Chapter 981 Jiaoyue is furious

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  Chapter 981 Jiao Yue’s Fury

  Xuan Yi didn’t know why he had these strange feelings.

  Just as Tong Xuanyi said, he should go ahead and communicate with His Highness Xuan about his plans now, which should lead to better results.

  After all, through Xing Jizhi and Jiao Yue, he already knew the specific location of Zhongtian City. The army slowly marched there, only able to cover a hundred miles in a day. This was still a sign of the extremely high quality of the expeditionary force. After all, the army Most people still need to walk, and a small number of vehicles are mainly used to transport the wounded.

  Xuanyi himself could arrive in a short time whether by flying or relying on Jiaoyue, but Xuanyi rejected this proposal.

  "It seems like a very interesting intuition?" Jiao Yue nodded: "So you are not afraid that if it is later, you will not be able to see me?"

  If Xuanyi arrives later, Jiao Yue will really be If the abyss erodes and corrupts, then everything may be irreversible, and Xuanyi will be forced to fight Jiao Yue to the death.

  "Of course I'm scared." Xuanyi said, "But I'm not even sure. No matter how early I come, you may die before I arrive." This is equivalent to observation and


  Before Xuanyi truly observed Jiaoyue, Jiaoyue's state was a superposition of life and death. Only when Xuanyi was truly sure, Jiaoyue's state would finally collapse.

  The difference will only appear if Jiao Yue is a living cat or a dead cat.

  Jiao Yue could only smile bitterly: "So you are just resigned to your fate?"

  "No." Xuanyi shook his head: "I just believe that you will not die so easily. If I try my best to find you, you will do your best." Try your best to survive. If I still can't save you, then I may really be destined to be unable to save you." "

  So your bet was successful?" Jiao Yue asked.

  "I think so." Xuan Yi nodded.

  At this time, in Xuanyi's perception, a huge black shadow was swimming in the depths of the sea.

  "Wait a moment, I'm going to catch fish." Xuanyi said, and his body fell quickly like a predatory eagle, and he entered the water in an instant, with almost no splash.

  Jiao Yue looked at her feet and the disappeared boy with a smile on her face.

  If you say that you are not looking forward to Xuanyi's arrival from the beginning to the end, you are deceiving yourself.

  In such a desolate world with no hope, Jiaoyue tried her best to support the entire legion, as well as Osu Yuyu, who had to rely on his own blood to survive.

  It is very difficult to persevere in such a hopeless world. Why didn't Jiao Yue think of Xuanyi?

  It's just that Jiao Yue really doesn't want Xuanyi to be involved, because the empire needs a crown prince, and because Jiao Yue herself hopes that in the worst case scenario, the Aussie Empire can have a living heir.

  But when Xuanyi really appeared in front of her, Jiaoyue really only felt joy at that moment.

  Moreover, he immediately knew what kind of news Xuanyi had brought, so Jiaoyue asked Xuanyi to see Osyusheng again.

  Because Jiaoyue knew that there was more information about Osu Yusheng, but because the time was not ripe, Osu Yusheng had always kept silent to himself.

  Xuanyi's shadow can no longer be seen underwater.

  This young man has a stronger sense of perception than Jiaoyue, and his movement under water is like a piercing sword.

  Originally, Jiao Yue had competed with Xuanyi on their ability to catch fish. Although Jiao Yue could move faster than Xuanyi due to her ability in space, her hunting instinct was inferior to that of Xuanyi who almost regarded this as a survival skill. .

  So now Jiaoyue has a complete division of labor with Xuanyi. She is only responsible for taking Xuanyi to a suitable fishing location. After Xuanyi succeeds in hunting and puts the prey into the Black Iron Ring, she will take Xuanyi back The Aussie Empire Expeditionary Force.

  At this moment, there was a gloomy explosion under the water.

  Jiaoyue could feel the shock wave of the explosion rising and falling, and eventually a water column hundreds of meters high erupted on the sea surface, with a large number of sea fish stunned and killed in the middle.

  what happened?
  This was Jiaoyue's first reaction. When she was alert, her figure instantly disappeared on the spot, leaving only black ripples. At the same time, Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Empire had slipped into the gap in the world. Looking for traces of Xuanyi's dark side.

  Although she believed that Xuan Yi was absolutely safe both in terms of level and experience, she still couldn't hide her panic about the unknown at that moment.

  Except that Jiao Yue did not expand her domain immediately and still remembered Xuanyi's original instructions to her, she had almost reached the highest level of her own realm.

  But even so, Jiaoyue still didn't perceive Xuanyi's position in the vast sea.

  He seemed to be swallowed up by the sea in an instant.

  Jiaoyue returned to the air in an instant. There was no water stain on her body, but this did not prevent the girl from searching the sea area of ​​​​several kilometers in a few breaths.

  Jiaoyue gently bit her cherry-colored lips, and the idea of ​​opening a realm suddenly became eager to move in her heart.

  Opening the realm now is equivalent to being exposed, and is equivalent to being locked by the abyss again. If it merges with the remaining pollution in the body, no one knows what kind of changes will occur.

  But - if you don't turn it on, what should you do?

  At this moment, Jiao Yue actually wanted to cry. Most girls in a dilemma can only express their helplessness by crying, but Jiao Yue couldn't cry.

  Her identity, her status, and her abilities , and made her tears extremely precious.

  "Xuan Yi!" Jiao Yue shouted loudly, with anxiety in the desolation.

  "What's wrong with me?" Xuanyi's voice sounded from behind Jiao Yue, a little lazily.

  Jiao Yue was furious at that moment. The dream sword in her hand popped out instantly and stabbed Xuanyi with one sword.

  Xuanyi remained motionless, and Jiao Yue involuntarily stopped her sword on Xuanyi's chest.

  At this moment, I really had the illusion of being eaten to death by Xuanyi.

  Xuanyi looked at the sword on his chest: "You don't think something happened to me, do you?"

  Xuanyi asked.

  The young man's body is still flowing with sea water.

  Jiao Yue hummed softly. At that moment, she felt so wronged.

  Xuanyi smiled and probed the long sword in Jiao Yue's hand: "Are you laughing again?"

  Her Highness the Princess's tone was full of real threats, but it was the first time that Xuanyi realized that Jiao Yue still had so many abilities. The tsundere factor is really eye-opening.

  "But it's not wrong to say something happened to me." Xuan Yi looked at Jiao Yue.

  His eyes became serious: "I'm down there."

  "I found something."

  Xuan Yi said seriously.

  "Something?" Jiao Yue was a little doubtful.

  "Yes, something very strange."

  "It's also very powerful."

  (End of this chapter)

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