Chapter 828 In addition to fate, there is also luck

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  Chapter 828: In addition to fate, there is also luck.

  In fact, Xuanyi is still suffering from the torture of this ancient god's realm. These all-encompassing black mud carries almost the deepest malice in the world, and the pressure on Xuanyi's body is unprecedentedly strong. .

  Although there is space in the Qianye Divine Kingdom to help him share some of the pressure, and it is precisely because of this that Xuanyi has the confidence to continue his extremely dangerous practice under such circumstances.

  Because one thing Xuanyi understands is that if he loses such an opportunity, I am afraid that he will never find a similar opportunity again in the next few years or even decades. It does not mean that Xuanyi will lose this opportunity. There is no chance to get close to the perfection of the Dharma. Rather, if this opportunity is lost, Xuan Yi's advancement path may really be delayed for a few years. After all, the young man has been facing this bottleneck for several months and has seen it loosen. .

  But now Ye Ya suddenly spoke, waking him up from the process of cultivation and transformation. Xuan Yi couldn't help but smile: "So you also had your days as a little girl." Ye Ya stared at Xuanyi's eyes: "Maybe I was

  originally Is she a little girl?"

  In fact, the communication between two people often does not require too many words at all. Xuanyi once thought that only Yaoyao could be in tune with her, and could clearly understand the other person's meaning with just one look, because This is something gained from three years of spending time with each other day and night.

  But it wasn't until she met Ye Ya again that Xuanyi realized that Ye Ya had always been the one who understood her best. However, Ye Ya's emotions had been more reserved for a long time, like that time when she was close to confessing her love on Mount Xumi. Outburst is already the limit of this girl, and more often than not, she just tells herself what is the best way to deal with it.

  But Ye Ya has never been that little girl.

  She has always been proud and majestic, always looked at the world and trembled, has always been the one who wanted to take responsibility but was afraid, and has always been the one who never hesitated when she needed to stand up.

  She has the entire Ninth Army and even the Lan Ye Empire's home and country behind her, so there is almost no room for arrogance. Following him to this broken world full of crises this time is probably her wantonness and connivance, but this is not Not a little girl.

  Because of the opportunity to go to the Guijian Clan, no one would give up. After all, the Guijian Clan is the only clan of gods in the world that has remained unchanged from beginning to end. The strength of its clan is undisputedly ranked among all clans. head.

  But now, Ye Ya's words are really a little girl's to the extreme.

  She said if we stay here all our lives.

  In fact, the point is probably not here.

  The focus is probably on us and our whole life.

  Although it is difficult to spend her whole life in this place without responsibilities and restrictions, Ye Ya may also feel willing to do so?
  After all, this is a place for very little girls.

  This girl is actually very difficult for little girls to handle.

  "If you had a choice, would you?" Ye Ya continued, her shoulders were very calm and her eyes were very calm.

  "Just a possible choice."

  Blue eyes flashed calmly.

  She asked a question that was like that of a very young girl, but Ye Ya's reaction and expression were actually not that of a young girl at all.

  Xuanyi sighed.

  He reached out and held Ye Ya's palm.

  They had kissed on the edge of the cliff before the battle. This was the first time the two had actively and uncontrollably kissed since they met.

  That kiss actually didn't mean anything else, just like a question that made Ye Ya laugh at that time.

  "Who did you give your first kiss to?"

  Xuan Yi's first kiss was awkwardly given to Jiao Yue. It was probably something that would be laughed at for the rest of her life.

  But now, the two people are holding hands together, Ye Ya's words, if possible, I hope to spend a lifetime with you here.

  In fact, it is a proposal of sorts.

  It's embarrassing to say that although Xuan Yi has always been a very active person in action, in terms of emotions, this boy's avoidance and slowness have really lasted for a long time.

  Unless someone throws a straight ball at him.

  Unless someone forces him into a corner.

  And now, Ye Ya gave him a very gentle but impeccable wall.

  After all, when the girl chose to jump into this ocean of black mud, she actually had no intention of getting out at all.

  Even now, even if they have established a foothold in this world, how to get out of the predicament is still a huge problem for the two of them, or in other words, this option is almost non-existent.

  They have to wait for the ancient divine beast to hatch, but before it hatches, whether this giant egg will be destroyed by the Gui Jian clan is a big question.

  Originally, Ye Ya had actually planned to be destroyed together with Xuanyi in the Origin Beast Dome. After all, she had no way to protect the other party with her own hands.

  But now the plot has almost developed to the stage that is most beneficial to me. After all, Xuanyi is still alive, the Dome Origin Beast has not been destroyed, and he has even gained a foothold here.

  It was probably only at this time that she had the courage to ask Xuanyi this question.

  After all, the Ancient God's body is equal to a world.

  A world that only belongs to two people.

  Xuanyi felt that she needed to respond.

  In other words, he must make this response. The two of them had actually discussed this issue before in the Forgotten City, but it was originally an unsolvable problem.

  Choosing one of the two people who like you should be one of the cruelest and most unsolvable problems in the world.

  And this itself is not a multiple-choice question.

  "Does this count as jumping the gun?" Xuan Yi asked.

  "I was the one who came first." Ye Ya said softly.

  "And I firmly believe that saying the right thing at the right time is not wrong in itself."

  Xuan Yi nodded, which was also Ye Ya's very clear behavior.

  She has never been a little girl. Even if she occasionally raises little girl questions, her way of thinking still belongs to that Ninth Princess.

  "If you really need an answer." Xuan Yi sighed: "Then..."

  Before the boy could finish speaking, he heard a clear and pleasant girl's voice echoing from the world.

  "Hey, is there anyone here?"

  The two people immediately recognized the owner of the voice. After all, in a sense, this person's existence was almost unforgettable.

  Lin Wei seemed to be calling out to the mouth of a dry well, hoping to get a response from the people trapped inside.

  Xuanyi and Ye Ya looked at each other.

  "Well, I probably don't need your answer anymore." Ye Ya shook her head and said.

  "In this world, if two people get together, in addition to fate, they may also need a little luck."

  Saying this, Ye Ya raised her hand and flicked the transparent bubble above her head.

  A small bubble floated upward.

  She gave Lin Wei her own answer.

  (End of chapter)

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