67.Chapter 67 Being needed

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  Chapter 67: Needed

  "Assassination Mizukage?!"

  Terumi Mei exclaimed, speaking in disbelief.

  "Are you sure?"

  Terumi Mei couldn't believe it. It was really because assassinating a Kage was a very, very poor choice. Why didn't anyone else dare to do it?

  Just think about the consequences. First of all, as the shadow of a village, his strength must be the top in the village. In this way, if others go to assassinate him, he really doesn't know who is killing whom.

  Secondly, even if the assassination of Mizukage is successful, what will happen? Assassinating the Kage of his own village, no matter what the Kage did, this kind of thing is not recognized by the public. Once he bears such a name, he is destined to be spurned by the entire ninja world.

  To put it bluntly, assassinating the shadow of one's own village can only have two results, one is physical death, and the other is social death.

  No matter that, it is not something that ordinary people can bear.

  "Someone has to do it, right?"

  Zabuza chuckled, as if he didn't care at all.

  In the original work, Ao, Chojuro and others always show some admiration for Zabuza, and this is the reason.

  "You have to think about it, you may bear the infamy of assassinating the Mizukage for the rest of your life."

  Terumi Mei spoke to Zabuza cautiously. With this kind of infamy, even if Mei Terumi takes office in the future and becomes the Mizukage, she may not be able to vindicate Zabuza.

  Because once Zabuza's reputation for assassinating the Mizukage was rehabilitated, it might have extremely bad consequences. This is equivalent to encouraging the assassination of Mizukage. If Mizukage fails to implement a policy in the future, maybe someone will think, this Mizukage must be a tyrant, and I am going to assassinate her! When the next Mizukage takes office, I will become a hero!

  Therefore, once Terumi Mei rehabilitates Zabuza, what will happen is likely to be countless assassinations, and it will also harm the Mizukage after her.

  This is just like Itachi. The third generation never vindicated Itachi from beginning to end, nor did Tsunade, nor Kakashi, nor Naruto. Why? Because killing an entire clan, no matter what, cannot be encouraged.

  Some crimes, once committed, cannot be taken off.

  Zabuza turned around and walked towards the door.

  "I just came to inform you. After all, I am still eager to get the beheading sword."

  Zabuza left. To Kirigakure, he was considered a hero, an unknown hero.

  Mirror Man walked on the snow-covered road. Along the way, he didn't know how many times he felt probes directed at him, but he didn't pay attention to them.

  After a long time, no one came to take action against him. It seemed that Kirigakure's people really didn't want to pay attention to him.


  Suddenly, Mirror Man walked to a bridge and saw the villagers of Kirigakure Village for the first time.

  It was a child, leaning on the edge of the bridge, hugging his legs tightly, wearing light clothes, miraculously surviving in the heavy snow.

  The Mirror Man stopped and looked at him.

  This person also noticed the Mirror Man because of the Mirror Man's stay. He looked up at the Mirror Man and smiled slightly.

  "I've never seen you before. Are you here to beg too?"

  Mirror Man said.

  "No, it's not."

  After saying that, the mirror man was about to leave. He didn't want to spend too much time on a beggar.

  But this child frowned and spoke with a look of pity on his face.

  "You seem to have the same feeling as me."

  Mirror Man stopped and looked at this person.

  "What do you mean?"

  The child lowered his head slightly and spoke sadly.

  "My parents are dead, and all my important people are dead. There is no place in this world that needs me. The same is true for you, right?" Mirror Man's body trembled slightly, and he

  first For the first time, he paid attention to this child. He seemed to be asking the child in front of him, and he seemed to be asking himself.

  "So, why are you still alive now?"

  The child was silent for a long time, then raised his head and smiled sweetly at the mirror.

  "I think if I die, when I go to see my parents, they will definitely beat me. They will definitely ask me why I saw them so early. I don't want them to worry. I have to wait. , after my parents have become angels, I will go quietly, so that they will always think that their children are alive and well."

  This time, the mirror man did not speak, and the two looked at each other in silence.

  Snowflakes were flying, making their clothes inevitably stained with white.

  After a long, long time.

  The mirror man uttered a very cruel word.

  "You deserve to die!"


  The child's smile was still so sweet, and even though the mirror man's words were so cruel, he didn't see any change.

  "Why can a waste like you still laugh all the time?"

  "Because, when I talk to you, I feel very happy. I feel that, at least at this moment, I am needed by you, right? "

  Jingren's eyes widened, being needed? Does he have it? He doesn't seem to.

  Every cruel word I just said was actually said to me by the Mirror Man.

  If you think about it carefully, you only live to kill Danzo, but what happens after you kill Danzo? Become a suicidal waste?

  There seems to be no need for him in this world.

  "What's your name?"


  "Do you want to come with me?"

  Bai was stunned for a moment, then asked cautiously.

  "Do you need me? I might be very useless."

  Mirror Man was silent again. Do you need him? It seems that he is not needed. He is strong enough and does not need him, but why would he want to take him away? No, no, the point is not whether you need him, but

  "Do you need me?"

  Mirror Man said the same thing as Bai.

  Bai Zheng was startled. The person in front of him was also someone no one needed. He didn't say anything. He nodded vigorously and showed the sweetest smile since his parents died.

  "Well, of course, I need you."

  Mirror Man stretched out his hand and handed it to Bai.

  "Let's go."

  Bai Ye stretched out his hand and held Mirror Man's hand.


  With heavy snow falling, Zabuza walked over from the other side of the bridge, looked at Mirror Man's behavior, and said with a smile.

  "So people from other villages came to our Kirigakure to adopt orphans?"

  Kagami raised his head and glanced at Zabuza without replying. He picked up Shiro and passed Zabuza with him.

  "Hey! Boy, what's your name?"

  The mirror man turned his head slightly.

  "Uchiha Kagami."

  "Take care of that boy, don't let him die." "

  Of course."

  "That's good."

  Zabuza seemed to smile with some satisfaction, and then slowly disappeared from Kagami. within the field of vision.

  The mirror man looked at Bai.

  "Did you hear that?"

  Bai Daimeng asked cutely.

  "What did you hear?"

  "My name."

  Bai smiled slightly and said forcefully.

  "Yeah, I heard you! Uchiha Kagami!"

  "Call me Kagami."

  "Oh, ok, Kagami."


  "Yes, Kagami."

  The two figures gradually disappeared in the heavy snow.

   Good morning, friends!

    The time when Zabuza took Haku in has always been very vague. In fact, it is more likely that Haku should have been taken in by Zabuza when Kagakure arrived at Kirigakure. However, because there is no official time given here, So I set it so that when the Mirror Man came, Haku had not yet been taken in by Zabuza.



  (End of chapter)

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