Chapter 117: One Ring Arcane Mage

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  Chapter 117: One Ring Arcane Mage
  August 30th, sunny and hot.

  Duke, who had a red mark on his chest and a green mark on his belly, allowed Xiaoyi to continue solidifying his spiritual core at 85% power.

  I rode my bicycle and went to the town to find out the news.

  Last night's airship chase caused quite a stir in the town, and Duke soon got the news from a mercenary from the Broken Sword Mercenary Group.

  "Ah, I heard that we captured a 5-ring queen ant!" The mercenaries did not see it with their own eyes, but the news came. "They all said that this queen ant gave birth to wisdom, and it was she who directed the invasion of underground army ants. farm, but the airship captured the 5-ring Queen Ant and flew directly to Shenjiao City."

  "Didn't you rest in Snake Head Town?"

  "No, except for the Sunset airship from Erwin's Master Tower, which rested in Snake Head Town. The other ships of the airship brigade have all evacuated. The mission of the Pioneer War Command to dispatch our mercenary group has also come to an end." "Okay, is Captain Xina back?" "No, there are still


  lot of troops on the front line. The burrowing army ants need to be cleared away, and the large army will need to delay their return for a few days." This mercenary returned to the station early because he was delivering goods. "Do you still want to buy ant meat? I can sell you a few at half price. ."

  Knowing that there was cooperation between Duke and the regiment leader, the mercenary was happy to be a favor.

  Duke shook his head: "I won't buy it for now, I don't have enough money on hand."

  In fact, after selling many arcane cards one after another, he already had more than 300 golden dragons on his spirit dragon card. There is also a 2-level arcane card - Python Shadow Binding. If this card is also used, my personal savings will reach as much as 400 gold dragons.

  However, considering that he was about to be promoted to Level 1 Arcane Mage and was going to Shenjiao City to buy a house and settle down, and he would have to spend money on everything, he was reluctant to spend it frivolously.

  Leave Broken Sword station.

  While riding his bicycle, Duke said to himself: "You heard it, right? The red branch was picked up by the airship and sent to Shenjiao City... It should be greeted by a fate like a guinea pig, but You said, The red branch's IQ is not outstanding, maybe the arcane mages will soon lose interest and dry it into dried meat to avoid pain." The

  green mark on the belly flickered, stimulating a little warmth.

  Apparently chicks can hear sounds outside.

  It expressed its anger at the scene described by Duke, and expressed reluctance to part with the red branches, but it didn't seem to be so reluctant to part with it.

  The reason is that there are ant eggs on red branches in Duke's villa.

  Although the red branch will die, its bloodline will continue again with the help of this ant egg, just like a new red branch is born.

  "But, chick, the red branches should have laid countless ant eggs..." Duke still remembered that he had asked about it last night.

  The chick replied seriously: "That's different. This ant egg is the last egg of the red branch. It will hatch into a small red branch!" "What do you mean?" "The


  branch is different from other big ants. This The eggs are different too!"

  Duke was still a little confused at the time, but now he had vague speculations that Red Branch was a rare 5-ring bloodline queen among burrowing army ants.

  The ant eggs it usually lays should only have ordinary 3-ring blood.

  But only this one has inherited its fifth-ring bloodline, and the new ants hatched in the future will be fifth-ring burrowing army ants.

  Duke also discovered that the emotions of these non-human creatures, whether they be chicks or red branches, may have human-like parts, but there are also many parts that are different from humans. For example, they are more indifferent to the parting and inheritance of life.

  The chick lost the red branch, but with this ant egg, it seemed that it had not lost the red branch.

  At this moment.

  Xiaoyi suddenly sent a message: "Master, there is only 0.01% left to complete the work of solidifying the spiritual core. Do you want to complete the final step yourself?" "Yes!"

  Duke pedaled the bicycle hard.

  He quickly returned to Little Duke Farm and rushed to the second floor of the villa.

  After traveling to this world for more than a year, he finally reached the most important point. He just wanted to complete it himself and witness it in person.


  "Are you going to be promoted to Arcane Mage, Duke?" The little chicken had already rested, recovered from the mark state, and started to wag its tail and swim in the air again.

  "Not bad."

  "Looking at it this way, you are quite powerful among humans, Arcane Mage." Xiaoji said.

  Most of what it knows about humans comes from its "spiritual" grandma.

  In addition, the Cuihai Valley spirit beast was recently tortured and killed by the arcane mage, making the arcane mage become synonymous with power in its mind.

  Duke is about to be promoted to arcane mage, which finally makes him look at him with admiration.

  "Even more powerful things are yet to come, little chicken. Don't feel wronged by following me. In five or ten years, you will become the luckiest elf." "

  Oh." Little Chicken said perfunctorily.

  Duke stopped talking nonsense and waved to Kabuto.

  Little Dou first bared his teeth at the chicken, and then he jumped into Duke's arms docilely: "Chiji." "

  Good little Dou, help me be on guard. Don't let anyone in to disturb me."


  Little Dou Following the order, he immediately jumped onto the beam and stared at the door to remain on high alert.

  Duke took a deep breath, sat cross-legged on the futon made by Sister Sally, closed his eyes, and his mind quickly sank into the spiritual sea.

  In the center of the spiritual sea, the dim ring is particularly eye-catching.

  The dazzling nine-ring art and the shining one-ring sand eagle, no matter how bright they are, cannot steal the limelight from this dim ring and become the focus.

  Duke stared at the ring and quickly found the last trace of spiritual power and arcane magic that had not yet been merged on the ring.

  Thought guidance.

  Forced fusion.

  Perhaps because he was too excited, the first attempt failed. However, Duke quickly adjusted his rhythm. His control over the spiritual sea allowed him to quickly combine this last trace of spiritual power with the arcane method it drew. The trajectories merge into one.


  It was like a drop of rain falling into the ocean.

  The next moment, the entire dim circle, with the last trace of energy fusion, formed the most stable psychic state. Then the ring quickly spread outside in a strange slow and rapid manner, spreading to the entire spiritual sea in a matter of seconds.

  The ring of spiritual energy also disappeared into the spiritual sea as it continued to spread.



  But the entire spiritual sea, which was originally pitch black with only the bright stars, gradually began to become brighter, as if countless spiritual energies were filling it.

  It gets bright quickly, and it gets dark quickly.

  At the same time, in the center of the spiritual sea, the dim ring that had disappeared appeared again. And it is still the most eye-catching existence in the field of vision, but compared with before, its aura has a hint of eternal flavor, as if it had already been formed when the spiritual sea first opened.

  "The solidified spiritual core... This is my solidified spiritual core... The spiritual sea is its dispersion, it is the concentration of the spiritual sea, it is the rule of all arcane trajectories, and it is also the underlying logic of the world's operation." Duke's thoughts have

  already Break away from the spiritual sea and return to reality.

  But he still closed his eyes, carefully comprehending the cognitive changes brought about by solidifying his spiritual core.

  "If I used to be a drop of water on a splashing wave, then I am now a drop of water falling back into the water." "

  Although I am still only such a small drop, I have already connected with thousands of people. The water drops merge into one, and I share the entire river, lake, and ocean with them."

  "I am here!"

  "But my future can be in the deep sea, in the clouds, in mountain streams, or in magma. I am everywhere!"

  "Wherever there is spiritual arcana, I exist." "

  Because I have become a part of spiritual arcana." Duke opened his eyes, with a sincerely happy smile on his lips.

  This sentiment may be a bit exaggerated, but solidifying the spiritual core means integrating into the realm of spiritual arcana. At a small level, it is just to be promoted to a level 1 arcane mage, and he can have more exposure to some spiritual arcane magic; at a large level, the end of the extension of the spiritual arcane magic is the end he can reach.

  "One is now, and the other is the future."

  "Spirituality will guide me to that glorious future. This is my confidence as a newly promoted first-level arcane mage."

  Duke stood up and said, "Spiritual spirit will guide me to that glorious future." Under the gaze of Xiao Kabuto, he grinned: "My friends, now, I am honored to announce to you that the person in front of you is... the first-level arcane mage Duke!" (End of this chapter


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