264. Chapter 263 Next

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  Chapter 263 The next one

  hurts so much. What’s going on? I remember this feeling of powerlessness. I still remember it. It turns out that I haven’t made any progress in the past two years?

  No, no, I should have become stronger, but it’s not enough, not enough!

  Naruto held his stomach and got up from the ground. Although he was kicked by Mirror Man, Mirror Man deliberately held back his hand, so Naruto was not kicked to the point where he could not stand up.

  Looking up and looking ahead, the familiar figure had disappeared, leaving only the member of the Akatsuki organization.

  【have they gone?

  This is a huge starry sky.

  There is only the [starry sky] here, there is no other scenery, [the earth], [ocean], [jungle], etc. do not exist.

  The Mirror Man knows this place.


  Yes, this is the internal space of the system.

  I don’t know how long it has been since I entered this place. This time, after Mirror Man used the Flying Thunder God to take Jiraiya out of the grotto, without any warning, Mirror Man’s consciousness was pulled into this space.

  [The time has come, the next world is about to open.

  The sound of the system suddenly sounded in this space.

  "Is that so?"

  Mirror Man was either surprised or not surprised by this result.

  Not surprisingly, the system told Mirror Man a few years ago that it was preparing to go to the next world, so Mirror Man was mentally prepared for this.

  The surprising thing is that although the system said it a few years ago, there was no response for a long time, which made the mirror person forget that this matter existed. Now it suddenly responded to it, which surprised the mirror person.

  [You can choose to set off at any time, or you can stay in this world temporarily, but it will take up to half an hour, and then you will be forcibly transferred to the next world. ]

  The mirror man's eyes widened.

  "Half an hour? Are you serious? That's too unreasonable. I still have many things to deal with here, and half an hour is not enough!" [No need to deal with it

  ! After you leave, time in this world will move at an extremely slow speed, so don’t worry! ]

  "Is this the reason why you forcibly teleported me?"

  [It can be understood that way. ]

  Mirror Man frowned. In the next world, in fact, not long ago, when the system teleported him to the past, Mirror Man realized that this matter should not be far away. However, when it was really close, Mirror Man Still a little uncomfortable.

  He has become accustomed to staying in this Naruto world. He has stayed there until he doesn't want to move anymore.

  "Can I ask, what is the next world?"

  [Can't tell! Wait until the transmission is completed to inform you! ]


  Mirror Man was silent. To be honest, the arrival of this incident was too sudden. He was still in the process of preparing to "train" Naruto. He was obviously just halfway through and everything was still within control. Inside, everything is moving in a good direction, but what's going on with this system that suddenly appeared?

  No, at least let him finish dealing with Naruto's affairs.

  "Half an hour, can't be more? How about one hour?"


  The system's voice is very dull, but the duller the sound, the more it declares the system's firm will.

  [You have stayed in this world long enough, even longer than I expected. You can't delay it any longer. ]

  Listening to the system's words, Mirror Man felt more and more unhappy that "everything was disrupted."

  "Okay, then I'll take care of things first, and you let me get out of here first."


  The green jungle, the khaki earth, the blue sky, everything shows that the Mirror Man has come out of the mysterious space of the system.

  Glancing next to him, he saw that Jiraiya was still there, and he was brought out by himself using the Flying Thunder God.

  "You stay here first."

  He hurriedly said a word, and with a black flash, the mirror man disappeared.

  Originally, Kagami wanted to use Kakuzu as a touchstone for Naruto and help him grow. However, this plan was completely disrupted by the sudden system. Time did not allow Kagami to take his time. Kagami did not even have time to go back. Xiang Lian was over there, so he could only deal with Naruto's matters in a hurry.


  A kunai instantly appeared on Kakuzu's head at a speed that was almost tearing apart space. Then, a golden light flashed, and Susanoo's Mirror Man appeared in Kakuzu's head. Above, huge bony hands were clenched into fists.

  One punch!


  Huge khaki smoke was set off, and the earth kept shaking.

  "Crack, click."

  The huge cracks were centered on the place where the Mirror Man fell, and quickly spread to the surroundings. Within a few seconds, these cracks climbed up the walls around the grotto, and then the entire grotto began to collapse. .

  "Boom, boom."

  Large chunks of stone fell down.

  "What? Just one blow toppled the entire grotto?!"

  Chiyo took two steps back. This kind of huge power has only been seen by Chiyo in some powerful ninjutsu. Like this, without forming any seals,

  "Is it a monster? This kid!" He hit this effect with a casual

  blow. Putting away the scroll, Chiyo rushed to Gaara at a very fast speed, lifted Gaara, and then turned to look at Naruto.

  "Naruto, retreat first!"


  Naruto forced himself on and replied loudly, then ignored the pain in his body and rushed to Kakashi and Sakura. He held them with one hand and carried them towards the outside of the grotto. Rush away.

  "Boom, boom!"

  The grotto collapsed rapidly. At the last moment, Naruto and Chiyo finally rushed outside without being harmed.

  "What's going on? What happened?"

  Kai looked at the ruins in front of him in disbelief. They, Kaiban, had gone to lift the barrier before, so they didn't go into the grotto immediately. In fact, because they had lifted the barrier After facing the illusion of their own equal strength, Kaiban no longer had fighting power, so this was also the main reason why they did not enter the grotto.

  While Naruto and the others were fighting, Kaiban was seizing the time to regain his strength outside, preparing to support Naruto and the others as soon as possible, but before they could recover much strength, a shocking scene appeared.

  ——The huge grotto in front of me collapsed!

  "Is the earth shaking?"

  Xiao Li crawled on the ground and said in a panic.

  The collapse of the grotto caused constant tremors to the surrounding ground, so it felt almost like a major earthquake. Xiao Li crawled on the ground because he couldn't stand firmly.

  A look of disbelief appeared in Neji's eyes.

  "No, this is, there is only turbulence near us, there is no shaking in the distance, so the collapse of this grotto is not caused by an earthquake. If you ask me, the collapse of this grotto is probably caused by it." Ningci swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and

  said Dare to continue.

  Cold sweat flowed down Tenten's forehead. She took over Neji's words and spoke carefully.

  "It can't be man-made, right?"




  Tiantian's words were greeted with silence.

  You must know that the grotto in front of you is not a small grotto, but a very huge grotto. It must be hundreds of meters long and wide, and the thickness of its stone walls is not just a few meters. Such a huge grotto can Its ability to collapse the entire thing, what could it be?

  "Is he from the Akatsuki organization?"

  Kai asked.

  Chiyo who rushed out shook his head.

  "No, no, it's a kid I don't know. He seems to have a Sharingan. Is it possible? No, forget it, it's useless to say more. You will see him soon. When the time comes, it's up to you Konoha Do you know who he is?"

  As soon as Chiyo's words fell, a huge explosion suddenly sounded. In the ruins of the collapsed grotto, a huge golden arm lifted up the huge stone, then punched the ground, and gradually moved the body Pulled up.

  "Are you using too much force? You still can't control it well."

  Mirror Man said calmly. He originally didn't want to collapse the entire grotto, but because of possessing the five tails, Mirror Man's physical attack power jumped several times. At this level, I really couldn't control my strength for a while. Just now, Kagami just wanted to shoot some smoke, and then use the smoke to quickly kill Chiyo. Unexpectedly, he just added a little bit of 1.5 on top of Susanoo. The steam power at the end directly collapsed the entire grotto.

  "But it doesn't matter, let's get down to business first."

  Now the mirror man is not far away from Chiyo and Naruto, it can even be said to be very close. Therefore, there is no need to use the Flying Thunder God, just use the teleportation technique.

  In an instant, a mirror figure appeared in front of Chiyo, Kai, Xiao Li, Neji, and Tenten.

  Instant clone!

  "Boom, boom, boom!"

  Neji, Tiantian, and Xiao Li were knocked out without any suspense. They were seriously injured without any time to react. Kai and Chiyo were beaten even though they could not react. They flew out, but they were very experienced and quickly released their strength after landing, so they did not suffer too much injuries.

  But this is of no use. The most frightening thing about Mirror Man's speed is not whether the opponent can react. The most frightening thing is that even if the opponent does react, the continuous rapid attacks are enough to prevent the opponent from displaying his true potential. His strength will lead to defeat.


  Kai had just been knocked away, and as soon as he landed, the Mirror Man appeared in front of him again, and he punched again!

  No time to defend!

  Then, Kai was knocked away again and appeared.

  [No, you have to open eight doors! ]

  In the air, Kai realized the seriousness of the matter. His body could not keep up with the speed of the opponent. If he did not open the eight doors, he would be killed.

  However, as soon as this idea appeared, his body was punched again, and his chakra was completely destroyed!

  There’s no time to even open the eighth door!

  This is the scary thing about Mirror Man. Once the opponent does not pay attention to guarding against him, he is likely to be chased to death without being able to exert any strength.

  Of course, if the opponent is careful to guard against him from the beginning, Mirror Man will not be able to achieve this effect.

  For example, Kai, if he saw Kagami, he would immediately open the sixth or seventh gate of the Eight Gates of Armor without hesitation, and Kagami might have to use Susanoo to forcefully defeat Kai.

  Unfortunately, Kai didn't go all out the first time he saw Mirror Man.

  From this point of view, Kaguya and Hidan are somewhat similar. They are both extremely powerful when fighting against people who are not familiar with them. However, once all the information is known to the enemy, their power will be greatly reduced.

  Take Tiandao for example. When Mirror Man fought against Tiandao for the first time, he relied on his terrifying speed and didn't give Tiandao any chance to show his strength. He was defeated in just a few hits.

  But the second time he faced Tiandao, after Tiandao became familiar with Mirror Man's speed and took precautions, Mirror Man was almost killed by Tiandao's Earth Explosion Star.

  It can be seen that speed has two different effects on dealing with familiar enemies and dealing with unfamiliar enemies.

  And what do Kai and Chiyo belong to?

  For now, they must be "enemies unfamiliar with Mirror Man", and therefore, they are not overly wary of Mirror Man's speed.

  Therefore, the ending is already determined.

  In just a few seconds, Kai was knocked unconscious, and Chiyo was beaten until she crawled on the ground unable to move.

  In fact, Kai and Chiyo are not weak in strength. Even with Kagami's current strength, it would take a lot of effort to deal with these two people at full strength.

  The reason why it was solved so easily this time was, as mentioned before, because Kai and Chiyo were not too cautious about Kagami's speed.

  This no longer belongs to the category of strength, but the characteristic of Mirror Man's speed is there.

  It is normal for you to lose if you don't pay attention when fighting against someone who is not familiar with him.

  Just like Hidan, Hidan killed Asuma easily in the original novel. Is Hidan much stronger than Asuma?

  No, Hidan's hard power is not as strong as Asuma's at all. If both sides can clearly know the other's abilities beforehand, then Asuma will definitely be able to defeat Hidan.

  But why did Hidan kill Asuma so easily?

  Just because Hidan's abilities and characteristics are placed there, Kagami's are almost the same.

  Facing enemies who are fighting for the first time, and enemies who are unfamiliar with them, Kaguya and Hidan are the kind of extremely powerful and unrivaled ninjas.

  Of course, what I'm talking about here is just Mirror Man's [Speed] ability.

  If Mirror Man adds the two abilities of [Susanoh] and [Five-Tails], then no matter whether the enemy is familiar with Mirror Man or not, it will be impossible to defeat Mirror Man.

  Next, Mirror Man kicked Naruto away, came to Kakashi's side, took out a kunai, pointed it at the unconscious Kakashi's forehead, and smiled.

  "What should have appeared has finally appeared. You know that I am here, but you still dare to appear?"

  Red chakra appeared behind the mirror man. It was a malicious chakra, it was an extremely huge chakra, and it was also The purpose of Mirror Man's trip.

  "I wonder how many more times you have to go berserk before you can master the power of the Nine-Tails?" With

  a slight sigh, Kagami turned around and looked at Naruto, who was obviously going berserk, and was about to start his finishing work.

  Going berserk is good for Kyuubi, but it is also good for Naruto. Every time he goes berserk, Naruto's body can become more adaptable to Kyuubi's chakra, paving the way for controlling the power of Kyuubi in the future.

  At the same time, every rampage is also a test, just like taking exams in school. If you take too many exams, you will naturally do it.

  Naruto has gone berserk enough, so naturally he won't lose his mind.

  The Eternal Kaleidoscope is as scarlet as blood, like the most ominous thing in the world. This sense of ominousness even overwhelms the malice in the Nine-Tails Chakra.

  "Go back! Kyuubi!"

  (End of this chapter)

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