265.Some words about this book

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  A few words about this book.

  First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has read this paragraph and is willing to take the time to read Rookie’s book. Thank you very much!

  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  Then, if you have time, if you are willing to listen to the nagging of a novice, please read the following words, thank you again!

  Of course, if you don’t want to watch it, you can just ignore it. Here, I apologize for disturbing you, I’m really sorry!

  In fact, I am not very good at writing systems as a rookie, but I still wrote about systems in this book, not because I want to make a fool of myself, but because I have only written a complete novel and a ten-year-old novel. The eunuch's book is 10,000 words long (face covering), so my writing is not very good, I lack a lot of experience, and I don't have much talent for writing novels.

  In this case, the purpose of writing the system was to [expand the content]. The last completed novel was also written about Naruto, but because it was the first time I wrote a novel, the protagonist's strength increased very quickly, and it didn't take long for the combat power system to collapse. Well, I learned my lesson from this book. In order to prevent the collapse of the combat power system, I tried my best to suppress the protagonist's strength growth in the early stage, and at the same time added the system as a solution after the combat power system collapsed, that is, changing the world.

  But in the end, I discovered that I really didn’t have a good compatibility with the system. I like to write emotional dramas, which led to a huge difference in compatibility between Infinite Flow and me. Therefore, my Naruto world was delayed again and again, and I still haven’t changed the world.

  But at this point, everyone should actually be able to feel that the protagonist is already invincible. I still can’t write much about the world of Naruto. You need to blame me for this, and you can only blame me. I apologize to everyone.

  I've said before that I don't dare to write about other worlds. I'm afraid that the setting will not be rigorous and there will be many loopholes after writing. This is one of the reasons why I haven't written about the next world, but I have thought about it a lot in the past two days. I decided to muster up the courage to write about other worlds. No matter whether I can write well or not, I still have to try. I apologize to everyone again for this. I will try my best to write about the world in the future.

  Regarding the world of Naruto, I have written one thing so far. I must apologize to everyone. I did not think about the plot of the protagonist's genocide. I am an idiot. I think the handling there is very poor in the current plot. The good thing is that I really want to change it, but this book has gone too far and there is really no way to change it. I can only learn lessons from all the subsequent plots to avoid this situation.

  As for other places, there are bad ones and good ones. It would be too verbose to mention them one by one, so I won’t go into them here. In short, Rookie is really serious about changing all the plots that I think are bad. Deal with it and strive to make the plot more exciting.

  Finally, let’s talk about the next world. I won’t reveal what it is specifically, but the rookie will definitely finish most of the plots I want to write in Naruto before going to a different world. After all, Naruto has written it all here. , even if I have to change the world, I would still be willing to write some well-conceived stories for everyone to see.

  The above is all the rookie has to say. It may be a bit confusing, so please bear with me!


  (End of chapter)

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