second-level elf spirit plant, is an ant.

  So it seems logical that it can communicate with ants.

  "Don't worry, I'll find food for it right away, but before eating, I still need to sign a contract with it!"

  (End of Chapter)

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