Chapter 980 Hunting time at sea

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  Chapter 980 Hunting Time at Sea

  Zhou Haiyan was wearing a linen military uniform and walking in the desolate wilderness. She was not the only one around.

  If you look down from a high altitude, you can see an endless stream of marching lines stretching into a long, somewhat loose belt on the ground.

  Abandoning Goshawk Castle and choosing to move closer to Zhongtian City, where the Ninth Legion is located, is of course a decision that will be opposed by many people, but if His Highness Jiaoyue made this decision personally, then as a soldier, it is his bounden duty to execute orders. .

  And everyone also understands that if you stick to Goshawk Castle all the time, it is equivalent to slow death.

  But there are also more people who understand that giving up the defense of solid barriers at this time is an even greater act of committing suicide.

  For a long time, no one has thought about abandoning the city and leaving, but where can you go if you abandon the city?

  Of course, the material consumption of marching is much greater than that of standing still and waiting for help. Goshawk Fort has already exhausted even the last remaining rations, so there is no way to get the consumption of marching.

  Moreover, today's land of Hyrule is full of ferocious and terrifying vicious dogs. If they suffer continuous attacks, they will only be drained of the little blood left in their bodies.

  Therefore, before Xuanyi's arrival, the entire Goshawk Castle saw no hope of holding on or abandoning the city. The two choices actually amounted to no choice.

  But things were different after Xuanyi arrived.

  He brought a large number of soldiers from the Xingche clan. Although the number was not large, the elite soldiers of the Yin clan were far superior to the ordinary imperial expeditionary force. What's more, these warriors have proven that cross-domain deployment is possible. It is completely feasible to travel long distances in a land full of vicious dogs. The only thing that needs to be solved now is the problem of military rations during the march.

  This is an old contradiction. After all, you can't eat the meat of a vicious dog.

  On the land of Hyrule now, there really is nothing else to eat except each other's flesh and blood.

  However - this question was finally solved when the black-haired boy appeared in the open space of Goshawk Castle with a big fish that looked like a small mountain.

  Everything is ready, then choose to migrate.

  After all, winter is coming. A lone wolf must die, but a pack of wolves can survive.

  In today's increasingly harsh environment, only by gathering strength to the greatest extent can we survive.

  Therefore, the decision to move the village was finally implemented.

  It was now the fourth day of departure. The meat of those giant whales, although it looked like very old beef and still had a bit of fishy smell, it had to be said to be high-quality meat, enough to feed the entire army.

  At this moment, the scouts in front suddenly issued a warning: "Evil dogs have appeared."

  Zhou Haiyan chose to hold the dagger at her waist, looked around, and saw a black vicious dog at the end of the horizon, coming like a tide.

  Although the Aussie Empire Legion has not encountered vicious dog attacks in the past few days, these have always been on a small scale. Now it seems that those vicious dogs were patiently waiting for their side to enter the encirclement before attacking a big one. Outflank, trying to annihilate the entire army on their side.

  After all, the current Aussie Empire Legion is in a marching formation and has no time to form a defensive formation.

  However, Zhou Haiyan was not afraid at all.

  After recovering from her injuries, Zhou Haiyan applied to return to the battlefield. Although His Highness Jiao Yue warned her that she might not be so lucky this time, Zhou Haiyan's answer was still simple and clear.

  "The warriors themselves should return to the battlefield."

  In the last bloody battle of the siege, although they won by luck in the end, the Ostrich Empire Army also suffered heavy losses. Even counting the wounded, the total number was less than 10,000. However, due to the large number of Before leaving, Princess Yue readjusted the organization and canceled many of the weavings that had been emptied. Zhou Haiyan was also fortunate enough to rejoin a team and serve as the team leader.

  Originally thinking that there was no hope of leaving the castle, Zhou Haiyan was very satisfied to be able to reach this point.

  However - Zhou Haiyan, who was preparing to fight, only saw ice and snow in the distance.

  It was a blue and white ice storm, rolling up in all directions of the marching team.

  Zhou Haiyan couldn't see clearly from a distance, but he could still see the running vicious dogs falling in bundles like harvested black wheat straw when encountering these ice storms.

  The terrifying vicious dog that once posed such a big threat to the Aussie Empire Legion was really as fragile as an ant in front of the reinforcements brought by the black-haired boy.

  This gives people hope and food for thought.

  Is there no way for them to continue living in Goshawk Castle with such powerful reinforcements?

  "The battle is over." After confirming that the mysterious guardian had eliminated all the vicious dogs, Zhou Haiyan ordered in a low voice to the team members around her who were ready for battle.

  "But." Zhou Haiyan murmured and looked at the sky.

  The sky is blue with a few white clouds.

  "Where is Your Highness Jiao Yue now?"

  ...   Jiao Yue was also under a blue sky at this time, but under her feet, there was also a blue sky

  .   She was at sea, coldly watching the movements of the huge sea beasts in the ocean below her feet.   It has to be said that it is a kind of luck. For the time being, the abyss has not touched the ocean. It is really a very good choice to provide the Ost Empire Legion with the food it needs through fishing. However, before that, there were only Jiaoyue is a strong person in the heaven realm. She needs to be responsible for the safety of Osyusheng, and she also needs to coordinate the overall situation of Goshawk Castle. Even if she can think of the idea of ​​obtaining military rations, Jiaoyue has no way to escape.   No matter how proud Jiao Yue is, she must admit that Xuanyi's coming this time helped her a lot.   "I don't think you would do such a thing." Jiao Yue looked at the black-haired boy opposite and said.   Because Xiying is not suitable for showing power in this world, Jiaoyue's teleportation ability is particularly important. In the past few days, Jiaoyue has brought Xuanyi here to find suitable prey and then kill it. Bring back.   "So people will always change." Xuan Yi said lightly: "According to our current speed, how long will it take to reach Zhongtian City?" "Why don't you go and see His Highness Xuan in person first? I   think Your Highness Xuan will definitely be very happy," Jiao Yue said.   In fact, before that, Xuan Yi had the ability to leave behind the Xing Che army and come to see Jiao Yue in advance. In this case, many things would be different.   "I think this should be the right thing." Xuan Yi said: "I don't know why I feel like this, but I feel - if I meet Ye Xuan in advance." "There will be some other changes in this world.   "   " It's like after I came to this world, the abyss immediately stepped up its attack on you remnants and began to hatch new, stronger monsters." (   End of this chapter)


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