253.Chapter 252 does not exist

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  Chapter 252 does not exist

  "Ah, this is so annoying! It's not the same at all! It's completely different! The last jinchuriki was obviously so weak, why is this jinchuriki so strong! It really hurts, it hurts me to death! Kid, I I'm going to kill you!"

  Hidan stood up from the gravel tremblingly. He was covered in blood and miserable. His arms and legs were twisted at a weird angle. He looked very scary. Even the most important head of a human being. At this moment, Hidan is also tilted 180 degrees.

  Anyone with this kind of injury should know one thing at a glance - this person will definitely not survive!

  However, Gaara had to admit that in his perception, this person was indeed still alive!

  How can it be! ! !

  "You guy!!!"

  Gaara yelled subconsciously, with a bit of confusion and a bit of fear in his words.

  This is normal. Any normal person would inevitably feel puzzled, shocked, and frightened when seeing an undead creature like Hidan.

  "Click, click!"

  Hidan forcefully twisted his arm back to a normal angle, then clasped his head with his own arm and twisted his head back.

  "It hurts, it hurts!!! What is this! If you want to kill, kill quickly! Why do you want to use this method?! Is the so-called One-Tail Jinchuuriki this disgusting guy? Kill you! Kill you !! The loyal followers of the evil god will definitely kill you!"

  Hidan kept cursing Gaara while correcting his body.

  Gaara narrowed his eyes slightly. He has now recovered from the shock. No matter what the guy in front of him is like, he can't turn his hands and feet back now!


  Countless gravel rose from the ground and rushed toward Hidan.

  "Kacha kacha!"

  In an instant, Hidan used brute force to forcefully twist his legs, and then jumped up to avoid Gaara's attack.

  "It hurts! Boy! Can't you let me slowly straighten my hands and feet? Don't you know this hurts? And you're bothering me!" Hidan continued to yell

  after avoiding Gaara's attack, After shouting, Hidan raised his hand and licked the blood on his hand.

  This was the blood he had taken during the previous battle with Gaara, and his blood was also mixed in it, but it didn't matter, he was originally immortal.

  Putting his feet forward, Hidan turned around sharply, and a circle appeared under Hidan's feet. Then Hidan drew a triangle in the circle. His movements were very fast, and it could be seen that he was very skilled.

  Without any hesitation, Hidan seemed really angry at the moment, and even lazily mocked Gaara. He took out a short spear, pointed it at his heart, and stabbed it hard!


  Several black ropes tied Hidan's hands, preventing Hidan from poking him.

  Hidan's eyes widened slightly.

  "Kakuzu, what do you mean?!"

  Kakuzu snorted coldly.

  "The Jinchūriki cannot die, have you lost your mind?"

  Gaara on the side was completely confused about the scene in front of him. In his opinion, it seemed that the undead human in front of him wanted to commit suicide, and then his companion Stopped him?

  It seems so.

  But no matter what, Gaara knew that he could never let go of this opportunity!

  The sand in the "Sand Waterfall"

  gathered together, and Gaara's ninjutsu was about to be successful.

  However, a mark appeared invisibly, and Gaara's arm suddenly felt a sharp pain, and then the entire left arm lost consciousness!

  Kakuzu retracted the black thread that twisted Hidan's left arm.

  "One-Tail Jinchuuriki, don't move!"

  Hidan didn't care about his left arm that fell to the ground. Instead, he looked proudly at Gaara in front of him who was crawling on the ground due to severe pain.

  "Hahahahahaha! You guy! Doesn't it feel good to have an arm broken?! Hahahaha, you just caused me so much pain, now it's time for me to take revenge on you! Hahahaha!" Cold sweat ran down my face

  . A stream of water ran down Luo's forehead. This unprepared and severe pain came too suddenly. Without any mental preparation, Gaara was indeed a little unable to withstand it. But now, what concerned Gaara the most was, Why did he suddenly feel this severe pain? Why is my left arm completely numb? Why does that corner have to break his companion's left arm?

  I vaguely understood something in my mind, but Gaara had no chance to figure it out.

  Hidan held his short spear and stabbed his thigh and right arm non-stop. After a while, Gaara's limbs were basically disabled and he fainted from the pain.

  Kakuzu helped Hidan sew up his broken left arm, then walked to Gaara, lifted Gaara, and spoke to Hidan.

  "Let's go back and hand in the mission."

  Hidan grinned.

  "I heard that jinchūriki will die after the tailed beast is extracted, right?"

  "Well, what's wrong?"

  "No, it's nothing, I just feel that I won't be happy if this kid doesn't die! This is the first time in my life that I feel this much pain ! He must be killed!"

  Kakuzu and Hidan said as they quickly left Sunagakure Village.

  One tail, the capture is complete!

  Tsunade returned to Konoha with the mini-figure given to her by Slug Sennin.

  The mini figure in her hand only had a general human shape, but its face was blank.

  After frowning and thinking for a while, Tsunade finally chose to believe in Slug Immortal, so Tsunade casually threw the little man into a patch of grass, then strode away, no longer paying attention to the mini-villain.

  After a long time, after Tsunade left for a long time, no one noticed that the villain suddenly turned into a touch of chakra and quickly came to the former Uchiha clan. After staying for a while, it quickly transformed again. direction, flying in another direction.

  That is the direction of Longdi Cave!

  "A horse?"

  Jiraiya kept muttering in a low voice.

  "A horse in armor with power that should not have appeared"

  To be honest, this hint is too vague. First of all, power that should not have appeared. This sentence is completely incomprehensible to Jiraiya. Secondly, a horse wearing armor Armored horses, this reminder is even more exaggerated. In Jiraiya's memory, the so-called armored horses should only exist in legends - legends, in the era before chakra appeared, were extremely distant. In that era, people relied on the innate strength of human beings to fight. Among them, there was a group of people who would wear armor and fight on horses.

  However, this kind of legend is really just a legend, and even the authenticity cannot be determined, let alone other things?

  Therefore, Jiraiya could only consciously filter out the words "wearing armor" and focus on thinking about "horse".

  "Lovable Immortal, why are you always absent-minded?"

  Naruto looked at Jiraiya with a puzzled face. He didn't know when it started. Jiraiya suddenly changed his appearance. He kept his head down all day, not knowing what he was thinking.

  Jiraiya shook his head.

  "No, I'm fine."

  It was his task to solve the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal. He didn't want to drag Naruto in. For Jiraiya, Naruto was probably the so-called son of the prophecy, even though the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal was now Another prophecy appeared in the book that should not have appeared, but the Great Toad Immortal also said that the prophecies of the Son of Prophecy are equally valid, so the Son of Prophecy is still very important.

  In Jiraiya's view, Naruto only needs to practice well and grow well, and other things that do not belong to Naruto should not be forced on him.

  It was from this day on that a horrifying story spread in Konoha - one of the three ninjas, the extremely lustful Jiraiya, had recently started to look for strong (powerful) horses and liked to fight with them very much. Strong horses are left alone.

  This has led many people to speculate that perhaps the human body can no longer satisfy Lord Jiraiya?

  All in all, it's a scary story.

  A few days later.

  Longdi Cave.

  The Mirror Man sat quietly in front of the White Snake Immortal. The Mirror Man practiced with his eyes closed, and the White Snake Immortal also slept with his eyes closed.

  Suddenly, the Mirror Man and the White Snake Immortal opened their eyes at the same time.

  ""coming! ""

  The Mirror Man and the White Snake Immortal looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

  The White Snake Immortal joked.

  "Okay, I want to see how you are going to deal with that little girl."

  Mirror Man said.

  "You always call me a little girl, is it possible that the Immortal from Shigu Forest is very young?"

  Immortal White Snake blew out a smoke ring.

  "Then it depends on who you compare with. If compared with you humans, that little girl has definitely lived for countless years, but it is different when compared with me. For me, that little girl is still too young, but It's okay, it won't be fun to grow old like that old man from Miaomu Mountain."

  Mirror Man listened carefully. From these words, he understood one thing. The age of the immortals of the three holy places and the big toad immortal of Miaomu Mountain. It is the largest, followed by the White Snake Immortal, and the Slug Immortal of the Shifty Bone Forest is the smallest.

  Of course, even the youngest one is far older than ordinary humans can imagine.


  At this moment, a touch of chakra rushed in here.

  The Mirror Man looked intently and saw that it was a mini-figure with a general human shape but no facial features.

  "White Snake Immortal, are you protecting him?"

  A clear voice came from the villain, seeming to question White Snake Immortal.

  The White Snake Immortal smiled disdainfully.

  "Little girl, pay attention to your tone. We are both Holy Land Immortals, so at least the etiquette is in place."

  The villain was silent for a while, then lowered his head slightly and spoke.

  "I was reckless, White Snake Immortal. I would like to ask, are you protecting this human being?"

  White Snake Immortal smiled with satisfaction.

  "No, I am not protecting this human being, please do as you wish."

  The villain nodded, and then looked at the Mirror Man.

  "Human, strange human, I want to ask you, where are you from?"

  The mirror man looked at the little man carefully.

  "Where did it come from? I don't want to answer this question."

  There was a bit of coldness in the villain's words.

  "Then you need to be prepared."

  Mirror Man nodded.

  "Of course, I have already made preparations."

  The villain narrowed his eyes.

  "Seeing how calm you are, Immortal White Snake should have told you my method of punishing you, right? But it doesn't matter. Fortunately, in front of that person, any resistance you have is in vain!" After saying that, the

  villain It gradually grew bigger, and in just a moment, it turned into a figure that was very familiar to Mirror Man.

  Unparalleled chakra emanated from that body, and even the surrounding air was moaning slightly.

  Time goes back a few days.

  The mirror man then asked a question to the White Snake Immortal.

  "Can it directly destroy me?"

  The [it] here refers to the Slug Immortal of the Shifty Bone Forest.

  In this regard, the answer of the White Snake Immortal is this.

  "If it can directly destroy you, then I won't bother to find you to tell you about it. Although the immortals of the three holy places have some extremely mysterious powers, this power is limited, no matter which holy land it is from Immortals, none of their power can directly interfere with the world!

  Like the old toad of Mt. Miaomu, although it can predict the future, its prophecy cannot directly see through everything. In some places, it is still quite vague. Therefore, the old toad of Mt. Miaomu If you want to intervene in the world, you need to make predictions, and then use your own efforts to reach the point of interfering in the world. This requires several steps. It is impossible to say that an old toad has a dream, and then the future of the world changes. This It's impossible!

  In the same way, the same goes for me. I can correct the past. For example, when you went back to the past last time and disrupted history, didn't I say something like "You'll be in trouble if you don't come to me"? Because even if I I can correct the past, but I cannot directly achieve this effect. I can seal the memory and eliminate the impact, but first, I need the help of someone who is connected to those events. I cannot directly seal the memory and eliminate the impact by myself. . So

  , the little girl in Shigu Forest may have the ability to destroy you, but it is absolutely impossible to say that if she messes around in Shigu Forest, you will die directly. This is impossible, no matter how powerful the immortals in the Holy Land are. , and there is absolutely no way to directly interfere with the world."

  Mirror Man nodded.

  "So, Slug Immortal's ability is to correct the present. Since it wants to correct my mistake, does it have strong fighting ability?"

  White Snake Immortal replied.

  "Strong? How should I put it? If it refers to the Slug Immortal itself, it is very weak and not strong at all. But if it does not refer to the Slug Immortal itself, it is still quite strong. So you may be a little confused, then I Let me explain to you the ability of the Slug Immortal.

  It is a record! The ability of the Slug Immortal is to record the abilities of all those who have learned the Immortal Technique of the Shiky Bone Forest, and then copy them. It can even summon their souls and reproduce the target's peak combat power. It will correct your mistake in a few days, and it will definitely use this ability. Moreover, I think that if it attacks you, there should be only one person in that little girl's record who can defeat you." "Who is it

  ? ?"

  "Don't you know? Think about it carefully. By the way, that is a person you have seen with your own eyes." "

  I have seen it with my own eyes. There are people who can defeat me, and they can also use magic." "

  No Wrong, it’s him!”

  Unparalleled chakra kept emanating from that body. Sure enough, everything was very familiar. Even the current Mirror Man couldn't help but be surprised when he felt the chakra emanating from that body.

  "Sure enough, they are very similar. Not only the appearance, but also the amount of chakra, they all look so much like Hashirama!"

  Yes, the person standing in front of Mirror Man at this moment is a person who looks like Senju Hashirama!

  Senju Hashirama asked.

  "Aren't you scared?"

  Mirror Man smiled slightly and said disdainfully.

  "Stop joking! How could I be intimidated by you! You fake!"

  Yes, it is a fake. In the conversation between Mirror Man and White Snake Immortal a few days ago, White Snake Immortal said something at the end.

  [If the soul of Senju Hashirama is still in the Pure Land, with the ability of the little girl in Shigulin, maybe I can really pull out Senju Hashirama's ability and soul to subdue you, but unfortunately, it should be said that it is fate. ? Senju Hashirama's soul has been sealed to the God of Death by the Third Hokage during your and Orochimaru's invasion of Konoha a few years ago. The little girl in Shiggou Forest can only imitate an appearance at most. To you It's completely non-threatening.

  That's why I can talk to you so leisurely. At least, in this era, there is really no one who can kill you.

  (End of this chapter)

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