66.Chapter 66 Zabuza

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  Chapter 66 Zabuza

  "Can you kill him if you are alone?"

  Terumi Mei stared at Ao and asked.

  Qing thought for a while again and shook his head.

  "There is hope that he can be solved, but there is no guarantee that he will be solved."

  Terumi Mei raised her eyebrows and looked down at the documents on the table.

  "That's it. Don't pay attention to him. Let's stay still here and see what attitude Mr. Mizukage has." "


  On the other side, Mizukage's office.

  The Fourth Mizukage summoned someone.

  The upper body is a gray plate armor ANBU costume, and the lower body is a pair of black trousers. The most peculiar thing is that his face is wrapped in white cloth, from the chin to the bridge of the nose, and the Kirigakure forehead protector on his head is also worn diagonally.

  "Momochi Zabuza, do you know what I want from you?"

  The Fourth Mizukage spoke first.

  Zabuza knelt down on one knee and shook his head slightly.

  "I don't know."

  The Fourth Mizukage pointed to his right side, where a large sword lay quietly against the wall. It was a beheading sword.

  "I like you very much and hope you can become the next master of the beheading sword. What do you think?"

  Zabuza said respectfully.

  "I am willing to serve Mizukage-sama!"

  The fourth Mizukage nodded with satisfaction, and then spoke sadly.

  "I'm very happy that you can accept it. However, you also know the current situation in the village. I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in power for a long time. You may be in danger after accepting the beheading sword I gave you." Obito began to set the trap

  . He wanted to force Zabuza into a rebellious ninja, and then use the words of the Fourth Mizukage, his "benefactor", to get Zabuza to join Akatsuki.

  You know, when Zabuza graduated from the ninja school, he killed all the students in his class. He was an extremely cruel person.

  What Obito needs is this kind of ruthless person! This beheading sword was Obito's bait specifically used to lure Zabuza to the bait!

  "Mizukage-sama, what do you want me to do?"

  Zabuza still spoke respectfully. It seemed that he respected this Mizukage who carried out tyranny.

  The Fourth Mizukage frowned, thought carefully for a long time, and then spoke.

  "Let's do this. I hope you can pretend to defect from the village with a beheading knife. If the village is safe soon, then I will immediately announce the fact that you pretended to defect. If something happens to me, then you will stay outside. Well, after all, you accepted my beheading sword. If Terumi Mei and the others come to power, they will probably kill you. In this case, it is best for you to stay outside." Zabuza said with some hesitation


  "Defecting the village? Sir Mizukage, please allow me to think about it for two days."

  The fourth Mizukage said reasonably.

  "Well, yes, you can go. Two nights later, if you decide to accept the beheading knife, you can come to me. If you haven't decided, don't come. I also know your difficulties, no matter what you do I can understand your decision."

  "Then, my subordinates will resign first."


  Zabuza left.

  Zabuza may not know that this is just Obito's first plan. If Zabuza does not come to accept the beheading sword and defect to the village two nights later, then, three days later, there will immediately be countless evidence of Zabuza's "betrayal" of the village. After searching them out, when the time comes, it won't be possible if they don't kill him or defect.

  The ones who found the evidence were Mei Terumi and others, who had nothing to do with him, the Fourth Mizukage. The Fourth Mizukage would continue to care about Zabuza after Zabuza defected, becoming Zabuza's "benefactor". existence, finally, the Fourth Mizukage would personally suggest that Zabuza join an organization called "Akatsuki".

  Obito had already planned out all the scripts, and now he was just waiting for Zabuza to be arrested.

  However, just as Zabuza didn't know the "script" the Fourth Mizukage had for him, Obito also didn't know Zabuza's "script" for him.

  Terumi Mei sent someone to invite Zabuza, and Zabuza told Mei Mei everything about him and the Fourth Mizukage.

  Zabuza appears to be a cruel and ruthless person, but in reality, Zabuza is a person whose experiences are similar to Itachi's.

  When Zabuza graduated from the Ninja School, he did a shocking thing and killed all the students in his class!

  This sounds indeed incomprehensible, but it is just like Weasel killing all the people in the clan. It is simply incomprehensible if you only look at the surface.

  Zabuza killed a fellow student, what was the result? As a result, the graduation examination method at that time was changed because of Zabuza's move.

  The way the graduation exam was conducted at that time was for classmates to kill each other. It is conceivable that before Zabuza changed the examination method, countless people died every year because of graduation. After Zabuza changed the examination method, although the method was too cruel, in the future, no one would die because of graduation.

  Carrying all the sins alone and giving up all the benefits to future generations, can this be called a cruel and heartless person?

  Of course, some people may say that Zabuza's method of killing all the students in his class is too much, but this also depends on the era Zabuza lived in, which was the period of blood mist rule! During this period, if Zabuza did not kill all the students in his class, would the higher-ups change their policies because of him, a small ninja school student? joke! In troubled times, you should use heavy scriptures! Using the lives of a few people to save the lives of most people is already a very good result. If you want to save them all, it is a joke and the thinking of a child.

  In the original work, Zabuza also did another scary thing, which was to assassinate the Mizukage.

  Assassinating a village's Kage is of course a heinous crime, but Kirigakure is different. After the Fourth Mizukage was controlled by Obito, the blood mist policy implemented was simply a tyranny within a tyranny. There were countless people in the entire village. I hope the Fourth Mizukage dies.

  In this case, was it really wrong to assassinate the Mizukage? No, this is absolutely correct. Others dare not do it, but Zabuza stepped up and did it. It's that simple.

  After listening to Zabuza's words, Terumi Mei nodded.

  "I know, what are you going to do? Accept the Mizukage's beheading sword and then defect?"

  Zabuza chuckled.

  "I will definitely defect this time, but there is one more thing I need to do before I defect."


  "Assassination of Mizukage!"

  (End of this chapter)

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