119. Chapter 119 The situation has changed

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  Chapter 119 The situation has changed.
  As soon as he went out, Li He saw the chaos in the corridor.

  A stout, fat man, who seemed to weigh more than three hundred pounds, with four chins on his face, one after another.

  Behind him, there were several guys with obviously unkind expressions, staring at a young man in blue. Behind the young man in blue were more than twenty boys and girls, all with expressions of dissatisfaction and fear.

  Li He glanced around and recognized that the boy in blue and the boys and girls behind him were the people who boarded the ship with him.

  As for the strong, fat man and the followers, they were the ones who boarded the ship and stayed in the room.

  The two sides were confronting and arguing. Li He observed for a moment and figured out the reason.

  The fundamental reason is still the poor environment of these rooms on the three floors below the deck of the big ship.

  Dampness, lack of air circulation, and cramped conditions make it uncomfortable for everyone who lives in it.

  But there are differences in discomfort. Some can be tolerated, while others are so bad that they can't even endure it - for example, the corners of the room are covered with moss, and mushrooms sprout directly from the damp quilt.

  For this reason, many people living in rooms on this floor have small thoughts and want to change from a relatively poor room to another room that is not so bad.

  However, according to the rules on the big ship, only masters can open new empty rooms.

  It is forbidden to enter the room before it is opened.

  The fat man named Ketai, through his own physical strength and the cooperation of several followers, soft or hard, transformed his room into the best existence on this floor.

  When another group of new people arrived and new empty rooms opened, Ketai started to think about it and began to knock on the doors one by one to check to see if he could change to a room with better conditions.

  Even if you can't find it, you can take the quilts from other people's rooms and put them in your own room to breathe in the water vapor.

  The more resources are scarce, the more precious each resource becomes—even a quilt or a nail.

  Faced with this problem, Tok, the first boy in blue who was knocked on the door, gave up immediately. Seeing that Kotai wanted to take action, he decisively knocked on the nearby door and called out all the people who got on the boat together. So as to give yourself more confidence.

  When Kotai and the others saw that the young man in blue, Toke, had called out so many people, they didn't dare to be too presumptuous for a while, and they just said threatening words with unkind expressions.

  "You're as skinny as a chicken, I advise you to cooperate. I'm not taking anything from you. I'm just looking at your room. I'll just change places with you at most. What are you excited about?" "Huh, yourself

  . You have a room, why are you trying to steal my room?"

  "Your room looks newer, isn't that okay?" Kotai said rudely, "Why, you think I can't do anything if you call out so many people? Yes, I advise you to be careful."

  "Humph, don't scare me, I'm not afraid. Mr. Bamu who brought me here just now said that fighting is prohibited on the ship, otherwise you will be severely punished." "Haha." Taike laughed

  , The fat on his face trembled, and his eyes almost disappeared from laughter, "Yes, the wizard apprentice did say that, and I know it, but the question is whether he is here now and really takes action. , he doesn’t know, and even if he does know, he

  doesn’t know the details. At worst, we will be punished together. Anyway, I have already been punished once, sunburned on the deck for a day. My body is very good, and the sun will not kill me in one day. , I just don’t know if you can hold on?"

  "This..." Toke, the young man in blue, hesitated after hearing this.

  Aya Emily was in the crowd and gently tugged at the corner of Li He's clothes, and asked with some worry: "Senior, what do you think we should do?" "

  What should we do?" Li He raised his eyebrows slightly.

  "What if he robs Tok's room and wants to rob our room..."

  Li He couldn't help but shake his head. He felt that the elementary school-like fight in front of him was a bit ridiculous. He thought for a while and did not respond to Aya. He walked straight towards the fat man Kotai. Go.

  Although Kotai was rampant, he was very vigilant. When he saw Li He walking out of the crowd, his eyebrows quickly rose and he asked loudly: "What do you want to do?" "Don't tell me,

  you want to do this for this guy in blue?" "Come on, you don't seem to be fat, so be careful you'll be beaten to death by my fist!"

  Li He glanced at Ketai, didn't say anything, and just continued to approach.

  Ketai became highly vigilant and made preparations with several followers behind him.

  Toby, Aya and the others also became nervous, not sure what Li He was going to do.

  Do we really want to take action?
  So does everyone have to help?

  According to what Fatty Kotai said, if he was punished, he would have to go to the deck to bask in the sun for a day.

  Sunshine all day long!

  Just when everyone was struggling, Li He walked up to Ketai.

  The fat on Kotai's face jumped, and his thick arms were raised several times to fight.

  "What exactly do you want to do?" Kotai asked roughly to Li He who was very close.

  Li He finally spoke, looking at Ketai calmly, and said: "Please give way, I will come over."

  Kotai was stunned, and was pushed away by Li He the next moment. He watched Li He walk by, walked to the end of the corridor, and walked up the steps.

  After a few seconds, Kotai came to his senses, pointed at Toby, who looked a little ugly, and said: "Haha, I thought everyone here was really with you, but it seems not so, not everyone is helping. You, someone actually not only didn't want to help you, but was so scared that he ran away. Thanks to him pretending to be so calm, I was almost frightened. Haha, it's so funny, it made me laugh to death!" After hearing this, Toby's face changed

  . It became even more ugly, and the rest of the people were no longer calm.

  Aya Emily looked at the direction Li He left with a pair of big eyes, her eyes a little complicated.

  "Okay! Don't waste time!" Kotai shouted to Toby with some loss of patience, "Get out of the way immediately and let me go in and see your room!" "

  I..." Toby was still hesitating. A moment later, Kotai walked up, roughly pushed the other person aside, and then put his head into the room to take a look.

  "Tch, it's not that great. You're still acting like a baby. Go away. I'm not interested in your room. Whose room is this next to? Let me see!" Kotai looked towards the room next to him.

  Seeing that Toby did not resist, the others also lost the courage to resist and allowed Kotai to check.

  After much tossing, the other party finally found a better room.

  "Not bad, not bad, this one is okay. Although there is moss, at least there are no mushrooms growing."

  Kotai said, and was about to live in happily when suddenly a hand was put on his shoulder, and then he heard A cold voice made his heart tremble: "You seem to be having a lot of fun?"

  Kotai stiffened, slowly turned his head, and saw a figure that made him fearful - the wizard apprentice Bamu.

  As for Li He, who had just left, he was standing behind Bamu.

  Seeing Bamu and Li He, Kotai and the others instantly understood that Li He had not left because of fear, but had gone to report to the wizard apprentice Bamu.

  Damn it!

  Ketai looked at it and cursed in his heart, hating Li He with a bit of hatred. He hated people who snitched.

  But this was obviously not the time to teach Li He a lesson. With a smile on his face, he fawned over Bamu and said, "Sir, Master Bamu, I was just playing around with them." Speaking of which, he was not very afraid of Bamu

  . Punish him.

  He has done this thing of robbing a room more than once, and he has found the tolerance range of wizard apprentices.

  As long as you don't take action, as long as the scene doesn't go too far, the room will be taken.

  The wizard apprentice might scold him a few times, or even punish him without eating for a day, but he would not give him a more serious lesson, or even let him return to the previous room.

  The reason is simple. Wizard apprentices are not messengers of justice, and they do not try to figure out who is right and who is wrong, or to uphold justice.

  They are just apprentices who serve the wizards and maintain order on this ship. As long as the people on board do not violate the rules and can maintain stability, they don't bother to worry too much.

  Kotai thought about it and began to make a plan in his mind: deal with the current situation first, and when the limelight is over, he will definitely make Li He look good. Those who make snitches should not be treated lightly!

  But unexpectedly, this time things were not as simple as before.

  Bamu didn't respond perfunctorily like before, his expression was quite serious.

  "So, you're just joking to grab other people's rooms?" Bamu looked at Kotai, his tone was a bit unkind, "Then why don't you go to the deck, grab my room, and have fun with me?"

  Kotai was stunned and quickly lowered his head: "Sir, I...I definitely won't..."

  "Is it no, or do I not dare?"

  "This..." Kotai was sweating and didn't know what to say. .

  (End of chapter)

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