Chapter 431 Something suspicious

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  Chapter 431 Suspicious Parts
  Kirigakure, Kumogakure, Sunagakure, and Iwagakure received the news that Uchiha Sasuke had awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan one after another, and they were either anxious or emotional.

  Although the new generation of Konoha is still in the ninja school, their amazing talents have already put the other four major ninja villages under pressure.

  Kirigakure Village.

  Inside Mizukage's office.

  The Fourth Mizukage sighed slightly: "Previously, there was Kurama Yakumo, which already made us unable to sleep and eat well. Now there is another Uchiha Sasuke, whose talent is not as good as that of Uchiha Shisui. It's really a headache. !"

  Terumi Mei, Kisame, Zabuza, Ao and other Kirigakure elite jounin looked at each other speechlessly.

  Because not only Kurama Yakumo and Uchiha Sasuke, there are many other geniuses in Konoha's ninja school, and even some of them less famous brats are not inferior to their Kirigakure geniuses.

  After gathering his thoughts, the Fourth Mizukage asked: "Is there any news from the Akatsuki organization?"

  Terumi Mei shook her head: "The Akatsuki organization should be dormant. Except for 'B''s brief appearance in Konoha, All the other members are missing!"

  The Fourth Mizukage frowned: "Where is the 'Eye'?"

  Terumi Mei said: "There is no news, but the identity of the 'Eye' has not been leaked, so it is still impossible to judge whether the plan has failed. ."


  The 'eyes' they talked about were Shiro who they had placed in Konoha.

  After hesitating for a moment, Terumi Mei said: "Mizukage-sama! The talent of 'Eye' is extremely strong. If the identity is exposed, our losses will be great." Kisame, who also participated in the last Akatsuki organization assessment operation, echoed: "

  Yeah , His strength is close to the jounin level, and his potential is not small!" The

  Fourth Mizukage hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "Of course I know his talent, otherwise, the Akatsuki organization would not keep an eye on him. It's just that his current role is irreplaceable. If you can successfully break into the Akatsuki organization, you may be able to find the Uchiha who used illusions to enslave three generations!" Terumi Mei continued to try to

  persuade: "But..."

  The fourth Mizukage waved his hand. : "Don't worry too much. Our relationship with Konoha has eased. If his identity is exposed, I will do everything possible to redeem him from Konoha." Seeing that the Fourth Mizukage had made up his mind, Terumi Mei had no choice but

  to Said: "I understand!"

  The Fourth Mizukage finally ordered: "Continue to collect all clues related to the Akatsuki organization. As long as they are still in the ninja world, they cannot disappear completely!" All the jounin responded in unison:

  " Yes!"

  Grass Ninja Village.

  A ninja wearing the costume of an Anbu grass ninja shuttled through the grass ninja village, and finally landed at the elders' hall in the center of the grass ninja village.

  This is the highest power structure in Kusanagi Village.

  After entering the elders' hall, the grass ninja ANBU immediately lowered his head and walked towards the depths of the hall with small steps. When he reached the deepest rotunda, he half-knelt on the ground and faced the person sitting on the main seat. A figure reported: "Chief, we just received news that Sasuke Uchiha of Konoha has awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan!" The

  leader of the Kusanagi Village asked: "Is the news confirmed?"

  The Kusanagi Anbu quickly replied: "It's absolutely true. Indeed, after awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Sasuke immediately challenged Kurama Yakumo and performed the Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil technique 'Susanohu' in front of all the teachers and students of the Ninja School!" At this time

  , A figure sitting next to the leader asked: "Oh, who among them won?"

  The Kusanagi ANBU did not raise his head and replied respectfully: "Sir, it was Kurama Yakumo who won. It is said that Uchiha Sasuke's Susanoo They were all shattered by Kurama Yakumo's 'Wood Release'!" From

  the other side, another voice sounded: "Interesting, Mangekyo Uchiha actually lost!"

  The Kusanagi Anbu did not interrupt.

  There are a total of twelve seats in this rotunda hall that represents the highest power of Kusanagi, belonging to the twelve elders of Kusanagi.

  There is no 'shadow' in the Grass Ninja Village. The leader who holds the highest power is actually a member of the elders' group and is restricted by the elders' group.

  Within the Council of Elders, there are two factions: the 'Flower of Grass' and the 'Flower of Grass'.

  Compared to the conservative 'Flower of Grass', the 'Flower of Grass' faction is more radical and crazier. The plan of sending the phosphorus with the blood of the Uzumaki clan into Konoha to assassinate the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Naruto, making the phosphorous the new nine-tails jinchuriki, and stealing the nine-tails, is the 'Kusano Minoru' faction advocate and proceed with it.

  The radical style of 'Kusano Minoru' has attracted more and more ninjas who want to restore the past glory of the Land of Grass. Therefore, in recent years, the power of 'Kusa no Misumi' has gradually overwhelmed the 'Kusa no Hana' and has become the Kusano Ninja Village. mainstream.

  Today, among the twelve elders of the Kusanagi, ten belong to the 'Kusano Minority' faction, and the remaining two elders of the 'Kusana no Hana' faction have long been squeezed out of the power center of the Kusanagi.

  As a result, two seats in the rotunda were empty.

  The leader on the main seat waved his hand: "Stand down!"

  The half-kneeling Kusanagi ANBU bowed and walked away in small steps.

  After leaving the elders' hall, the Grass Ninja ANBU looked around vigilantly to make sure that no one noticed him, so he walked through the alleys of the Grass Ninja Village, and finally came to a remote forest.

  A thin figure fell down and asked the grass ninja ANBU: "Brother, how is it?" The

  grass ninja ANBU was surprised: "Why did the elder send you here?"

  The thin figure puffed up his chest: "I have already He is ten years old and is a qualified ninja!"

  The grass ninja Anbu said helplessly: "You are still too young!"

  The thin figure became depressed: "Brother Kono is missing, so the elder sent me to join you. Yes!"

  The Kusanagi Anbu was stunned for a moment: "What, Kono is also missing? With his strength, how could he..." The

  thin figure asked hurriedly: "Brother, have you seen the leader today?"

  Kusanagi Anbu nodded. He nodded and said solemnly: "The elder's conjecture is correct. All the elders of the 'Kusu Zhimushi' faction, including the leader, have become a little strange!" The thin figure covered his mouth in shock:

  " Is it true?"

  The grass ninja Anbu said: "Have you forgotten the 'blood inheritance limit' of our clan? At such a close distance, my perception is not wrong. All the chakras on their bodies have changed. , seems to be contaminated with something. As soon as I got close, I felt an instinctive palpitation."

  The thin figure asked: "Could it be controlled by illusion?"

  The grass ninja Anbu shook his head: "It doesn't look like it, but there is something suspicious. You can report it to the elders when you go back!"

  The thin figure asked hurriedly: "What's suspicious?" The

  Kusanagi ANBU said: "I have inquired in the ANBU, the leader and the elders of the 'Kusano Minoru' faction It's been a long time since I've been seen in the daytime!"

  The thin figure quickly wrote it down.

  The grass ninja ANBU thought of something and asked again: "Besides Kono, have anyone else disappeared recently?" The

  thin figure did the math: "Including Brother Kono, a total of six people have disappeared from our side in the past few days!"

  The grass ninja ANBU's heart sank.

  If all those who have disappeared before are included, the number of people from their 'Flower of Grass' faction who have disappeared for no reason has reached hundreds of people.
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  (End of chapter)

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