Chapter 118 Temperament

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  Chapter 118 Temperament
  1 Ring Arcane Mage Duke glanced at the sky outside the window, it was almost evening.

  If you take a bus to Shenjiao City at this time, you will have to arrive at the station in the middle of the night. The night route is full of dangers, and the Faling Tower is also closed.


  He endured his patience and planned to stay in the villa for one night before going to the Faling Tower to register his new identity as an arcane mage.

  "I'm very excited, aren't you, little chicken!"

  "No." The little chicken said flatly.

  Duke ignored it and sat in front of the tool table, minding his own business, and took out a scrapped 3-ring arcane card - Arcane Return that he had received a long time ago.

  It was Captain Zina who brought it here, and Duke confidently said that it could be repaired.

  After I got it and tried it, I realized that even with the repair solution provided by Xiaoyi, it couldn't be repaired at all, so I had to give up the business.

  Xena then gave it to Duke for free.


  Promoted to Level 1 Arcane Mage, although I haven't tried to build a spell model yet.

  But he felt that his current control strength of spiritual power should be able to meet the needs of the repair plan provided by Xiaoyi.

  "What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"

  "A 3-level arcane magic return. Once repaired, it will sell for not only thousands of gold dragons, but a few hundred gold dragons should be more than enough!"

  If you want to live a good life in Shenjiao City, even if you are an arcane mage You also have to work hard to make money. In this pioneering war, the arcane mages who came to Snakehead Town proved this.

  Therefore, it is very necessary to save some money in advance.

  The maintenance plan provided by Xiaoyi is as detailed as the operation accuracy of every step.

  Duke quickly peeled off the cover, pried out the card core, and then used a ring puller to pull out the spell model with three rings nested inside each other, and made a rough comparison with Xiaoyi's operation process.

  In the spell model of this card, there are five traces that he has repaired, which are the first five steps of the operation process provided by Xiaoyi.

  Looking back now, these five repairs are quite rough.

  "The thickness is uneven, and the energy density is bumpy. At the time, I thought my technique was already top-notch, but looking back now, it's terrible!" He

  was promoted to the 1st level arcane mage, and his understanding of the level has reached another level.

  Therefore, when Duke looked at the traces of the previous repairs, he felt they were as ugly as a child's graffiti, so he picked up a psychic pen and a spiritual knife, and repaired the five previous traces with a click, repairing every energy line. A new look.

  "This is card repairing!"

  The psychic pen is in the right hand, and the soul-cutting knife is in the left hand.

  The ring in Duke's spiritual sea is like a brand new brain, helping him to control spiritual power to the extreme.

  No, the power he controls now can no longer be described as spiritual power. This is the fusion of spiritual power and arcane trajectory. It is a special spiritual power that reaches the best and stable state. It is the same kind of spiritual power used in every household.

  Strong control, coupled with stable psychic energy.

  The psychic pen and soul-cutting knife seemed to be an extension of his body, a part that could be manipulated at will, even more flexible than his fingers.

  Easily, the sixth breakpoint that could not be repaired was easily turned around by his spiritual energy, and the welding was completed without touching any energy lines.



  Every breakpoint and weak point, whether difficult or simple, was easily repaired by Duke according to Xiaoyi's planning process.

  The 3-level spell model, which was a mess like wool, did not hinder his repair work in the slightest.

  After fighting like this for more than an hour, the 3-ring arcane card - Arcane, which was originally declared scrapped, was restored by him magically.

  Inject psychic energy to check, and the repaired 3-level spell model has energy lines lighting up one by one.

  "Very good. The flow of psychic energy in the spell model is very smooth, with almost no stagnation anywhere." Duke put down the psychic pen.

  He picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip of herbal tea.

  In the process of repairing this 3-ring arcane card, he did not encounter any problems. Everything went smoothly. No matter how difficult it was, he could easily master it.

  "That is to say, I should be able to make my own spirit card now."

  After the ring puller compressed the spell model back, Duke gently took the card core and began to skillfully repair the card material to completely wrap the card core.

  The card material not only protects the card core, but also serves as a triggering mechanism for the card core.

  However, even ordinary card repairers are capable of repairing card materials, not to mention Duke, who is already a level 1 arcane mage.

  A set of smooth operations, the 3-ring spirit card-arcane return, has been wrapped in a new cover.

  It's like a brand new spiritual card, placed on the table.

  "Is this the spirit card? It's really strange." Xiaoji came over and looked at the spirit card on the table curiously, "How can it release such a big fireball, such a big wind blade, and such a big hail?"

  " This is the spiritual arcana!" Duke picked up the 3-ring spiritual card and put it into his pocket. "This card cannot release fireballs, wind blades and hailstones, but it can weave a cage without 3 rings. With the above attack power, no one can break this cage."

  This spirit card can be sold for hundreds of gold dragons without any problem.

  But Duke himself likes it very much. He has a Sand Eagle, which can even destroy a Level 3 Burrowing Army Ant with one shot, so he has no shortage of attack power.

  What is lacking is defense and the ability to keep people alive.

  The Arcane Return Card satisfies the above two options.

  "Humph, the red branch will definitely break it with one bite." The chicken choked out of habit. Even if the contract made it feel close to Duke, it still liked to find trouble.

  Duke was not as knowledgeable as an elf. After putting away the spirit card, he patted the chicken on the head and said, "Stay at home and go to Shenjiao City tomorrow. I will take the time to buy you spirit crystals." He said


  Then went downstairs to have dinner.


  "Boss, you seem to be different." Aunt Abi brought a bowl of rice over and looked curiously at Duke, who was drinking soup.

  Sally and Levin were eating at another table. Hearing this, they also turned their heads and looked at Duke carefully.

  Levin just tilted his head in confusion, maybe he felt something was different about Duke, but he couldn't tell what was different.

  However, after Sally looked carefully, she exclaimed like Aunt Abi: "It's different, boss, you are more... more elegant now." "More elegant?" Duke showed a faint smile


  "Yeah, I remember when I first met Boss You, I thought you were different, Boss, and you were more elegant than many people. But today, you look more elegant than ever... You have class and you have a lot of temperament." Kind of..." Sally thought for a while.

  Only then did he find the words he wanted: "There is a noble and majestic temperament, yes, it is noble and majestic, just like the arcane mage I saw from a distance in the town!" Duke was a little surprised, a woman's

  intuition It was indeed terrifyingly accurate: "Really?"

  "Yes, just like Mr. Arcane Mage." Sally nodded affirmatively.

  Aunt Abi immediately said: "Of course, our boss will definitely become a noble Master Arcana in the future!"

  Levin finally found the opportunity to interject: "The boss is better than Master Arcana!" "

  Haha, it seems that I have been in trouble recently. His Qi-nurturing Kung Fu has improved, and he has initially acquired the temperament of an arcane mage." Duke did not acknowledge his identity.

  Before officially registering as a Level 1 Arcane Mage, you still need to keep a low profile to avoid making mistakes.

  He smiled and said: "Thank you all for your blessings to me. Aunt Abi, go to the basement and bring up a bottle of cellared red wine. Let's have a drink together."

  Aunt Abi immediately said happily: "The boss is wise."

  (End of Chapter)

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