Chapter 432 Top Secret Scroll

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  Chapter 432 Top Secret Scroll
  Although the size of the Kusanagi Village is second only to the five major ninja villages, the unexplained disappearance of hundreds of people is enough to traumatize the 'Kusana Flower' faction. What's more, the 'Flower of Grass' is now fully suppressed by 'The Truth of Grass', and it will be difficult to replace the personnel after the loss.

  For a moment, both the grass ninja ANBU placed in the "Kusa no Hashi" faction by the "Flower of the Grass" and the thin figure were speechless and at a loss.

  The situation is terrible and there is no hope at all!
  After a long time, the Grass Ninja Anbu said: "Ryu Tongue, you should leave!"

  The thin figure known as 'Ryu Tongue' looked surprised: "Brother, what are you talking about? I am a ninja from the Grass Ninja Village, here This is my hometown, with my family and friends, why should I leave?" The

  Grass Ninja Anbu shook his head: "This is no longer the Grass Ninja Village before!"

  He has always seen the changes in the village over the years. inside.

  If he could tolerate the attempts of the village's senior officials to revive the Country of Grass before, then some of the actions of the village's senior officials in recent months were completely unacceptable to him.

  In particular, a large number of members of the 'Flower of Grass' faction were missing, and the village's top management actually turned a blind eye. This undoubtedly confirmed that this matter was related to 'The Truth of Grass'.

  Such blatant political strife made even some neutral factions in the village shudder, let alone the 'Flower of Grass' faction.

  Dragon Tongue is not tall, but his eyes are extremely firm: "I won't leave! I want to stay to help you and Wu Kuan. As long as we persist, we will definitely gain everyone's support!" The Kusanagi ANBU said with a bitter smile: "I hope so

  . , you go back quickly and pass the information to the elder, he may be able to come up with a way to deal with it."

  Dragon Tongue nodded hurriedly, said goodbye to the grass ninja ANBU, turned around and turned into an alley.

  After walking around the village for a long time and confirming that he was not being followed, Dragon Tongue got into a tunnel and then used the tunnel to reach a hidden stronghold outside the village.

  This is the secret stronghold of the 'Flower of Grass', and the two elders of the 'Flower of Grass' faction who were squeezed out of the Elders' Hall are here.

  After reporting the information his brother had discovered to the elder, Long Yu asked: "Elder, is this information useful?" The elder was

  silent for a while and said: "The news from your brother has confirmed a lot of things for me. Now there is a mission that you need to perform!"

  Long Tou asked solemnly: "What mission is it?"

  The elder took out a scroll with the word 'Top Secret' on the cover and handed it to Long Tou: "Put this Send this information to Konoha Village!"

  Dragon Tongue was stunned: "Send to Konoha Village?"

  The elder said no more, just waved his hand, signaling Ryu Touji to leave quickly.

  In fact, the situation in Cao Ninja Village is far more serious than the Dragon Tongue brothers and sisters imagined. The number of people who have disappeared without reason recently is not hundreds, but hundreds.

  In addition to the 'Flower of Grass' faction, a large number of neutral factions in the village, as well as some small ninja clans and small forces in the Kingdom of Grass, also have people missing.

  If it was just targeting the 'Flower of Grass', it would be understandable, but the current crazy posture is obviously abnormal, so the elders suspected that it was not all the people of 'Flower of Grass' who were crazy, but that there was some powerful external force involved. , controlled the 'Grass Reality'.

  In the ninja world, there are only a handful of forces with such strength.

  Apart from the five major ninja villages, the only one left is the Akatsuki organization, which has been dormant recently!

  Anyway, their 'Flower of Grass' faction has now been forced into a desperate situation, and introducing Konoha is his last resort.

  If it is confirmed that it is the Akatsuki organization that controls the 'Kusana', then the 'Kusa no Hana' will have made a great contribution. Even if it cannot be confirmed, the introduction of Konoha forces can also check and balance the increasingly extreme and crazy 'Kusana'. A real school.

  In order to win the trust of Konoha, he also recorded the Kusano Minoru faction's plans for the Nine-Tails, as well as all the spies placed in Konoha by the Kusanagi Village, in a top-secret scroll.

  With the top-secret scroll, Dragon Tongue left the stronghold.

  For such a top-secret mission, she should have set off immediately without stopping, but she just thought of the agreement she had made with her friend Wu San. She hesitated for a moment, and finally came to the tree where she had agreed with Wu San.

  However, under the tree, she did not see the handsome young man whom she fell in love with, but only found a letter pressed with stones.

  When she opened it, she found that the letter was written by Wujia to her.

  Wu Gu mentioned in the letter that he was going to carry out a great mission that could revive the Kingdom of Grass, and asked Long Tongue not to worry and wait for his good news.

  "I hate it, can't you wait a while and tell me personally!"

  Dragon Tongue pursed his lips, then carefully put away Wu Gu's letter, and without hesitation, immediately rushed towards the Country of Fire.

  In a secret underground palace in Kusanagi Village.

  An elder of the 'Kusa no Shi' sect bowed respectfully to a black figure not far away: "Sir, I have brought you the person you want!" Wuzanmian, who was following the elder

  , Lu was confused.

  The elders were already some of the most powerful people in the village, and the black shadow not far away was obviously not the leader, so he didn't understand why the elders were so respectful to the black shadow, even a little groveling.

  Just when he was confused, the black shadow turned around.

  Seeing Heiying's eyes, Wu Kuan was horrified and couldn't help but exclaimed: "'Winding Bow'!? You are not from the Akatsuki organization." The elder immediately scolded: "


  Heiying raised his head . He raised his hand: "It doesn't matter."

  With that, he took another step forward and completely walked out of the shadows, revealing his entire figure.

  There is no doubt that the person who appeared in the secret underground palace of the Grass Ninja Village and was treated as a guest of honor by the Grass Ninja Village Elder was none other than Hei Shimo with the words "Using the Bow" engraved in his pupils!
  Hei Shimo looked Wujiu up and down and said, "Your physique is very special, maybe you can withstand my power!"

  Wujiu took a step back and looked at the elder with a look of disbelief: "Elder, How can you collude with the Akatsuki organization?"

  The elder was furious: "You bastard, how dare you question me?"

  Before he finished speaking, a cold light flashed through, and Elder Kusanagi, who had just been teaching Wu Kuan a lesson, was separated from his head in an instant.


  Heishimou returned the knife to its sheath.

  The elder Kusanagi's head fell to the ground, with a look of horror on his face and his mouth open: "Sir, why do you want to kill me? Come on, save me!"

  Wu Guo was stunned in shock.

  He was surprised that Hei Shimo beheaded the powerful elders in his village even after a disagreement. He was also surprised that the beheaded elders could still speak!
  Then an even more surprising scene happened to Wugou. The decapitated elder's body on the ground slowly turned into ashes and disappeared.

  Before Wugou could recover, Hei Shimo walked towards him: "Accept my power and become a being that transcends mortals!" Here comes the

   first update! For those students who haven’t voted today, don’t forget!
  (End of chapter)

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