254. Chapter 253 Slug Immortal

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  Chapter 253: Slug Immortal

  As soon as the word "fake" came out, "Thousand-Armed Hashirama"'s expression suddenly changed.

  "Whether it is a fake or not, you will know soon!"

  But even though his face changed drastically, "Senju Hashirama" still decided to take action.

  The mirror person chuckled lightly and did not speak. Instead, he waved to the "Senju Hashirama" in front of him, gesturing for him to take action.

  "Thousand-Armed Hashirama", let's call it Slug Immortal. Slug Immortal raised his fist, and unparalleled chakra gathered on his fist. It can be seen that although Hashirama's soul is not in the Pure Land, Slug Immortal can't do anything Reproduce all of Hashirama's combat power, but a small part can still be reproduced.

  At least this level of chakra is something that even the current Kagami can't do. Even if he has the Five Tails, he can't do it.

  It's not that the Kagami and the Five-Tails can't do it, it's that the amount of chakra between Hashirama and the beasts can't be compared to humans at all.

  Taking a step forward and using the huge chakra as momentum, Slug Immortal rushed in front of Mirror Man in an instant, and then punched Mirror Man in the face!

  【How can it be? ! This is impossible!

  At this moment, time slowed down, the Slug Immortal was still in the process of punching, but there was no one in front of it!


  This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that the Slug Immortal did not sense the movements of the Mirror Man at all!

  It is an immortal! Apart from anything else, immortal magic is definitely known, and no matter which holy land the magic is, it will definitely greatly increase the user's perception ability, but the degree of increase may be different. Therefore, in this case, the immortal The perception of the immortals is basically first-class. I dare not say it from a distance. But at a close distance, the perception of the immortals is definitely top-notch.

  But even with this top level of perception, he failed to capture the movements of Mirror Man?


  Immortal Slug only has this idea. How is this possible? If you can't even capture the top level of perception, then that would be too scary!

  In a long time, Immortal Slug encountered this situation for the first time!

  This is also normal. Mirror Man's strength is infinitely close to the peak of Six Paths, and there has never been a strong person with this strength who uses speed as his main method since ancient times.

  Whether it is Minato or Tobirama, they are very strong, but they have not yet reached the peak strength of Six Paths.

  What's more, compared to Minato and Tobirama, Kagami's situation is slightly more special. Minato and Tobirama's speed mainly relies on flying thunder gods. In this way, no matter how fast they are, they can at least feel the fluctuations in space, but Mirror Man is different. The current Flying Thunder God of Mirror Man has not yet reached a high level of cultivation. At close range, Mirror Man relies on the most common teleportation technique!

  As for the ordinary teleportation technique, at close range, as long as it is fast enough, the enemy can be defeated without the enemy sensing anything!

  Leap in the air, turn around and kick!

  Before the Slug Immortal could punch out, he was kicked hard in the neck!


  The power of this blow was very huge. Like a small tailed beast cannon, the Slug Immortal rushed out of the Dragon Cave in an instant at a speed that could not be captured by the human eye, and then "bombed" in the distant


  ... There was an explosion more than ten meters high in the jungle, which was very terrifying!

  The Mirror Man landed on the ground, looked down at his right foot that was still emitting white steam, and praised it.

  "That's awesome, King Mu!"

  Although the kick just now was kicked by Kagami, anyone who knows Kagami knows that with Kagami's low physical fitness, without the help of Susanoo, , it is impossible to kick such a powerful kick with the physical body, and it is impossible for Mirror Man's body to withstand it.

  Therefore, Mirror Man's kick did not rely purely on his own strength, but with the help of the power of the five tails.

  The power of the five tails is very simple, it is to control steam, strengthen the body, and then use huge steam to propel itself, causing a terrifying impact!

  The previous Five-Tails Jinchuuriki, Han, forcibly took away some of the Five-Tails' power, and then became known as the "Steam Ninja" in the ninja world.

  The current Mirror Man also borrowed the power of the Five Tails, so the right leg he just used to kick the Slug Immortal was constantly emitting white steam. It was this steam that greatly strengthened the Mirror at the moment of kicking. The human body allows the Mirror Man to withstand the reaction force. At the same time, when kicking, the steam continuously spurts and pushes the Mirror Man's right leg. Together with the Mirror Man's huge chakra, it finally caused the terrifying attack just now. One scene.

  Kick out a small tailed beast jade!

  King Mu in the mirror man's body rolled his eyes, crawled on the ground and said.

  "It's not all about my ability. I still need to add your chakra, otherwise I won't be able to exert such great power. By the way, although I have long thought that you are not simple, you are actually a so-called alien. Really?"

  The mirror man smiled and spoke with a hint.

  "It's not the case anymore."

  King Mu was stunned for a moment, then he realized and smiled.

  "I see, you are no longer an outsider. That's right, you are now a member of this world."

  After saying that, King Mu closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

  The Mirror Man also exited here.


  The White Snake Immortal looked at the door that was damaged by the blow just now and said angrily.

  "Boy, look at the good things you have done!"

  Mirror Man was stunned.

  "Ah? White Snake Immortal, can't you see my handsome attack?" "

  I only saw that my door is broken!"

  "Ah hahaha"

  "You have to fix it."

  "That one"

  "You have to fix it!" "

  Okay, okay! Make sure to complete the mission!"

  Sand Hidden Village.

  Kankuro, who had purple streaks on his face, covered his right arm, knelt on the ground, and spoke with an ugly expression.

  "We must rescue Gaara!"

  In the previous battle, Kankuro was not uninvolved, but his current strength is still relatively weak compared to Kakuzu and Gaara. As a result, Kankuro was injured in his foot. There is something wrong with my right arm, and now I can't even pursue him.

  Temari on the side nodded with a dusty face.

  "Definitely! By the way, are the clothes with red clouds on black background the Akatsuki organization? Konoha has warned us to be careful about this underground organization before, and we did start to pay a little attention to this organization, but we didn't expect that this organization would be so bold. Rushing into one of the five great ninja villages and taking away the Kage! Damn it! The Akatsuki organization is indeed very powerful, but if they dare to challenge the five great ninja villages, they will regret it!" Two people rushed into the village and took away the

  top leader. This kind of thing will not happen to the Ninja Village of a small country, not to mention the Ninja Village of a big country.

  Therefore, when one day, a big country's ninja village suffered such a thing, you don't even need to think about it, you can know what a big shame this is for that big country's ninja village.

  Temari and Kankuro will support saving Gaara because of Gaara's personal reasons, and the same goes for other people who support Gaara.

  The politicians of Sand Hidden Village will also choose rescue in order to wash away this shame.

  Even people who don't like Gaara will more or less support rescuing Gaara.

  The act of Gaara being captured was really a slap in the face to the Sunagakure Village. If they didn't fight back, would they still have the face of the Sunagakure Village? !

  In short, most of the entire Sunagakure Village will unite to rescue Gaara, this is for sure.

  There may be a small number of people who oppose it, but that is just a small trend that is not worth mentioning. In the face of the real big trend, there is ultimately no resistance.

  So, on this afternoon, several homing pigeons took off from Sunagakure Village and flew to Konoha.

  As an ally of Sunagakure Village, Konoha must of course summon a wave at this time!

  Akatsuki organized two people to break into Sand Hidden Village and capture Kazekage. Although this was a slap in the face, they had to admit that the enemy was powerful. At this time, why not gather allies?

  There is a saying, why fight one on one when you can fight in a group?

  One of the "Five Great Ninja Villages" can't defeat you, how about two?

  Right, anyway, fight some underground organizations in the shadows. No matter how you fight, no matter how shameless, the five great ninja villages will definitely be the righteous party!

  Um! You can’t go wrong!

  "What a rude guy! I'm an immortal!"

  Longdi Cave.

  Just a moment later, the so-called "Senju Hashirama" was brought back to Ryūchi Cave by the Mirror Man, and then he sat on him and sat him on the ground. He kept muttering "Sage" ", "Discourteous" and the like.

  The mirror man teased.

  "To be honest, Immortal of Shigu Forest, you really scared me at first. When I heard from Immortal White Snake that you were going to attack me, I thought you had some extremely powerful power that could subdue me." "

  Qian "Thou Hashirama", that is, the Slug Immortal looked at the White Snake Immortal with an annoyed look on his face.

  "White Snake Immortal! As an Immortal from the Holy Land, why do you want to stop me from performing my duties?"

  White Snake Immortal said calmly.

  "You don't have the strength to defeat this guy in the first place. No matter whether I reveal your situation or not, the final result will not change much, right? Do you really expect to scare him by transforming and make this guy kneel down directly? Surrender?"

  Immortal Slug retorted.

  "Why not?"

  White Snake Immortal smiled.

  "Then it seems you don't understand this guy at all."

  Immortal Slug gritted his teeth and said.

  "You guy!"

  Then, after a few seconds of silence, the Slug Immortal continued to speak.

  "No matter what, White Snake Immortal, you are also an Immortal. You should know how great the influence [the power that should not appear] has on this world. If this guy is just a ninja with low talent, or even a civilian, you have to protect him." I have no objection to him, but this guy, we all know that this guy has grown into something incredible, and we must get rid of him!

  You must know the great sage from Mt. Miaomu, right? Even if we haven’t experienced that In this era, you should also have heard the experience of that great immortal. Don’t you know how much impact the last powerful outsider had on this world?" White Snake Immortal took a puff of cigarette and said


  "The era of Kaguya? I have indeed heard of it, but that is none of my business."

  Slug Immortal looked at White Snake Immortal seriously.

  "So, are you going to indulge him?"

  White Snake Immortal snorted coldly.

  "First of all, I am the White Snake Immortal, not the Slug Immortal. This guy is not the target I want to get rid of. Secondly, I have not used any force to protect this guy. How can I indulge in it? Don't say that I leaked information. Now that you are serious Well, then stop messing around and think about it carefully, even if I didn't leak the information to him, can you really get rid of him?" The

  Slug Immortal fell silent again, and after a long time, it sighed, He spoke.

  "Indeed, your name is Uchiha Kageto, right? As an outsider, you have grown too fast. I just didn't pay attention, and you were already beyond my control. What is your name? Really? Is it called Uchiha Kagami? Or is it called Otsutsuki Kagami?!"

  Kagami shook his head.

  "My name is Uchiha Kagami, and there is no other name other than that."

  Slug Immortal looked at Kagami with a little doubt in his eyes.


  The mirror man smiled and said nothing, with a "believe it or not" look.

  Immortal Slug saw that the man in the mirror was silent, so he continued to ask.

  "Where did you come from?"

  "I told you, I don't want to answer."

  "What's your purpose?"

  "Purpose? Even if there is a purpose, it's impossible to tell you."


  "What? There is. Are you dissatisfied?"

  In the end, Immortal Slug did not get any effective information from the Mirror Man.

  "Don't you have anything to say?"

  Immortal Slug looked at the mirror man.

  But this time, Mirror Man did not answer, because Mirror Man knew that although Slug Immortal looked at him, he was not talking to himself, but to the five tails in his body!

  Sure enough, Wuwei's voice soon came from Mirror Man's body.

  "What do you want me to say?"

  Immortal Slug said immediately.

  "He is an outsider just like that one!"

  Wuwei's voice was very calm.

  "So what? Do I believe you or him? It's simple. Of course I believe him."

  Immortal Slug was stunned for a moment, then slowly calmed down.

  "I understand, I really have no way to deal with you now, Uchiha Kagami, maybe not, time will prove everything, that's it." After saying that, Slug Sage's body turned into chakra and disappeared here

  . .

  Without anything to sit on, Mirror Man supported himself with both hands and stood up, looking at the White Snake Immortal.

  "This time, thank you, Immortal White Snake."

  Although Immortal Slug had no way to deal with the Mirror Man, at least the information provided by Immortal White Snake made the Mirror Man feel at ease from the beginning. I still have to thank you for this kindness.

  The White Snake Immortal extinguished the sparks on his pipe and lowered his head.

  "If you have nothing to do, go out. I need to rest."

  Mirror Man nodded, then turned around and left immediately.

  Immortal White Snake was silent for a while, then suddenly remembered something.

  "Hey, boy, wait!"

  However, as if the mirror figure did not hear the white fairy's words, he continued to walk out, faster and faster, faster and faster.

  The White Snake Immortal was furious.

  "Boy, stop!"

  After hearing this, Mirror Man still didn't look back and even started running.

  The White Snake Immortal roared behind him.

  "Don't run! Fix the door for me! You brat!"

  At the five seal barrier.

  Kakuzu and Hidan arrived.

  Hidan scratched his head.

  "Sealing the tailed beast? This seems to be the first time. I don't know how to do it."

  (End of Chapter)

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