118. Chapter 118 The first prohibition

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  Chapter 118 The first prohibition

  "You can call me Bamu." The strong male apprentice said the first sentence.

  Looking at everyone, he looked very serious: "I know that many of you have extraordinary status, either nobles or from the palace. But I must tell you, from the moment you step on the deck of the Conch, you Your previous identities have automatically expired.

  You are currently just passengers, preparatory wizard apprentices at the White Fang Tower—not even formal wizard apprentices, because you have to wait until you actually arrive at the White Fang Tower and pass the exam after studying. Okay.

  So, I don’t care what you were like before, but you must be honest and obedient on the ship, and you must obey orders—whether it’s from the wizard, me, or other official apprentices from the White Fang Tower.”

  “ Otherwise..." At this point, Bamu paused and his tone became colder, "Otherwise, the price will definitely not be something you can afford." "You should be

  lucky." Bamu said in a high tone, "What you are boarding is The White Fang Tower is the guide ship, not the other wizarding forces. You must know that the White Fang Tower is a white wizard organization. Even if you make a mistake, the punishment is relatively merciful. If you are boarding a black wizard

  organization The pick-up ship began to suffer torture from the moment they boarded the ship. Their method of torturing people is a hundred or a thousand times crueler than you imagine. They even like to make people kill each other for fun. Sometimes a ship of people arrives At the destination, there may not even be a third left, and they also call this method of selecting outstanding candidates."

  After hearing this, everyone turned a little pale, and then they truly realized that the wizarding world and the previous world It is different now. It is a world full of mystery and danger.

  Li He looked at Bamu and raised his eyebrows... Is this a threat? Want to give newcomers a head start? The method is a bit low-level, but judging from the looks of the people around him, the effect is pretty good.

  After all, boys and girls who have not yet fully matured their minds and have not received too many tests are a little scared to enter a strange environment. In addition, Bamu's words have indeed restrained all kinds of thoughts, which is very conducive to management.

  Li He saw Aya Emily, who was entrusted by Duncans to take care of her. Her originally pale face was now devoid of any color, and her body was trembling slightly.

  Not very courageous... Li He said in his heart.

  Bamu glanced at everyone, nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Okay, I won't say any more. Come with me next, I will assign you dormitories. You are very lucky, this time you have more people than It was much less before, and the cabin is enough for each of you to share a room - if it was the first few times, it is likely that several people would share one room. The dormitories

  you are assigned are three floors below the deck, two floors below the deck, and one floor below. I am a preparatory wizard apprentice just like you, and I live on the deck, right there." As

  he spoke, Bamu pointed to the side and saw a row of blue wooden cabins with numbers written on the doors: "I am Room No. 6. The other rooms belong to apprentices from other colleges. Don’t disturb them casually." "

  Three meals a day will be delivered to your door regularly. The taste is average. If you don’t want to eat, you can find a way for yourself - if you have the means. Outside of this, you can move freely, but you cannot go to the lowest cabin below the deck - there are equipment to control the ship's navigation, which is very dangerous. In addition, you cannot go to the front half of the deck, where the wizard lives. Sit down

  . If you have anything to do while on the ship, you can come to me. But I don’t like trouble, so before you come to me, think about whether it is necessary. If you can handle it by yourself, it is best to handle it by yourself." "Also, it is important to say that it is not allowed on the ship

  . If you are caught fighting, the punishment will be severe, so restrain yourself and don’t blame me for not warning you.” After saying

  this, Bamu led everyone down the deck, along the wooden steps, to the third floor below the deck of the big ship. .

  There are numerous small grid-like rooms lined up on both sides of a long corridor.

  Apparently many people had already moved in. When they heard any movement, they all opened the door and looked outside.

  Ignoring the many looks, Bamu led the group to the back half of the corridor, stopped, pointed at the empty rooms around him and began to allocate them: "Your room, your room, the one over there lives in this room..." After

  allocating room, Bamu glanced at the people standing at the door and said: "Okay, remember the location of each of your rooms, and start resting if you have nothing else to do. By the way, I forgot to tell you, it's dinner time It has already passed, so there is no dinner for you today. If you are hungry, you can find a way. If you have no other way, just wait for tomorrow's breakfast.

  Again, fighting is prohibited, so don't ask for trouble. Otherwise, if I find out, I will never let you go."

  After saying these words, Ba Mu walked towards the direction he came from without looking back and disappeared from everyone's sight.

  The group of people on board the boat looked at each other, and they all had a lot to say. However, in an unfamiliar environment, they felt the calm and depressing atmosphere. Out of caution, they suppressed their desire to speak and nodded to each other. Tsukuru said hello and returned to the room assigned to him.


  Li He opened the door and walked into the room assigned to him.

  The room is not big, it can even be said to be a little cramped, and the entire layout can be seen clearly at a glance.

  The entire room is about ten square meters in size, with a length and width of more than three meters. Because it is below the deck, there are no windows and it is very dull. It was also very humid. There were small patches of moss growing in the corners, and there were even a few mushrooms sprouting out. It makes people feel uncomfortable just after staying for a short time.

  As for the furnishings, a wooden bed occupied less than half of the area, and a black and smelly quilt was piled at the head of the bed.

  There is a hammock hanging above the wooden bed, which is probably used to sleep in rough weather and when the ship is bumpy. Of course, it is also possible that there are too many people taking the boat, and multiple people will be crammed into one room, and then hammocks will be used to increase the number of beds.

  In addition to the bed, there is a small wooden table fixed on the ground. On the wooden table is a fixed lamp. It is not a candle lamp or an oil lamp. It may be to prevent fires caused by bumps during the voyage. It is a crystal the size of a finger. The stone is inlaid on a bronze lampstand, emitting orange fluorescence. It is not very bright, but it can barely illuminate the entire room - it is not big after all.

  Other than that, there was just a fixed wooden chair and a blackened wooden barrel at the head of the bed.

  On the wall next to the barrel, a piece of yellowed and curled paper was nailed with a rusty iron nail. On it was written the purpose of the barrel - toilet.

  In addition, the times for breakfast, lunch and dinner are also written.

  Finally, a bold note was used to remind the apprentice what Bamu had reminded him: fighting is prohibited, and violators will be severely punished!
  Scanning the room, Li He couldn't help but shake his head. He had to say that this environment was very harsh. Not to mention aristocratic boys and girls, even commoners may not be able to adapt.

  Of course, this had no impact on him, and he had no intention of living in the room from the beginning. After all, he could enter Blackstone Castle at any time.

  After closing and blocking the door, Li He was about to enter the Blackstone Castle when he suddenly heard an abnormal noise in the corridor outside, as if someone was shouting: "Fighting, fighting!" "Hitting, hitting!


  Then There was a quick knock on the door.

  Li Hyuk glanced at the words on the paper on the wall.

  Aren't they not allowed to fight... He frowned, opened the door and walked out.

  (End of chapter)

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