Chapter 827 If you stay here all your life

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  Chapter 827: If you stay here all your life,
  "Practice?" Ye Ya repeated the two words, and combined with Xuanyi's movements, she kind of understood what was going on.

  After all, Ye Ya is not the kind of player who knows nothing about the flow of everything, and as she sleeps and eats with Xuanyi in the past few days, she has a deeper understanding of the young man's state of mind.

  "Is this environment conducive to your cultivation?"

  "Cultivation in the perfection realm?"

  Xuanyi nodded.

  In fact, his perfection state has been loose for too long, but being loose does not mean that he can finally advance smoothly. After all, Xuanyi is actually at the peak of Dharma, and is only one step away from the final Dongxuan state, and the young man is in The continuous promotion speed of the Dharma Realm is too fast. After being promoted in Lanyin County with the help of the location of the Palace of Bones, in less than a year, the young man's realm has advanced by leaps and bounds, and finally stood at the Dharma Realm. At the pinnacle of the realm, one step into perfection, with eyes looking into the cave.

  Therefore, under normal circumstances, Xuanyi needs a longer time to cultivate and consolidate his realm, rather than rushing for success. Therefore, although the young man still needs the improvement of his realm, in most cases, he is now comparable to Dongxuan The peak combat power that can compete with the weaker Heaven Realm demigods is enough. In a few cases, his opponents don't care at all what realm he is, so Lu Yuan has a lot of natural ideas about improving his realm.

  After first falling into the body of the dome source beast, Xuanyi felt that this environment was beneficial to his cultivation of the flow of all things. However, at that time, he was only able to barely protect himself, so he did not dare to say too much about his improvement. Just water grinding is enough, but now that once the Qianye Divine Kingdom is opened and his safety is guaranteed, everything that follows seems logical.

  "If I can break through the perfection realm with one move, then I can immediately consider advancing to Dongxuan." Xuan Yi looked at the blue-haired girl: "Although it may be a little insignificant compared to you, I should be able to go there by then. Challenge those ordinary demigods."

  This is commonly known as fighting across borders.

  But Xuanyi didn't feel excited at all, because this was something he could do three years ago when he was still a walking roar in Star City.

  "But the disadvantage is that I already have some power from the Dongxuan Sutra, and I have been borrowing the power of Qixi Ziwei, which has resulted in my explosive combat power being far above my true realm. I doubt that even if I tell the truth about myself, If you come to the Dongxuan Realm in a solid state, I'm afraid it won't bring any real improvement." "

  You don't have to worry about this." Ye Ya shook her head: "Your situation is very special. Originally, for you, the Dharma Realm is not the same. It shouldn't be of any use, just like me. In fact, the improvement of my realm has very little help to me, or I may be able to maintain my current realm for a long time to come." "But because of the special flow of all things, you rely

  on This Dharma Realm ability has been of great benefit in battle. If nothing else, this benefit should also be inherited to your Dongxuan Realm. The only issue worth paying attention to is how your Dongxuan Realm is based on. What field serves as the basis for branching out?"

  In this regard, Xuanyi completely believes in Ye Ya's vision. After all, there are almost no people in this world who have a higher vision than her.

  "Regarding the Dongxuan Realm, I have had preliminary ideas these days and have consulted some people." Xuanyi said.

  "Well, it's all up to you." Ye Ya nodded. She really rarely interfered with Xuanyi's affairs.

  Because she believes in the other person's judgment and the ability to control her own destiny.

  "So what do you need me to do?" Ye Ya continued to ask.

  "Just keep it like this." Xuan Yi looked around and pointed at the clear and clear bubble that protected them in this dark and heavy world.

  This is the kingdom of God built by Qianye Liubi.

  He placed half of his body outside the Kingdom of God and actively welcomed the erosion and corruption of the black mud.



  The following time was actually a bit lackluster, at least for Ye Ya.

  On one side is Xuanyi who actively tries to absorb and purify the black mud, and on the other side is himself who needs to struggle to maintain the Qianye Divine Kingdom, because to put it bluntly, this Qianye Divine Kingdom is not the product of Qianye Liubi's own stress, but is caused by Qianye Liubi's own stress. It was created under the auspices of Ye Ya. If Ye Ya had not had his own opportunities and progress in this broken world by absorbing the origin of the world, he probably would not have reached this point.

  But now, Ye Ya looks at Xuan Yi, who is half of her body outside the quagmire, but has a calm expression on her face. To be honest, she feels a little emotional. It’s not like she has never experienced the pain of black mud corrosion. Time fell into a coma when she entered here. If it weren't for Xuanyi's timely help, I'm afraid she would have degenerated into a monster with only instinct and destructive desire, just like those ubiquitous ugly source beasts.

  But Xuanyi has almost gotten used to these really painful things.

  Thinking like this, Ye Ya subconsciously touched Xuanyi's cheek with her hand, and saw the boy immediately open his black eyes.

  One side of his face remained normal, but the other side had fallen into darkness. He looked a little scary, but Xuanyi's voice was still gentle and calm: "What's wrong?" "If anything happens, please notify me immediately.


  "How long will it take for you to be promoted?" Ye Ya asked, somewhat lost.

  "There is no basis for time, so I don't know as far as I'm concerned, but I feel like I only need an opportunity." Xuan Yi replied: "Although I don't know what the opportunity is, but as long as you wait, there should be nothing wrong. "Yes

  , how many people in the world can advance to the perfection of Dharma? " According to Ye Ya's understanding, there are only a few people, including Jiao Yue, and Xuanyi's Dharma Realm is close to an unprecedented level. Being able to enter the Dharma Realm and achieve perfection in one year is even more incredible. Night stories.

  So, not many people in this world know what that opportunity is.

  At least Ye Ya didn't know anything about it.

  But Ye Ya originally had the intention of looking for something to say when she had nothing to say.

  After all, in this absolutely silent world, being alone can really feel a little lonely and desolate.

  "Hey." The girl opened her mouth and made a sound.

  "How would you feel if we could stay here all our lives?" Ye Ya said quietly.

  They are in the belly of the ancient god, a place isolated from the world.

  Obviously this is probably the worst place in the world, but Ye Ya asked such a question.

  Xuan Yi was stunned for a moment.

  (End of chapter)

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