Chapter 174 The calamity of life and death

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  Chapter 174 The Tribulation of Life and Death
  The crowd in Snake Head Town has gradually shown signs of dispersing.

  After more than a year of pioneering war, humans have opened fifteen safe camps in Cuihai Valley suppressed by temporary mage towers, so many mercenaries, businessmen and the like simply live in the safe camps.

  In some security camps, there are gradually signs of the formation of small towns.

  At the beginning, Sheshou Town gradually developed from a small market into the market town it is today.

  "It would be better to have fewer people. During this period, the quality of life in Sheshou Town has been significantly reduced, and some old residents have moved away." Mayor Muhans Black Snake was drinking tea and chatting with Duke, " As long as the trade line is in hand, we can reap the dividends of the war for several more years."

  Perhaps because of their tacit relationship with their daughter Mulali, the two of them had an atmosphere of chatting like a father-in-law and a son-in-law.

  "The Black Snake Family should have made plans in advance in the future Cuihai Town, right?" "

  Of course, this has always been done by the high priest, and I don't pay much attention. Oh, by the way, you have cooperated with James to open a new farm?" "

  James I want to do it, and I also have some ideas that I want to give him to implement, so this cooperation came about."

  "The output value of the farm industry is too small." Muhans shook his head, not very happy with Duke and James' cooperation in opening a farm. Agree.

  In his opinion, Duke, as an arcane mage with a bright future, had no need to stare at the mud to eat.

  The Black Snake family owns such a large area of ​​fiefdom and only manages a small portion of the farm to ensure the security of the family's food supply.

  Duke smiled and didn't go into details.

  In addition to making money, he also has an extremely important purpose in opening a farm, which is to provide an opportunity for evolution for Ji Yulu, the second-level elf spirit plant.

  Humans don't have a deep understanding of elves, but over the years, they have still summarized some theoretical knowledge.

  The spiritual seeds in the air sea are of great benefit to the evolution of elves; feeding spiritual crystals and some special things can also help the elves grow.

  In addition, the elf spirit plant is allowed to continuously influence the new spirit plant. When the new spirit plant evolves, the elf spirit plant can also receive positive feedback.

  Over time, the more feedback there is, the more opportunities there will be for evolution.

  Therefore, in order for the chicken to successfully evolve from an elf to a big elf, Duke must let Ji Yulu influence more spiritual plants.

  Opening a farm is a quick way to make money.

  The two chatted casually, and unknowingly they talked about the fantasy beast: "Mayor Muhans..."

  "If you don't mind, you can call me Uncle Muhans." Muhans had some meaning. said, with expectation in his eyes.

  When Duke heard this, Wei Kucha was stunned for a moment, and then put on a faint smile: "Uncle Muhans, how did your flaming python evolve from a flaming python to a fantasy beast? Are there any specialties in nurturing it?"

  "Speaking of this, I really have some experience." Muhans laughed.

  Then he patted his chest. The next moment, a fiery red light shot out from his chest and quickly transformed into a five-meter-long red python. The thickest part of the body was as thick as an adult's thigh. It looked domineering. Incomparable.

  "Hiss..." This second-level fantasy beast - the flaming python, can already fly in the air, coiling its body in the air, staring at Duke's non-stop spitting messages.

  Duke's contracted spirit beast companion, Kabuto, hid directly on Duke's back after seeing the flaming python.

  Both scared and curious.

  He poked his head and carefully looked at this majestic red python.

  "Fire King, be good." Muhans waved gently, and the flaming python, which was showing off its power just now, immediately put its head into Muhans' arms affectionately, "Originally, I didn't expect the Fire King to evolve into a fantasy beast. At that time, I was just an ordinary high knight in the family."

  As a family founded by an arcane mage.

  It was impossible for the Black Snake family to let a great knight serve as the clan leader, so Muhans wanted to make achievements outside.

  Together with the Fire King, he participated in hunting in the Black Snake Mercenary Group to seize resources for the family.

  "During a hunting process, we encountered a huge crisis. The Fire King was severely injured, the mercenary group suffered heavy casualties, and I also broke a leg... At that time, I tried my best to kill the prey, but the Fire King was already dying."

  " In order to save it, I did not hesitate to mix my blood with fighting energy and transfer it into the body of the Fire King. Perhaps it was the power of the contract between us, or maybe it was feeling my emotions. The Fire King finally managed to survive and soon mutated. ."

  "As you saw next, the Fire King evolved into a fantasy beast, and my fighting spirit also changed qualitatively, and I became a knight of the fantasy beast." The

  great knight is not qualified to be the clan leader.

  However, the Level 2 Fantasy Beast Knight was already qualified to serve as the clan leader. Muhans thus became the new clan leader of the Black Snake Family and the mayor of Snake Head Town, and inherited the title of Baron Black Snake.

  "Alas, it's a pity that no one in the family has been promoted to the second level. Only the high priest is trying to maintain it... If Mudis can be promoted to the second level, I will immediately hand over all the titles and positions to him... It has been a long time since I took the title. Fighting side by side with the Fire King!"

  Muhans had a look of regret on his face. As a knight of fantasy beasts, he was constrained by his status and could not freely use it, which really made him feel frustrated.

  Duke wanted to say it.

  "Didn't you fight side by side with the Fire King? At that time, I saw clearly that the Black Jade Scorpions invaded, you entered the scene, and you were beaten away again..." Of course, these words were not said, otherwise the two of them would have

  to Break up on the spot.

  He just said thoughtfully: "So, Uncle Muhans, if a spiritual beast evolves into a fantasy beast, it needs to go through a life and death disaster?" "I don't know if that's the case,

  but Mumis, Mufis, Mu Hansi and the three of them all followed my instructions and fought side by side with the contracted spirit beasts. They also used the fighting spirit mixed with blood to save their companions, but the spirit beasts did not evolve." Shaking his head, Mu Hansi added:

  " I wonder if this is a deliberate approach that cannot hide spiritual scrutiny."

  Spirituality guides everything.

  People in the Seven Towers Federation believe that if you deceive the spirit, the spirit will no longer favor you.

  Duke touched his chin and turned to look at Kabuto, who was eating snacks on the table. He thought that if the phantom beast had to go through a catastrophe, Kabuto might not have a chance to evolve.

  No matter what, Duke couldn't put himself in danger.

  Besides, he was already an arcane mage. Even if he couldn't become a knight of the phantom beast, he wouldn't lose much. The worst he could do was to refine the sea of ​​blood and cast it into an arcane weapon that would not occupy a position in the ring system.

  As for Kabuto.

  It is not a problem to raise it for a lifetime, and there is no need to force it to evolve into a fantasy beast.

  "I understand, Uncle Muhans."

  "I said all this, just to say that the opportunity for the evolution of fantasy beasts is far greater than the cultivation, so you don't have to force this." Muhans also understood the importance, "You are An arcane mage has a bright future, so just let nature take its course when it comes to fighting spirit cultivation."

  "I think so too."

  "I heard from Mulali that you went hunting again? Don't blame me for talking too much. You haven't even built the arcane wonder. You should be more cautious during this period." Duke understood Hans's kindness


  Whether it's because of Mulali's pseudo-"son-in-law" relationship or because of the Black Snake family's win over, only by listening to others' advice can he have enough to eat.

  Even the locals knew that they had to be cowardly, so how could he not understand as a time traveler.

  Wouldn't it be more comfortable and pleasant to drink coffee brewed by an assistant and do some research on a high tower than to fight for your life in a smelly environment in the wild?

  (End of chapter)

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